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Hyperlipidemia Induction Animal ModelSystem Effect Ref.

Chicken lipid + sucrose BALB/c In vivo lipid and sucrose supplementation can induce [1]
C57BL/J6 mice chronic hyperlipidemia as well as obesity
HFD + Quercetin(drug) Male mongrel In vivo Quercetin acts as hypolipidemic by ameliorating [2]
rabbit atherosclerosis
HFD(2%cholestrol,10%lard,10% Sprague- In vivo Animala were more prone to the development of [3]
Powdered egg yolk,0.2% bile salt) Dawley(SD) rats hyperlipidemia
Coconut oil+castoroil+high Albino rats In vivo High fat diet and hypercholesteromlemia are [4]
cholesterol diet considered as a risk of hepatic
fibrosis,artheroscleoris and coronary artery disease.
Poloxamer 407 Albino rats In vivo Poloxamer 407 cause dose dependent [5]
hyperlipidemia by inhibiting activity of (LDL)
Cholestrol + butter Male golden In vivo Hypercholesterolemia is one of the major risk factor [6]
Syrian hamster for atherosclerosis.
HFD(1% cholesterol) + LFD (0.1% Guinea pigs + In vivo Comparison was evaluated/ Guinea pigs are more [7]
choletsrol) rat models sensitive to HFD than rat for low
cholesterol level guinea pigs can be use for
hyperlipidemia study.
Dietary cholesterol Quail In vivo Quail is a useful animal model for the study of [8]
Hyperlipidemic Animal Models

1. Madariaga, Y.G., et al., Assessment of four experimental models of hyperlipidemia. Lab Anim (NY), 2015. 44(4): p. 135-40.
2. JuŸwiak, S., et al., Effect of quercetin on experimental hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis in rabbits. Pharmacol Rep, 2005. 57(57): p.
3. Xian, Z., et al., The Anti-hyperlipidemia Effects of Raw Polygonum multiflorum Extract in Vivo. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin,
2017. 40(11): p. 1839-1845.
4. Mathur, M. and K. Devi Vemula, Investigation of different types of nano drug delivery systems of atorvastatin for the treatment of
hyperlipidemia. Drug development and industrial pharmacy, 2018. 44(12): p. 2048-2060.
5. Sheneni, V., et al., Invivo biological effect of Carica papaya leaf extracts on P-407 induced hyperlipidemic Wistar rats. MOJ Food
Process Technol, 2018. 6(4): p. 409-412.
6. Nistor, A., et al., The hyperlipidemic hamster as a model of experimental atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis, 1987. 68(1-2): p. 159-173.
7. LI, J.-l., N.-n. GAO, and R.-m. YANG, Establishment and Mechanisms of a Guinea Pig Model of Hyperlipidemia and Comparison with
the Rat Model [J]. Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica, 2009. 2.
8. INOUE, Y., et al., The response of serum and hepatic lipids and the aortic wall to different levels of dietary cholesterol: a comparative
study between hyperlipidemia-and-atherosclerosis-prone quail and commercially available quail. The Tohoku journal of experimental
medicine, 1995. 175(1): p. 1-13.

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