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Name: Hadier Daar

Select any Ad that you Like and explain why you like it and attracted towards it
Describe an advertisement you like.
 You should say:
 what type of advertisement it is
 what product it advertises
Where you first saw it and explain why you like it and think that this advertisement is effective.
The greater part of the occasions, I believe that the ads simply an exercise in futility, since they
don't generally do any useful for the overall population. In any case, at that point, out of nowhere
we run over a promotion, which compels us to suspect something, similarly as I was likewise
compelled to ponder two or three years prior.
It is a promotion about "tea" – drinking tea that is. Incidentally, I would state that it was probably
the best commercial I had ever found in a long, long time, as it was made in an unmistakable
way to convey an away from through having some light jokes and discussion.
Anyway, I saw this promotion on TV unexpectedly about a year prior or something like that. In
the promotion, a phase is entirely set for a charming night for 4 individuals, including two
spouses and two husbands. They were all bustling talking and giggling with one another while
getting a charge out of certain snacks likewise simultaneously. At that point, it was the ideal
opportunity for some blistering tea so as to close the night time to get together for the afternoon.
Along these lines, in any case, when everyone was occupied to pour sugar in their cup brimming
with tea while zooming in the brand name of the tea, they saw that one of the spouses was not
taking any sugar. When asked, why the woman was not taking any sugar, she smilingly
addressed that she generally prefers to monitor her sugar and spouse. After that joke, everyone
burst out in chuckling. What's more, with that chuckling, the promotion was closed.
Anyway, I truly like the promotion and think that it’s compelling, principally on the grounds that
it is attempting to convey an extremely clear message to its crowd about controlling their sugar
utilization additionally so as to check their diabetes while making the most of their scrumptious
tea as much as possible. I like the commercial likewise in light of the fact that it uncovered an
exceptionally sweet however a well-established competition between a couple regarding who
gets the chance to control who in a sentimental relationship.
Identify any guidelines to avoid unethical content in Ads
10 Examples of Unethical Marketing Practices that Ruin Reputation.

What is Ethical and Unethical Marketing?

Moral advertising involves making genuine cases and fulfilling the necessities of potential and
existing clients. It supports validity and trust, creates brand dependability, expands client
maintenance, and prompts clients to spread word about the items or administrations you're
advertising. Dishonest promoting, then again, can impart wrong signs about your items and
administrations, demolish your image's notoriety, and perhaps lead to legitimate issues. This
clarifies why you ought to maintain a strategic distance from them like a plague.

Your initial move towards guaranteeing that you evade unscrupulous showcasing rehearses is to
perceive those practices. Obviously, you can possibly abstain from something when you can
recognize it. Numerous entrepreneurs and deals staffs have mistakenly occupied with dishonest
advertising rehearse in light of the fact that they never recognized what these practices are in any

1. Making false, exaggerated, or unverified claims

2. Distortion of facts to mislead or confuse potential buyers
3. Concealing dark sides or side effects of products or services
4. Bad-mouthing rival products
5. Using women as sex symbols for advertising
6. Using fear tactics
7. Plagiarism of marketing messages
8. Exploitation
9. Demeaning references to races, age, sex, or religion
10. Spamming

Select any advertising job posted on rozee or any other recruitment search engine and
discuss why you have selected it.
Select any advertising job posted:
Marketing Manager
Job Description:
 Mawa Estate & Builders is hiring a Marketing Manager in, Lahore.
 The candidate must have leadership qualities and good marketing experience to manage a
marketing team.
 The candidate must possess strong communication, negotiation, strategic approach.
 If you have proven ability to build a brand and maintain its stature, you are encouraged to
apply for this opportunity.
 The experience must me more than one year.

Innovative Recruitment Methods:

1. Inclusive job adverts
2. Programmatic advertising
3. Video interviewing
4. Benefiting from gig economy
5. Engaging with passive candidates
6. Employee referrals
7. Texting
8. Social media
9. Virtual reality
10. Using data
11. Employer review sites
12. The aging workforce management
13. Mobile recruitment
What is a job search engine?
CV Search Engine

Find the right candidate in no time using our powerful cv search engine Scan through thousands
of CVs in Rozee's database to find the best match for your job. By reaching out pro-actively you
can secure the highly sought-after passive candidates who usually do not respond to
advertisements. Advanced Search options and Google like scan technology give you almost
100% accuracy in finding the right person for the job in seconds.
In all credit based packages, a CV Search Credit gives you authorization to download CVs from
within Rozee's complete candidate pool that you identify as a potential hire Our job search
engine is built with powerful technology that aims to match the right job opportunities with the
right people. To find the latest and most relevant job openings, simply browse by job title,
company, city or state. Or become a member to get the first alerts on jobs you'll like.
Why you have selected it?
Enlisting has never been as trying – and energizing! – As it is today. In the event that you need to
locate the best competitors, you should be imaginative and attempt some new, inventive
enlistment techniques from time to time. Doing so shows potential candidates that you're an
energizing organization to work for, that you grasp innovation and that you append extraordinary
incentive to the applicant experience. Utilize these thirteen enrollment strategies to get roused.
Attempt (some of) them out and see what works for you. Appreciate!

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