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International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914







1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................ 886
2. SEISMIC REFRACTION................................................................................................................................ 887
3. SHALLOW SEISMIC REFLECTION............................................................................................................ 891
4. ELECTRICAL.................................................................................................................................................. 895
5. ELECTROMAGNETIC................................................................................................................................... 899
6. GROUND PENETRATING RADAR............................................................................................................ 903
7. GRAVITY........................................................................................................................................................ 906
8. RADIOMETRIC.............................................................................................................................................. 911

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................................................................................................................................... 913
REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................................ 914

T. Takahashi (Japan)

1365-1609/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

ISRM Suggested Methods for land geophysics in rock engineering

T. Takahashi*,1
Tsukuba Technical Research and Development Center, OYO Corporation, 43 Miyukigaoka, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0841, Japan
Accepted 19 February 2004

1. Introduction In ‘‘Recommendations of site investigation techni-

ques’’ published in 1975 by the ISRM, general
In recent years, geophysical applications have been recommendations on the use of geophysical methods
expanding from natural resources exploration to the were described in Chapter 4. This recommendation
fields of civil engineering, disaster prevention and describes the general use of geophysics in various stages
environmental preservation. Their applications to rock of the investigation, such as planning, design, construc-
engineering are also growing significantly. Geophysical tion and maintenance in rock engineering projects.
technology itself has been advancing very rapidly. New Geophysical methods are divided into two categories,
technologies have been developed and new improve- land geophysics and borehole geophysics, by the
ments have been accomplished in many geophysical observation geometry used in the method. In land
methods. As a result, accuracy and reliability of geophysics, the ground surface is used for its observa-
geophysical images of underground have been increased. tion, while borehole geophysics uses the borehole(s) for
As advances are made in geophysics, it becomes more its observation. Existing suggested methods above
important to make an optimal survey plan and interpret described the methods and the procedures used in
its result correctly. There are many procedures in borehole geophysics. Recently, many land geophysical
geophysical applications such as planning, data acquisi- surveys have also been used at various stages in civil
tion, data processing, interpretation and reporting. engineering applications. Therefore, the suggested
Therefore, to use geophysical methods more effecti- methods describing land geophysical methods and
vely in rock engineering projects, suggestions or procedures used in rock engineering applications are
recommendations for the procedures of geophysical needed for their practical and effective uses.
applications are needed. These suggested methods describe the following seven
To promote geophysical methods in rock engineering, land geophysical methods: seismic refraction, shallow
the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) seismic reflection, electrical, electromagnetic, ground
has, therefore, organized and published the following penetrating radar, gravity and radiometric. Although
suggested methods for geophysics: seismic refraction, electrical and radiometric methods
were already described in the Recommendations men-
(1) ‘‘Suggested Methods for Geophysical Logging of tioned above, new computer-aided technologies have
Borehole’’ by Commission on Standardization of been developed and used in rock engineering applica-
Laboratory and Field Tests (1981), tions. These new technologies are included in the new
(2) ‘‘Suggested Methods for Seismic Testing within and suggested methods. Seismic reflection, electromagnetic,
between boreholes’’ by Commission on Testing ground penetrating radar and gravity methods have been
Methods (1988). recently employed in rock engineering applications such
as characterization of rock mass and detection of shallow
*Tel.: +81-298-51-6621; fax: +81-298-51-5450. subsurface cavities. There are some other land geophy-
E-mail address: takahashi-toru@oyonet.oyo.co.jp (T. Takahashi).
1 sical methods such as the magnetic method. Since they
Please send any written comments on this ISRM Suggested
Methods to Prof. K. Sassa, President of the ISRM Commission have not been applied very much to rock engineering
on Application of Geophysics to Rock Engineering, 41 Ohmiya investigations as compared to seven methods above, they
Nakabayashi, Kita-Ku, Kyoto 603-8404, Japan. are not included in this version of the suggested methods.

1365-1609/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 887

These suggested methods are intended to assist 3. Field parameter tests and quality control (QC) of the
geophysicists or rock engineers to use geophysics acquired data: There are remarks on what parameters
properly and obtain solutions required in rock engineer- and data should be tested before, during and after
ing projects. Therefore, suggestions for all procedures measurements in the field.
from planning to reporting in geophysical applications 4. Measurement procedures: Standard and commonly
are described in the suggested methods. Suggestions for used measurement procedures in the method are
the planning stage are especially emphasized, because it described. There are also some remarks about field
is most important how to select and integrate geophy- techniques for acquiring higher quality data.
sical methods for obtaining optimal solutions to meet
engineering requirements. (5) Data processing: Standard and commonly used
The suggested methods are each composed of the data processing procedures for the method and a brief
following seven sections: explanation are described. A schematic diagram is also
(1) General: The principle and general features of the presented for its better understanding. There are some
method are described. Standard techniques and their remarks on data processing and the QC of the processed
variations are also described. A schematic diagram data.
explaining the principle and measurement configura- (6) Interpretation: Techniques and procedures for
tions of the method is presented. interpretation of the processed data are briefly de-
(2) Applicability: General applicability of the method scribed. There are some remarks on key items in
is described. Various limitations and conditions in interpretation of the data. An example of the interpreted
application of the method are described in general. profile is also presented for demonstrating an example
Typical exploration targets and recent applications of of the output of a survey.
the method are also included. (7) Output and report: Standard outputs of the
(3) Planning: Key items to be studied in planning a application of the method and minimum requirements
survey are listed up and notes for each item are for the survey report are listed.
described. Key items commonly described in each There are many factors and options to be examined in
method are as follows: application of geophysical methods to rock engineering.
Therefore, the suggested methods should not be
1. Study of existing information and data: Information automatically employed as a manual for geophysical
and data to be reviewed and studied in making a applications. They should be used as a guideline for
survey plan are recommended. It is also explained geophysicists and rock engineers to optimally apply
how to analyse the data. geophysical methods to rock engineering and to
2. Selection of the optimal technique and equipment: It obtain useful and valuable outputs for rock engineering
is suggested how to select the optimal technique and projects.
equipment. Although it depends on the objectives
and the requirements of the survey, guidelines are
described. 2. Seismic refraction
3. Design of a survey line layout and data acquisition
parameters: It is described in general how to design a 2.1. General
survey line layout and data acquisition parameters.
Standard layout and parameters are also presented. The seismic refraction method is a geophysical
4. The depth of investigation and resolution of the method to determine the subsurface velocity structure
method: The depth of investigation, resolution and through an analysis of the seismic waves that return to
accuracy expected by the method are described in the ground surface after refraction at the boundaries of
general. Their relationships to the method and subsurface layers with different seismic velocities. It has
equipment used are also outlined. been widely used for many years in civil engineering
applications. Although there are several types of seismic
(4) Field operation: In this section, the following key refraction methods depending on the survey objectives
items to be considered in a field operation are described: or targets, the most common methods are based on the
first arrivals of P-waves. The digital measuring equip-
1. Types of equipment: Types of equipment commonly ment for seismic refraction surveying is becoming
used in the method and how to check them in increasingly more compact and offers multi-channel
advance of the measurement are described. There are recording capability. Data processing techniques in-
some remarks in selection of equipment to be used. creasingly employ automated analysis. In addition,
2. Positioning of the measurement locations: There are seismic tomographic data processing techniques have
some remarks to be noted in setting up the measure- been recently applied to seismic refraction data in order
ment points and lines. to derive more detailed velocity structures. Fig. 1 shows
888 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

2.3.2. Study of existing information

In planning a survey, a review should be made of
existing information including borehole data, the
topography, the geology, the depth to the water table,
the degree of weathering, the possibility of thin layers
and layers associated with velocity inversions, and dips
of possible faults at the survey site.

2.3.3. Arrangement of the survey line(s)

1. The survey lines should be prepared in consideration
of the survey objectives, the depth of investigation,
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the seismic refraction method (SEG the geological conditions and the topography. The
Japan, 2000) [1].
location and length of the survey lines, the source and
receiver intervals and the maximum offset distance
the schematic diagram of the seismic refraction method between sources and receivers are basic parameters in
using dynamite as a seismic source. planning a seismic refraction survey.
2. The seismic refraction method can accommodate
rough topography but it is desirable to arrange
2.2. Applicability survey line(s) to avoid extremely rough terrain.
3. Because the seismic refraction method derives
The seismic refraction method is applicable in two-dimensional (2-D) depth profiles, the survey
situations where the P-wave velocity increases with lines should be arranged perpendicular to the
depth. Since this is the usual situation in the near surface strike of the target geological structures and bound-
in a rock site, the method has been used widely for site aries. Setting up a survey grid will provide tie-
characterization in road construction, dam construction lines and facilitate delineation of targets in three
and tunneling projects. The depths to the various layers dimensions.
can be determined and the seismic velocities estimated 4. The minimum length of the survey line is deter-
by the method can be utilized to determine lithology, mined by the depth of the expected targets and the
rock strength, crack density, degree of weathering or velocity structure. As a rule of thumb, this is
metamorphism, and locations of fault zones. The generally around 5–10 times of the depth of
method may not be useful in situations when the seismic investigation. If the survey line cannot be made to
velocity does not increase with depth (velocity inver- have sufficient length, then it is desirable to compen-
sions) and when the velocity and thickness of some sate for this by arranging remote shot points along
layers are such that they do not give rise to seismic first the extension of the survey line or by arranging shot
arrivals (the blind zone problem). points in deep boreholes at the end of the survey line.

