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A Raisin in the Sun

Reading Guide Questions


64. When does Act III begin? What are Walter and Beneatha doing? When Asagai ar​rives at the
apartment, how does his mood contrast with Walter's and Beneatha's? ​Act III begins an hour after we
find out that Walter lost all the money, but still Saturday. Walter is lying in his bed, doing nothing but
lying there. Beneatha is sitting at the table. When Asagai arrives, he is cheerful and offering to help, but
Bennie and Walter are very gloomy and depressed.

65. How has the loss of the money changed Beneatha's optimism? What does she tell Asagai? What is
Asagai's response? ​The loss of money caused Beneatha to give up on her dream of becoming a doctor.
She tells Asagai that we are all just running in a circle chasing dreams that won’t come true. Asagai
responds with that it is a line that goes to infinity, which gives Bennie hope.

66. Throughout this scene, the stage directions say Walter is listening to Beneatha JIK Asagai talk. What
is Walter's reaction to their conversation?

Walter realizes the effects that his poor decision had on Beneatha’s dream, and he starts to think about
how his consequences affected his family.

67. How does Asagai define idealists and realists? Which group does he prefer to be associated with?
Asagai defines idealists as people who dream and do not give up, and he says that realists are people
that only see the “circle” that Bennie was talking about. He wants to be associated with the idealists.

68. What alternative view of the future does Asagai offer to put Beneatha's depression in perspective?
Asagai offers to bring Beneatha to Nigeria with him to find her identity. He wants to show her the land
and teach her the ways of their ancestors.

69. Asagai leaves, and Walter comes into the living room. How does Beneatha attack Walter? What does
Walter do? ​Beneatha yells at Walter and mocks him by calling him names of higher meaning, which
tears him down since those names were part of his dreams. Bennie calls Walter, “the final triumph of
stupidity in the world.” Walter ignores Bennie and continues to search for

70. How is Mama's resignation evident in her changed physical appearance? Why does Mama put her
plant back on the windowsill?
Mama is still really upset, and we can see this in her body language. She holds herself differently and
walks disappointed. Mama puts her plant on the windowsill because she is accepting the fact that their
money is gone and they are going to stay in the apartment.
71. Who does Mama blame for the current situation, and how does she plan to deal with it?
Mama blames herself for the current situation because she aimed too high all the time. She plans to
deal with this by unpacking and getting everything placed back into the apartment. They plan to fix up
the apartment.

72. Up until now, Ruth has been the practical one. How does she react to Mama's resignation?
Ruth is very angry that Mama is giving up. She says that they have to leave the apartment, and offers to
work all day to pay for the new house.

73. When Walter arrives back home, what does he say he has done? And what does Walter plan to do?
Walter says that he called Mr. Linder to do business. Walter plans on accepting Linder’s offer for the
people at Clybourne park to buy their house for more than it was worth.

74. Describe Walter's new view of life as being divided between the "takers" and the "tooken."

Walter says that takers don’t care about the tooken, and they are the ones who take the dreams of
75. What does Mama mean when she tells Waller that if he takes Lindner's money he will have nothing
left inside?

Mama says that Ealter will have no pride or dignity if he takes Linder’s money.
76. Beneatha says Walter is no brother of hers. What lesson does Mama have to re​mind Beneatha
about? ​Mama reminds Bennie that she taught her to love her family and they need to support each
other when they are at their lowest, not judge them.

77. When Lindner arrives, why does Mama insist that Travis stay in the room? What does she believe
about Walter? ​Mama insists that Travis stays in the room because she wants him to see what kind of
man that his dad is. She believes that Walter will disappoint her and Travis.
78. What does Walter tell Lindner? Why? Why does Lindner decide to appeal to Mama? What is her
response? ​Walter tells Linder that they will not take the offer because his father earned that house
“brick by brick”. Linder tries to appeal to Mama because he thinks that she is older and wiser and will
take the money. Mama responds with that what Walter had said was final. (still have pride)
79. Even though they love one another and have just acted heroically, the play ends with Walter and
Beneatha arguing again. What do their actions now say about them as "heroes"? ​It shows that
everything was back to normal and they were being their regular siblings again.
80. What change do both Mama and Ruth find in Walter? ​Walter has finally become a man, put his
family first, and own up to his responsibilities.
81. What is the importance of having Mama return to the empty apartment to grab her plant? ​Mama
returning to the apartment shows us that she is ready to move into the new house. The plant
represents her life and her children, and since the plant survived in the little sunlight, so can her family.
Moving into this new house is the start of Mama's dreams.

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