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A. Vocabulary
Hobbies: Động từ thêm đuôi -ing thành các danh từ chỉ sở thích
Bird- watching: xem chim
Playing Board game: trò chơi bàn cờ
Gardening: làm vườn
Carving eggshell: khắc vỏ trứng
Collecting stamps: sưu tầm tem
Cycling: đạp xe
Fishing câu cá
Skating/ Ice-skating: trượt băng
Photography = taking photos: chụp ảnh
Growing plants: trồng cây
Do gymnastics: tập gym
Jogging: đi bộ
Dancing: nhảy
Các động từ chỉ thích/ không thích:
Love = like = enjoy = adore = fancy = interested in + Ving = thích làm gì
Hate = dislike = detest + Ving = ghét làm gì
Take up + Ving: bắt đầu làm gì
Word forms
Collect (v): thu gom, sưu tầm
- Collecting (n) việc sưu tầm
- Collector (n) nhà sưu tầm
- Collection (n) bộ sưu tầm
- Collected (a) được sưu tầm (Collected books: những cuốn sách được sưu tầm)
Create (v) tạo ra cái gì
- Creative (a) sáng tạo
- Creation (n) sự sáng tạo
- Creatively (adv) một cách sáng tạo
Please (v): làm ai hài long
- Pleased with (a) hài lòng với cái gì
- Pleasure (n) niềm vui, sự hài lòng
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. bird B. girl C. first D. sister
2. A. burn B. sun C. hurt D. turn
3. A. nurse B. picture C. surf D. return
4. A. neighbour B. favourite C. culture D. tourist
5. A. hobby B. hour C. hotel D. hot

II. Circle the correct answers

11. There are many why it is important to have a hobby.
A. answers B. reasons C. details D. facts
12. Will you making models in the future?
A. pick up B. look for C. take up D. find
13. Do you think that hobby is and boring?
A. easy B. difficult C. danger D. interesting
14. I love my sister’s paintings because she is very in using colours.
A. careless B. care C. creative D. imagine
15. A hobby helps you to connect with people.
A. other B. others C. another D. the other
16. I join a photography club, and all the members love a lot of beautiful photos.
A. take B. taking C. make D. making
17. What does your father do his free time?
A. in B. at C. on D. while
18. I think a hobby will always give you and help you .
A. pleased - relax B. pleasure - relaxed C. pleased - relaxing D. pleasure - relax
19. You can share your stamps other collectors a stamp club.
A. with - at B. to - at C. with - in D. to - in
20. I think this hobby does not cost you much, and you need is time.
A. most B. all C. some D. all of

III. Put one of the verbs from the box in each blank with the correct form.
play read go do listen collect

1. The children are a play at the end of term.

2. When did you start antique glass?
3. What kind of music do you to?
4. Irene won’t be able in the match on Saturday.
5. I’ve never skiing.
6. He spent a pleasant afternoon the book.

IV. Fill in each blank with a suitable hobby.

31. ________________: a game played by two people on a square board, in which each player has 16 pieces they can
be moved on the board in different ways.
32. ________________: the job or activity of working in a garden, growing and taking care of the plants, and keeping
it attractive.
33. ________________: a game played by two teams of five men or six women who score points by throwing a large
ball through an open net hanging from a metal ring.
34. ________________: the sport or activity of riding a bicycle.
35. ________________: the art of moving your body to music.
36. ________________: moving across ice using special shoes with a thin metal bar
fixed to the bottom that you wear to move quickly on ice.
37. ________________: the activity of running at a slow regular speed, especially as a
form of exercise.
38. ________________: the hobby of studying wild birds in their natural environment.

39. ________________: the hobby of studying wild birds in their natural environment, physical exercises and
activities performed inside, often using equipment such as bars and ropes which are intended to increase the body’s
strength and the ability to move and bend easily.
40. ________________: the activity or job of taking photographs or films.

V. Give the correct form of the word in the bracket

1. Ba adores _______________ plastic bottle from Germany. (COLLECT)
2. She collects old books for __________. (PLEASE)
3. His ___________ is really impressive. (CREATIVE)
4. My father is a great _______________. He loves doing gardening. (GARDEN)
VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank in the following passage.
Coin collecting is one of the most popular hobbies in the world. Most coin (1) enjoy trying to have a
complete set of a country’s coins. Some people collect coins for pleasure; (2) collect coins in order to
sell them later. From coins, we can also (3) something about certain famous people and events in a country’s
(4)______. Many beginning collector go to the bank and buy coins. Then they (5) coins for their collection.
1. A. collectors B. collecting C. collected D. collections
2. A. another B. other C. others D. the other
3. A. teach B. learn C. give D. offer
4. A. history B. nature C. science D. geography
5. A. look B. see C. watch D. find
II. Read the article and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
After school Susan goes home to do her model-making. She loves making models. She
started about a year ago. She needs about two weeks to make a model. Then she puts it on
the shelf in her bedroom. She has about twenty models now. She thinks she will need to get
another shelf soon. Last term she tried to start a club for model-making at school but the
teachers and other children weren’t interested. She thinks she has a lot of fun anyway.
True False
1. Susan makes models when she stays at school.  
2. She has made her models for about one year.  
3. It takes her two weeks to make two models.  
4. She will need another shelf for her models soon.  
5. Susan tried to start a club for model making and the teachers and other  
children were interested in it very much.
IV Read the passage, and then choose the best answer.
Along with jogging and swimming, cycling is the best all-round forms of exercise. It can help to increase your
strength and energy, giving you a stronger heart. You don’t carry the weight of your body on your feet when cycling.
It is also a good form for people with a pain in your feet or your back. You should start your hobby slowly. Doing too
quickly can have bad effects.
You should cycle twice or three times a week. If you find you are in pain, you will stop and take a rest.
1. Why is cycling a good form of exercise?
2. Why might people with a pain in the back go cycling?
3. What will happen if you do too quickly?
4. How often should you go cycling?
5. What will you do if you find you are in pain?

V. Make correct sentences from the words and phrases given.

1. When/ you/ start/ hobby?
2. We/ find/ make/ models/ very interesting/ because/ we/ should/ creative.
3. I/ think/ future/ people/ take up/ more/ outdoor activities.
3. My best friend/ not/ like/ mountain climbing/ because/ he/ afraid/ heights.
4. My sister/ enjoy/ cook/ and/ make/ new dishes/ her own.

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