2.3.4. Intervals of source and receiver points

2.3. Planning 1. In most civil engineering applications for the seismic
refraction method, the depth of investigation is
2.3.1. Planning the survey within several tens of metres. In these cases, 10-m
1. The survey needs to be planned in consultation geophone intervals are usually adequate but for
with the client so that any issues concerning land shallower targets, this interval can be reduced to
access and environmental restrictions are properly 5 m or less.
managed. 2. During the survey, the geophones will be arranged in
2. The client also needs to understand what is involved spreads of typically 12 or 24 geophones. These will be
in conducting the survey and the likely results. used to simultaneously measure the seismic waves
Responsibilities for different aspects of the survey arriving from a single source. For long lines, spreads
need to be clearly understood between the client and should be run end to end.
contractor. 3. Within each spread, the location of sources and
3. Reporting requirements and time frames need to be the remote (far) source points should be planned
established. so that there will be first arrivals from each of
4. The supply of supplementary information that will the layers present along as much of the spread
assist in interpretation and validation of results as possible. For the deepest layer (the main refractor),
should also be considered. This information can this coverage is mainly achieved by the remote
come from the use of other geophysical methods and shots. For the intermediate layers, the coverage is
from existing or additional drilling. obtained using sources within the spread. It is
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 889

generally recommended that these source points 2. If there is more than one spread of geophones in
should be at intervals of 30–60 m. Additional source a line, the ends of each spread should overlap so
points can be considered when the structure is that continuity in the travel time data can be
complex. In all cases, coverage needs to be obtained preserved.
in forward and reverse directions along the spread.
2.4.3. Preparation for the measurement
2.3.5. Types of seismic sources 1. To obtain good signals, all geophones should be
1. Dynamite is an excellent seismic source, especially planted firmly into the ground. They should be
for deeper exploration. Shots need to be buried connected via take-outs to the geophone cable so that
to ensure maximum coupling of energy into there is the same polarity for all geophones.
the ground and to ensure that there is no 2. The instant of shot detonation starts the recording
blow-out causing surface damage and creating process. This time can be transmitted from the shot
safety issues. As the timing of seismic signals needs point via radio or via a cable. Prior to giving
to be accurate to millisecond accuracies, non-delay the shot fire command to detonate the shot, the
electric detonators of the ‘‘instantaneous’’ type are operator of the recording equipment (the seismic
required. observer) needs to monitor the background noise
2. During last two decades, powerful mechanical seismic level and to ensure that noise from wind, from
energy devices like weight drops accelerated by road traffic, from drills, from aircraft, etc., is at a
rubber bands or vacuum and mini-vibrators have minimum.
been developed. These devises may be used for
surveys where the depth of investigation is up to 2.4.4. Measurement
several hundreds of metres. 1. The observer needs to maintain an observer’s log
3. In case of shallow surveys where the depth of detailing the locations of all geophones within a
investigation is less than 20 m, hammers and weight spread, the locations of the shots, the shot record
drops can be used as alternate, non-explosive sources. numbers and the depth of each shot hole.
With such sources it is possible to repeat the impact 2. The observer needs to monitor amplifier gains and/or
and sum (stack) the results to build up signal filtering parameters to ensure the quality of the
strength. recorded data. If necessary, repeated measurements
should be made to obtain better quality data.
2.4. Field operation
2.4.5. Completion of survey
At completion of the survey, all equipment needs to
2.4.1. Equipment
be retrieved and cleaned. The site needs to be
1. Survey equipment generally consists of geophones rehabilitated in accordance with the client’s require-
(receivers), geophone cables with connecting take- ments. The observer needs to ensure that all seismic
outs, extension cables, a data acquisition system data, observer’s logs and relevant survey information is
(including amplifiers, display and recording facilities), properly archived and available for data processing and
and a detonating box (blaster). Geophones typically interpretation.
have a natural frequency of 30 Hz or less and are
damped to ensure that there is not a strong resonance 2.5. Data processing
at the natural frequency. For a high-resolution survey
with a short measurement line in a hard rock, higher 2.5.1. Arrangement of the field data
natural frequency geophones or accelerometers All field data—seismic recordings (shot records),
should be used for high precision travel time observer’s logs and survey information need to be
measurements. organized and compiled for a processing sequence of the
2. All instruments should undergo routine checks type illustrated in Fig. 2. This is a standard processing
prior to use. Checks on the level and waveforms sequence. There are other ways of processing and
of geophone output, cable continuity and leak- interpreting data, for example by using ray tracing
age, safety of the detonator, and functions of techniques and through tomographic inversion. These
the data acquisition system are particularly impor- alternative techniques are not yet widely practised and
tant. are not described in this document.

2.4.2. Positioning of the survey line 2.5.2. Picking first arrivals

1. The locations and elevations of the survey line, the First of all, the first arrival times of the refracted
geophones and shot points need to be determined by P-waves are picked on the shot records in order to
appropriate surveying. construct travel time curves. Usually, first arrival times
890 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

2.5.4. Checking of the travel time curves

Observed waveform records The travel time curves should be checked and
corrected if necessary, on the basis of the following:

Preparation of waveforms 1. Reciprocity of the travel times. (Travel times between

a pair of shot points should be equal.)
2. At each shot point, coincidence of intercept times
from each of the refractors.
First arrival time picking
3. Parallel travel time curves when different shots
provide travel times to the same refractor at the
same locations.
Preparation of travel time curves
Bulk shifts in travel times can be used if it is decided
that there is a constant delay, due to errors in the uphole
correction. Individual travel times may need to be
Check and adjustment of travel time curves
adjusted after further consideration of the shot records.

2.5.5. Derivation and verification of the velocity profile

Selection of travel time curves The number of refractors present in the travel times is
determined on the basis of the number of changes in
slope and the degree of parallel behaviour observed on
Calculation of velocity - travel time curves the travel time curves. The 2-D velocity profile (depth
section) under the survey line is then obtained by
analysing the travel time curves using techniques such as
Calculation of depth - travel time curves the generalized reciprocal method (GRM) and Hagi-
wara’s method. An intermediate step for these methods
involves determining the velocities of the P-waves in
Velocity profile/depth section
each of the refracting layers present.
Verification of the depth section using ray tracing to
calculate synthetic travel time curves is desirable. These
can be plotted on the corresponding observed travel
Correction for layer dips (migration)
time curves.

2.6. Interpretation
Verification with ray path calculations
1. The depth section thus obtained is generally inter-
Fig. 2. Flow chart for the standard data processing of seismic preted in consideration of the survey objectives,
refraction data (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].
existing data and additional or supplemental profiles
if available.
2. If the travel time curves can be interpreted by two or
more different models, it is desirable to report on all
are picked with a time resolution of around 1 ms. For a possible interpretations. These situations typically arise
high precision survey, time resolution is often less than when hidden layers and velocity inversions are present.
0.1 ms. Picking can be done manually on printed seismic 3. The P-wave velocities obtained with a seismic
records or using automatic and interactive computer refraction survey can be used as an indicator of rock
techniques. An uphole correction is required to com- quality for designing a construction such as a tunnel
pensate for the burial of the shot. and a dam in rock engineering applications.
4. Fig. 3 shows an example of travel time curves and the
resultant depth section.
2.5.3. Construction of the travel time curves
Based on the distance along the survey line, the
2.7. Output and report
receiver intervals (the geophone spacing) and the first
arrival times, travel time curves are plotted with the
Outputs of a seismic refraction survey should include
horizontal axis being distance and the vertical axis travel
at least the following:
time. For hard copy travel time curves, typical scales are
1 1
500 or 1000 for the distance axis and 5 or 10 ms to the cm 1. location map of the survey site;
for the vertical axis, see Fig. 3. 2. layout of survey lines;
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 891

Fig. 3. Example of travel time curves and the resultant velocity/depth profile (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

