Piping and Pipe Support Systems-Design and Engineering PDF

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of sys le ms.

attention lo the support of these

systems to a lack of material on the
the full scope of this book includes power, and chemical
and goes beyond the system to show the mle of
criteria in the setting of the as a whole. The intention has
the theoretical basis and the

the lields of piping and support
have significant
desires to optimize and economic
as well as new forms of technology, have led to in
To protect the public in the nuclear and chemical
numerous international, slate, and local
have been enacted since the late 1960s. In response, various
groups have established codes and standards
The concern for safety has forced the
design criteria aimed at ensuring the of
under 1.musual conditions, such as those
ruptures, or in-line equipment loads. The traditional
were inadequate to meet these new thus new ana-
tools were and have been the last few
as an extension of the power of computers. In such
design _has become a task for the

both the value of the traditional methods and

of engineering progress. For normal
loads are. usually low in magnitude and may
hardware for support. Circumstances such as these may
addressed hy lraditio11al design which the text lhen·fore
and complelt>ly presents. In addition, his hook dist:usses
design of such state of the art methods as com-
and other
and documentation required when systems.
The discussion herein of codes and standards this hook a value deal with 4 outlines stress
'-m"'~·"' that of a piping The text emphasizes the 5 covers the determi1111tion of support loads.
documents with the power especially those associated cover the actual details of and support
nuclear power industry, because the most rompre- "-'""""'''"' 6 describes the various types and uses of support
set of technical and clot·umentation These re4uire- proi:ess, from
mosl cases are more severe than those of fossil hydrnelec- and installation
and commercial and can he said to
them. His to note that the evaluation ol' applicable slrndurnl
standards, guide!i, regulations, recommended prac- the use of the computer
is 1m process. this hook addresses those docu- computer n1kulations
that are viewed as signilinrnt to the subject at the time of puhli-
the latest edition of a document is discussed except
where 1m earlier version has historical or other sig11ifiranee. Since
1tw minim11m i;uidelines, and olten <"over a
ions. ~011w han· lwen modilied or have had por- with resped lo
the anlhors in ordt•r lo I hose areas nmsidered While the material is believed lo he rnrre1-t,
Because of this, I he reader is authors do not warnrnt it suitable for any use. The same recom-
herein out of context, mendation that was made earlier with respect to rndes omtimws
ions. the reader is lo refer to I he :idual soun-es
of and support and analysis ure explained restnctwns upon the use of the
visual aids ami sample rnlrnlal ions, which will serve lo darify This book originated from a set of student lecture notes
criteria as well as prohlt>ms norm11lly encountered hy I he piping a series of and analysis seminars which the authors nmducted over
The text is also designed to serve as a reference handhook 100 at electric utilities. for architects and 1md al h~ch-
and currently i11 the piping industry, at nical centers in six major cities llnited States.
process, or industrial fat'ilities. Since lhe material covered provides The material feedback from lhe sllule11ts
imurce for data and it is Lhat engineers and seminars. It is that educational groups such us
will use this text as a dailv refen·nce and design tool. Therefore, and centers will consider this hook as the hasis for a let:h-
design (iata is ex! rnded from commonly used nical course on and The
herein_ Addi I I he d!:'sign and a11alysis pro- covered and nimputer-
along wil h informal ion to aid I he ized use 11f
in I he mel ho<l for application to other situal ions
of I he academic curriculum.
may encrn.mler. Mel hods presented here not only emphasize analysis Much as this book has lw11dill'd from the frl'dl1ack from hos1· al l'ml-
but stress tlw various types of commercially avuilahle
lhe authors reali1.1· ii rnuld bc1wlil ~!ill lur!her
used in the i11dustry, along wiih tlwir sell'elion criteria. from readers' comme11ls_ The aul hors I ht·refnre wekome suggl·~uons for
i11 wlrnl I he aulhms lielievt• lo lie l he mosl
for fu lure ed i I ions_
for a readn with minimum foreknowlt·dge of piping
Hcadl•rs muy read only those secl ions i hut hcsl

sl'rve us un inlrodudion lo the eni-:inen unfa-

er i intmdm·es the suhjed of systems
historical und ledmirnl

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