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Necessary Actions Tick when

1. I have included a title page that follows the template in SBC WS Appendix 1.

2. I have included page numbers, with page 1 beginning after the title page.

3. I have used double line spacing for the body text of my essay.

4. I have aligned all text to the left margin.

5. I have indented the first lines of all paragraphs.

6. I have included the Bibliography on a new page after my essay, with the
heading Bibliography.

7. I have arranged the entries in the Bibliography alphabetically and formatted

them according to SBC WS (with all required information in the correct order).

8. I have included in the Bibliography all and only those sources mentioned in the

9. I have numbered the Footnotes in sequence and they match the superscript
numbers in the essay.

10 I have used Times New Roman font size 12 throughout my essay.

11 For the headings, I have centred them and used Times New Roman Bold font
. size 12 consistently.

12 If I have used the words “Christian,” “Bible,” “Christ,” “Word of God,” and
. “Scriptures”, I have capitalized their first letters throughout the essay.

13 If I have used the words “biblical,” “church,” “Christ,” “scriptural,” and

. “theological”, I have not capitalized their first letters in any part of the essay.

14 When referring to God or Jesus, I have not capitalized the divine pronouns
. “he,” “him,” etc.

15 I have checked spelling and punctuation in my essay.


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