3. observer’s logs; 3. Shallow seismic reflection

4. shot records (in digital form);
5. travel time curves; 3.1. General
6. velocity profile verified with ray paths.
The shallow seismic reflection method is a seismic
The survey report should describe at least the
method that delineates subsurface structures using
following items:
seismic waves reflected back to the ground surface from
1. outline of the survey; geological boundaries in the subsurface. Seismic reflec-
2. field operations (including equipment used); tion profiles provide high-resolution images of the
3. data processing; subsurface that can easily be understood and inter-
4. results: preted. Fig. 4 shows a schematic diagram of the survey
J waveforms; method. Seismic reflection waves are recorded and
J travel time curves; processed to obtain a seismic reflection profile. P- or
J velocity profile; S- (SH-) waves are used depending on the survey
5. interpretation and discussion of the profile; objectives. For shallow seismic reflection, a 2-D survey
6. references. is commonly used.
892 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the shallow seismic reflection method (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

3.2. Applicability of parallel lines with occasional tie-lines assists with

1. The shallow seismic reflection method is best used in
areas where the subsurface layers are nearly hor- 3.3.3. Source and receiver intervals
izontal and where the terrain is not too rough. Source and receiver intervals should be determined in
Therefore, the method is well suited for alluvial/ consideration of the survey objectives and the depth of
diluvial deposits and/or sedimentary rocks. The investigation. One or 2 m source and receiver intervals
method is usually employed to characterize the are often used for a very shallow survey and 5 or 10 m
subsurface stratigraphy and faults (especially buried intervals are often used for a deeper survey. Once the
faults), and to delineate bedrock topography under- source and receiver intervals have been determined for a
lying unconsolidated sediments. The method is particular survey, in general, they should remain
sometimes used for detection of subsurface cavities constant throughout the survey so that the trace spacing
such as karsts and old mine workings. and the fold can be maintained.
2. The depth of investigation for shallow seismic
reflection surveys is usually from several tens 3.3.4. Number of recording channels
to several hundreds of metres. The method can The number of data recording channel is also
be used from preliminary to detailed investi- determined in consideration of the survey objectives,
gations stages in civil engineering and mining the depth of investigation and accuracy of the reflection
projects. image as well as the cost and efficiency of the survey.
The number is usually a multiple of 12. Twenty-four or
48 channel data for a very shallow survey and 48, 96 or
3.3. Planning more channel data for a deeper survey are acquired in
3.3.1. Study of existing information
In planning the survey, all available existing informa- 3.3.5. Type of seismic waves and sources used
tion about the site should be collected and studied. It For very shallow surveys with targets less than 50 m
should include surface topography, geological maps and depth, both P- and S-waves are often used. For deeper
well log data if available, from which subsurface velocity depths of investigation, P-waves are generally used. For
distribution should be predicted. Land ownership and a very shallow survey, the sources are commonly a
environmental factors also need to be investigated. sledge hammer blow for the P-waves and side-on
Potential sources of noise should be identified. hammering of a plank for the S-waves. For deeper
surveys, a hydraulic vibrator, a weight drop or explosive
3.3.2. Positioning of the survey lines sources are commonly used to generate the P-waves.
The survey line(s) should be set up as straight as
possible and oriented parallel to the dip direction and 3.3.6. Instruments
perpendicular to any cross cutting targets. Severe 1. The instruments for data acquisition consist of
topographic features and areas where there is no geophones, take-out cables (CDP cables), extension
surface access should be avoided if possible. A series cables, a roll-along switch and a recording system.
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 893

2. The instruments should be tested with routine with environmental factors and any rehabilitation
procedures prior to the field operation. The tests requirements.
should include measurements of the output levels
and the waveforms of the test signals, cable con- 3.4.2. Field acquisition parameter tests
tinuity and leakage, and functions of the recording Prior to making measurements in the field, the
system. acquisition parameters should be tested. These
3. Moving coil geophones similar to those used in deep parameters include the sampling rate, the recording
seismic reflection surveys in the oil and gas explora- length, the field acquisition filters, the minimum
tion field are commonly used. However, for shallow and maximum source–receiver offsets and the stacking
seismic reflection, higher natural frequency geo- fold.
phones are preferably used in order to obtain
higher-resolution reflection images compared to those
3.4.3. Measurement
for deep seismic reflection surveys.
4. The data recording system should include a digital 1. Following the survey plan, the receivers (geophones)
data acquisition unit, a display unit, a digital should be laid out on the ground and connected to
memory and a printer in the standard system the recording system through the CDP cables. The
configuration. seismic source is then employed at each source point
sequentially to generate seismic waves. The data
acquisition operator (seismic observer) should moni-
3.3.7. Recording format tor the recorded signals and judge the quality of the
It is preferable to record the data in the field in one of records by observing if reflections correlate across the
the SEG standard formats such as SEG-2 and SEG-Y so records. Noise, on the other hand, should be
that the field data can later be easily input to standard incoherent. If the data quality is not good then the
processing systems. measurements should be repeated at the same source
location until better data are obtained. Vertical
stacking is one way to improve the signal-to-noise
3.4. Field operation ratio at the field. Careful observers logs need to be
maintained to ensure that an accurate log of
3.4.1. Preparation of the survey lines recording parameters, source and geophone locations
In accordance with the survey plan, the seismic lines is maintained.
should be pegged out on the ground surface and with the 2. The recorded digital data are usually stored on a
locations of the shot and geophone points accurately magnetic tape, a floppy disk or a hard disk of the
surveyed. Vegetation may need to be cleared to facilitate recording system. Fig. 5 shows examples of the field
field operations but this should be done in accordance records.

Fig. 5. Examples of field records of P- and S-waves (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].
894 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

3.5. Data processing Original


3.5.1. Preparation for data processing

1. The coordinates and elevations for all source and conversion
receiver locations have to be determined from the Survey data
surveyor’s notes. Data editing

2. The file numbers of all shot records and their source Statics analysis
and receiver locations have to be confirmed and CDP sorting
3. Additional information such as drilling logs, VSP Bandpass filter
data and/or seismic refraction data collected at
the same time as the reflection data may need to be
Gain recovery
used as reference data in the processing of the
reflection data.
Deconvolution filter

3.5.2. Data processing Static correction

Shallow seismic reflection data are generally Velocity analysis
processed using a standard CDP (or CMP) stacking NMO correction
method as devised for oil and gas exploration.
Fig. 6 shows a standard data processing flow of
shallow seismic reflection data. Processing is usually
undertaken by specialists of seismic data processing
Residual statics

Amplitude balancing
3.6. Interpretation
CDP stack
3.6.1. Interpretation of the shallow seismic reflection
profile Deconvolution filter
In principle, a seismic reflection profile provides a
visualization of subsurface boundaries where acoustic
Coherency and
impedance (or velocity) contrasts occur as the reflection bandpass filters
events. In order to obtain the geological section, the
seismic reflection profile should be interpreted in Migration Depth conversion
comparison with surface and borehole geological
information as well as well logs and VSP if available. Time section Depth section
Fig. 7 shows an example of the interpreted depth section
indicating buried faults. Interpretation can be under-
taken on printed seismic profiles or using interactive Fig. 6. A standard data processing flow of shallow seismic reflection
computing facilities. data (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

3.6.2. Resolution of the seismic reflection profile 3.7. Output and report
The resolution of the seismic reflection method
depends on the parameters such as the source frequency, Outputs of a shallow seismic reflection survey should
the velocities of the layers and the depth of the include at least the following:
reflections. Vertical resolution depends on the wave-
length and horizontal resolution is controlled by the 1. location map of the measurement lines;
radius of the first Fresnel zone, which is determined by 2. examples of field records;
the wavelength and the depth of the reflector. Vertical 3. examples of processed CDP or shot gathers;
resolution of a thin layer is ideally around 14 of the 4. NMO velocity chart with statics;
wavelength, but practically around a wavelength. 5. seismic reflection time section on paper and in digital
However, it is well known that the thin layer can be format (with or without migration);
detected even if its thickness is 10 or less of the 6. seismic reflection depth section on paper and in
wavelength of the reflection wave. digital format;
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 895

Fig. 7. Example of an interpreted depth section (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

7. interpreted time or depth section; C1, C2: Current electrode

P1, P2: Potential electrode
8. original survey recordings and other relevant infor-
mation need to be archived. I
The survey report should describe at least the
C1 P1 P2 C2
1. outline of the survey;
2. field operation (including the equipment used);
3. data processing procedures; Ground surface

4. reflection time and depth sections; Equipotential surfaces

5. interpretation and discussion of the sections;
Traces of current flow
6. references.
Fig. 8. A schematic diagram of measurements involved in the
resistivity method (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].
4. Electrical
electrical potential with electrodes P1 and P2 to
4.1. General determine the electrical resistivity of the underground.

