14-SM For The Complete Stress-Strain Curve For Intact Rock in Uniaxial Compression - 1999 PDF

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International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 279±289






1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
2. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
3. Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
4. Specimen preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
5. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
6. Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
7. Reporting of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
8. Additional interpretative comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288

C.E. Fairhurst (USA), J.A. Hudson (UK)

0148-9062/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 8 - 9 0 6 2 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 0 6 - 6
C.E. Fairhurst, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 279±289 281

Draft ISRM suggested method for the complete stress±strain

curve for intact rock in uniaxial compression

C.E. Fairhurst a, J.A. Hudson b

Accepted 15 January 1999


A Second Series of Suggested Methods is being produced by the ISRM Commission on Testing Methods from 1998 onwards.
In this Second Series, for each SM two versions are published:

1. A Draft SM written by the Working Group Co-ordinator(s);

2. A Final SM also produced by the Working Group Co-ordinator but with amendments resulting from the Draft SM review by
the Working Group Members and other comments received after publication of the Draft SM.

A suite of the new Suggested Methods is currently being published in this Journal. These started with an Indentation
Hardness Index SM written by T. Szwedzicki and published in June 1998. Several more will be published in 1999.

Please send written comments on this SM to the

President of the ISRM Commission on Testing Methods:
Professor J A Hudson, 7 The Quadrangle,
Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL8 6SG, UK

1. Introduction region, through the onset of signi®cant cracking,

through the compressive strength (when the stress±
1.1 The subject of this suggested method is obtaining strain curve has zero gradient), into the postpeak fail-
the complete force-displacement curve for intact rock ure locus, and through to the residual strength.
in a laboratory test. The terms `force' and `load' are 1.2 The complete force-displacement curve of an
synonymous in this context, as are the terms `displace- intact rock specimen, whether tested in uniaxial com-
ment' and `deformation'. Thus, a force-displacement pression or in a con®ned state, is useful in understand-
curve is the same as a load-deformation curve. When ing the total process of specimen deformation,
the measured force is scaled by the original specimen cracking and eventual disintegration, and can provide
area and the measured displacement is scaled by the insight into potential in situ rock mass behavior. Until
original specimen length, a nominal stress±strain curve 1966, it was a paradox that rock specimens loaded in
can be plotted. The term `complete stress±strain curve' the laboratory failed suddenly, but continuing rock
refers to the displacement of the specimen ends from failure in situ often occurred gradually Ð even though
initial loading, through the linear elastic prepeak the rock had clearly been taken beyond the compres-
sive strength. The key to obtaining the complete
stress±strain curve for rock in the laboratory is under-
MTS Systems Corp., 14000 Technology Drive, Eden Prairie, MN, standing the role of the testing machine sti€ness.
USA. 1.3 The complete curve for rock has been obtained
T.H. Huxley School of Environment, Earth Sciences and
Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine,
since 1966 [1,2]. Initially, the experimental techniques
London SW7 2BP, UK. involved increasing the testing machine sti€ness. Since,
282 C.E. Fairhurst, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 279±289

