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In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, one of the main characters named Atticus Finch

expresses a number of strengths and make him so unique to the story. In my opinion, I feel that
his greatest strength is courage. One major example of his courage is the Tom Robinson trial.
When Atticus took the trial for Tom Robinson, he knew he was not going to win. “No honey,” he
said when he was asked whether or not he thought he could win the court case. This is proof of
his courage because even when he knew that he couldn’t win, he still did everything he could to
help Mr. Robinson. The second example of Atticus Finches courage is when he went to go
protect Tom Robinson at the jail all by himself. Mr. Robinson is not liked by many of the white
people in town due to racism, to the point where some people in town gather in mobs to try and
hurt him. Atticus knowing this information went to jail by himself to protect him from these
mobs. A great amount of courage is needed to do this because mobs can be dangerous especially
if you are going to be going against them all alone, yet Atticus felt brave enough to stand up for
Tom even when he knew it could be very dangerous. In conclusion, Atticus Finch is a very
courageous person because even when others try and influence him to fit the “normal” standards
that society has made, Atticus was very consistent with trying to break those standards.

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