02-SM For Monitoring Rock Movements Using Inclinometers and Tiltmeters - 1977 PDF

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INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ROCK MECHANICS COMMISSION ON STANDARDIZATION OF LABORATORY AND FIELD TESTS Suggested Methods for Monitoring Rock Movements using Inclinometers and Tiltmeters Prepared by |, Franklin (Coordinator) (Canada); A. G. Bennet (Ausirala) 3. FA. Silveira (Br. 1); B, Eager (Switzerland); A.D. M. Penmin and D. E. wood (UK); C.J. Dunc, G. E. Green, W. 1. Tesch and S. D, Wilson (U.S.4) Previously published in Rock Mechanics, Vo. 10, Nos. 1/2, Springer Verlag (2977), 185 Suggested Methods for Monitoring Rock Movements and 1, SUGGESTED METHOD FOR MONITORING ROCK MOVEMENTS USING A PROBE INCLINOMETER SCOPE, 1.(@) A. probe inclinometer consists of a probe or torpedo fitted with guide wheels and containing a gravity-operated tilt sensor which generates an electri- cal signal and is connected by an electrical cable to a power source and readout box for recording the angle 8 between the probe axis and the vertical (Figs. 1 and 2) or incremental displacement, The probe operates in a guide tube grouted into a borehole, the probe being lowered it stages and the tilt measured at each stage. As shown in Fig. 1, measurements of tilt and probe depth are used to compute horizontal deviations of the guide tube from true vertical. Differences between svc- cessive sets of measurements indicate horizontal move- ment of the entire guide tube. (b) The instrument measures ground movements only in directions perpendicular to the borehole axis. Most of the available instruments are designed to operate in near vertical boreholes, in which case only horizontal movements can be recorded [1] ye emi ate using Inclinometers Tiltmeters (6) The probe inclinometer can, unlike the fixe place instrument described in Part 2, be used to give complete and detailed profile of displacements along, the borehole and so can localize ground movements wherever they occur. Sets of readings taken over a period of time enable the magnitude, dicection and also the rate of movement to be established, One instrument can be used to take readings in any number of bore- holes (@) The probe inclinometer is not suitable for con- tinuous or remote reading; a fixed-in-place inclin- ometer should be used if continuous or remote reading is required, APPARATUS 2, Drilling and inspection equipment including: (a) A rock drill to give a borehole of the required diameter, usually 75mm (NX) or larger, to the full depth of measurement. Core drilling should be used unless otherwise specified (b) Borchole camera or geophysical logging equip- ment may be used to inspect the ole, particularly if no core is available 3. Guide tubing and couplings 4) The guide tubing should be of dimensions and Fig. Principles of operation of probe inclinometers 187 188 Fig, 2. Typical probe Buide tubing together wi ment showing a section of, robe, cable, cable drom and readout box design to suit the probe to be used. Typically the tubing is constructed of plastic or epoxyresin-coated alumin- ium with four orthogonal internal keyways to accept the probe guide wheels. Plastic casing is preferred for long life if corrosion might occur. The guide tube should be assembled from individual lengths of tubing up to 3m long with couplings which may be butt- jointed or telescopic. (b) Design of the couplings, their telescopic travel and method of fixing, should be such as to allow the installed guide tube to readily compress or extend axially by an amount equal to the ground compression or extension. Couplings should be made watertight to prevent grout entering the guide tube. Telescopic coup- lings should only be used where significant axial move- ments afe anticipated since nos-telescopic butted casing provides better tracking and easier depth read- ing control (c) Keyways in the assembled guide tube should be such as to allow free passage of the inclinometer probe. The keyways should ideally be straight so that the probe does not rotate about its axis by more than 1° in any 3m of travel in the installed tube, and preferably by not more than 5° in the complete assembled length. This is often hard to achieve due to manufacturing and installation difficulties, particularly in deep holes (greater than about 30m). Spiral should be limited as iuch as possible and should, if necessary, be surveyed and allowed for in computing displacements, (€) The assembled guide tube should be sufficiently flexible to follow changes in borehole curvature caused by ground movements. In use the tubing should not substantially affect the magnitude of ground move- ments, nor should distortion or buckling of the tube occur to an extent that impedes free passage of the probe. 4. Installation equipment inchuding (a) Cement or rivets and riveting tools, groove align- ment tools, for assembly and coupling of the guide tube, End caps and sealing materials and disposable grout valves, (b) Grouting materials such that a grout mix may be placed to completely fill the annular space between the International Society for Rock Mechanics guide tube and the borehole, the set grout generally having a rigidity comparable With that of the rock in which the tube is installed. (c) Equipment for mixing end pl comply with 4(b) above 5. Probe inclinometer equipment (for example Fig, 2) including: (a) The probe, comprising a cylindrical housing with spring-loaded wheel assemblies set typically 1 foot, 2 feet, }m or im apart to locate it reproducibly in the guide tube keyways, The housing contains a tilt sensor [2] to measure the angle between the probe axis snd the vertical, this angle being measured in the plane of the guide wheels. The sensing device is connected by an electric cable to a compatible readout box (31 (b) The measuring range, sensitivity and accuracy of the probe with its readout box should be specified according to the specific requirements of the project. Repeatability of the equipment when operating under site conditions should in general be equal to or better than £001". (c) The equipment should be designed to ensure that the specified accuracy is maintained irrespective of nor ‘mal mechanical handling, water pressures and corrosive environments encountered in use. (4) The cable should be robust and function without leakage or excessive stretching under the tension that results from friction and from the weight of cable and probe, The cable should be permanently and clearly graduated to enable measurement of probe position with an accuracy better than 5mm or 0.05% of the depth at which the probe is to operate, whichever is greater 6. Calibration equipment including: (a) A calibrating device to enable frequent checking of the equipment. One such calibrating device. allows the probe to be set in a section of guide tube identical to that in which the probe is to operate; the inclination of the guide tube being adjustable from vertical to the maximum operating angle of the probe, with at least one intermediate setting either side of vertical. The cali brator should have an independent angle-measuring device of accuracy