not monotonically increase in strain, and the shaded

area ABDCA is the surplus energy which would be
supplied by a rigid machine with in®nite modulus,
AD, or a servo-controlled machine with axial strain
control, leading to uncontrolled failure.
1.5 The draft suggested method (SM) provided here
describes recommended testing and control procedures,
loading system hardware and specimen parameters for
conducting laboratory tests on intact cylindrical rock
specimens for which complete force-displacement data
are desired. This SM complements the earlier ISRM
SMs for determining the uniaxial compressive strength
and deformability of rock materials [6], and for deter-
mining the strength of rock materials in triaxial com-
pression [7]. It is hoped that the current SM, advising
Fig. 1. Classi®cation of class I and class II behavior of rock failure on the complete force-displacement behavior of rock
in uniaxial compression [4].
specimens will allow comparison of data between ma-
terials, laboratories and researchers, and contribute to
1969, however, servo-controlled testing machines have a better understanding of rock failure.
been used. During the initial development of the exper-
imental techniques, it became evident that obtaining
the complete force-displacement curve in uniaxial com- 2. Scope
pression for some rock types, e.g. high strength gran-
ites, becomes at best dicult and is sometimes 2.1 The test methods described suggest methods for
impossible without test optimization. Test optimization obtaining pre- and postpeak force-displacement (or
includes appropriate load frame sti€ness, choice of stress-strain) data when testing rock specimens of
feedback signal and strain measurement transducers, cylindrical geometry uniaxially loaded in compression
specimen preparation techniques, etc. [3]. For speci- (see Fig. 1).
mens that exhibit brittle behavior when loaded in uni- 2.2 The SM is intended for the characterization of
axial compression, even using conventional axial intact rock. However, certain extremely brittle speci-
strain-controlled testing methods is often not sucient mens, even under the most favorable testing conditions
to control the rate of failure of the specimen after (e.g. sti€ testing frame, slow loading rate, circumferen-
peak strength. In this case, alternative control tech- tial strain feed-back, low length/diameter ratio), may
niques, such as circumferential strain control or com- fail abruptly or even explosively when tested without
puted feed-back control, have been shown to greatly con®nement. It is suggested that these specimens may
improve the experimental procedure for obtaining the not be conducive to postpeak testing in a uniaxial
complete force-displacement information. mode, and should be tested in a con®ned state.
1.4 A complete stress±strain curve for rock is shown
by the thick curve in Fig. 1. The prepeak portion is
the region OA. Wawersik [4] identi®ed two types of 3. Apparatus
curve in terms of the characteristic of the postpeak
region: either the curve monotonically increases in 3.1 In the context of obtaining complete force-dis-
strain or it does not. The former, the thick curve in placement data for rock specimens, a number of hard-
Fig. 1, is termed a class I curve; the latter, the thinner ware elements can be optimized, as described below.
curve in Fig. 1, is termed a class II curve. It is import-
ant to understand these two types of curve in order to Loading system
optimize the control of rock failure [3,5]. Cylindrical
specimens that exhibit class I behavior tend to be 3.2 When non-servo-controlled machines were used
somewhat ductile in nature when loaded axially; in the 1960s to obtain the complete stress±strain curve
whereas specimens that exhibit class II behavior tend for rock, a high machine sti€ness was essential for
to respond in a brittle fashion to axial loading. A test control. With a servo-controlled system, however, a
conducted in axial strain control is generally sucient high machine sti€ness is not essential, but it does
to obtain the complete force-displacement curve of allow a faster response time and hence is preferable
specimens exhibiting class I behavior. Alternative con- with brittle rocks. A servo-controlled hydraulic testing
trol techniques are necessary when testing specimens machine should preferably be used to axially load the
that exhibit class II behavior because the curve does specimen. Loading frames with sti€nesses greater than
C.E. Fairhurst, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 279±289 283

Fig. 2. Example of servo-controlled, closed-loop testing system.

5 MN/mm are commonly available and are rec- time of hydraulic commands to the loading piston (see
ommended. The sti€ness of the entire load train (i.e. Fig. 2).
load frame, platens, spacers, load cell, etc.) should also 3.4 The hydraulic manifold should be ®tted with in-
be maximized. Replacing an in-line load cell (which by line accumulators (see Fig. 2). Accumulators provide
design is `soft') with a steel spacer, and measuring the hydraulic ¯ow required for fast, short duration,
axial load by an alternative method such as a di€eren- movement of the piston, which is frequently necessary
tial pressure transducer, will increase load train sti€- to control the failure rate of brittle specimens.
ness, but may compromise force readout accuracy, 3.5 A high-speed, high-frequency response servo-
especially at relatively low loads. Moving the loading valve should be used to reduce servovalve spool open-
piston (or actuator) to the most retracted position ing time and improve system response time.
prior to testing also increases load train sti€ness by
reducing the hydraulic ¯uid `spring' under the piston. Spherically seated platen and specimen platen
The load frame capacity should exceed the estimate of
the strongest specimen to be tested. The calibrations of 3.6 A spherically seated upper loading platen should
the load frame transducers should be veri®ed at suit- be used, which reduces the e€ect of specimen non-par-
able time intervals and should comply with accepted allelism on test results. The radius of the spherical pla-
national requirements such as prescribed in either ten should be equal to or greater than the specimen
ASTM methods E4: veri®cation of testing machines or radius, and the center point of the spherical seat
British standard 1610, grade A. should coincide with the top surface of the specimen
even if an intermediate platen is used. The mating
Hydraulics spherical surfaces should not be lubricated, since the
spherical joint is intended only to accommodate initial
3.3 A close-coupled hydraulic manifold (i.e. specimen alignment, and is not expected to move or
mounted to or located as close as possible to the load- rotate during testing. (If necessary, a thin ®lm of min-
ing piston) is recommended to minimize the response eral oil is acceptable to reduce corrosion). The radial
284 C.E. Fairhurst, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 279±289