The electrical method delineates the subsurface 4.2. Applicability

structure and anomalies through the distribution of their
electrical properties. There are several techniques and 1. The resistivity method is applicable to various
variations in the electrical method: the (direct current) investigations in the civil engineering field, such as
resistivity method, self-potential method, induced polar- groundwater detection, landslide characterization,
ization method, etc. Among them, the resistivity method constructions of tunnels and dams, cavity detection
is the most commonly used in civil engineering applica- and delineation of subsurface geological structure.
tions. The resistivity method includes some variations Furthermore, it can be used in various stages of a
such as horizontal profiling, vertical sounding and 2-D civil engineering project from reconnaissance through
profiling. Application of 2-D profiling has increased in site investigation to maintenance.
recent years. Fig. 8 shows a schematic diagram of the 2. In characterization of geological structure, the meth-
measurements involved in the resistivity method. The od is used for delineation of fractured zones
method is based on transmitting current into the ground accompanied by faults, classification of weathering
through electrodes C1 and C2, and measuring the and alteration of rocks, and groundwater exploration.
896 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

4.3. Planning geology is more complex. The three-dimensional

(3-D) survey techniques, which have become practical
4.3.1. Review of existing information in these years, can be applied at sites of very
It is recommended to study as much background complicated geology, considering the cost and the
materials as possible on underground electrical proper- special requirements.
ties as well as geological information in and around the
survey area. 4.3.4. Electrode configuration
1. Optimum electrode configuration is chosen in con-
4.3.2. Layout of survey line(s) sideration of the method used, geological and surface
The layout of the survey line(s) is determined in conditions, and the desired output (see Table 1).
consideration of the objectives of the investigation, 2. The Schlumberger array and the Wenner array are
topographical and geological conditions, the depth of commonly used for vertical sounding.
investigation and resolution required, obstacles to 3. The Wenner array, the pole–pole array, the pole–
measurement, cost and operational efficiency, etc. dipole array and the dipole–dipole array are suitable
Supplemental lines are planned in addition to the main for horizontal profiling.
lines if necessary. In the layout of the survey lines, the 4. The same electrode configurations as for horizontal
following points should be noted: profiling are commonly employed for 2-D profiling.

1. It is desirable to set up the survey lines on a site with 4.3.5. The depth of investigation and length of the survey
minimal topographic change, and ideally lay the lines line
on a horizontal or gently sloping ground. The depth of investigation of the resistivity method
2. The survey lines should be laid out far from obstacles, mostly depends on the electrode configuration and
especially artificial metal structures such as metal electrode spacing. As a first approximation, the depth
fences and grounded power lines, because they may of investigation is a little smaller than the longest
cause short circuits of the current and generate separation between the current electrodes and potential
anomalous voltages around potential electrodes. electrodes. A survey line should be much longer than
3. For 2-D profiling, the survey line should be set up as the estimated depth of the survey target in order to cover
perpendicular as possible to the strike of subsurface the investigated area not only horizontally but also
layers and faults. If the line cannot be set up in such vertically.
way due to various restrictions in the survey area,
supplemental lines should be arranged for delineating 4.3.6. Electrode spacing
subsurface structure as correctly as possible. The maximum electrode spacing is determined from
4. In the layout of the survey line, the relationship the target depth and the electrode configuration used.
between the depth of investigation and the survey line The minimum spacing is determined from the required
length should be taken into consideration (refer to spatial resolution. In horizontal profiling and 2-D
Section 4.3.5). profiling, requirements for both depth of investigation
5. Even for a survey along a curved line such as a tunnel and resolution cannot be satisfied simultaneously.
route, it is desirable to arrange the survey line as Therefore, they are usually determined bearing in
straight as possible. mind the survey objectives, cost and operational
4.3.3. Selection of the survey method
1. The most appropriate method should be selected 4.3.7. Remote electrode
from vertical sounding, horizontal profiling, 2-D 1. Remote electrodes are required for the pole–pole
profiling and other available methods taking into array and the pole–dipole array. In order to improve
consideration the scope and the stage of the the field measurement efficiency, it is suggested to
survey. In the selection of the survey method, select the location of the remote electrodes in
topographical and geological conditions, cost and considering access from the survey lines prior to the
operational efficiency should also be taken into survey.
consideration. 2. It is desirable to separate the remote electrodes from
2. The vertical sounding method is cost-effective for the the survey line by at least 10 times the maximum
investigation of horizontally stratified structure. The electrode spacing.
horizontal profiling method is effective for mapping
near-surface geological boundaries, buried objects, 4.4. Field operation
and fracture zones bearing groundwater. The 2-D
profiling method, combining vertical sounding and 1. Field equipment for the measurements consists
horizontal profiling, is applied when the subsurface mainly of the resistivity meter (usually consisting of
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 897

Table 1
Electrode configuration factors for various electrode arrays

Array type Image point of apparent resistivity Electrode configuration factor

2-electrodes Pole–pole C1 P1 P∞ 2pa


3-electrodes CPP C∞ C1 P1 P2 4pa

a a

Pole–dipole C1 P1 P2 2n(n+1)pa
na a
a(n +0.5)

4-electrodes Wenner C1 P1 P2 C2 2pa

a a a

Dipole–dipole C1 C2 P2 P1 2n(n+1)(n+2)pa
a na a

Schlumberger P1 (M) P2 (N) C2 (B) p(L2–l2)/4 l (L>5 l)
C1 (A)


a power supply, a transmitter and a voltage receiver), same midpoint but with different intervals. Since a
electrodes, and cables. larger electrode interval corresponds to a deeper
2. It is important to check whether the cables are not cut penetration depth, a one-dimensional (1-D) resistivity
and there is proper connection between electrodes model at the measurement location is obtained with
and the resistivity meter. Furthermore, it is recom- the vertical sounding method.
mended to check the ground contact resistance of 6. In the horizontal profiling method, a set of electrodes
every electrode. If the ground contact resistance of an with a fixed spacing is moved along the survey line to
electrode is extremely high, it should be lowered by image the horizontal variation of subsurface resistiv-
inserting the electrode sticks more deeply into the ity at a similar penetration depth.
ground, adding electrode sticks at the station, 7. In the 2-D profiling method, horizontal profiling is
sprinkling water around the electrode sticks, or repeated with various electrode spacings along the
moving the electrode position slightly. Also, it is survey line. A modern resistivity meter controlled by
important to check whether any cable is directly a computer can automatically select a set of electro-
leaking current into the ground. des on the survey line, transmit a current and measure
3. It is important to check repeatability of the measure- the potential data.
ments with the same electrode settings to ensure
data quality. The amplitude of the measured voltage 4.5. Data processing
must be larger than the noise level of the resistivity
meter. 1. Apparent resistivity, ra (O m), is estimated using the
4. Another important issue concerns safety during the following equation for the measured electrical poten-
field measurement. Since high-voltage current is tial V (V) due to the injected electrical current I (A):
applied to the cables and the current electrodes, it is
ra ¼ GV =I;
very important to avoid any accident or injury.
5. In the vertical sounding method, resistivity measure- where G is an electrode configuration factor
ments are repeated using a set of electrodes with the which is calculated from the electrode spacing and
898 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

Observed potential data

Set up an initial 2-D resistivity model

Calculate theoretical potential data

Update the 2-D resistivity model

Calculate residual (observed – calculated) potential data

Residual is small ?


Final 2-D resistivity model

Fig. 9. A standard inversion process of the 2-D resistivity profiling data (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

configuration shown in Table 1. Apparent resistivity 2. Resistivity varies with various factors such as rock
is considered to represent average resistivity from the type, porosity, water saturation, groundwater resis-
surface to the penetration depth. tivity, clay content associated with weathering or
2. For vertical sounding (VES), it is common to create alteration, and temperature. Lower resistivity gen-
an apparent resistivity versus electrode spacing curve erally indicates higher clay content or higher water
(a VES curve; ra–a curve for the Wenner array) by content (i.e., the porosity multiplied by water
drawing apparent resistivity values against the saturation).
corresponding electrode spacing on a full logarithmic 3. Geotechnical parameters such us hydraulic conduc-
section paper. For horizontal profiling, it is most tivity and porosity of the ground can be estimated
common to create an apparent resistivity curve or from the resistivity values using empirical or experi-
section as a function of horizontal position. For 2-D mental equations.
profiling, it is most common to create an apparent 4. Fig. 10 shows an example of the 2-D resistivity image
resistivity pseudo-section by taking the position as along a planned tunnel route in a granitic rock
the horizontal axis and the electrode spacing as the obtained with 2-D resistivity profiling. Low resistivity
vertical axis. portions were interpreted as high water content
3. For vertical sounding, it is possible to estimate zones.
resistivity and depths of boundaries of subsurface
formations from the VES curve. Data processing was 4.7. Output and report
previously conducted by the graphical analysis
method (the curve fitting method) using master Outputs of an electrical (resistivity) survey should
curves. However, it is now commonly performed by include at least the following:
1-D inversion on a computer.
1. location map;
4. In 2-D profiling, the data are inverted with a non-
2. survey line layout;
linear inversion method to obtain a 2-D subsurface
3. apparent resistivity curves, profiles, or pseudo-sec-
resistivity model. Fig. 9 shows a standard data
processing flow of the 2-D resistivity profiling data.
4. resistivity models;
5. list of measured data.
4.6. Interpretation
The survey report should describe at least the
1. To avoid misinterpretation of the processed resistiv-
following items:
ity image, it is important to understand restrictions
and limitations of the inverse method. It is recom- 1. outline of the survey;
mended to refer to additional or other information 2. measurement method;
about the survey site. 3. field equipment;
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 899

