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JAVERIA AFTAB 01-111152-066

SHAMSA KHALID 01-111152-156

BAKHTAWAR RAHMAN 01-111152-036


Novel, THE SECRETS OF SKULL MOUNTAIN volume 27 , written by the

author Franklin W.Dixen,published by Grosset and Dunlap is basically a
mystery novel. Novel starts at the skull mountain where everyone is suspicious
about the water shortage in the reservoir which is in fact an alarming situation
for the residents of Bay fort. Two boys, Frank and Joe Hardy, have quite a
reputation as amateur detectives. They set out to solve the mystery of water in
the reservoir. They team up with Engineer Bob Carpenter ,his assistant Dick
Ames and Chet Mortons. Frank and Joe actions ,humor and the way how they
plunge into different situations with a little regard to personal safety make the
story more interesting and worth reading. The factor that forces reader to stick
to this book is the suspense which continues throughout the book till the end
and one keeps on guessing and assuming what might happen next so it causes
curiosity among readers. At several stages this novel may also give goose
bumps feelings to the reader like appearance of skulls, the burial grounds
,bluffing smoke and the rolling stones ,but what I dislike is the disappearance of
Frank which seems to be a bit out of the story line and farfetched. This story
has fewer science elements and focuses on the mystery so is more
enjoyable .The story is thrilling and full of adventure and it does not keep on
moving in the same way rather it is full of twists which basically develops the
interest of reader in the story.

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