Divisional Charts by Kuntal

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Introduction: Divisional Charts

Divisional charts are like mini horoscopes which are created by dividing each sign of
natal chart (D-1) into a number of sections. For example, an important and widely
used divisional chart “dashamsa (d-10) is created by dividing each sign of D-1 into
10 equal parts.

If you don’t know how divisional charts look like, you can refer the image given below
which contains Hora(d-2), Drekkna(d-3), Chaturthamsha(d-4), Saptamsha(d-7) and
Navamsha(d-9) divisional charts in it.

A Horoscope reading in Vedic astrology is incomplete without the use of Divisional

Charts. In fact, many people do a big mistake by ignoring divisional charts

Same divisional charts can easily test the ability of an astrologer because they are
complex to understand and there are no standard rules available which can help in
their interpret divisional charts.

Even after such complexity, we keep hearing about the use of divisional charts in
astrology and special emphasis has been given to them by our sages.

In own words of sage Parashar:

“no conclusion can be made on any horoscope without considering revelant

divisional charts”

Now, you all have heard of navamsa chart and you know everyone focuses on it
while giving a horoscope reading. Navamsa is also a divisional chart and is also
known as minute horoscope which can be referred to check details of every aspect
of human life.
Same way all divisional charts are the microscopic version of houses in a horoscope
and they provide minutes details which can not be accessed from the natal birth

For a better understanding of its functions, you can compare a Horoscope to an

Outer body of a Car whereas its engine and other important parts are akin to
Divisional charts. Without important parts, you can not use your Car effectively and it
will be parked in your place with no use.
Without the use of Divisional charts you can not unlock mysteries which lies within a

Divisional charts should be used along with natal birth chart(d-1) then only you can
read a horoscope effectively.

Suppose in a Horoscope you want to know about mother, property or domestic

environment here, obviously, you will look into the 4th house in Horoscope first. But
in order to get a complete view and predictions related to the 4th house, you need to
give attention to divisional chart Chaturthamsa ( D-4) which will give you a complete
insight on affairs related to 4th house of a Horoscope.

Same way there are various divisional charts which help to churn minute details of
different houses of a Horoscope.

In nutshell, Without the use of relevant divisional charts, you can not predict
This article of mine will lead you to every aspect of the divisional chart and includes
following topics:

 Important of Divisional Charts.

 Computation Of Divisional Chart.
 Types Of Divisional Charts & Their Significations.
 Calculation Of Planetary Strength Using Divisional Charts.
 How Divisional Charts Helps In Predicting events.
 How To Read/Study Divisional Charts.
 Common Mistakes In Application Of Divisional Charts.
 Conclusions: Divisional charts are worth giving time
Hopefully, you will be able to incorporate them into your horoscope readings.

Saturn and Jupiter positions are very important to check in Divisional Charts,
therefore, check out there latest transit below:

Jupiter transit in 2020

Saturn transit in 2020

Why Are Divisional Charts So

There are 12 signs in astrology and each sign rises for 2 hours in the eastern horizon
which is also called as the ascendant sign.

Now, those who are born in that frame of 2 hours will have the same ascendant sign
and there can be hundred thousands of people who have the same natal house and

Despite that, they don’t share the same destiny and every aspect of their life is
different than from others. Not even twins share same destiny or life patterns.
Clearly, there is something which creates a difference in the destiny of people even if
they share the exact date of birth, time and place.

It happens because of Divisional charts because ascendant of Divisional Charts

changes very fast and sometimes even of few seconds of difference can change the
ascendant of Divisional Charts completely which leads to different results of Dasha
and planetary behavior.
Therefore it is best to deal with divisional charts if you want to pursue astrology

How To Calculate Divisional

All divisional charts originate from natal birth chart also known as D-1. Where rising
degrees of ascendant decides the ascendant of all divisional charts and same way
planetary degrees of 9 planets in natal birth chart decides the position of planets in
the divisional chart.

There are two major ways you can construct Divisional charts for a
1. With astrology software- it is the easiest way to construct a divisional chart,
just put birth details and within few seconds you will get your Divisional charts ready.
You can use this navamsa chart calculator to generate navamsa chart.
2. Ready made tables- in this method ready-made tables are used to construct
divisional charts.
For example, table given below can be used to construct navamsa (d-9) for any
Navamsa Calculation Table

Same way for other divisional charts separate tables can be used and you can easily
drive the position of planets for that particular divisional chart.