Fig. 10. Example of a 2-D resistivity model obtained by a 2-D inversion (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

4. field notes describing the survey layouts and the 5.3. Planning
conditions of the survey area;
5. data processing procedures; 5.3.1. Review of existing information
6. apparent resistivity curves, profiles, or pseudo-sec- 1. In order to apply the EM method most effectively,
tions; it is important to study the following items prior to
7. resistivity models; the survey using existing information:
8. interpretation and discussion of the resistivity models;
J depth, size and electrical properties of the
9. references.
exploration target;
J surface topography and available roads
that affect operational efficiency of the
5. Electromagnetic
2. High-voltage power lines and man-made structures
5.1. General
may generate noise in an EM survey. It is
important to check potential noise sources in and
The electromagnetic (EM) method is a geophysical
around the survey area.
exploration technique to delineate subsurface resistivity
3. It is desired to examine the location of the fixed EM
distribution similar to the electrical method. There
transmitter for the CSAMT and Offset TEM
are many techniques and variations in the EM method,
measurements that may be set up outside the
and they can be applied for different purposes in civil
survey area.
engineering. Among them, these suggested methods
describe the controlled-source audio-frequency magne-
totelluric (CSAMT) method (Fig. 11) and the transient 5.3.2. Selecting the survey method
electromagnetic (TEM) method (Fig. 12), which are First of all, the method used should be determined
most often used. considering (a) the survey objectives and specifications,
(b) surface and subsurface conditions, and (c) opera-
5.2. Applicability tional cost and time. Both the CSAMT and TEM
methods are suitable for deeper resistivity profiling
1. The EM method can image the subsurface resistivity as compared to the electrical method. Since the
distribution, which is similar to the electrical method. TEM method can use non-contact sources and
2. As compared with the electrical method, better receivers such as a loop source and a magnetic
operational efficiency and deeper penetration are coil, it is more suitable when a good contact of an
main features of the EM method. It is applicable to electrode is difficult at a survey area of high-resistivity
site characterization for planned tunnels and dams, to underground, for instance, snow accumulation and a
detection of faults or fractured zones in rocks, etc. rocky area.
3. The EM method is not suitable for the survey at an
area near power lines, telephone lines, radio stations, 5.3.3. Determining the survey lines and station interval
factories, railways, power plants, power stations and 1. There are two types of measurement arrangements.
urban area, because EM waves radiated from these One is the profiling in which measurement stations
constructions and metallic objects strongly interfere are densely arrayed along a survey line. The other is
the EM measurements. the mapping in which measurement stations are
900 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

Fig. 11. A schematic diagram of the CSAMT method (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

Fig. 12. A schematic diagram of the TEM method (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

spread over the survey area. The profiling and the 2. In the profiling, the survey line should be set up as
mapping can provide 2-D and 3-D resistivity images, perpendicular to the strike of geological structure to
respectively, through representing plural 1-D resis- be investigated. In the investigation for a linear
tivity models or 2-D and 3-D data interpretation. construction such as a tunnel and a bridge, the survey
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 901

lines are usually set up along the planned construc- source (Figs. 11 and 12). The large transmitter should be
tion route. When the survey line is set up parallel to set up at a distance of more than 3–5 times the skin
the subsurface geological structure, some comple- depth from the receivers to avoid the near field effect in
mentary survey lines should be arranged perpendi- the CSAMT survey. The location of the transmitter
cular to the main survey line to obtain more reliable should be planned prior to the survey considering the
subsurface images. penetration depth (the target depth) and surface
3. The length and linearity of survey lines and station conditions at the site.
intervals do not affect very much the penetration
depth and the quality of the data unlike the electrical
5.4. Field operation
method. Therefore, planned stations can be moved if
there are unexpected obstacles or noise sources close
5.4.1. Equipment
to them.
1. The EM equipment consists of a transmitter,
a receiver, sensors, electrodes and cables. The
5.3.4. Determining penetration depth
transmitter and receiver are special equipments
The penetration depth depends on the frequency
designed for the methods. They should have specifi-
used for the measurement and on the resistivity of
cations that meet the requirements in accuracy and
the ground. Therefore, the frequency range used in the
reliability for the measurement.
measurement should be determined considering the
survey objectives, the depth of investigation and the
expected resistivity of the ground. The penetration depth 5.4.2. Preparation
in frequency domain is usually referred to the skin depth 1. Sensors and electrodes at receiving stations
of the plane EM wave. Fig. 13 shows the relationship should be laid out on as flat ground surface as
between the skin depth and frequency used in the possible and far away from EM noise sources
CSAMT method. The penetration depth in time domain such as power lines, metal fences and existing
is usually referred to a depth where a magnetic (or constructions.
electric) field from a plane impulse source takes the 2. For the fixed transmitter source, electrode sticks
maximum value at a certain time. Fig. 14 shows the or plates should be installed into the ground very
penetration depth as a function of time, which is used in firmly such that the contact resistance is less
the TEM method. than 100 O. Since the transmitter is usually kept
on the ground for a long time until the measurement
5.3.5. Setting the remote EM transmitter is completed, it should be kept safe from accidents
For deeper CSAMT and TEM surveys, a large fixed such as electrical shock and leakage and cutting
transmitter (usually a grounded wire) is used as an EM of cables.

Fig. 13. Relationship between the skin depth of a plane wave EM field and frequency in the CSAMT method (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].
902 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

Fig. 14. Relationship between the penetration depth of a plane EM impulse and time in the TEM method (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

5.4.3. Measurements from measured data are plotted against frequency

1. In the CSAMT measurement, a pair of a magnetic or time. Then apparent resistivity sections or
field and an electric field, which are perpendicular to maps are made as fundamental data for further
each other and both horizontal, are usually measured processing. These apparent resistivity sections or
at a station in a frequency range from a few Hz to maps are sometimes presented as the final exploration
several kHz. In the TEM measurement, a vertical results.
magnetic field is usually measured at a station with 2. The apparent resistivity curves are usually used for a
transient time from several microseconds to several layered model inversion to obtain 1-D resistivity
hundreds milliseconds depending on the configura- model beneath each measurement station.
tion of the measurement. 3. When more detailed subsurface resistivity images are
2. It should be reconfirmed prior to starting the required, 2-D inversion using finite difference or finite
measurement that the measurement parameters are element methods is applied to the measured data for
properly set up on the equipment. During the obtaining 2-D resistivity models.
measurement, the measured data are always mon-
itored in order to check the data quality. To ensure
5.6. Interpretation
the reliability of the data, repeatability of the
measurements should be examined. If the measured
data are not stable, measurement parameters should 1. Interpretation of the CSAMT and TEM data is
be checked and changed if necessary. Ambient noise usually conducted with 1-D resistivity inversion
should also be checked. to obtain layered earth models. A 2-D image is
3. During and immediately after the measurement, it is obtained by presenting plural 1-D resistivity models
important to check the quality of the acquired data along a measurement line. Fig. 16 shows such an
by plotting the apparent resistivity curves or voltage example.
decay curves on site. 2. Any inversion technique has a non-uniqueness
problem. The inversion of the EM data has non-
5.5. Data processing uniqueness due to what is called ‘‘the equivalent
resistivity layer’’. To avoid misinterpretation of
1. Fig. 15 schematically illustrates a standard data the inversion results, a number of inversion trials
processing flow of the CSAMT and TEM data. with different a priori information should be con-
First of all, apparent resistivity values calculated ducted.
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 903

Survey line

section Calculation of apparent resistivity Measuring points
survey line

Apparent resistivity

Apparent resistivity
Survey line

Frequency f Time t

Apparent resistivity
Apparent resistivity curve
Apparent resistivity

CSAMT: Each frequency

TEM: Each time

1-D interpretation
Layer 1 Resistivity n1
Survey line Layer 2 Resistivity n2 Depth d1
Depth dn-1
Layer n Resistivity n n
Depth dn
Horizontal section of
Vertical section of
stitched 1-D model
Multi-layer structure 1-D model
multi-layer model
Each depth or

2-D interpretation
Obtain the resistivity
of each cell
Survey line
Survey line Cell Cell m+1
Depth d1 m-1
Cell m
Depth d2 n-1 Cell n+1
2D resistivity Cell n

Fig. 15. A schematic diagram of a standard data processing flow of the EM data (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

