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International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322






1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
2. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
3. Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
4. Overcoming procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
5. Data recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
6. Data reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
7. Presentation of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
8. Illustrative case examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
9. Notes on interpretation of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320

K. Sugawara, Y. Obara (Japan)

0148-9062/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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K. Sugawara, Y. Obara / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322 309

Draft ISRM suggested method for in situ stress measurement

using the compact conical-ended borehole overcoring (CCBO)

K. Sugawara a, Y. Obara a
Accepted 29 December 1998


A Second Series of Suggested Methods is being produced by the ISRM Commission on Testing Methods from 1998 onwards.
In this Second Series, for each SM two versions are published:

1. A Draft SM written by the Working Group Co-ordinator(s);

2. A Final SM also produced by the Working Group Co-ordinator but with amendments resulting from the Draft SM review by
the Working Group Members and other comments received after publication of the Draft SM.

A suite of the new Suggested Methods is currently being published in this Journal. These started with an Indentation
Hardness Index SM written by T. Szwedzicki and published in June 1998. Several more will be published in 1999.
An earlier SM produced by Drs Kim and Franklin, ``Suggested Methods for Rock Stress Determination'' (1987, Vol. 24, No.
1, pp. 53±73), covered the ¯atjack, hydraulic fracturing, USBM and CSIRO overcoring stress measurement techniques. This
stress measurement SM supplements the earlier one by providing guidance on the use of a Japanese borehole overcoring tech-
nique in which only one drill size is required, i.e. by `compact overcoring'.

Please send written comments on this SM to the

President of the ISRM Commission on Testing Methods:
Professor J A Hudson, 7 The Quadrangle,
Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL8 6SG, UK

1. Introduction ing and USBM and CSIRO overcoring [1]. This

suggested method describes the compact conical-ended
1.1 Rock stress is of prime importance for the con- borehole overcoring (CCBO) technique.
struction of rock structures, such as underground 1.2 It is desirable that the stress tensor can be deter-
openings, because the mechanical behavior of rock mined from measurements in a single borehole and
masses surrounding underground openings is domi- that the necessary stress relieving is completed by the
nated by rock stress and the stability of rock structures compact overcoring of smaller diameter. The compact
strongly depends upon the state of rock stress. For conical-ended borehole overcoring technique described
®eld stress measurements, various methods and devices in this suggested method is a development of the hemi-
have been developed and applied for a wide range of spherical ended cell proposed by Sugawara et al. [2±7].
rock types. The earlier suggested method prepared by Generally, the cell utilizes sixteen elemental strains on
Kim and Franklin covers ¯atjacks, hydraulic fractur-
the conical end surface of the borehole. The strain cell
is overcored at the same diameter as the installation
Department of Civil Engineering, Kumamoto University, 2-39-1 borehole.
Kurokami, Kumamoto, 8608555, Japan. 1.3 The stress tensor can be determined from the
310 K. Sugawara, Y. Obara / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322

Fig. 1. A schematic of the CCBO stress measurement; (1) drilling a 76 mm borehole; (2) creating a conical borehole socket; (3) borehole socket
cleaning; (4) gluing the strain cell into the place; (5) compact overcoring.

strains on the conical end surface of a single borehole 3.2 The CCBO strain cell and illustrative photo-
and the error in stress can also be determined. Also, graphs of the components are shown in Fig. 2.
continuous strain monitoring system is possible in ad- 3.3 The following equipment and supplies are
dition to the compact overcoring. needed to conduct the CCBO tests:
1.4 In this suggested method, the apparatus and
operating procedure are described together with the (a) Rock drill capable of drilling a 76 mm borehole
data recording and reduction. There is an explanation (i.e. NX borehole);
of the possible ways of presenting and interpreting the (b) Special purpose borz crown diamond bit for
results. These recommendations are supported by case roughly creating conical borehole socket;
example data. (c) Special purpose impregnated diamond bit for
precisely creating conical borehole socket;
(d) Forward-facing borehole camera to inspect qual-
2. Scope ity of borehole socket;
(e) Borehole socket cleaning materials;
2.1 This suggested method for the CCBO technique (f) The special purpose 16 or 24 element conical
covers the use of the instrument in a conical (as strain cell;
opposed to hemi-spherical) ended borehole, with the (g) Strain cell insertion device (which includes orien-
complete stress tensor being obtained from a single use tational capability);
of the device. The device has been used in a dry bore- (h) Electrical connection from the strain cell
hole up to 40 m from man-access. through the rod/water swivel;
2.2 The device has been used in a rock temperature (i) Special 76 mm diamond overcoring bit with thin-
range of 5 to 608C. walled barrel;
2.3 The calculation of the rock stresses from the (j) Displacement transducer to monitor overcoring
rock strains can be conducted for isotropic or transver- progress;
sely isotropic rock. (k) Digital strain meter to process and record the
2.4 Guidance is given on the number of strain strain cell data;
gauges required for a given speci®ed accuracy. (l) Computer and software to calculate stresses from