better than 0.01° cing the grout to PROCEDURE 7. Preparatory investigations: (2) The site and project characteristics should be con- sidered in detail in order to specily the performance requirements of equipment to be used. (6) Inclinometer borehole locations and depths should be selected on the basis of a study of the geo- technical features of the site, taking into consideration the directions and magnitudes of anticipated ground movements and the nature of other instrumentation to be installed [4] 8. Installation (a) Boreholes are drilled to the full depth of measure- ment at the required locations. If steel casing is used to maintain the hole open this should preferably be fully withdrawn in the course of installing the guide tube. Suggested Methods for Monitoring Rock’ Movements 189 (b) Prior to installation of guide tubing the ground conditions should be established by inspection of the core andjor the borehole. A comprehensive geotechni- cal borehole log should be compiled with particular attention being given to zones of potential movement, (6) The guide tube lengths are assembled, each cor- rectly oriented and inserted in the borehole [5]. The base tube should be fitted with a watertight cap. If vertical movements are anticipated all couplings should be free to telescope and should be sealed to prevent ingress of grout. If the borehole is full of water or drill- ing mud, oF if it is prefilled with grout, the guide tub- ing may be filled with clean water to facilitate insertion [6]. If the tubing is inserted in a dry hole, its weight should be carried by an external tic wire fixed to the lower end of the guide tube and banded to it at intervals. (@) After insertion is complete the azimuth of the guide tube keyways should be recorded to an accuracy of +3°. The guide tube should then be clamped in position and if necessary checked for spiral with a spiral measuring probe [7] (6) The annular space between guide tube and bore- hole is prouted. In water-filled holes a tremie pipe will be required to prevent mixing of water and grout and in deep boreholes such a pipe is mandatory. Disposable grout valves are available which permit grouting from inside the guide tube through the drill rod. After grout- ing, the interior of the guide tube should be flushed with clean water and may, in addition, require brush- ing. The water may be left in place or the tube may be pumped dry after the grout has set [8]. (©) A protective lockable cap or cover should be installed over the exposed end of the guide tube to prevent entry of debris and discourage vandals. Pos- itions and elevations of guide tube collars, to be used as a reference for depth measurements, should be noted and recorded to an accuracy of +5 mm. 9. Readings: (a) The probe should be checked on site both before and after each day's readings. Instrumeat malfunction should be promptly investigated and corrected and a diary of calibrations and adjustments should be kept. Unnecessary adjustment must be avoided. (b) Several sets of initisi readings should be taken immediately after the grout has set. These readings are averaged to provide a baseline for all subsequent obser- vations. Thereafier readings should be taken at inter- vals specified by the project engineer on the basis of site requirements [9]. A set of readings should comprise as ‘a minimum steps 9c) and 9(¢) below. {c) The probe is inserted with its guide wheels in one pair of keyways and lowered to the bottom of the hole ‘A measuring traverse is made starting at the bottom, comprising measurements at intervals along the com- plete length of guide tubing, with the probe held stationary at each measuring location while readings of the depth and inclinometer display are recorded. These should be tabulated as shown in Fig. 3 [10], together with information on the date, time, location, direction and keyway identification. The measurement interval should in general be equal to the spacing between probe guide wheels, although readings may be taken at twice this interval in many cases with little loss of accuracy. (a) The probe is withdrawn, rotated through 180° and re-inserted with its guide wheels in the same pair of Keyways and lowered to the bottom of the hole. A second measuring traverse is completed as described in 9(0) above. Measuring locations must be identical to those for the first traverse, in which case the face error for pairs of corresponding readings should be deter- mined and should be relatively constant at every lo- cation. This provides an important field check on data reliability. (©) Tf required (2), two further measuring traverses are made, as in 9(¢) and 9(d) above but with the probe guide wheels in the second pair of keyways. CALCULATIONS AND DATA PROCESSING 10. a) Unless otherwise specified all data should be processed within 24 hours of readings being taken (11). (b) The field data is scrutinized [12] and obvious errors marked on the field data sheet. If corrections are made these should be clearly noted, (6) Pairs of opposite-face readings are averaged to correct for face error. The sign convention and detailed procedure used in reducing data varies so that manu- PROSE INGLINOWETER FIELD DATA SHEET UUPSALA DAM FOUNDATION BOREWOLE Wa Dept in veer a Fig. Sa). Field data sheet for probe incinometer observations (see Note 1}. 190. International Society for Rock Mechanics TROBE NOL INOMETER a SUMMARY DATASHEET outer UPSALA DAM FOUNDATION ae h inenes b Fig Mb}. Summary sheet for probe inclinometer data (see Note 10) facturers’ manuals should be scrutinized carefully. The placements (A mm) using the following formula: Girection of movement must be carefully checked and A= Lsin 50 recorded (2) Corrected readings are subtracted from initial (where L mm is the distance between successive read- readings at the same guide tube location to determine ings). the incremental changes in angle or displacement. (f) Incremental angle or displacement changes are {e) These incremental changes in angle (68 degrees) then summed, normally from the bottom of the guide may, if required, be converted into incremental dis- tube, in order to construct @ graphical plot of total wes cen vs says een eo 3 o p Te is a tim Fig 4. Inclinometer angular changes and integrated displacements plotted vessus depth Suggested Methods for Monitoring Rock Movements displacement versus depth (for example Figs. 4 (10), 5 and 6), ILis often useful to plot incremental angular (or displacement) changes against depth, Fig. 4, to drama- tize movement zones. (g) Graphs of displacement versus time are prepared from the displacement-depth data for selected [13] ‘measuring locations (for example Fig, 5). REPORTING OF RESULTS 11. Results should, unless otherwise specified, be presented in two forms of report: an Installation Report giving basic data on the instrumentation system at the time of installation; followed by Monitoring Reports presenting periodically the results of routine observations. The Monitoring Reports will generally be required at frequent intervals to minimize delay between the detection of adverse behaviour and the im- plementation of any remedial measures that may be necessary. 