UNIT 8: Using Relationships

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UNIT 8: Using Relationships

Unit Objectives
 recognize relationship used as identifying characteristics in definition statements
 use identifying characteristics to recognize example of terms
 use writing patterns to determine the cause and effect of a topic
 solve analogy problems by recognizing various relationships
 use the relationships given in a paragraph to develop a topic sentence

This unit will continue using the learning skill of recognizing relationships to develop several higher level
learning skills. All of the Learning Skills and Learning Problems given in Unit 7 apply in this unit.

Vocabulary Development: Using Relationships as Identifying Characteristics

In the previous units it was shown that a definition statement had three parts: word being defined, definition
topic and identifying characteristics. Also, it was revealed that the four kinds of identifying characteristics can be used
to identify a definition topic:

a. one identifying characteristics

b. several identifying characteristics
c. one of the several identifying characteristics
d. emphasized identifying characteristics

This unit will reveal how relationships can be used as identifying characteristics. An identifying characteristic
can also be an example, contrast, comparison or cause and effect. Frequently, language clues that signal relationships
are used in this kind of identifying characteristic. Recognition of these language clues will help in understanding the
meaning of the term being defined. Also, in order to understand the meaning of the term being defined, it is necessary to
know the meaning of the definition topic and identifying characteristic(s) of the term or terms used in the example,
contrast, comparison, cause or effect.
How relationships are used as identifying characteristics will be illustrated in the following definition

Type 1: Example
A. Fuel is any material, such as coal, oil, gas or wood, burned to supply heat or power.
Examples of fuel are “coal”, “oil”, “gas” or “wood”
B. Second string is the person who is a substitute such as on a football team.
Example of the person who is second string isa person who is a substitute on a football team

Type 2: Contrast
First String is being a regular member of a team rather than a substitute.
“Regular member” and “substitute” are contrasting terms

Type 3: Comparison
Velveteen is a cotton fabric with a short pile, resembling velvet.
“Cotton fabric with a short pile” is similar to “velvet”

Type 4: Cause and Effect

Heart burn is a burning feeling in the stomach cause by an excess of acidity of stomach fluids.
Any “burning feeling” (effect) caused by an “excess of acidity of stomach fluids” (cause) is identified as
“heart burn”.

Some definition statements are more complex because they have two different relationships given as identifying
characteristics. When two relationships are used as identifying characteristics, they can be arranged in any number of
combinations of relationships. The following types of definition statements reveal some of the different ways two
relationships can be used as identifying characteristics:
Type 1: Comparison-Contrast
Acrylic is a group of synthetic thermoplastic substances resembling clear glass but lighter in weight.

Comparison – resembling clear glass

Contrast – lighter in weight

Type 2: Effect-Comparison
Psilocybin is an hallucinogen extracted from the psilocybe mushroom that produces effects similar to LSD and
Effect compared to effects of LSD and mescaline

Type 3: Comparison-Example
A dogfight is a violent fight between or as if between dogs, such as an engagement of warplanes at close

Comparison – any fight similar to a dog fight

Example – warplanes at close quarters

Type 4: Cause-Contrast
An involuntary social group is a group which people become members as a result of factors they do not control
rather than through their own decision.

Cause – become members as a result of factors they do not control

Contrast – their own decision

Type 5: Contrast-Comparison
A battle cruiser is a warship having less armor that a battleship but having the speed of a cruiser.

Contrast – less armor than a battleship

Comparison – speed of a cruiser

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