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Bangladesh economy has been experiencing a rapid growth since the 90’s.From the
beginning to today bank is playing an important role in our economy. SME sector get credit
facility from financial institutions to establish new business as well as for expanding their
existing business. It means financial institution acts like an intermediary who receive
money from surplus unit and deliver that money to the deficit unit. Without financial
institutions many students could not obtain proper education, many families could not buy
their own house to live, industry could not grow up and government could not provide
public services to mass people.

The modern central bank is an institution responsible not only for the maintenance of
economic stability; it also performs a variety of developmental and promotional functions
of a countries economy. Bangladesh pursues a liberal market economy. Bangladesh Bank
is the Central Bank of Bangladesh and the chief regulatory authority in the SME sector,
which is responsible for promoting healthy growth and development of the banking system.
So, without any doubt we can say that from very first emergence and inception of modern
civilization, bank plays a pivotal role in case of overall financial and socioeconomic
development of any modern country.

This report has been prepared in the light of practical as well as theoretical knowledge.
Also it is prepared under the guidance and supervision of the respectable teacher. During
the Project Work I have got a good idea about the banks and that has been reflected
throughout this report.

Md. Abul Hasnat Mamun

ID: 0317052029

Reg. No. : 300757, Session: Summer-2017

MBA (Professional), 5th Batch.

Department of Finance and Banking

Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.

Letter of Transmittal

Khairul Kabir Sumon
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance and Banking
Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.
Subject: Submission of Dissertation titled “SME Financing in Bangladesh: A
Comparative Analysis of Banking Sectors in Bangladesh.”

Dear Sir,

I would like to submit the report titled “SME Financing in Bangladesh: A Comparative
Analysis of Banking Sectors in Bangladesh.” as a requirement of the MBA (Professional)
Course Curriculum. It was a great achievement to work under your supervision. In this
dissertation, I have tried to reflect SME financing and its prospects in Rangpur division. I
also confess that this report has some limitations due to limited resources. So I hope that
you will be kind enough to consider the limitations of this report.

I would like to thank you for your encouragement and support which inspired me to work
enthusiastically. It would be my pleasure to clarify any discrepancy that may arise or any
clarification that you may require regarding my report.


Md. Abul Hasnat Mamun
ID: 0317052029
Reg. No. : 300757, Session: Summer-2017
MBA (Professional), 5th Batch.
Department of Finance and Banking
Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.


I am Md. Abul Hasnat Mamun, the student of the department of Finance and Banking,
Master of Business Administration (Professional), bearing ID: 0317052029, Reg. No.
300757, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, hereby I would like to declare that the report
on “SME Financing in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis of Banking Sectors in
Bangladesh.” is an authentic work prepared under the supervision of Khairul Kabir
Sumon, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance and Banking, Begum Rokeya
University, Rangpur.

I also confirm that the content of report has not been submitted or published in any form to
any other university or institutions for any degree for other process.

(Md. Abul Hasnat Mamun)
ID: 0317052029
Reg. No. : 300757, Session: Summer-2017
MBA (Professional), 5th Batch.
Department of Finance and Banking
Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.

Acceptance Letter

This is to certify that the report on SME Financing in Bangladesh: A Comparative

Analysis of Banking Sectors in Bangladesh has been prepared by Md. Abul Hasnat
Mamun, ID: 0317052029, Reg. No. 300757, a student of MBA (Professional)
Examination 2019, Department of Finance and Banking, under my close supervision and
guidance. Based upon the program, he prepared the report, which one, he informed me as

I wish his success at every sphere of life.

Khairul Kabir Sumon
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance and Banking
Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.


At the very beginning, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Almighty Allah
for giving me the ability and the strength to finish the task successfully within the scheduled
time. The successful accomplishment of this Internship Report is the outcome of the
contribution and involvement of a number of people, especially those who took the time to
share their thoughtful guidance and suggestions to improve the report. It’s difficult for me
to thank all of those people who have contributed something to this report. There are some
special people who cannot go without mention. I am deeply obliged and respectful to the
lecturer and my honorable academic supervisor Khairul Kabir Sumon for his whole-hearted
supervision during my internship program. His advices, suggestions and support were
really a great source of spirit to make the report a good one.

My gratitude goes to all the people for their active cooperation and willingness to help me
at all times. Without them, I would not have the amazing experience to finish my report.

I would like to give a special thanks to the Department of Finance and Banking, Begum
Rokeya University, Rangpur, authority for making this opportunity available for me and
putting this kind of content which will help us to fight the real world. Finally, I would like
to thank my friends and family members who gave me mental support and strength to
complete my report successfully.

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