12. The Installation Report should include the fol- lowing (a) A description and diagrams of the monitoring equipment used including detailed performance specifi- cations and manufacturers’ literature. (b) Details of methods used for installation, calibra- tion and monitoring; reference may be made to this ISRM Suggested Method stating only departures from the recommended procedures, (¢) A borehole location plan with details of the bore- hole depths, diameters, surveyed positions and eleva- tions taken at the collar of each guide tube (@) For each borehole, a diagram showing the geo- technical characteristics of the ground, the position of the guide tube, the location of couplings or joints, and measuring locations of the probe within the guide tube. ‘The azimuth of guide tube keyways should be reported ‘ee (ore 38-4803 | Pop sigan ne pap fo heer anew to ee 191 eat ae 5 peed Fig 6, Displacement adjacent 0 large underground powerhouse clearly stating conventions adopted for the sign of movement and angle directions (€) For each borehole, a diagram showing the two initial profiles of the guide tube as measured with the inclinometer. Initial readings should also be presented in tabular form. Details of any guide tube spiral ‘measurements should be reported. 13. The Monitoring Reports should include the fol- lowing (@) A set of field monitoring result tabulations con- taining information as shown in Fig. 3, the set to cover all observations since the preceding Report. {b) Graphs of displacement versus depth and time, sufficient to show clearly the locations, magnitudes, rates and directions of all significant displacements Lid}. (6) A brief commentary drawing attention to signifi- cant displacements and io all instrument malfunctions occurring since the preceding report. 2. SUGGESTED METHOD FOR MONITORING ROCK MOVEMENTS USING FIXED-IN-PLACE INCLINOMETERS SCOPE, 1. (@) A fixed:-in-place inctinometer consists of a series of sensors fitted with guide wheels and each containing 4 uniaxial or biaxial gravity-operated tilt sensor which generates electrical signals. The sensors are joined by articulated rods and are suspended down a guide tube grouted into a borehole (Fig. 7) and measure angular deviations of the borehole axis, Electrical cables con- nect each sensor to the ground surface. (b) The instrument measures ground movements only in directions perpendicular to the borehole axis. Most of the available instruments are designed to operate in near vertical boreholes, in which case only horizontal ‘movements can be recorded. oape - ty FOP RSET International Society for Rock Mechanics YI Fig 7. Fixed-in-place inclinometer installation and deta, (©) A central console at the surface samples each sen- sor at intervals of time and may trigger an alarm sys- tem if angular movements in excess of present amounts are consistently measured. This conscle may be inter- faced with the public telephone or similar telemetry systems for data transmission. Sensors can also be read individually with a portable readoat unit, particularly during installation and initial settiag up. (a) The fixed-in-place inclinometer, unlike the probe instrument described in Part 1, may be used to give continuous, automatic and remote detection of ground movements. It will not provide a detailed profile of ground movements unless the sensors are closely spaced which is generally uneconomic. A string of sen- sors are left in each guide tube but may be retrieved at the end of the project. If a detailed profile of horizontal ground movements is required a separate and adjacent guide tube should be installed or the fixed-in-place inclinometer may be removed and the guide tube resurveyed by the probe inclinometer. APPARATUS 2. Drilling and inspection equipment including (a) A rock drill to give a borehole of the required diameter, usually 75mm (NX) or larger, to the full depth of measurement. Core drilling should be used unless otherwise specified. Suggested Methods for Monitoring Rock Movements (b) Borehole camera or geophysical logging equip- ment may be used to inspect the hole, particularly if no core is available 3. Guide tubing and couplings: (a) The guide tubing should be of dimensions and design to suit the probe to be used. Typically the tubing is constructed of plastic or of epoxyresin-coated aluminium with four orthogonal internal keyways to accept the probe guide wheels. Plastic casing is pre- ferred for long life if corrosion might occur. The guide tube should be assembled from individual lengths of tubing up to 3m long with couplings which may be butt-jointed or telescopic. (b) Design of the couplings, their telescopic travel and method of fixing, should be such as to allow the installed guide tube to readily compress or extend axially by an amount equal to the ground compression or extension. Couplings should be made watertight to prevent grout entering the guide tube. Telescopic coup- lings should only be used where significant axial move ments are anticipated since non-telescopic butted cas- ing provides better tracking and easier depth reading control (c) Keyways in the assembled guide tube should be such as to allow free passage of the inclinometer probe. The keyways should ideally be straight so that the probe does not rotate about its axis by more than 1° in any 3m of travel in the installed tube, and preferably by not more than 5° in the complete assembled length. This is often hard to achieve due to manufacturing and installation difficulties, particularly in deep holes (greater than about 30m). Spiral should be limited as much as possible and should, if necessary, be surveyed and allowed for in determining displacements. (a) The assembled guide tube should be sufficiently flexible to follow changes in dorehole curvature caused by ground movements. In use the tubing should not, substantially affect the magnitude of ground move- ments, nor should distortion or buckling of the tube occur to an extent that impedes free passage of the probe, 4, Installation equipment including (a) Cement or rivets and riveting tools, groove align- ment tools, for assembly and coupling of the guide tube. End caps and sealing materials and disposable ‘grout valves. (b) Grouting materials such that a grout mix may be placed to completely fill the annular space between the guide tube and the borehole, the set grout generally hhaving a rigidity comparable with that of the rock in which the tube is installed. (c) Equipment for mixing and placing the grout to comply with 4(b) above. 