Groups Count Sum Average Variance

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Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
x 3 60 20 1
y 3 51 17 1

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 13.5 1 13.5 13.5 0.021312 7.708647 p-value is less than 5% me
Within Groups 4 4 1 with the F value greater th
meaning the means of eac
Total 17.5 5 "the use of solvent is not s
meaning "the solvent type
p-value is less than 5% meaning its statistically significant
with the F value greater than F crit, we reject the null (H0) Hypothesis
meaning the means of each group is different, meaning that we reject the statement
"the use of solvent is not statistically significant to the quality of fish"
meaning "the solvent type is significant to the quality of fish" is true
x y
20 18 day1 t1
19 17 day3 t2
21 16 day 5 t3

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