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Task 1.


The bar chart illustrate the number of tourists who visited the city of Dover and Troy in each of four season.
Overall, the number of people who visiting in Dover each of four seasons always lower than that of Troy
expected in winter.
In spring the amount of tourists who travelled in Dover was 5000 higher than Troy. It was twice as the amount
in summer. Then Dover's tourists was still increased slightly at 1500 in fall. After three seasons the figure of
Dover's tourists was rose sharply at 2500 and was the highest amount in four seasons.

Contrast with Dover , the number of Troy started nearly 5000 in spring. Then Troy's amount was climbed
significant more than 20000 in summer. But in fall the figure of Troy's traveller was downtrend. It was declined
slightly at 20000 and decreased significant to 5000 at the end of year.

Task 1.2:

The bar chart illustrates the propotion of male and female teacher worked in some educational settings in UK in
It is clear that in low-level institution female teachers outnumbered male teachers whereas male hold more
teaching positions in higher level. The gap between male and female was extremely large in level of nursery
and primary school.

The number of female lectures in two first institution was nearly 100% while this figure for male was only
under 10%. With secondary school level, female was approximately 50% and male is 55%. This also true of
private training but backward.

Only in college, the gender gap was equal is 50%. Especially, there were 2 times as many male as female in
university-the highest institution.

Task 1.3:

The chart illustrates the proportion of women and men in one Asia country who passed away when they took
their driving test in 30 years from 1980 to 2010.

Overall, the proportion of people passed their driving test is increased during the years. It is apparent the
percentage of women who passed the driving test is higher than men. 

The percentage of women passed their driving test in 1980 was reached 50%. In 1990, it grew up over a half
and climbed up to nearly 70% in 2000. In 2010, there was a slight decrease downing to 65%.

The proportion of men who passed their driving test significantly went up through the years. In two decades
between 1980 and 2000, it went up about 10% each 10-year, from 28% in 1980 to 37% in 1990 and 49% in
2000. The highest number by just under 50% in 2000 remained still until 2010.
Task 2: Many people keep dogs and cats as companions. Do you think the advantages of this practice
outweigh the disadvantages.

I think people keep dogs and cats as companions have more the advantages than the disadvantages . First ,
keeping dogs and cats help people have a great entertainment and feel better when people alone , sad or under
pressure. Second, they also very helpful , dogs can keep the house and cats can catch mouses . However , it still
has some negative aspects besides that . For instance , sometimes they have some unusal emotions and they can
hurt you by their claws and they can bite you . Addition , they can destroy your stuffs or your items . In
conclusion, keeping dogs and cats like companions still have more advantages than disadvantages as they can
release your pressure , your tired and i think their loyalty is more valuable than some items.

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