5. Fixed-in-place _ inclinometer example Fig. 7) including. (@) The sensors, each comprising a cylindrical hous- ing with spring-loaded wheel assemblies to locate it reproducibly in the guide tube keyways. Each housing contains a uniaxial tilt sensor [15] to measure the angle between the sensor axis and the vertical, this angle equipment (for 193 being measured in the plane of the guide wheels, A Universal joint in the bottom of each sensor connects to the next ower rigid rod of length up to 3m so that a series of sensors are suspended inside the guide tube. A ‘waterproof electrical cable from each sensor is brought up the hole and terminates in a junction box at the surface. (b) A conveniently located readout console sequen- tially monitors each sensor. The readout may also com- pare the deflections with an initial preset threshold and if this threshold is exceeded, generate an alarm. A remote telemetry unit may be used to allow access via the public telephone system so that when a call is placed the fixed-in-place inclinometer console answers the telephone and transmits the current readings which are printed out on paper tape (©) The measuring range, frequency, sensitivity and accuracy of the sensors with the readout console should be specified according to the specific requirements of the project. Repeatability of the equipment when oper- ating under site conditions should in general be equal to or better than 001°. (4) The equipment should be designed to ensure that the specified accuracy is maintained irrespective of nor- mal mechanical handling during initial installation, water pressures and corrosive environments encoun- tered in use. Unlike the probe inclinometer described in Part 1, the fixed-in-place inclinometer cannot readily be rotated through 180° to eliminate the face error so that changes in the face error, ic. zero drift, will be erroneously recorded as movements, (¢) The entire fixed-in-place assembly can usually be removed from the guide tube for repair or salvage or to permit a set of readings to be taken with a probe inclin. ometer (see Part 1). 6. Calibration equipment including, (@) A calibrating device to enable separate initial checking of each sensor prior to assembly of the rods and lowering of the string of fixed-in-place inclin- fometers into the guide tube. The calibrating device should allow the sensor to be set in an adjustable pos ition from vertical to the maximum anticipated operat- ing angle of the sensor, with at least one intermediate setting either side of vertical. The calibrator should have an independent angle-measuring device of a racy better than +0001", PROCEDURE 17. Preparatory investigations (a) The site and project characteristics should be con- sidered in detail in order to specify the performance requirements of equipment to be used (b) Inclinometer borehole locations and depths should be selected on the basis of a study of the ge0- nical features of the site, taking into consideration the directions and magnitudes of anticipated ground ‘movements and the nature of other instrumentation to be installed (4) 8. Installation (a) Boreholes are drilled to the full depth of measure 194 rent at the required locations. If steel casing is used to ‘maintain the hole open this should be fully withdrawn in the course of installing the guide tube. (b} Prior to installation of guide tubing the ground conditions should be established by inspection of the core andjor the borehole. A comprehensive geotechni- cal borehole log should be compiled with particular attention being given to zones of potential movement. (©) The guide tube lengths are assembled, each cor- rectly oriented and inserted in the borehole [5]. The base tube should be fitted with a watertight cap. If ‘ertical movements are anticipated all couplings should be free to telescope and should be sealed to prevent ingress of grout. If the borehole is full of water or drill ing mud, or if it is pre-filled with grout, the guide tub- ing may be filled with clean water to facilitate insertion [61 If the tubing is inserted in a dry hole, its weight should be carried by an external tie wire fixed to the lower end of the guide tube and banded to it at intervals. (@) Alter insertion is complete the azimuth of the guide tube keyways should be recorded to an accuracy of 43° The guide tube should then be clamped in position and if necessary checked for spiral with a spiral measuring probe [7]. (©) The annular space between guide tube and bore- hole is grouted as specified in 4(b) and 4(c). In water- Silled holes a tremie pipe will be required to prevent mixing of water and grout and in deep holes such pipe is mandatory. Disposable grout valves are avail- able which permit grouting from inside the guide tube through the drill rod. After grouting, the interior of the tide tube should be flushed with clean water and may, serson an, 1 Q wm EE senso WO, 2 @ rou ees serra International Society for Rock Mechanics in addition, require brushing. The water may be left in place or the tube may be pumped dry after the grout has set [8] (DA protective cap or cover should be installed over the exposed end of the guide tube to prevent entry of debris. A junction box with a waterproof lockable cover should be installed at the ground surface over the guide tube. (6) After the grout has set and prior to lowering the fixed-in-place inclinometer system into the guide tube, several complete sets of readings should be taken with a probe inclinometer as described in Part 1 to establish, the initial profile of the guide tube. This provides a baseline for possible future probe inclinometer surveys. (h) The operation and calibration of each sensor and of the readout console are checked. The string of fixed- in-place inclinometer sensors, spaced with reference to zones of likely movement, is assembled, inserted and correctly oriented in the guide tube. The assembled fixed-in-place inclinometer system should be freely sus- pended from the top of the guide tube and the electrical cables should not interfere with proper wheel tracking 9. Readings (a) For a period of about one week alter installation, daily readings are taken manually on each sensor to check the stability of the sensors and the reliability of the system. Threshold readings for each sensor may be preset on the central readout console so that if exces- sive movements occur an alarm is raised. The telemetry system [16], if used, is checked. (b) Periodic readings on each sensor are taken manually or automatically throughout the project, at time intervals specified by the project engineer. , “gue nee eee ne j t tera Fig. 8. Fined.in.place incinometer record for a coflerdam founded on rock. Suggested Methods for Monitoring Rock Movements, (6) If excessive movements occur after extended periods of time or if one or more sensors appear to be registering a steadily changing output attributable to zero drift, the fixed-in-place inclinometer system should, be removed in order to recalibrate each sensor. At the same time, one or more sets of readings in the guide tube should be taken with a probe inclinometer as de- scribed in Part 1 CALCULATIONS AND DATA PROCESSING 10.