3. Apparatus 3.4 The equipment speci®cation and tolerances are

not given here speci®cally because many of these inter-
3.1 A schematic of the CCBO stress measurement is act and the length of the strain gauges in the strain
shown in Fig. 1. cell, for example, has been optimized through theory
K. Sugawara, Y. Obara / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322 311

Fig. 2. The CCBO strain cell and illustrative photographs of the components; (a) top view of the 24 element conical strain cell; (b) side view of
the 24 element conical strain cell; (c) special purpose borz crown diamond bit; (d) special purpose impregnated diamond bit; (e) top view of for-
ward-facing borehole camera; (f) forward-facing borehole camera system; (g) strain cell insertion device and indicator of orientation; (h) special
compact diamond overcoring bit with thin-walled barrel.
312 K. Sugawara, Y. Obara / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322

and experience. Some of the information is in Refs. insertion device. The glue is then distributed over the
[8,9] and further information can be obtained from head of the strain cell. The strain cell is then inserted
Professor Sugawara. Also, Professor Sugawara is the in the borehole and pushed forward to the socket. The
contact point for obtaining the apparatus on a com- insertion device can be rotated so that the cell is
mercial basis. employed in the borehole socket at a speci®c orien-
tation, using the inclinometer in the insertion device.

4. Overcoring procedure 4.7. Gluing the strain cell into place

4.1. Quali®cation of personnel Once the orientation has been established, the inser-
tion device is pushed hard against the borehole socket
This equipment can be operated easily, providing and held ®rm for 40 min while the glue sets. On com-
that the content of this suggested method is fully pletion of this step, the insertion device is removed
understood. Also, several papers have been published from the borehole. It is important to measure the
on its use [10,11]. exact distance from a point on the drilling machine to
the strain cell (as a reference for the distances of the
4.2. Rock drill capable of drilling a 76 mm borehole overcoring measurements).
(i.e. NX borehole)
4.8. Electrical connection from the strain cell through
The initial borehole is core drilled to the required the rod/water swivel
distance (maximum to date has been 40 m).
The electrical connections from the strain cell are
4.3. Special purpose diamond bits for creating conical passed through the special purpose thin walled over-
borehole socket coring drill bit, the drill rods and the water swivel. The
electrical circuits and strain gauge resistance are again
At the base of the borehole, the conical borehole checked, in addition to the monitoring and data log-
socket is created using the special purpose borz crown ging equipment.
bit and impregnated diamond bit, using the same dril-
ling equipment. 4.9. Compact overcoring

4.4. Forward-facing borehole camera to inspect quality The overcoring is conducted using the special-pur-
of borehole socket pose thin walled 76 mm diameter bit Ð which is the
same diameter as the borehole itself. A displacement
On completion of the borehole socket forming, a transducer is used to monitor the overcoring progress,
borehole camera is used to inspect the quality of the which is continuous until the strain cell is completely
socket. The socket should appear uniform and isotro- overcored after a minimum overcoring distance of 100
pic. There should be no open cracks in the socket and mm and generally about 300 mm. If a joint is encoun-
no running water visible. tered, the strain cell/core recovery is easier. The strain
cell is not reused.
4.5. Borehole socket cleaning materials

Using the soft cloth and acetone, the surface of the

borehole socket are cleaned to remove the dust par-
ticles prior to the gluing of the strain cell. On com- 5. Data recording
pletion of the cleaning, the socket is again inspected by
the borehole camera. If there are still dust particles evi- 5.1. Data monitoring and recording
dent, cleaning should again be done and again until
the socket is clean. During overcoring, the data are generally recorded
for every 5 mm overcoring advance. When greater pre-
4.6. Insertion of the special purpose 16 or 24 element cision is required, the readings are made every 2 mm.
conical strain cell
Table 1
Prior to installation of the strain cell, all the electri-
Time Distance Strain readings from the 16 (or 24) gauges
cal circuits and strain gauge resistance are checked.
Then the strain cell is attached to the insertion device
making sure that the cable is threaded through the
K. Sugawara, Y. Obara / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322 313

Fig. 4. The strain gauge arrangement for the 24 element method.

fsg ˆ fsx , sy , sz , tyz , tzx , txy gT , …1†

Fig. 3. Co-ordinates systems ®xed to the conical borehole socket and

the strains to be measured in the 16 element method.
where sx, sy, sz, tyz, tzx and txy are the stress com-
ponents in the Cartesian co-ordinates.

