Reflection Paper of The Complete Worship Leader by Kevin J. Navarro

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Reflection Paper of The Complete Worship Leader by Kevin J.


Name: Jovan Paul Chirakkarottu

Main point: what is the main point of the book?
The main point of this book is to describe the process of becoming a complete worship leader.
The book speaks, four elements help become a complete worship leader. A truly successful
Worship Leader needs to be a theologian(to know why we worship God), disciple(to guide
people, we must be guided by God), artist(know the ins/outs of music and performance), and
leader(to guide people successfully). It also helps to build worship team and how to use
technology in worship.

Insights: what new insights about worship have you gained from the reading?
1. Becoming a complete leadership begins with appreciating the God of creation. I have
never realized that notion before. God created everything in this world. He created
humans in the image of himself and he created us with a moral conscience. Then God is
telling us what is the importance of creation and sabbath. Sabbath is separated from
other days. The god wants to be acknowledged, he created the day and rested. People
want to remind how he alone is the creator. From this view I could understand as a
worship leader I should appreciate God’s creation and I need to set apart sabbath as a
Holy day. But every man or woman is a worshiper. The bible tells us that if we do now
no longer worship the Creator, we can worship the creation.
2. Before I start worshiping God. I should repent to God. Then only I can make a truthful
act of worship. I need to surrender myself to God because I am a sinner. I should decide
to follow Jesus and his cross always before me.
3. As a worship leader, I must read the Bible systematically and read to discover God.
When I do worship is not to celebrate what I do but what God does.
4. If I want to become a complete worship leader I should always remember God’s
redemptive acts. Jesus Christ, through His sacrificial death, He has broken the bondage
of slavery and he saved believers. God is the center part of the bible, He is a redeemer.
Those who selected from him. He saves people from the bondage of slavery and from
death too. A redemption is an act of God. Through his redemption, he will save and
restore his people.
5. If I want to be a complete worship leader, I should love the Scriptures and know about
the author of the Scriptures.
6. Be born again or re-dedication is a necessary thing to become a follower of Jesus
Christ. True worship always comes from our bottom of the heart and it regenerated by
the Spirit of Christ.
7. Always I have to confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. I need to believe God
raised him from the dead.
8. If we don’t have the spirit of fruit, then we need to ask God to attain the Spirit of fruit.
9. Always we need intimacy to whom we worship. If I am not making that intimacy then I
am promoting hypocrisy. I should worship him with spirit and truth.
10. Always, our main goal is, we need to see people coming to Christ.
11. Another insight is, Whenever we sing or select the song. It should be based on what
Christ has done in our lives and always remember the action of the Holy Spirit.
12. As a worship leader, I should attract God’s love.
13. To become a worship leader, we need to succeed in a great commission style. Try to
share our experience and testimonies to elders, deacons, and musicians.
14. Another aspect of true worship is to proclaim his life, death, resurrection, ascension,
and second coming.
15. We need to reflect the worship through demonstrating in our lives.
16. Always remember worship is the breath of the Church.
17. To become a worship leader, our mode of worship should be based on the attitude of
worship, the expression of worship, and the time of worship.
18. The goal of congregational worship should be participation.

Relevance: In what ways are the insights relevant to your personal and/or corporate
worship of God?
Yes, I understood that my insight about worship is scripture-based. Prayer is an
important part of our worship. But, Those who believed in Jesus or were born again
people only can pray to God. Then only God hears their prayer (Matthew 5:6). We have
learned Lord’s prayer When we look at the Lord’s prayer, It begins with the adoration
of God, acknowledges subjection to his will, asks petitions of him, and ends with
praise. Jesus Christ, through His sacrificial death, He has broken the bondage of slavery
and he saved believers. God is the center part of the bible, He is the redeemer. Those
who were selected by him, He saves people from the bondage of slavery and death.
Through his redemption, he will save and restore us. Only the chosen(royal priesthood)
people can give glory to the Son of God. We are all royal priesthood.
So it is clear that these insights are relevant to my worship of God. Worship is deep
respect with God. It is a communion with God. It will make a deep intimate exchange
of feelings an emotional with God. Worship is my response to an encounter with my
When I worship God transformation will happen in me and I experience the presence
of God. I can worship God with my emotions. When I worship the Lord, with praise
and thanksgiving at that time I am giving Spiritual sacrifice to God. So, When I
worship and pray to the Lord I get satisfaction at that moment, which means God is
accepting my sacrifice. When we gather together or If I am worshiping the lord what
he has done in my life before and now. At this time I always discover the Lord who is
he to me. When I discover the lord through this way I am more closing with him. So in
this way, I can understand God more deeply. Whenever I worship the Lord, I need to
open my heart I need to display or I need to demonstrate praise to God.

Application: What are two ways you will apply these insights in your own worship
time with God? What are two other specific ways you will apply these in your
future worship ministry?
The first thing is, I give more time for worship. Psalmist says we need to sing and
praise God in the morning. So I have to dedicate an amount to me for worshiping the
Always I should proclaim the life of Jesus,death, resurrection, ascension, and second
coming . Then only I can make worship service are to be Christ-centered. Therefore I
should include Liturgy and order for the lord supper in my worship time. These
liturgies are giving an order for my Worship. Then It will be more fruitful.

I prefer to do music ministry. Music or songs are a good tool for worshiping the Lord.
19. When I select a song for a worship , That song should be demonstrated justice
and righteousnes of God. Song should be reflective of moral purity and moral
perversion. If I compose a song it should be written with truthful, real, honest,
genuine , true content and true context and Honoring God by giving my best . Song has
serious good character, honorable, wothy, respectable

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