Fig. 3. Example of simultaneous mounting of one circumferential and two axial extensometers.
C.E. Fairhurst, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 279±289 285

center of the spherical surface should coincide with the specimen strain. The devices should be robust and
center of the top end of the specimen, to within 1 mm. stable, with strain sensitivity of the order of 510ÿ6.
3.7 Specimen platens in the form of discs and having 3.11 If electrical resistance strain gauges are used,
a Rockwell hardness of not less than Rc 58 should be the length of the gauges over which axial and circum-
placed at the specimen ends. The diameter of the pla- ferential strains are determined shall be at least ten
tens shall be between D and D+2 mm, where D is the grain diameters (of the rock microstructure) in magni-
diameter of the specimen. The thickness of the platens tude and the gauges should not encroach within D/2
shall be at least 15 mm or D/3 (whichever is greater). of the specimen ends, where D is the diameter of the
Surfaces of the disc platens should be ground and specimen.
their ¯atness should be better than 0.005 mm. 3.12 If LVDTs are used for measuring axial and lat-
3.8 The specimen, the platens and the spherical seat eral displacement due to loading, these devices should
shall be accurately centered with respect to one be accurate to within 0.002 mm in any 0.02 mm range
another and to the loading machine. Etched circles on and within 0.005 mm in any 0.25 mm range. It may be
the lower platen are recommended to facilitate speci- more dicult to control a complete force-displacement
men centering. Specimen platens with machined center- test on a specimen that exhibits class II behavior using
ing grooves should not be used, because the grooves conventional LVDTs, due to the inherent time delay
can restrict lateral displacement of the specimen during of LVDTs and alternating current conditioning elec-
the test. tronics, which can have a detrimental e€ect on the
control loop closure rate. If diculty is experienced, it
is recommended that digital transducers be used. The
Control system
LVDTs should not encroach within D/2 of the speci-
men ends.
3.9 A closed-loop, servo-hydraulic, control system,
3.13 With some strain measurement transducers, it
capable of operation in axial force, axial strain and
may be useful to surround the specimen with a ¯exible
radial strain control should be used (see Fig. 2).
membrane in order to prevent spalling chips of rock
Control systems with high loop-closure rates (1 kHz or
from interfering with the transducers. If such a mem-
greater, real-time) are recommended, as are control
brane is used, ensure that the membrane does not
systems that allow closed-loop control based on a
over-constrain the lateral expansion of the specimen.
computed feedback signal [8,9].
Also, e€ects of the membrane-specimen interface
should be considered.
Strain measurement transducers
Data acquisition
3.10 Measurement of axial and circumferential or
diametrical displacement by means of direct contact 3.14 A personal computer system for acquiring and
extensometers is recommended. Both axial and circum- storing data should be used. Data should be acquired
ferential strains shall be determined within an accuracy as frequently as once/second, or as a function of
of 1% of the reading and a precision of 0.2% of full change in force or change in axial or radial displace-
scale. The overall possible physical travel of the extens- ment.
ometers should exceed the maximum expected speci-
men displacements. Two axial extensometers are
recommended and should be attached to the specimen
1808 apart, and contact the specimen at approximately 4. Specimen preparation
25 and 75% of the axial dimension (see Fig. 3). The
output of the two extensometers should be acquired 4.1 Test specimens shall be right circular cylinders
separately, but averaged for the test report. If axial having a height-to-diameter ratio of between 2.0 and
measurement is made between the upper and lower 3.0 and a diameter preferably of not less than approxi-
platens, care should be taken to determine and correct mately 50 mm. The diameter of the specimen shall be
for any platen de¯ection. The circumferential or dia- at least 20 times the largest grain in the rock micro-
metrical extensometer should be located at the speci- structure.
men mid-height. Pay particular attention to data 4.2 The ends of the specimen shall be ¯at to 20.01
reduction for the circumferential transducer where the mm and shall not depart from the perpendicular to the
transducer is measuring a change in chord length longitudinal axis of the specimen by more than 0.001
rather than a direct change in circumference. Electrical rad (about 3.5 mm) or 0.05 in 50 mm.
resistance strain gauges, linear variable di€erential 4.3 The sides of the specimen shall be smooth and
transformers (LVDTs), or other suitable measuring straight to within 0.3 mm over the full length of the
devices can also be used to measure axial and lateral specimen.
286 C.E. Fairhurst, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 279±289