6.3. Strains to be measured

The strains are required to be measured at the speci-

The data are recorded on computer disk as shown in
®ed eight points on the conical borehole socket of
Table 1.
radius 38 mm as shown in Fig. 3. The strain measuring
As a check of the overcoring progress, one channel
points are axisymmetrically arranged along a measur-
is monitored as a graph of gauge output versus dis-
ing circle of radius 19 mm, by rotating 458 at a step.
The speci®cation of strain measuring points has been
optimized through theory and experience. In the 16 el-
ement method, the tangential strain: ey and the radial
6. Data reduction strain: er are measured at each strain measuring point,
using a 16 element conical strain cell. The 24 element
6.1. Principle of the initial stress determination method requires the additional strain at each point,
that is the oblique strain: ej, as shown in Fig. 4. Thus,
Initial stresses acting in the rock mass surrounding a the strains measured on a conical borehole socket can
stress measuring station prior to the drilling are be denoted by
assumed to be uniform and the magnitudes of their
components are calculated from the strains on a coni-
cal borehole socket, based on the theory of elasticity fbg ˆ fb1 , b2 , . . . , bn gT , …2†

6.2. Co-ordinates and expression of the initial stress

tensor where n: number of strains; i.e. n=16 for the 16 el-
ement method; n=24 for the 24 element method.
For calculation of the initial stresses from the
strains, the cylindrical co-ordinates (r, y, z ) and the 6.4. Relations between the strains and the initial stress
spherical co-ordinates (r, y, f ) are de®ned as well as tensor
the Cartesian co-ordinates (x, y, z ), as illustrated in
Fig. 3, making the z-axis coincident with the borehole The strains {ey, er, ej} at a strain measuring point of
axis. The initial stress tensor {s } can be expressed as a tangential angle y are given, in the isotropic case, as
follows: follows:
314 K. Sugawara, Y. Obara / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322

Table 2
Strain coecients in the isotropic case
2A32 sin 2y ÿ 2A33 cos 2y
Poisson's ratio A11 A12 A21 A22 A31 A32 A33

0.10 1.002 ÿ1.762 0.109 0.343 0.562 ÿ0.724 ÿ0.802

0.20 1.000 ÿ1.752 0.022 0.365 0.519 ÿ0.707 ÿ0.818
0.25 0.999 ÿ1.733 ÿ0.021 0.373 0.496 ÿ0.693 ÿ0.821
0.30 0.997 ÿ1.704 ÿ0.065 0.380 0.474 ÿ0.679 ÿ0.822
2A12 sin 2y
2A22 sin 2y

0.40 0.989 ÿ1.611 ÿ0.154 0.386 0.426 ÿ0.625 ÿ0.823

Poisson's ratio C11 C21 C31 D11 D21 D31 D32

0.10 ÿ0.155 0.655 0.246 0.082 1.542 0.802 ÿ1.725

D31 cos y ‡ D32 sin y,

0.20 ÿ0.263 0.641 0.185 0.095 1.627 0.860 ÿ1.860

0.25 ÿ0.317 0.636 0.155 0.101 1.673 0.886 ÿ1.923
0.30 ÿ0.371 0.632 0.126 0.108 1.716 0.911 ÿ1.983
0.40 ÿ0.481 0.630 0.071 0.123 1.787 0.953 ÿ2.091
D11 cos y,
D21 cos y,

6.5. Strain coecients depending upon the Poisson's


The values of the strain coecients depend on the

D31 sin y ÿ D32 cos y,

Poisson's ratio of rock. They have to be evaluated by

numerical analysis since there is no analytical solution.
The strain coecients of the isotropic case computed
where E is the Young's modulus of rock and A11, A12, . . ., D32 are the strain coecients.

by the BEM analysis are summarized in Table 2. The

D11 sin y,
D21 sin y,

strain coecients for transversely isotropic rock are in

[16] and further information can be obtained from
Professor Sugawara.
C11 ,
C21 ,
C31 ,

6.6. Observation equation of the initial stress tensor

A31 ÿ A32 cos 2y ÿ A33 sin 2y,

Observation equation of the initial stress tensor {s }

is expressed by the following matrix equation.