(a) Unless otherwise specified, all data should be processed within 24 hours of readings being taken. (b) The field data is scrutinized and obvious errors marked on the data sheets. If corrections are made, these should be clearly noted. (6) Incremental changes in angle (68 degrees) may, it required, be converted into incremental displacements (Amm) using the following formula: A= Lsin 66 (where Lmm is the distance between two successive sensors). (a) Incremental displacement changes may be summed from the bottom of the guide tube in order to construct a graphical plot of total displacement versus depth. (e) Displacement/depth profiles that are obtained {paragraphs 10(c) and (d)) may, depending on sensor spacing, give only an approximate guide to the com- plete profile of movements, and a plot of angular change or displacement versus time for individual sen- sors may be appropriate [13] (for example Fig. 8) REPORTING OF RESULTS 11. Results should, unless otherwise specified, be presented in two forms of report: an_ Installation Report giving basic data on the instrumentation system at the time of installation; followed by periodic Moni- toring Reports presenting the results of routine obser- vations. The Monitoring Reports will particularly be required immediately following significant alarms or ‘movements to minimize delay between the detection of adverse behaviour and the implementation of any remedial measures that may be necessary. 12. The Installation Report should include the fol- lowing (a) A description and diagrams of the monitoring equipment used including detailed performance sp cations and manufacturers’ literature. (b) Details of methods used for installation, calibra- tion and monitoring; references may be made to this ISRM Suggested Method stating only departures from the recommended procedures. (6) A borehole location plan with details of the bore- hole depths, diameters, surveyed positions and eleva- tions taken at the collar of each guide tube. (a) For each borehole, a diagram showing the geo- technical characteristics of the ground, the position of the guide tube, the location of couplings or joints and sensor locations. The azimuth of guide tube keyways 195 should be reported clearly stating conventions adopted for the sign of movement and angle directions. {e) For each borehole, a diagram showing the two initial profiles of the guide tube as measured with a probe inclinometer. Initial readings should also be presented in tabular form. Details of any guide tube spiral measurements should be reported. 13. The Monitoring Reports should include the fol- lowing: (a) A set of field monitoring result tabulations con- taining basic data, the set to cover all observations since the preceding Report. (b) Graphs of angular displacement versus time and displacement versus depth, sufficient to show clearly the locations, magnitudes, rates and directions of all signifi- cant displacements [14]. (©) A brief commentary drawing attention to signifi cant displacements and to all instrument malfunctions occurring since the preceding report. 3. SUGGESTED METHOD FOR MONITORING ROCK MOVEMENTS USING TILTMETERS SCOPE 1.(a) A tiltmeter consists of a housing containing a gravity-operated sensor which detects static or dynamic angular movements at a point. Normally a portable tiltmeter is temporarily located on a reference plate (Fig. 9) cemented or bolted to intact rock at the ground surface ot in a tunnel or adit [17], Periodic measure- ‘ment of the surface tilt of each plate enables determi- nation of the magnitude and rate of angular deforma- tion. (b) Non-portable tiltmeters are also available which may be used for static or dynamic angular measure- ment and can provide continuous monitoring [18] ‘These sensors are enclosed in a waterproof housing and cemented or bolted and grouted directly to the rock surface. Local access for reading may be utilized or remote reading facilities may be installed. Fig. 9, Portable tiltmeter, reference plate and readout 196 International Society (6) The tiltmeter, unlike the probe or fixed-in-place inclinometers described in Parts 1 and 2, only measures, the tilt at a discrete, normally accessible point. It do not operate at depth along a borehole although in cer- tain situations it can be permanently buried. (d) The reference plate must be anchored on a surface which properly reflecis movements of the rock mass under investigation. The weathered initial few meters at the surface can often be avoided by locating the refer- ence plate on a pipe or concrete pillar founded or intact rock 1 to 2 meters below the surface. The monu- ment must be free from contact with the upper { to 2 meters of rock. Failure to protect the reference plate from the effects of surficial temperature and moisture variations may result in erroneous readings. APPARATUS 2. Surface preparation and drilling equipment includ- {a) Hand tools or bush hammer or jack hammer for surface clean-up, levelling and preparation of a fresh dustfree surface (b) A rock drill to give driltholes 15 to 40mm in diameter, up to about 300 mm deep for fixing bolts. (c) A rock drill to give a shallow drillhole of the required diameter for a steel anchor tube 70 to 150mm, in diameter, up to 3m long. Core drilling should be used but if no core is available a borehole periscope may be used to inspect the hole (@) A rock drill to excavate a large diameter shallow hole for an isolated concrete pillar. Blasting should be avoided 3. Surface reference plates and installation equip- ment (a) The surface reference plate on which the portable tiltmeter sensor is periodically located should be made of dimensionally stable metal, ceramic: or rock. The reference surface should be cotrosion-free, easy to wipe clean and not easily damaged. The surface of the refer- ence plate should incorporate a precise positioning sys- tem compatible with the portable sensor and which locates the sensor in two mutually perpendicular direc- tions. The positioning system must permit the sensor to be reversed through 180° to enable zero errors in the portable sensor to be eliminated. Inaccurate replace- ment may be the greatest source of error with a sensi- tive tiltmeter. (b) Epoxy or polyester resin cement, Portland cement or similar grouts for fixing the reference plate directly to prepared rock surface or steel plate. fo) Anchor bolts where additional anchorage is needed, (4) A steel tube 70 to 150 mm in diameter, up to 3m long to be grouted into a shallow hole and isolated from the weathered initial 1 to 2m of rock at the sur- face. The tube should have an integral reference piate welded in place. (e) Materials for constructing a concrete pillar or monument founded below the rock surface and isolated for Rock Mechanics from the weathered initial { to 2m of rock at the sur- face, 5. Tiltmeter sensor and readout (for example, Fig. 9) including: (@) If a portable tiltmeter sensor is to be used this should comprise @ housing containing a sensing device [19], and with a reference surface incorporating a pre cise positioning system compatible with the fixed refer- ence plates. The reference surface on the portable sen- sor should be corrosion-free, easy to wipe clean and not easily damaged. The electrical sensing device is con- nected by a cable to a compatible portable readout box 03] (b) If a non-portable tiltmeter is to be used this should comprise an electrically operated sensor [19] enclosed in a waterproof corrosion resistant housing designed for direct and permanent fixing to the rock surface. The electrical sensing device is connected by a permanently installed cable to a compatible monitoring and readout system. The tiltmeter housing should preferably incorporate a reference surface suitable for a portable tiltmeter which is used periodically