4.4 The use of capping materials or end surface the axial strain rate to 0.001 mm/mm/s until a com-
treatments other than machining is not permitted. plete force-displacement curve is obtained. The force-
4.5 The diameter of the test specimen shall be displacement curve can be considered to be complete
measured to the nearest 0.1 mm by averaging two di- in the testing context when the load carrying capacity
ameters measured at right angles to each other close to of the specimen declines to less than approximately
the top, the mid-height and the bottom of the speci- 30±40% of peak load carrying capacity.
men. The average diameter shall be used for calculat-
ing the cross-sectional area. The height of the Specimens that generally exhibit brittle behavior
specimen shall be determined to the nearest 1.0 mm. (severe, small strain failure behavior)
4.6 Specimens shall be stored for no longer than 30
days, and in such a way as to preserve, as much as 5.5 Switch the control mode to axial strain control,
possible, the natural water content. The moisture con- and load the specimen at an axial strain rate of 0.001
dition shall be reported in accordance with ISRM SM mm/mm/s. until reaching approximately 70% of
for determination of the water content of a rock expected peak force. At 70% of peak force, switch the
sample [10]. control mode to circumferential control, at a rate of
4.7 The number of specimens tested under a speci- 0.0001 mm/mm/s, until the applied force falls to 50%
®ed set of conditions should be sucient to adequately of peak force. Then switch back to an axial strain rate
represent the rock sample, and should be a function of of 0.001 mm/mm/s until a complete force-displacement
the intrinsic variability of the rock. A minimum of ®ve curve is obtained. If the test is unsuccessful due to
specimens per set of testing conditions is rec- abrupt specimen failure, alternative control modes may
ommended. be considered, such as a computed channel feedback
loop [8,9].
5.6 Force and axial and circumferential strains or
5. Procedure displacements shall be recorded at a frequency of 1
5.1 Personnel conducting the tests should be su-
ciently trained in the use of servo-hydraulic testing sys-
tems, closed-loop control concepts and brittle rock 6. Calculations
testing, so that testing is performed safely.
5.2 Attach the strain or displacement measurement 6.1 The force will be obtained from the built-in load
transducers to the specimen and install the assembly cell information. Axial strain and diametric strain may
onto the lower platen in the load frame. be recorded directly from strain indicating equipment
5.3 Apply a small preload to the specimen in force or may be calculated from displacement readings
control. This helps `seat' the specimen to the loading depending upon the type of instrumentation used.
platens and the upper loading platen to the spherically 6.2 The compressive stress, s, is calculated as,
seated platen. When applying preload to the specimen,
the system should be in force control (i.e. using the s ˆ P=A0 ,
output of the axial force cell as feedback). Since rock where, P is the compressive force on the specimen, and
has a relatively high modulus, applying preload in A0 is the initial cross-sectional area, and in this test
axial strain control is not recommended, because a procedure, compressive stresses and strains are con-
small amount of axial strain could correspond to an sidered positive.
axial force above the maximum load bearing capacity 6.3 Axial strain, ea, is calculated as
of the specimen. Also, it should be noted that, if using
a di€erential pressure transducer in place of a load cell ea ˆ Dl=l0 ,
for force measurement and control, applying small pre-
loads is dicult due to the piston friction at low loads. where Dl is the change in measured axial length (posi-
tive for a decrease in axial length) and l0 the axial
Specimens that generally exhibit ductile behavior length of specimen prior to loading.
(gentle, large strain failure behavior) 6.4 Diametric strain is determined either by measur-
ing the changes in specimen diameter or by measuring
5.4 Switch the control mode to axial strain control, the circumferential strain. In the case of measuring the
and load the specimen at an axial strain rate of 0.001 changes in diameter, the diametric strain, ed, is calcu-
mm/mm/s. until reaching approximately 70% of lated as
expected peak force. At 70% of peak force, switch the ed ˆ Dd=d0 ,
axial strain rate to 0.000001 mm/mm/s until the
applied force falls to 50% of peak force. Then switch where Dd is the change in diameter (negative for an
C.E. Fairhurst, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 279±289 287

Fig. 4. Complete stress±strain curve for a rock specimen showing the prepeak Young's modulus, compressive strength and postpeak Young's

increase in diameter) and d0 the diameter of the speci- calculated using any one of several methods employed
men prior to loading. in accepted engineering practice, as described below.
In the case of measuring the circumferential strain In the postpeak region, the specimen has to be
ed, the circumference is C=pd, and so the change in unloaded from any postpeak location, and then
circumference is DC=pDd. The circumferential strain, reloaded to generate a further subsidiary complete
ec, is stress±strain curve (see Fig. 4). The Young's modulus
is then the positive slope of the ascending portion of
ec ˆ DC=Co ˆ DC=pd0 ,
this new curve, and is not the slope of the original
where Co is the original specimen circumference. stress±strain curve at the postpeak location (where the
The circumferential strain, ec, is therefore equal to slope is generally negative).
the diametric strain, ed, because The most common methods of establishing the
Young's modulus value are as follows:
ec ˆ DC=pd0 ˆ pDd=pd0 ˆ Dd=d0 ˆ ed :

