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A work of this kind is always an outcome of effort of an individual getting help from many
sources, our own effort without the help and guidance of the faculty members and friends; we
would not have been able to complete the project successfully.

We are grateful to our beloved principle Dr.C. B. Shivayogimath who is the spirit of
inspiration and encouragement and provided us all the facilities to carry out the project.

We wish to express our deep sense acknowledgement and affectionate respect to our sir Dr.
B. K. Venkanna Head of the department, Mechanical engineering for his valuable guidance
encouragement and watchful supervision throughout the completion of our project.

We are grateful to our guide Prof. B.S.Vivekanand we wish to express our deep sense
gratitude us in preparation of our project and for his patience support and endurance of
working throughout our project to ensure that it is successful working with him we do feel
cordial touch and yet he creates professional atmosphere which has been a special memorable

Lastly we would like to thank to all the staff and faculty members of department who helped
us directly and indirectly for the completion of our project.

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As the basic law of Physics says “energy can neither be created nor be destroyed it can only
be converted from one form to another”. During huge amount of energy is lost to atmosphere
as heat. It will be good if we could store this energy somehow which is otherwise getting
wasted out and reuse it next time we started to accelerate. Regenerative braking refers to a
system in which the kinetic energy of the vehicle is stored temporarily, as an accumulative
energy, during deceleration, and is reused as kinetic energy during acceleration or running.
Regenerative braking is a small, yet very important, step toward our eventual independence
from fossil fuels. These kinds of brakes allow batteries to be used for longer periods of time
without the need to be plugged into an external charger. These types of brakes also extend the
driving range of fully electric vehicles. Regenerative braking is a way to extend range of the
electric vehicles. In many hybrid vehicles cases, this system is also applied hybrid vehicles to
improve fuel economy. A normal car is only about 20% efficient, meaning some 80% of the
energy it expends is wasted as heat created by friction.

Regenerative braking could reclaim as much as half of that wasted energy,

which equates into more motion produced by the fuel we are paying for instead of using that
fuel to create heat that is being dissipated uselessly into the environment.

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Brakes are employed to stop or retard the motion of any moving body. Thus, in
automobiles the brakes are having the most important function to perform. In conventional
braking system the motion is retarded or stopped by absorbing kinetic energy by friction, by
making the contact of the moving body with frictional rubber pad (called brake liner) which
causes the absorption of kinetic energy, and this is wasted in form of heat in surroundings.
Each time we brake, the momentum of vehicle is absorbed that it has gained by it and to re-
accelerate the vehicle we have to start from the scratch to redevelop that momentum by using
the more power from an engine .Thus, it will ultimately result in huge waste of energy. As
the basic law of Physics says „energy can neither be created nor be destroyed it can only be
converted from one form to another‟. It will be good if we could store this energy some how
which is otherwise getting wasted out and reuse it next time we started to accelerate. That's
the basic concept of regenerative ("regent") brakes, which provide braking for the system
when needed by converting the available energy to some usable form. These are widely used
in electric trains and the latest electric cars.

A regenerative brake is a mechanism that reduces vehicle speed by converting some of its
kinetic energy into another useful form of energy - electric current, compressed air. This
captured energy is then stored for future use or fed back into a power system for use by other
vehicles. For example, electrical regenerative brakes in electric railway vehicles feed the
generated electricity back into the supply system.[1]

An Energy Regeneration Brake was developed in 1967 for the AMC Amitron. This was a
completely battery powered urban concept car whose batteries were recharged by
regenerative braking, thus increasing the range of the automobile.

Many modern hybrid and electric vehicles use this technique to extend the range
of the battery pack. Examples include the Toyota Prius, Honda Insight, the Vectrix electric
maxi-scooter, and the Chevrolet Volt.


The regenerative braking system delivers a number of significant advantages
over a car that only has friction brakes. In low-speed, stop- and-go traffic where little
deceleration is required; the regenerative braking system can provide the majority of the total
braking force. This vastly improves fuel economy with a vehicle, and further enhances the
attractiveness of vehicles using regenerative braking for city driving. At higher speeds, too,
regenerative braking has been shown to contribute to improved fuel economy – by as much
as 20%.

Consider a heavy loaded truck having very few stops on the road. It is operated
near maximum engine efficiency. The 80% of the energy produced is utilized to overcome
the rolling and aerodynamic road forces. The energy wasted in applying brake is about 2%.
Also its brake specific fuel consumption is 5%.