to check the permanently installed tltmeter for zero drift or other malfunction, {c) The measuring range, sensitivity and accuracy of the tiltmeter with its readout system should be specified according to the requirements of the project. The range and resolution of tiltmeters varies considerably; +30° and 10 seconds, +07° and 2 seconds are typical specifi- cations. (4) The equipment should be designed to ensure that the specified accuracy is maintained irrespective of nor~ mal mechanical handling, water pressures and corrosive environments encountered in use 6. Calibration equipment including (a) A calibrating device to enable initial checking of fixed tiltmeters or routine on-site checking of the port- able sensor and readout unit. The device should allow the sensor to be set in its normal operating position and should be adjustable from horizontal to the maxi- mum operating angle of the sensor, with at least one intermediate setting either side of the horizontal. The calibrator should ideally have an independent angle measuring accuracy better than the resolution of the portable tiltmeter sensor [20] PROCEDURE 7. Preparatory investigations: (a) The site and project characteristics should be con- sidered in detail in order to specify the performance requirements of equipment to be used. (b) Tiltmeter locations should be selected on the basis of a study of the geotechnical features of the site, taking into consideration the directions and magnitudes of anticipated grourd movements and the nature of other instrumentation to be- installed (c) The amount and depth of weathering of the rock surface should be investigated so that the tiltmeter is located on or anchored in intact rock. Failure to elim- Suggested Methods for Monitoring Rock Movements inate the influence of localized surficial movements or inhomogeneities may entirely invalidate the tiltmeter measurements especially if the true subsurface move- ments are small. If extensive. weathering exists, subsur- face location in a tunnel or adit is desirable. 8, Installation (a) If suitable fresh, hard, unweathered, sound rock ‘exists at the surface, minimal clean-up is required to form a dust-free, level surface. (b) Holes shoutd be drilled for fixing bolts when the grout 10 rock adhesion is unreliable. Alternatively, a shallow hole should be drilled or excavated to install a tubular steel anchor of to construct a concrete pillar, isolated from the weathered near-surface rock and founded on fresh rock. (©) The underside of the reference plate or of the non-portable tiltmeter, thoroughly cleaned and abraded, is oriented to correspond with the required direction of measurement and is then cemented oF grouted in place on the rock, anchor or pillar and levelled. The azimuth should be recorded to an accuracy of 43" (@) A protective cap or cover should be instalied over the exposed reference plate or tiltmeter to prevent damage. 9. Readings: (a) The aon-portable tiltmeter should be calibrated prior to installation. (b) The portable tiltmeter should be checked on site both before and after each day's readings. Instrument errors should be promptly investigated and corrected and a diary of calibrations and adjustments should be ‘kept. Unnecessary adjustment must be avoided. (c) Several sets of initial readings should be taken immediately after the cement or grout has set. These readings are averaged to provide a hasetine for all sub- sequent observations. Thereafter, readings should be taken at intervals specified by the project engineer on the basis of site requirements, A set of readings with the portable tiltmeter should comprise, as @ minimum, steps 9(d) and 9(¢) below. (d) The relerence plate and portable tiltmeter are wiped with a clean dry cloth and inspected for dirt or e000 nur esaces ace AnvaNce, wCIRGS 197 damage. The tiltmeter is accurately located on the refer- ence plate and a reading taken. The tiltmeter is re- moved, the contact surfaces rewiped and replaced. This procedure is repeated three or four times antil consist- ent readings are obtained. The tltmeter is then rotated through 180° and the readings repeated, rewiping the ‘contact surfaces each time, {c) The procedure 9(d) is repeated with the tiltmeter located at 90° to the initial position (0 A permanently installed tikmeter may be read manually or automatically at suitable time intervals. It should, where feasible, be periodically checked by a portable tiltmeter as in 9(4) and 9() CALCULATIONS AND DATA PROCESSING 10. (a) Unless otherwise specified all data should be processed within 24 hours of readings being taken [11] (b) The field data is scrutinized and obvious errors marked on the field data sheet. I corrections are made these should be clearly noted. (c) Pairs of opposite face readings obtained with the portable tiltmeter are averaged to correct for face error. ‘The direction of angular rotation must be carefully checked and recorded. (d) Single face readings obtained with the perma- nently installed tiltmeter may be corrected for zero error, based on intermittent portable tiltmeter readings on both faces. (©) Corrected readings are compared with initial readings at the same location to determine the in- cremental change in angle or displacement, (f) Graphs of angular change or displacement versus time are plotted for each reference plate location Fig. (0) REPORTING OF RESULTS 11, Results should, unless otherwise specified, be presented in two forms of report: an Installation Report giving basic data on the instrumentation system at the time of installation; followed by Monitoring Reports presenting periodically the results of routine observations, The Monitoring Reports will generaily be | [ |. ma wwerne + are ase sie tb ‘Fig, VO. Tit at ground surface due to longa mining face advance at dep 198 required at frequent intervals to minimize delay between the detection of adverse behaviour and the im- plementation of any remedial measures that may be necessary. 12. The Installation Report should include the fol- lowing: (a) A description and diagrams of the monitoring equipment used including detailed performance specifi- cations and manufacturers’ literature. (0) A station location plan with details of the refer- ence plates, their surveyed positions and elevations. (c} Details of methods used for tiltmeter installation. calibration and monitoring; reference may be made to this ISRM Suggested Method stating only departures from the recommended procedures. (4) For each station, a diagram showing the geotech- nical characteristics of the ground and the position of the reference plate. The azimuth of reference plate guides should be reported clearly stating conventions adopted for the sign of movement and angle directions. (©) For each station, a tabulated list of initial tilt- meter readings. 13. The Monitoring Reports should include the fol- lowing (a) A set of field monitoring result tabulations; the set to cover all observations since the preceding report. (b) Graphs of angular change or displacement versus time, sufficient to show clearly the magnitudes. rates and directions of all significant movemeats [8]. (©) A brief commentary drawing axention to signifi- cant movements and to all instrument malfunctions occurring since the preceding report. NOTES 1. The probe inclinometer can be used with a probe extensometer operating in the same guide tubing, in order to obfain measurements of displacement in both horizontal and vertical directions. 