Ebt Commerce

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Commerce refers to the exchange of goods, services or something of value, between businesses or

entities. In other words, commerce refers to the conduct of transactions among all economic agents. A
single sale or purchase is called transaction where as the sum total of all transaction is referred to as
commerce. Commercial activity can quickly enhance the standard of living in a nation and increase its
standing in the world.

As a branch of knowledge, Commerce imparts experience of business world at large in all its
manifestations. It prepares its learners for personally fruitful and socially desirable careers in the field of
business. Commerce education is that form of instruction which both directly and indirectly prepare the
business man for his calling. Learning can be enhanced by adopting different approach and method
according to the need of the content. Commerce is such a subject where a teacher can use all the
methods effectively such as lecture, discussion, role playing, seminar, supervised as well as independent
study, project method, field trip, etc. In lecture method the teacher prepares a lesson and presents it to
children and it is one way communication. Discussion is a type of instructional method where both
teacher and student participate actively for a topic. In role playing the roles are divided among students
and they present it to the audience. Field trip is a very interesting method because we actually come to
know about things in practical environment.

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