Now consider a vehicle, which is operated in the main city where traffic is a

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major problem here one has to apply brake frequently. For such vehicles the wastage of
energy by application of brake is about 60% to 65%.[2]

Fig 1. Graphical Representation of Energy usage of two vehicles


The literature search focused mainly on topics related to electric vehicles (EV), hybrid
electric vehicles (HEV) and fuel cell powered hybrid electric vehicles (FCHEV). We
reviewed the books related to simulation, critical analysis, and empirical research in detail
using available software. In addition, a system based on alternative energy sources has been
attempted to some extent. However, more emphasis is placed on literature related to fuel
savings objectives rather than on environmental savings on global warming and studies
undertaken to reduce the components of harmful emissions. The most important documents
to mention here, this project details the requirements and potential benefits of infrastructure
development, challenges and opportunities for the design and deployment of emerging
infrastructures associated with plugin electric vehicles (PEVs). From battery manufacturing
to communication and control between the vehicle and the grid, the authors have been able to

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maximize the benefits of the opportunity to reduce fuel consumption, which is crucial to
providing safe, clean electricity.[3]


❖ To recapture the energy by product that results when the brakes are applied.

❖ To improve the fuel economy of the vehicle.

❖ To reduces the wear and tear on the braking system.

❖ To increase overall energy efficiency of the vehicle

In an electric system which is driven only by means of electric motor the system consists of
an electric motor which acts both as generator and motor. Initially when the system is
cruising the power is supplied by the motor and when the there is a necessity for braking
depending upon drivers applied force on the brake pedal the electronic unit controls the
charge flowing through the motor and due to the resistance offered motor rotates back to act
as a generator and the energy is energy is stored in a battery or bank of twin layer capacitors
for later use. In hybrid system motor will be coupled to another power source normally I.C

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Fig 2 . showing common IC engine

The main components of this system

• Engine
• Motor/Generator
• Batteries
• Electronic control system
During acceleration, the Motor/generator unit acts as electric motor drawing electrical energy
from the batteries to provide extra driving force to move the car . With this help from the
motor, the cars internal combustion engine that is smaller and with lower peak power can
achieve high efficiency. During braking electric supply from the battery is cut off by the
electronic system. As the car is still moving forward, the Motor/ Generator unit is acts as
electric generator converting kinetic energy into electrical and store in the batteries for later

Fig 3 .showing energy consumption from battery.

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Fig 4. showing charging of battery when brake applied.



L293D is a dual H-bridge motor driver integrated circuit (IC). Motor drivers act as current
amplifiers since they take a low-current control signal and provide a higher current signal.
This higher current signal is used to drive the motors.L293Dcontains two inbuilt H-bridge
driver circuits. In its common mode of operation, two DC motors can be driven
simultaneously, both in forward and reverse direction. The motor operations of two motors
can be controlled.


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Fig 5. Dc Motor

Motors are the devices that provide the actual speed and torque in a drive system. A DC
motor is a mechanically commutated electric motor powered from direct current (DC).DC
motors can operate directly from rechargeable batteries, providing the motive power for the
electric vehicles. Today DC motors are still found in applications as small as toys and disk
drives, or in large sizes to operate steel rolling mills and paper machines.

An infrared sensor is an electronic device that emits and/or detects infrared
radiation in order to sense some aspect of its surroundings. Infrared sensors can measure the
heat of an object, as well as detect motion. Many of these types of sensors only measure
infrared radiation, rather than emitting it, and thus are known as passive infrared (PIR)


Fig 6. Battery

In electricity, a battery is a device consisting of one or more electromechanical cells that

convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy. In our prototype, we use 12v battery
and they have variety of uses in our daily life. From consumer electronics to robotics, from
health care products to industries, almost every second device we use has one battery or the

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A brake is a mechanical device which inhibits motion. Most commonly brakes use
friction to convert kinetic energy into heat, though other methods of energy conversion may
be employed. Where as regenerative braking converts much of the energy to electrical
energy, which may be stored for later use.

Chain is a series of connected links which are typically made of metal. A chain
may consist of two or more links. Chain drive is way of transmitting mechanical power from
one place to another place. It is often used to convey power to the wheels of vehicle, bicycle
and motor cycles. It is also used in wide variety of vehicles

A sprocket or sprocket-wheel is a profiled wheel with teeth, cogs, or even
sprockets that mesh with a chain, track or other perforated or indented material. The name
'sprocket' applies generally to any wheel upon which are radial projections that engage a
chain passing over it. It is distinguished from a gear in that sprockets are never meshed
together directly, and differs from a pulley in that sprockets have teeth and pulleys are

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Some of vehicles using regenerative brake

➢ Toyota Prius
➢ Tesla Roadster Electric Car
➢ Vectrix Electric Maxi-Scooter
➢ KERS is used in F1 cars

Regenerative braking of Toyota Prius

Toyota realized that one way to achieve longer vehicle range was to conserve and reuse some
of the energy that vehicle normally loses as heat caused by braking friction. This idea led
engineers to apply the principles of regenerative braking.