2.The sensing device may, for example, include rotary potentiometer, bonded resistance strain gauges, vibrating wires, or a closed-loop servo-accelerometer (Green, 1973), The sensor may be uniaxial or biaxial. If a biaxial sensor is incorporated in the probe, readings in two perpendicular directions can be made concur- tently and the probe need only be lowered down the guide tube twice rather than four times. 3. The readout box may, for example, include a direct reading voltmeter, manual null-balance bridge circuit, a digital voltmeter, or an automatic null balance bridge with digital display and an integrating circuit to sum incremental displacements. Units are available that allow recording on magnetic or paper tape. 4. The borehole should generally be sufficiently deep to ensure that at least the lower 3m of guide tube is in ground likely to prove stable, providing a reliable datum for displacement measurements at shallower depths. If movements are recorded in the lower 3 m it must be assumed that the base of the borehole is in moving ground. When this cannot be avoided a datum International Society for Rock Mechanics must be provided at the borehole collar by means of periodic precise surveying. The accuracy of these sur- veys, which provide the basis for calculation of absolute displacement values, should ideally be better than +1mm, 5. The correct azimuth of the guide tube should be ‘maintained throughout installation in the borehole, fit is inadvertently incorrectly oriented it should not be forced to the correct azimuth as this will aggravate the spiral problem, 6A. grouted guide tube normally needs to be weighted down until the grout has set to counteract buoyancy effects due to the difference in unit weight between the water inside and the grout outside 7. If the true direction of movement is required, cas- ing spiral should be checked using special devices avail- able for rent from some manufacturers. Adjustments ‘ean then be made to readings to allow for this spiral. 8, Pumping out may be difficult in very deep holes. 9. Generally the frequency of readings is adjusted according to the recorded rates of movement. When movements are rapid or are accelerating readings will bbe required at more frequent intervals than when move- ments are slow or decelerating. 10. The data shown in Figs, 2 and 3, Part 1, were obtained with a probe inclinometer having a 12-inch ‘gauge length and used in guide tube flush-coupled in 10-foot lengths. The tabulation methods shown in Figs, 3 and 4 have been found to be the most efficient for hand calculation of probe inclinometer data, irrespec- tive of the units employed. 11. Data processing may be manual or with the aid of @ computer, however the various stages of compu- tation must in either case be fully supervised and checked for reading or transcribing errors and to censure that the significance of any anomalous behaviour is fully appreciated. For example, itis often difficult to distinguish between anomalies due to ground behaviour and those due to instrument malfunction, 12. The detection of small rock movernents in deep hholes poses special problems. If the casing is initially not vertical, small changes in the alignment of the sen- sor relative to the casing grooves can cause large errors. If this occurs it may result in apparent movement when in fact no movement has occurred. Sophisticated ana- lytical techniques are available to account for these errors, If'some ground movement has occurred and the sensor orientation has changed slightly then establish- ing the proper correction factor may be difficult and considerable judgement may be involved. 13, Care and experience are required to select clear and economic methods for data presentation, to show important trends to the best effect, and to avoid clutter and superfluous graphs. 14, In general all movements occurring at a constant or accelerating rate may be regarded as “significant” in this context. However, the nature of movements 10 be reported, also the permissible delay between obser- vation and reporting, should be clearly specified at the start of the project with periodic review according to 198 required at frequent intervals to minimize delay Ibetween the detection of adverse behaviour and the im- plementation of any remedial measures that may be necessaty. 12. The Installation Report should include the fol- lowing: (a) A description and diagrams of the monitoring, equipment used including detailed performance specifi- cations and manufacturers’ literature. (b) A station location pian with details of the refer- cence plates, their surveyed positions and elevations. (¢) Details of methods used for tiltmeter installation, calibration and monitoring: reference may be made to this ISRM Suggested Method stating only departures from the recommended procedures. (a) For each station, a diagram showing the geotech- nical characteristics of the ground and the position of the reference plate. The azimuth of reference plate guides should be reported clearly stating conventions adopted for the sign of movement and angle directions. (©) For each station, a tabulated list of initial tilt- meter readings. 13. The Monitoring Reports should include the fol- lowing. (@)A set of field monitoring result tabulations; the set to cover all observations since the preceding report. (b) Graphs of angular change or displacement versus time, sufficient to show clearly the magnitudes, rates and directions of all significant movernents {8} (0) A brief commentary drawing attention to signifi- cant movements and to all instrument malfunctions occurring since the preceding report NOTES 1. The probe inclinometer can be used with a probe extensometer operating in the same guide tubing, in order to obtain measurements of displacement in both horizontal and vertical directions, 2.The sensing device may, for example, include a rotary potentiometer, bonded resistance strain gauges, vibrating wires, or a closed-loop servo-acceleromerer (Green, 1973), The sensor may be uniaxial or biaxial. If a biaxia} sensor is incorporated in the probe, readings, in two perpendicular directions can be made concur- rently and the probe need only be lowered down the {guide tube twice rather than four times, 3. The readout box may, for example, include a direct reading voltmeter, a manual null-balance bridge circuit, a digital voltmeter, or an automatic null balance bridge with digital display and an integrating circuit to sum incremental displacements. Units ate available that allow recording on magnetic or paper tape. 4. The borehole should generally be sufficiently deep to ensure that at least the lower 3m of guide tube is in ground likely to prove stable, providing a reliable datum for displacentent measurements at shallower depths, If movements are recorded in the lower 3m it ‘must be assumed that the base of the borehole is in moving ground, When this cannot be avoided a datum International Society for Rock Mechanics must be provided at the borehole collar by means of periodic precise surveying. The accuracy of these sur- veys, which provide the basis for calculation of absolute displacement values, should ideally be better than 1mm, 5. The correct azimuth of the guide tube should be maintained throughout installation in the borehole. If it is inadvertently incorrectly oriented it should not be forced to the correct azimuth as this will aggravate the spiral problem, 6A grouted guide tube normally needs to be weighted down until the grout has set to counteract buoyancy effects duc to the difference in unit weight between the water inside and the grout outside. TI the true direction of movement is required, cas- ing spiral should be checked using special devices avail- able for rent from some manufacturers. Adjustments can then be made to readings to allow for this spiral 8, Pumping out may be difficult in very deep holes. 