6.5 The Young's modulus, E, of the rock is de®ned 1. Tangent Young's modulus, Et, is measured at a
as the ratio of the change in axial stress to the change stress level which is some ®xed percentage of ulti-
in axial strain Ð as caused by the axial strain. mate strength. It is generally taken at a stress level
Young's modulus is usually associated with the pre- equal to 50% of the uniaxial compressive strength.
peak portion of the complete stress±strain curve, but it The compressive strength is the peak stress sus-
can also be determined in the postpeak region. In the tained by the specimen.
prepeak and postpeak regions, the modulus may be 2. Average Young's modulus, Eav, is determined from
288 C.E. Fairhurst, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 279±289

the average slopes of the more-or-less straight line (j) A plot of the complete force-displacement
portion of the axial stress±axial strain curve. curve, indicating the location of the peak force.
3. Secant Young's modulus, Es, is usually measured (k) Mode of failure: axial splitting or shear
from zero stress to some ®xed percentage of the failure.
compressive strength, generally at 50%. (l) Any other observation or available physical
data such as speci®c gravity, porosity and per-
Axial Young's modulus E is expressed in units of meability, citing the method of determination for
stress, i.e. Pascal (Pa) but the most appropriate mul- each.
tiple unit is the gigapascal (GPa=109 Pa). General information
6.6 Poisson's ratio, n, is calculated as (m) Number of specimens tested.
(n) Description of testing machine type.
n ˆ ÿ…slope of axial stress ÿ strain curve=slope of (o) Method of determination of prepeak Young's
modulus and at what axial stress level or strain
diametric stress±strain curve†,
level determined.
(p) Method of determination of postpeak
n ˆ ÿE=…slope of diametric curve†, Young's modulus and at what axial stress level
or strain level determined.
where the slope of the diametric curve is calculated in (q) Average result (if appropriate) of prepeak
the same manner for either of the three ways discussed Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, expressed
for Young's modulus above. Note that Poisson's ratio to three signi®cant ®gures for all specimens in
in this equation has a positive value, since the slope of the sample.
the diametric curve is negative by the conventions used
in this procedure. Should it be necessary in some instances to test spe-
6.7 The volumetric strain, ev, for a given stress level, cimens that do not comply with the above speci®ca-
is tions, these facts shall be noted in the test report.
ev ˆ ea ‡ 2ec :

8. Additional interpretative comments

7. Reporting of results 8.1 It is helpful to have a good conceptual under-

standing of the complete stress±strain curve when con-
The testing report should include the following. ducting the tests. This understanding should be based
on the control variable.
Rock sample information (note that the term 8.2 Axial force cannot be used as the control vari-
`sample' refers to the block of rock obtained in the able to obtain the complete stress±strain curve. If the
site investigation; the term `specimen' refers to the axial force is programmed to linearly increase with
speci®c piece of rock prepared and tested). time, the inevitable result is uncontrolled failure at the
(a) A lithologic description of the rock, including compressive strength when the machine attempts to
grain size. increase the force on the rock specimen Ð which can-
(b) Orientation of the axis of loading with respect not sustain more force.
to rock anisotropy, e.g. bedding planes, foliation. 8.3 Axial displacement is the most widely used con-
(c) Source of the sample, including: geographic trol variable. This means that axial displacement is the
location, depth and orientations, dates and independent (or control) variable and axial force is the
method of sampling, storage history and environ- dependent (or response) variable. Note that when the
ment. force and displacement are scaled to nominal stress
(d) Number of specimens obtained from a given and strain as described in this Suggested Method, the
rock sample. stress±strain curve is plotted with the independent
Specimen information (for each specimen tested) value on the x-axis and the dependent variable on the
(e) Specimen diameter and height. y-axis, as is conventional in science.
(f) Water content and degree of saturation of the 8.4 If, however, the complete force-displacement
specimen at the time of testing. curve does not monotonically increase in axial displa-
(g) Date of testing and test duration. cement (the class II curve in Fig. 1), then axial displa-
(h) Values of applied force, stress and strain as cement is not suitable as the control variable. Often
tabulated results or as recorded on a chart. circumferential displacement has been used because
(i) Prepeak Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, this does monotonically increase even if the axial dis-
expressed to three signi®cant ®gures. placement does not. In this latter case, the circumfer-
C.E. Fairhurst, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 279±289 289

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