5.7. Output and report 5. apparent resistivity curves, voltage decay curves,
profiles, or pseudo-sections;
Outputs of an EM survey should include at least the 6. resistivity models;
following: 7. interpretation and discussion of the resistivity models;
8. references.
1. location map of the survey site;
2. layout of survey lines and measurement stations;
3. apparent resistivity curves, voltage decay curves, 6. Ground penetrating radar
profiles, or pseudo-sections;
4. resistivity models; 6.1. General
5. list of measured data.
The survey report should describe at least the GPR is a geophysical method that uses the transmis-
following items: sion of high-frequency EM waves for detecting subsur-
face objects. The operating frequency is higher than
1. outline of the survey; several MHz. GPR can be used on the ground surface
2. field operations (including equipments used); and in boreholes. Only surface GPR is described in this
3. field notes describing the survey layouts and the document. In a GPR survey, transmitting and receiving
conditions of the survey area; antennae are placed on the ground surface and EM
4. data processing procedures; waves are injected into the ground from the transmitter
904 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

Fig. 16. Examples of stitched 1-D resistivity model obtained with the CSAMT method at a survey area of a tunnel construction (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

Fig. 17. A schematic diagram of the surface GPR survey (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

antenna. Reflected EM waves from subsurface geologi- site reconnaissance. The survey plan should be made in
cal boundaries or objects are then received by the consideration of expected properties of subsurface
receiving antenna and processed to image these subsur- materials (especially resistivity), groundwater condition,
face structures (Fig. 17). depth and characteristics of the targets, and accessibility
of the equipments to the survey areas.
6.2. Applicability
6.3.2. Choice of GPR antenna
GPR is a non-destructive and non-invasive geophy-
The centre frequency of the GPR antenna typically
sical method for rapid and high-resolution imaging of
ranges from 30 MHz to 1.5 GHz. Resolution and
subsurface objects. The penetration depth is typically
penetration of GPR waves strongly depend on the
several metres in soil ground. There are a variety of
antenna frequency used, as shown in Table 2, i.e.,
applications including detection of buried pipes, locat-
higher-frequency antenna can have higher resolution,
ing reinforcing bars in concrete, mapping voids beneath
but lower penetration. The antenna frequency used in
road pavements or behind tunnel linings, and inspection
the survey should be determined considering the
of roads and concrete structures. The method can also
following conditions:
be used in archaeological investigations, monitoring the
spread of contamination in the ground, and mapping (1) Features of exploration targets such as size, depth
faults and fracture zones in rocks. and material type, and resolution required.
(2) Properties of soil, rock and medium in which the
6.3. Planning target is buried.
(3) Moisture and clay contents of the medium, which
6.3.1. Review of existing information affect GPR penetration.
The feasibility and the output of GPR can often be (4) Surface unevenness and vegetation of the site and
predicted by studying existing site information and by accessibility of the antenna.
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 905

Table 2
Relationship of GPR parameters with respect to dielectric constant, electrical conductivity of the ground, and antenna frequency

GPR parameters Dielectrical Electrical Antenna frequency Remarks

constant conductivity

Low High Low High Low High

Propagation velocity Fast Slow

Attenuation High Low Low High Low High Attenuation is influenced strongly by electrical
Penetration Short Long Long Short Long Short The lower the attenuation, the greater the penetration
Wavelength Long Short Long Short
Resolution Low High Low High The shorter the wavelength, the higher the resolution

6.3.3. Arrangement for survey lines and their spacings Selection of antenna frequency is crucial for success of
For linear targets, such as buried pipes, the survey line the survey.
is normally set up perpendicularly to the longitudinal
direction of the expected buried pipes. The survey line 6.4.2. Preparation for the survey
spacing should be determined considering the target 1. The locations of the survey lines are marked out at
type, size and depth. Typically it is 1–2 m. For metallic the site. The start and end positions of the survey
targets (e.g., iron pipes), the antenna dipoles are usually lines are normally indicated in the survey plan.
oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis of the target. 2. For a rough and uneven ground, land readjustment
For non-metallic targets (e.g., gas pipes), the antenna may be needed to obtain good contact between the
dipoles are normally set up at the right angle to the antenna and the ground surface.
target orientation. The layout of survey line(s) and the 3. The antennae are mounted on a sled or a wheeled
line spacing (s) should be determined in consideration of trolley to enable them to move smoothly on the
the following conditions: ground.
(1) frequency and moving speed of the antenna;
6.4.3. Field procedures
(2) resolution required;
1. The GPR data acquisition system is first set up and
(3) surface unevenness and vegetation of the site;
connected to a power supply such as a 12 V DC
(4) cost and acquisition time available.
battery. It is recommended to warm it up for a while
to stabilize the zero time position. A preliminary test
Additional survey lines or a dense grid-based survey
measurement should be conducted prior to the survey
may be required to detect smaller and multiple targets or
in order to ensure that the GPR system is functioning
if very accurate data processing is necessary.
properly and to optimize the measurement para-
meters. The field acquisition parameters such as
6.3.4. The depth of investigation the recording time range (in nanoseconds), the
The depth of investigation of a GPR survey depends sampling rate, signal gains and band-pass filters
on the frequency and the power of transmitted should be optimally selected in consideration of the
EM waves and electrical conductivity of the ground target depth and the antenna frequency. The measur-
or the medium to be investigated. The depth of ing wheel should be calibrated on site for a known
investigation varies from 0.1 to 100 m, but typically distance.
from 0 to 5 m for most of civil engineering applications. 2. The measured data should be monitored on the
Deeper penetration is possible with lower frequencies screen of the equipment during the survey for data
(30–100 MHz) in the ground that has lower conductivity. QC. Unwanted noise or anomalous signals should be
identified to remove their causes.
3. The recording time range should be adjusted for the
6.4. Field operation investigation depth by measuring the propagation
velocity of the EM waves in the ground using the
6.4.1. Equipment wide-angle or the arrayed antenna measurements or
The GPR equipment consists of a data acquisition by analysis of the hyperbolic diffractions generated
system and antennae. Those should be chosen in by a discrete target. Alternatively, the velocity can be
consideration of the depth of the target and the accuracy calculated from the dielectric constant of the ground,
required with reference to the objectives of the survey. which can be measured on site using a portable
906 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

dielectric meter or determined in the laboratory test 6.7. Output and report
using soil samples.
Output of a GPR survey should include at least the
6.4.4. QC of the measured data following:
The quality of the recorded data should be checked on 1. location map of the measurement lines;
site during or immediately after the survey by monitor- 2. GPR profiles;
ing the GPR signals or profiles on the screen of the 3. interpreted GPR profiles.
equipment. Survey information, such as the positions of
the survey lines, variations in surface conditions, and The survey report should describe at least the
locations of metallic objects close to the survey line following:
causing spurious reflections, should be recorded in the
field observer’s notes for data processing and interpreta- 1. outline of the survey;
tion later on. 2. field operation (including the equipments used);
3. data processing procedures;
4. GPR profiles;
6.5. Data processing 5. interpretation and discussion of the profiles;
6. references.
1. The GPR profile (or Radargramme) is normally
represented as a 2-D time section (or a depth section
if velocity is known) with wiggle traces or grey/colour 7. Gravity
2. To enhance the target signals, the following digital 7.1. General
signal processing is usually applied to the measured
data on site or in house after the survey: vertical The gravity method is a geophysical method in which
stacking, deconvolution filter, bandpass filter, mov- the subsurface density distribution (or the density
ing average/background removal filter, automatic anomaly) is estimated from the observed gravity field.
gain control (AGC) or time-variant gain (TVG). Gravity is usually measured at the ground surface using
3. In case that the data are recorded on multiple survey a gravity meter or a gravimeter. Gravity may also be
lines on a grid, the GPR data can be displayed in measured in the air, at sea, or in a borehole using
three dimensions using commercial presentation gravimeters designed for those environments. In this
software for making its interpretation much easier. document, we will focus on and describe in detail the
land gravity method. The gravity method has been
widely used for delineating a base rock for earthquake
6.6. Interpretation resistant construction design, locating buried faults and
detecting underground cavities due to civil engineering
1. A GPR profile can be interpreted in a similar way to activities and old mine working. Fig. 19 shows the
the interpretation of a seismic reflection profile. schematic diagram of a gravity anomaly and an example
Subsurface anomalies such as buried pipes and of a gravimeter. The gravity method has normally been
cavities can be detected as diffraction patterns in used for large-scale subsurface imaging, for instance, for
the profile. studies in Earth Sciences. The micro-gravity method
2. It is important to collect as much existing informa- using very dense measurements has recently been
tion as possible to interpret the GPR profile properly. employed for near-surface civil engineering applications.
For example, in the application of the GPR to
detection of buried pipes, information relating to 7.2. Applicability
their locations, depths, sizes and materials should be
searched prior to the interpretation. 1. The gravity method can be used for:
3. If an accurate depth section is necessary, information (1) detection of subsurface cavities and voids due to
affecting the EM wave velocity such as dielectric civil engineering activities and old mine working,
constants and moisture contents of the ground should (2) delineation of a base rock for earthquake-
be considered in the interpretation. resistant construction design,
4. If other geophysical data such as shallow EM (3) delineation of buried faults underneath thick
mapping, magnetic or resistivity data are available, sediments,
they can be very useful for interpretation of the GPR (4) evaluation of ground improvement such as
profile. grouting and compaction by comparing gravity
5. Fig. 18 shows some examples of interpreted GPR anomalies measured before and after the im-
profiles. provement.
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 907