9. Generally the frequency of readings is adjusted according to the recorded rates of movement, When movements are rapid or are accelerating readings will bbe required at more frequent intervals than when move- ments are slow or decelerating. 10. The data shown in Figs, 2 and 3, Part 1, were obtained with a probe inclinometer having a 12-inch gauge length and used in guide tube flush-coupled in 10-foot fengths. The tabulation methods shown in Figs, 3 and 4 have been found to be the most efficient for hand calculation of probe inclinometer data, irrespec- tive of the units employed, U1, Data processing may be manual or with the aid ‘of a computer, however the various stages of compu- tation must in either case be fully supervised and checked for reading or transeribing errors and to censure that the significance of any anomalous behaviour is fully appreciated, For example, it is often difficult to distinguish between anomalies due to ground behaviour and those due to instrument malfunction. 12. The detection of small rock movements in deep holes poses speciat problems. If the casing is initially not vertical, small changes in the alignment of the sen- sor relative to the casing grooves can cause large errors, If this occurs it may result in apparent movement when in fact no movement has occurred, Sophisticated ana- lytical techniques are available to account for these errors. Ifsome ground movement fias occurred and the sensor orienitation has changed slightly then establish- ing the proper correction faclor may be dificult and considerable judgement may be involved 13. Care and experience are required to select clear and economic methods for data presentation, to show important trends to the best effect, and 10 avoid futter and superfluous graphs. 14, In general all movements occurring at a constant or accelerating rate may be regarded as “significant” in this context, However, the nature of movements to be eported, also the permissible delay between obser- vation and reporting, should be clearly specified at the start of the project with periodic review according to Suggested Methods for Monitoring Rock Movements the progress of movements. The Monitoring Reports should be kept as simple as possible to avoid delay. 15. The sensing device may, for example, include vibrating wires or a closed-loop servo-accelerometer which both possess good long-term stability, which is of prime importance. A uniaxial sensor is normally used, carefuily oriented in the anticipated direction of move- ment. Biaxial sensors may also be used in some situ- ations 16. Initially @ considerable amount of supervision and checking of the equipment and review of the data may be required to ensure that the system is function- ing properly and that too many false alarms are avoided, Selection of allowable displacements prior to the alarm being triggered is a matter of careful judge- ment, 17. Tiltmeters may also be installed on structares founded on rock, for example on concrete dams or tut- bine foundations. 18. In addition, there exist very sensitive and narrow range tiltmeters designed to resolve angles as small as 1 x 10-8 radians (Simon et al., 1968), used mainly for detecting earthtides and other geodetic or seismic events. 19. The sensing device may, for example, include an electrolytic spirit level, a pendulum-actuated vibrating wire oF closed-loop servo-accelerometer or alternatively fa precise spirit Jevel with a manual mechanical-optical micrometer system, which is not suitable for automatic recording. 20.1 is recognized that this may be difficult to achieve if a narrow range tiltmeter with @ resolution of, ‘one or two seconds of are is used, and some com promise will be necessary. 199 REFERENCES Bromwell LG, Ryan C R, and Toth W. E. Recording inctinometer Tor meaguring soil movement. Proc. 4th Par Amer. Conf Soil Mech, Puerto Rico, 2, 333-383 (1911) Burland J.B. and Moore I. F. A. The measorement of ground dis- placement around deep excavations. Field Instrumentation i Geotechnical Engineering, pp. 10-84 London: Butterworth, on Comforth D. H. Performance characteristics of the Slope Indicator Series 200 B Inclinomecer. Field Instrumentation in Geotechnical Engineering, pp. 126-138. London. Butterworths, £973, Duonicif C.J. Equipment for felé deformation measurements. Pro. ‘4h Pan Amer. Conf Soil Mech, Pusrto Rico, 2, 19-332 (1971), Green G.E. Principles and pediovmance of two inclinometers for ‘measuring horizontal movements, Field Instrumentation in Geo- technical Engineering, pp. 166-199. London: Butterworths, 1973 Gould J. P. and Dunnislif C. J, Accuracy of field. deformation ‘measurements. Proc, sth Pax Amer. Conf. Soll Mech, Puerto io, 1, 313-366 (1971), King G.C. P.and Bitham R. G. Strain measurement instrumentation ‘and technique, Phil. Trans. R Soc, Lond A 274, 08-217 (1973). Sherwood D. E- and Curry B. Experience in using electric rlimeters Field Dnstramentaion in Geovechnical Engineering, pp. 382-395. London: Butterworths, 1973 Simon I. Emlie A, G, Sitong P. F. and McConnell 8 K, Seosiive ‘iltmeter uliiging a. diamagnetic suspension. Re Sclentife Ins. 39, No. (1, 1666-1671 (1968) Whittaker B. N. aad Forrester D.J. Measurement of ground steain ‘and tll arising from mining subsiderce. Field Instrumenation in Geotechnical Engineering, pp. 437-447. London: Buterworths, wn. Wilkos S. D. Application of the principles of sox! mechanics 10 open it mining. Quart, Colorado School of Mines. Symp. on Rack ‘Mechs, Golden, Colo. 84, No.3 (1959). Wikon S.. Field instrumentation for excavations. Proc. 18th Annual Soils Conf. Kansas, Univ. of Kansas (1968) Wilson S. D. Observational data on ground movements seated to Slope instability. 6th Terzaghi Lectute, Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs 96, SMS, 1519-1548 (1970) Wilson S. D. Equipment for the observation of settlements and Seesses of bases: Specialty Session 1. Proc. 8th Int. Conf Soil Mechs & Found. Eng, Moscow, Vol. 43, 7-11 (1973) Wilson 8. D. and Mikkelsen P-E. Chapter 5: Field Jastrumentation, in TRB Special Publication No. 29, Landtdes. Revised Edition (0978)

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