‰AŠfsg ˆ Efbg, …4†

A11 ÿ A12 cos 2y,
A21 ÿ A22 cos 2y,

where [A ] is an n by 6 elastic compliance matrix nor-

malized by the Young's modulus E. The elements of
[A ] are computed by substituting the tangential angle
y of each strain measuring point in Eq. (3).

6.7. The most probable values of initial stresses

A31 ‡ A32 cos 2y ‡ A33 sin 2y,

The most probable values of the initial stress com-

ponents are determined by the least square method,
providing the normalized expression of Eq. (4) as fol-
A11 ‡ A12 cos 2y,
4 A21 ‡ A22 cos 2y,

‰B Šfsg ˆ Efb g, …5†

T  T
where [B ]=[A ] [A ] and {b }=[A ] {b }. The most
probable values of the initial stress {s } can be
expressed as

fs g ˆ E‰C Šfb g,

er ˆ

8 9
< ey =
: ;

where [C ] is the inverse matrix of [B ].

K. Sugawara, Y. Obara / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322 315

Fig. 5. Response of the strain gauges for every 5 mm overcoring advance, compared to the theoretical curves.
316 K. Sugawara, Y. Obara / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322

where xb2 is the variance of measured strains and cii is

a corresponding diagonal element of the matrix [C ].

6.9. Simulation of the compact overcoring process

Eq. (3) is available to describe the changes in strain

during the compact overcoring. However, for the inter-
mediate steps, when overcoring is not complete, FEM
and BEM analyses are used to determine the com-
ponents of the elastic compliance matrix for the di€er-
ent degrees of overcoring. Thus, special-purpose
software is required for the process simulation

Fig. 6. Terminal strain distributions around the strain cell, compared 6.10. Elevated rock temperature
to the theoretical curves.
In the case where the rock has a di€erent tempera-
6.8. Standard deviations of the most probable values ture to the overcoring drilling water, the bonded cell,
which initially is at the rock temperature, is made
The standard deviation of each stress component xi colder by the drilling water. Then, a correction has to
is in general evaluated by assuming that the error of be made using the coecient of thermal expansion of
measured strain obeys the normal probability distri- the rock to adjust the strains. Naturally, it is essential
bution, as follows: to know accurately the rock temperature and the coef-
®cient of thermal expansion. This is a complex subject
x2i ˆ cii E 2 x2b , i ˆ 1, 2, . . . , 6, …7†

Fig. 7. Principal stresses measured in the pillar by four stress measurements using a borehole; (a) isometric plot, numerals represent the magni-
tude of the principal stress in MPa; (b) lower hemisphere stereographic projection of the principal direction.
K. Sugawara, Y. Obara / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322 317

Fig. 8. 2D principal stress magnitudes and directions along the borehole in an appropriate plane; (a) vertical section; (b) horizontal plane.

because the correction may also depend on the length 7. Presentation of results
of the borehole. A special-purpose compensation tech-
nique has been developed to account for the tempera- 7.1 The strain gauge responses can be presented in
ture e€ect [17]. Strain cells have been developed which tabular form if required.
have a temperature sensor. 7.2 The evolution of the strain gauges for every 5
mm (or 2 mm) overcoring advance can be plotted,
with the terminal strain distributions around the strain
cell. Fig. 5 shows an example of the evolution of the
strain gauges for every 5 mm overcoring advance,
comparing to the theoretical curves [12]. The lateral
axis of the ®gure represents the overcoring advance,
that is the distance in the axial direction between the
head of the compact overcoring and the strain measur-
ing circle on the conical borehole socket. The changes
in strain are rapid in all cases after the compact over-
coring passed through the section of the strain measur-
ing circle. The terminal strain distributions around the
strain cell are demonstrated in Fig. 6, also comparing
to the theoretical curves [11]. The theoretical curves in
Figs. 5 and 6 are computed by Eq. (3), using the initial
Fig. 9. Stress distribution on the conical borehole socket surface,
stress tensor measured. Good agreement of the theor-
compared to the maximum compression in the plane perpendicular etical computation with the measurement indicates the
to the borehole axis (solid arrows). reliability of the measurement.
318 K. Sugawara, Y. Obara / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322

direct measurement by three rosette

7.3 The stress matrix with reference to the x, y, z
co-ordinates system can be presented. This is useful if
a series of measurements are made and the variation is
being studied. Alternatively, the principal stress magni-

by Kobayashi et al. [21]

by Sugawara et al. [2]

tudes and their directions can be presented, both in an

typed strain gauges

isometric plot and/or on a lower hemispherical projec-
tion. The isometric plot is demonstrated in Fig. 7(a).
This is the result obtained by four times stress


measurements using a single horizontal borehole

within a vertical pillar of zinc ore [18]. The lower
hemispherical projection of the principal stress direc-
tions of the above case example is presented in Fig.
Maximum value