Fig. 18. Examples of interpreted GPR profiles (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

2. In earthquake engineering field, the gravity method around 1 m using high-density measurements under
can often be employed to delineate larger-scale relatively low ambient noise.
subsurface structures such as deeper base rocks and 2. Using more widely spaced measurement points in a
large faults to predict accurate earthquake ground very wide area, it is possible to delineate large-scale
motion. subsurface structure with the dimension of several
3. The surface gravity method is used to detect kilometres.
lateral density changes in the ground, but in 3. Fig. 20 shows the relationship between the detectable
principle, it cannot be used to delineate horizontally dimension of the target and the amount of the gravity
stratified structure whose density changes only with anomaly due to it. Since the most modern gravimeter
depth. can measure the gravity change of several micro-
Gals, subsurface features with the dimension of
around 1 m can be detected by means of the micro-
7.3. Planning
gravity method.
7.3.1. Review of existing information
Existing information should be studied from the 7.3.3. Determination of the survey area and the station
following points of view: (1) dimension, depth and spacing
1. The micro-gravity survey will normally be con-
density of the geological or structural features to be
ducted in one of two modes, a profile and an areal
investigated, (2) surface topography around the survey
survey. The former is commonly employed for
area and (3) accessibility to the site such as road
investigation along the linear construction such as
a railway and a road, while the latter would be
used for an areal survey, for instance, for delineation
7.3.2. Resolution of detectable subsurface structures or of a bed rock topography beneath the investigation
anomalies site
1. Resolution of detectable subsurface structures or 2. The survey area should be determined considering the
anomalies with the micro-gravity method can be depth of the features of interest in the survey. The
908 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

Fig. 19. Schematic diagram of the gravity anomaly and a gravimeter (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

Fig. 20. Relationship between dimension of the target and gravity anomaly (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

dimension of the survey area should be 5 or 6 times gravity survey, the difference of the gravity value
the maximum depth of investigation. The station between a station and a fixed station called as a base
spacing should be comparable to, or smaller than, the or reference station is measured. The reference
minimum depth of the features of interest. station should be either a station where the absolute
3. It is desirable to keep the station spacing as uniform gravity value is known or a station connected to
as possible. another reference station where the absolute gravity
value is known.
7.4. Field operation 2. A measurement technique called the closed-loop
method is commonly used, in which the first and last
7.4.1. Measurement principle measurements of successive measurements in a loop
1. A gravimeter commonly used for a gravity survey can are made at the same station to obtain the error
only measure relative gravity value. Therefore, in a between these two measurements, known as the
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 909

closure error. The measurement error at each station 5. It is desirable to repeat measurements several times
can then be evaluated based on this closure error in at each station to improve the accuracy and
the loop. Successive measurements in a loop should reliability of the measurement.
be normally completed within no more than about 6. The following items should be recorded in the field
half a day to keep the error to a minimum. The note:
closure error, mainly due to the drift of the spring in (1) the model name and serial number of the
the gravimeter, should be less than 0.2 mGal. gravimeter used;
3. In a very high accurate survey, such as detection of a (2) the height of the instrument from the earth’s
very small cavity with a diameter of less than 1 m, it surface at each measurement point;
should be necessary to know the drift error as (3) each reading and its time.
precisely as possible. In such a case, the succes- 7. It is desirable to make a sketch of the measurement
sive measurements in a loop should be completed location and its vicinity for the further terrain
within 2 h or less and the measurements be re- correction in data processing.
peated by visiting stations in the loop in a reverse 8. Re-measurement of any loops should be consid-
order. ered if the closure error is neither negligible nor
7.4.2. Measurement accuracy
1. A gravimeter used for a micro-gravity survey should 7.5. Data processing
have an accuracy of a few micro-Gals, while that for
an ordinary gravity survey may have an accuracy of
1. The measured gravity value at each station should be
better than approximately 0.1 mGal. A gravimeter is
first corrected for the gravity tide variations, the
a very sensitive device and must be handled with
gravimeter drift and the instrument height at the
extreme care during transportation as well as during
measurement station. Usually, these corrections are
conducted in the field for QC.
2. The elevation of each measurement station in a
2. The gravity anomaly value at each station is
micro-gravity survey must be known to the accuracy
computed by applying latitude corrections, free-air
of a few millimetres or less and the accuracy of the
corrections, Bouguer corrections, terrain corrections
horizontal location is required within a few tens of
and atmospheric corrections to the field data
centimetres. For ordinary gravity survey, accuracies
corrected as above. The coordinate system used for
of the elevation and the horizontal location should be
these corrections may be either the geodetic reference
less than a few tens of centimetres and a few metres,
system (latitude, longitude, height) or a Cartesian
system ðX ; Y ; ZÞ:
3. In a gravity survey over an area more than a few
3. Fig. 21 shows a standard data processing flow of
kilometres squared, the location of each station
gravity data. The gravity anomaly thus obtained is
can be determined using a geographical map with
the subsurface density anomaly and is the object of
a scale of 1:1000 to 1:25 000 corresponding to
further interpretation.
the required accuracy of the survey. Benchmarks,
trig stations or other points with elevations indi-
cated on the map can be used as reference elevation 7.6. Interpretation
1. For qualitative interpretation of the subsurface
7.4.3. Measurement procedures density distribution, the residual gravity anomaly
1. To make the measurement procedure most effi- map is usually used. It is computed by applying the
cient, the route and order of visits to the measure- trend analysis and/or spatial filters to the original
ment stations should be determined at the gravity anomaly data to enhance the anomalies to be
beginning of the survey. extracted.
2. Measurement stations should be arranged at a flat 2. Depending on the requirements or the objec-
place without abrupt topographic changes nearby tives of the investigation, quantitative interpreta-
and not placed on the top or at the foot of a cliff or tion can be used to delineate bedrock topogra-
an embankment. phy, to calculate the location or the depth of
3. The measurement should be done on a firm and flat a cavity, or to estimate the vertical displacement
surface such as a pavement and away from sources of a fault.
of vibrations such as traffic noise. 3. The interpretation may be difficult or unreliable near
4. The exact station location should be marked with the boundary of the survey area. Such problems
paint, a survey nail or a survey peg prior to the might be avoided by integrating existing gravity data,
survey. if available, into the measured data.
910 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

Measured Gravity Data

Correction for solar and lunar mass attraction

Gravity tide correction

Correction for instrumental height Correction for altitude from a ground surface to
the sense position of a gravity meter

Drift correction Correction for the drift of gravity meter

Gravity value at measurement point

Topographic correction Correction for near field topographic mass


Bouger correction Correction for near field topographic mass


Free-air correction Correction for gravity difference due to the

altitude difference from measurement point

Latitude correction Correction for the normal gravity

Atmospheric correction Correction for atmospheric mass


Gravity anomaly distribution (on irregular grid)

Data interpolation in space Transformation of irregular to regular grid data

Gravity anomaly distribution (on regular grid)

Fourier analysis (model calculation) To obtain the target underground density

structure based on spectral analysis, filter
operation and model calculation

Subsurface density distribution

Fig. 21. Standard data processing flow of gravity data (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

4. Since the gravity anomaly represents the subsurface 6. Fig. 22 shows an example of an interpreted gravity
density anomalies (density variations), the density anomaly map for detection of subsurface cavities.
contrast between the survey target and its surround-
ings should be taken into account in interpreting the 7.7. Output and report
survey result.
5. If available, it is important to integrate existing Outputs of a gravity survey should include at least the
information into the interpretation, such as subsur- following:
face geology, geophysical images and topography
around the site. 1. maps of the station locations and the survey area;
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 911

2. gravity (and/or gravity anomaly) maps; zone by measuring changes in intensity of natural
3. interpreted gravity maps; radiation from the earth’s surface. Gamma rays are
4. measurement data. generally used in the radiometric survey for geological
applications, and the term ‘‘radiometric survey’’ usually
The survey report should describe at least the therefore refers to the gamma-ray spectrometric survey
following items: unless explicitly stated otherwise. Fig. 23 shows the
schematic diagram of the gamma-ray spectrometric
1. outline of the survey;
survey. Two types of measurement methods can be used
2. field operations (including the equipment used);
in the gamma-ray survey: the total count method and
3. data processing procedures;
the gamma-ray spectrometric method. The total count
4. gravity anomaly maps;
method measures gamma rays at all energies with no
5. interpretation and discussion of the gravity anomaly
distinction between radionuclides, whereas the gamma-
ray spectrometric method measures both the intensity
6. references.
and energy of radiation and can distinguish between
radionuclides. The gamma-ray spectrometric method is
preferred because it can provide more information than
8. Radiometric the total count method. The survey techniques
are classified based on the survey operation mode
8.1. General into air-borne, car-borne and man-borne. The survey
equipments are mounted in a helicopter or a fixed-wing
The radiometric method can be used to detect aircraft for the air-borne survey and in a motor vehicle
subsurface geological features such as a fault or a shear for the car-borne survey. For the man-borne survey (or
the portable gamma-ray survey), the operator carries the
survey equipments.