In all Toyota vehicle that feature the regenerative braking system, the regenerative
brake is only responsible for a part of the deceleration necessary to stop the vehicle. In an EV,
this fraction is determined by the vehicle’s speed when braking is initiated. The remaining
braking force is provided by the vehicle’s friction brakes. To maximize fuel economy, of
course, the regenerative braking system is made to do as much of the braking work as

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Advantages of regenerative braking over conventional braking

Energy Conservation:
The flywheel absorbs energy when braking via a clutch system
slowing the car down and speeding up the wheel. To accelerate, another clutch system
connects the flywheel to the drive train, speeding up the car and slowing down the flywheel.
Energy is therefore conserved rather than wasted as heat and light which is what normally
happens in the contemporary shoe/disc system.

Wear Reduction:
An electric drive train also allows for regenerative breaking which
increases Efficiency and reduces wear on the vehicle brakes. In regenerative braking, when
the motor is not receiving power from the battery pack, it resists the turning of the wheels,
capturing some of the energy of motion as if it were a generator and returning that energy to
the battery pack. In mechanical brakes; lessening wear and extending brake life is not
possible. This reduces the use of use the brake.

Fuel Consumption:
The fuel consumption of the conventional vehicles and regenerative
braking system vehicles was evaluated over a course of various fixed urban driving
schedules. The results are compared as shown in figure. Representing the significant cost
saying to its owner, it has been proved the regenerative braking is very fuel-efficient. The
Delhi Metro saved around 90,000 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) from being released into the
atmosphere by regenerating 112,500 megawatt hours of electricity through the use of
regenerative braking systems between 2004 and 2007. It is expected that the Delhi Metro will
save over 100,000 tons of CO2 from being emitted per year once its phase II is complete
through the use of regenerative braking. The energy efficiency of a conventional car is only
about 20 percent, with the remaining 80 percent of its energy being converted to heat through
friction. The miraculous thing about regenerative braking is that it may be able to capture as
much as half of that wasted energy and put it back to work. This could reduce fuel
consumption by 10 to 25 percent. Hydraulic regenerative braking systems could provide even
more impressive gains, potentially reducing fuel use by 25 to 45 percent.

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Braking is not total loss:

Conventional brakes apply friction to convert a vehicle’s kinetic
energy into heat. In energy terms, therefore, braking is a total loss: once heat is generated, it
is very difficult to reuse. The regenerative braking system, however, slows a vehicle down in
a different way.

Design of the project is completed. Working model is prepared in next phase

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The regenerative braking system used in the vehicles satisfies the purpose of saving a part of
the energy lost during braking. Also it can be operated at high temperature range and are
efficient as compared to conventional braking system. The results from some of the test
conducted show that around 30% of the energy delivered can be recovered by the system.
Regenerative braking system has a wide scope for further development and the energy
The use of more efficient systems could lead to huge savings in the economy of any country.


The beginning of the 21st century could very well mark the final period in which internal
combustion engines are commonly used in cars. Already automakers are moving toward
alternative energy carriers, such as electric batteries, hydrogen fuel and even compressed air.
Regenerative braking is a small, yet very important, step toward our eventual independence
from fossil fuels. These kinds of brakes allow batteries to be used for longer periods of time
without the need to be plugged into an external charger. These types of brakes also extend the
driving range of fully electric vehicles. In fact, this technology has already helped bring us
cars like the Tesla Roadster, which runs entirely on battery power. Sure, these cars may use
fossil fuels at the recharging stage -- that is, if the source of the electricity comes from a fossil

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fuel such as coal -- but when they're out there on the road, they can operate with no use of
fossil fuels at all, and that's a big step forward. When you think about the energy losses
incurred by battery-electric hybrid systems, it seems plausible to reason that efficient
flywheel hybrids would soon become the norm. But of course it‟s not quite so black and
white, and further analysis shows that a combination of battery-electric and flywheel energy
storage is probably the ideal solution for hybrid vehicles.

As designers and engineers perfect regenerative braking systems, they will become more and
more common. All vehicles in motion can benefit from utilizing regeneration to recapture
energy that would otherwise be lost.


[1]. Cibulka, J. Kinetic energy recovery system by means of flywheel energy storage
Advanced engineering 3(2009)1, ISSN 1846-5900

S.J.Clegg,“A Review of Regenerative Braking System”, Institute of Transport Studies,

University of Leeds, Working paper of 471, 1996.

Binggang Cao, Z. B. “Research on Control for Regenerative Braking of Electric

Vehicle”, IEEE, 92-97, 2005.

Juan W. Dixon, Micah Ortúzar and Eduardo Wiechmann*, “Regenerative Braking for
an Electric Vehicle Using Ultracapacitors and a Buck-Boost Converter”

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