7(b). Concentration of the poles may correspond to an

uniformity of the stress state in the pillar.
of cii: cmax

7.4 In the case where the stresses are being studied

in a speci®c plane, perhaps to correlate with a geologi-





cal feature, it is also possible to show the 2D principal

stress magnitudes and directions along the borehole in
an appropriate plane. Fig. 8 shows the 2D principal
Poisson's ratio

stress magnitudes and directions along a single bore-

hole, which is drilled horizontally from the wall of a
of rock: v

gallery, intersecting a fault of 0.25 m in width






[13,19,20]. This 2D expression is e€ective for under-

standing the variations of the stress magnitudes and
directions along the borehole.
strains to be measured: n

7.5 When the 24 element strain cell is used, the stress

distribution on the conical borehole socket can be pre-
sented, as well as the 3D initial stresses. The socket
surface principal stress magnitudes and directions can
Number of

be plotted on the cross sectional view of the borehole

[14,15]. A case example is shown in Fig. 9. Such a 2D
expression of the surface stress on a conical borehole




socket can be presented for every overcoring advance

and can be compared to the theory.
of strain measuring circle: r/R

8. Illustrative case examples

8.1. Accuracy comparisons

Radius ratio

When the observational error of strain is well rep-

resented by the normal probability distribution, as




given in Eq. (7), the variance of each stress component

is in direct proportion to the magnitude of the corre-
sponding diagonal element cii of the matrix [C ] and
Hemispherical-ended borehole method

also to the error variance of the strain measurement

xb2. In the CCBO method, the magnitude of cii depends
Conical-ended borehole method

on cylindrical wall of borehole

on the radius of the strain measuring circle, the num-

ber of the strain gauges and the Poisson's ratio of
CCBO 16 element method

CCBO 24 element method

rock. Thus, in order to improve the accuracy of the

Strain measurements
Comparison of cmax

method, the minimization of the maximum value cmax

of cii has been required in determining the optimal
strain gauge arrangement. The values of cmax of the
CCBO method are summarized in Table 3, comparing
Table 3

to those of the conventional methods, [8,15]. The smal-

lest value of cmax is presented by the hemispherical-
K. Sugawara, Y. Obara / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322 319

Fig. 10. Regional principal stress magnitudes and directions in the horizontal plane, Kamaishi mine, Japan.

ended borehole technique. In the CCBO method, the south direction and the stress magnitudes increase with
value of cmax decreases with increasing the number of increasing the depth below the surface.
strain gauges. In the case for a Poisson's ratio of 0.25, At the station Ga-2, the CCBO method has been
the values of cmax of the CCBO method are almost the applied to clarify the e€ect of joints and faults on the
same as that of the direct strain measurement by three stress distribution [13,19,20]. 21 stress measurements
rosette type strain gauges on the cylindrical wall of a have been conducted in a single borehole in the range
borehole. This means that a conical socket is less sensi- of 0.6±29.5 m from the gallery, giving the 18 reliable
tive than a borehole circumference. results in Fig. 8. The borehole has intersected not only
Fault III but also many joints. However, the results
8.2. Case example obtained clearly indicate that a noteworthy di€erence
of the stress state exists between the front and the rear
In situ stress measurement by means of the CCBO of Fault III. This means that Fault III plays an im-
method has been conducted in Kamaishi mine, Japan, portant role in determining the stress distribution. The
to evaluate the variation of the regional stress magni- in¯uence of the joint system is negligible in this site.
tudes and orientations and the stress gradient, as well The time required for the total measurements at the
as the e€ect of joints and faults on the stress distri-
bution. Fig. 10 shows the regional principal stress
magnitudes and directions in the horizontal planes, Table 4
evaluated by the repeated stress measurement and sub- Average time required for measurement
sequent averaging of each stress component [22,23].
Operation Time (min)
Three stations: Ga-1, Ga-2 and Ga-3 have been
arranged within Ganidake diorite/granodiorite at Creating the conical borehole socket 22.8
+550 m level and three stations: Ku-1, Ku-2 and Ku- Cleaning and the camera operation 10.0
3 are within Kurihashi granodiorite at +250 m level. Gluing the strain cell in the place 40.3
It is noteworthy that the direction of the maximum Overcoring and strain measurement 22.4
Recovering core with the strain cell 10.4
horizontal compression is approximately in the north±
320 K. Sugawara, Y. Obara / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322