8.2. Applicability

1. For civil engineering applications, the radiometric

survey is applied mainly to detection of subsurface
geological features such as faults or shear zones,
which are often conducted for characterization of
active faults in earthquake disaster prevention
projects and for groundwater or hot spring develop-
2. The radiometric method is also used to investigate the
distribution of rocks at the earth’s surface by
measuring changes in gamma-ray intensity due to
Fig. 22. Example of an interpreted gravity anomaly map for detection differences in the natural abundance of the radio-
of cavities (SEG Japan, 2000) [1]. isotopes in rock forming minerals.

Fig. 23. Schematic diagram of the radiometric method (radionuclide: Bi: bismuth, K: potassium, Tl: thallium) (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].
912 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

8.3. Planning no distinction between radionuclides, whereas the

spectrometer measures both intensity and energy of
8.3.1. Review of existing information radiation and can distinguish between radionuclides.
Before planning a survey, all available technical The latter is commonly used in a recent radiometric
references and investigation reports regarding the site survey.
should be thoroughly studied. The selection of the
survey area, the survey method and the locations of 8.4.2. Stationary measurement at a fixed point
measurement points or lines should be made after due In order to correct for time variations of gamma-ray
consideration of the purpose of the survey and the radiation during the survey, stationary measurement at
survey targets as well as the existing information above. a fixed point should be taken at least once or twice a
It is also essential to preliminarily study the geological day. In case of the survey over more than 1 day,
distribution of the radioelements, the locations of stationary measurement at a fixed point must be taken
potential fault zones and any possible noise sources every day in order to correct for daily changes in the
such as man-made structures and unfavourable topo- measurement.
graphic conditions.
8.4.3. Measurement
8.3.2. Selecting the survey method
1. For the air-borne survey, the special gamma-ray
The survey method should be selected from among
detector designed for an aircraft is used. The
the air-borne, the car-borne and the man-borne method
helicopter is more preferable to civil engineering
in consideration of survey objectives and requirements,
applications than the fixed-wing aircraft because a
time and cost of the survey, etc. The air-borne method is
helicopter can fly at a lower altitude and lower speed
suitable for a very wide area survey within a short time
than a fixed-wing aircraft, which leads to a higher-
and for a survey of the area where it is difficult to access.
resolution survey. In the air-borne survey, navigation
The car-borne is suitable for a wide area survey and the
and altitude data must be recorded together with the
man-borne is suitable for a limited area survey. A
gamma-ray measurements.
typical application of the car-borne method would be a
2. For the car-borne survey, the speed of the vehicle
preliminary investigation for the selection of a further
should be kept as slow and steady as possible to
detailed investigation area in a large area. The man-
ensure good quality data. The vehicle speed should be
borne survey is, for example, useful for detection of
determined considering time and accuracy of mea-
accurate location of a buried fault.
3. For the man-borne survey, measurement should be
8.3.3. Designing the survey
conducted normally for 300–500 s at a measurement
A survey design consists of positioning the survey
point. The intensity of radiation due to each of major
lines and the measurement points. The survey should
radionuclides should be recorded in the field note for
be designed after due consideration of the survey
each measurement.
objectives and targets. Additionally, the required
4. Data QC should be made during or immediately after
accuracy, geological and topographic conditions and
the measurement on site. Additional or repeated
the locations of the man-made structures should be also
measurements should be taken if necessary.
considered. For locating a buried fault, the survey line
should be set up as perpendicularly as possible to the
expected strike of the fault. If there is no information 8.5. Data processing
about geological features of the site, the grid-based
measurement lines should be set up for more accurate 1. The total count method provides the total gamma-
estimation of them. Survey lines and measurement ray intensity at each measurement point. The gamma-
points should be set up so as to avoid the area ray spectrometric method provides the gamma-ray
with abrupt topography changes and man-made con- intensity spectrum at each point. From this spectrum,
structions. the total intensity and the spectral intensities of three
indexed radionuclides, 40 K (1.46 MeV), 214 Bi
8.4. Field operation (1.76 MeV) and 208 Tl (2.61 MeV) can be calculated.
These measurement values are compiled in a table for
8.4.1. Equipment each survey line or measurement point.
The measuring equipment used in the radiometric 2. The measured value should be corrected for time
method is generally a scintillation counter with a NaI variation and daily change of gamma-ray radiation
(Tl) detector. There are two types of equipment, based on the measurement values at the fixed point. If
the total count meter and the spectrometer. The total possible, climatic or surface topographic corrections
count meter measures gamma rays at all energies with should be applied. For the air-borne survey data,
T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914 913

Fig. 24. Example of interpretation of radiometric survey profiles (SEG Japan, 2000) [1].

attenuation correction must be made for removing 8.7. Output and report
effects of altitude changes.
3. The spatial average and standard deviation of the Outputs of a radiometric survey should include at
total gamma-ray intensities and the spectral inten- least the following:
sities of 40 K (1.46 MeV), 214 Bi (1.76 MeV) and
208 Tl (2.61 MeV) are calculated at first. Anoma- 1. location map of the measurement lines or points;
lous intensities are then detected on the basis of 2. gamma-ray total or spectral intensity or spectral ratio
the mean value and the standard deviation. For profile or map;
the spectrometric method, the spectral ratios such 3. interpreted profile or map;
as Bi/K, Tl/K and Bi/Tl are calculated. For the line 4. measurement data listed in a table.
survey, these calculated values are presented as a The survey report should describe at least the following:
profile with distance. In case of the grid-based
measurement, the calculated total or spectral inten- 1. outline of the survey;
sities are normally presented as a contour map of 2. field operation (including the equipment used);
them. 3. data processing;
4. gamma-ray total or spectral intensity or spectral ratio
profile or map;
8.6. Interpretation 5. interpretation and discussion of the results;
6. references.
The calculated total or spectral gamma-ray inten-
sity profile maps are interpreted in terms of the
survey target and objectives by referring to existing Acknowledgements
information such as a geological map. If there are
other geophysical data, they can be helpful for the The suggested methods were drafted by the Working
interpretation. Fig. 24 shows an example of interpreta- Group on Standardization of Geophysical Methods
tion of gamma-ray total intensity and spectral ratio for Rock Engineering, consisting of 11 members from
profiles obtained at a radiometric survey for detection of six countries: P. Hatherly, M.S. King, H. Kusumi,
faults. B. Lehmann, L. Myer, L. Pyrak-Nolte, T. Takahashi,
914 T. Takahashi / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 41 (2004) 885–914

N.M. Toksoz, T. Uchida, T. Watanabe and C. Xu. Toru Tokumaru, F. Watanabe and T. Watanabe. We would
Takahashi has coordinated the working group. Major also like to thank these members for their efforts.
contributions in drafting and revision were received
from Dr. Peter Hatherly (Australia) and Toshihiro
Uchida (Japan). We would like to express special thanks
to these two members for their efforts. The drafts were References
also greatly improved by fruitful comments and sugges-
tions from E. Brueckl (Austria), C. Cosma (Finland), [1] SEG Japan. The guidebook of geophysical exploration methods
B. Lehmann (Germany), G. Borm (Germany), K. Sassa for civil engineering. Japan: SEG Japan; 2000 [in Japanese].
(Japan), C. Lee (Korea) and M.S. King (UK) who are
the ISRM commission members.
The first drafts of the suggested methods were drafted Further reading
by the sub-working group consisting of following 19
members belonging to the Japanese Committee for Rock Suggested Readings for details of each geophysical
Mechanics (JCRM) working group on Applied Geophy- method
sics for Rock Engineering: T. Aizawa, Y. Ashida, A.
Telford WM, Geldart LP, Sheriff RE. Applied geophysics. 2nd ed.
Chiba, K. Chida, K. Ikeda, K. Kishida, N. Kurahashi, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
H. Kusumi, T. Matsuoka, S. Miki, H. Suzuki, K. Suzuki, Burger HR. Exploration geophysics of the shallow subsurface.
S. Tanaka, T. Tanaka, T. Takahashi, T Takeuchi, T. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1992.

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