Fig. 11. Core sampling for the laboratory multi-stage uniaxial compression experiment.

station Ga-2 has been reported to be about 112 h. The and the later is mainly conducted to re-con®rm the re-
time required for each operation is summarized in liability of the laboratory test results.
Table 4, excepting the time for conventional drilling
[20]. 9.2. The laboratory test
Comparison of the CCBO method to other methods
has been conducted in several sites in Japan [26,27]. The laboratory test is indispensable to estimate the
elastic moduli of rock and the non-linearity and aniso-
tropy of rock, that is in general the conventional
multi-stage uniaxial compression experiment. As illus-
9. Notes on interpretation of results trated in Fig. 11, three cylindrical specimens of rock
core are perpendicular to each other, 25 mm in diam-
9.1. Elastic moduli determination eter and 50 mm in length, provided by drilling the
recovered core having a conical borehole socket. Four
In order to calculate the initial stresses from the cross-typed strain gauges are used to measure the
strains, the Young's modulus of rock is required as strain response of each specimen. The loading pattern
well as the Poisson's ratio of rock. For the determi- is designed to reproduce the axial strain as same as the
nation of them, the two schemes have been applied. maximum strain on the conical borehole socket and
One is a laboratory test using the recovered core and the maximum load is usually set less than 60% of the
the other is an in situ loading experiment using the uniaxial compressive strength of rock. The Young's
conical borehole socket. The former is usually used modulus and the Poisson's ratio are usually deter-
mined from the linear relation between the axial stress
and the strain recovery.

9.3. The in situ loading experiment

The in situ loading experiment is conducted after

gluing the strain cell on a conical borehole socket, just
before the commencement of the compact overcoring.
As shown in Fig. 12, a ¯at-ended ring step of 6 mm in
width is formed at the entrance circumference of the
conical borehole socket and the axial pressure is
applied on it, using a steel ring platen. The pressure±
strain relation is monitored and both the Young's
modulus and the Poisson's ratio of rock are evaluated
using the special charts given by the BEM analysis.
The procedure has already been reported [11].

9.4. Evaluation of rock mass strength

Fig. 12. Schematic view of in situ axial loading experiment for the
elastic moduli determination. The multi-use CCBO stress measurement is a prom-
K. Sugawara, Y. Obara / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 307±322 321

ising method presently available for the evaluation of of the state of stress in rock by the measurement of strains on
the hemispherical borehole bottom. In: Proc Int Symp Large
the rock mass strength, since it enables one to measure
Rock Cavern, Vol. 2. Helsinki: , 1986. p. 1039±50.
the 3D stress state within the ground arch and the [6] Sugawara K, Obara Y, Kaneko K, Aoki T. Hemispherical-
stress concentration around the cavity. When it is ended borehole technique for measurement of absolute rock
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providing data indicating the strength characteristics [8] Sugawara K, Sakaguchi K, Obara Y, Nakayama T, Jang H.
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K. Rock stress measurement by means of the compact overcor-
When the joint orientations are determined using the ing method. J Min Metall Inst Japan 1994;110:331±6.
borehole-camera survey system and/or other methods, [12] Sakaguchi K, Obara Y, Jang H, Sugawara K. Process simu-
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[14] Obara Y, Sugawara K. Improvement in accuracy of the conical-
Acknowledgements ended borehole technique. In: Proc. Int. Symp. on Rock Stress.
Kumamoto: , 1997. p. 77±82.
The working group co-ordinators wish to acknowl- [15] Obara Y, Imai K, Nakamura N, Sugawara K. Improvement of
edge the encouragement and support given by the conical-ended borehole technique for rock stress measure-
ment with a high accuracy. J Min Metall Inst Japan
Professor J.A. Hudson of Imperial College of Science, 1997;113:825±31.
Technology and Medicine in the UK. The working [16] Obara Y, Jang H, Murakami K, Sugawara K. Applicability of
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Toshiro Aoki, Tokyu Construction Co. Ltd., Dr. Min Metall Inst Japan 1995;111:919±24.
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Tokyo: , 1995. p. 145±8.
[19] Obara Y, Sugawara K, Takehara T. Rock stress measurement
References by stress relieving in Japan. In: Proc. MMIJ/AusIMM Joint
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