I prefer method no.2 because it allows you to engage with the horoscope and
helps to understand the divisional charts in a better way.
But using above two methods won’t tell you the exact longitudes(degrees) of planets
in any Divisional chart.

Degrees of planets in Divisional Chart

For finding longitude of a planet in any Divisional chart multiply the degrees, minutes,
seconds by the number of the Divisional chart (2 for hora, 3 for drekkana and so on)
now leave the completed signs and retain the degrees, minutes, seconds as the
longitude of planets for that divisional chart.
For example, if planet Jupiter is at 12 degrees 04 minutes in any sign and we want to
calculate the longitude of planet Jupiter in D-7. Here, Simple multiply 12 degrees 4
minutes by 7 and you will get 84 degrees 28 minutes.

Now from 84 degrees 28 minutes remove two completed signs(subtract 60) which
will give us 1 degrees 22 minutes and this will be longitude of planet Jupiter in D-7.

Knowing longitude of planets in divisional charts can help you a lot and I will discuss
it in my future posts.

Different Types Of Divisional

Charts & Their Significations
There are total 20 different types of divisional charts (excluding higher divisional
charts D-81, D-108, D-144) which deal with specific houses and significations in a
Horoscope and for their effective use, sages have developed four divisional charts
schemes where certain no. of divisional charts are studied together.

Divisional Charts Schemes:

1. Shadvarga( the group of six divisional charts).

2. Saptvarga( the group of seven divisional charts).
3. Dasvarga(the group of 10 divisional charts).
4. Shadashvarga( the group of 16 divisional charts).
Out of these four, the most versatile and important is Shadashvarga.
Let’s discuss the Shadashvarga scheme along with significations ruled by divisional
charts in it:

1. Rashi/Natal Chart(D-1)- the basis of all divisional charts and gives the first
clue about every aspect of human life.
2. Hora Chart(D-2)- used for wealth, speech, and family.
3. Drekkana(D-3)- used for co-borns, courage, and strength.
4. Chaturamsha(D-4)-used for home, mother, property, destiny and immovable
5. Saptamsa(D-7)-used for sex life, children’s and ability to produce children’s.
6. Navamsa(D-9)- used for the spouse, married life, luck and it is also known as
the microscopic version of the natal birth chart.
7. Dashamsa(D-10)- used for the career, professional success, honor, status
and demotion.
8. Dwadasmsa(D-12)- used for information on parents and lineage.
9. Shodasmsa(D-16)-used for general happiness, moveable assets etc.
10. Vimshamsa(D-20)-used for spiritual activities, progress in spiritual practices
and results of worship.
11. Chaturvimshamsa(D-24)- used for achievement in academics, learning and
education pattern.
12. Saptavimshamsa(D-27)- used for physical strength and stamina.
13. Trimshamsa(D-30)-used for miseries, illnesses, and evils.
14. Khavedamsa(D-40)- used for auspicious effects in life.
15. Akshvedamsa(D-45)- used for general character and conduct.
16. Shastiamsa(D-60)- used for judging all aspects of life.
Apart from above mentioned divisional charts, there are few other Divisional
charts known as non-parashari divisional charts which are as follows:
1. Panchamsa(D-5)- for past life merits, spiritual inclinations and mantra siddhi.
2. Shashtamsa(D-6)- for debt, disputes, and proneness to illnesses.
3. Ashtamsa(D-8)- for inheritance, longevity, and accident.
4. Labhamsa(D-11)- for unearned income, unaccounted money, and
As you can see above there are many divisional charts and a question can arise in
your mind is that which one is most important among them and which divisional chart
holds most importance while judging the strength of planets.
The answer to this question is quite simple and one need to look into Vimshopk
Bala allotted to each division charts.
In Shodashvarga ( the group of 16 divisional charts) following unit of strength is
allotted to divisional charts.

Note: unit represents the Vimshopak Bala allotted to divisional chart.

 Natal Chart(D-1)- 3.5 units.
 Hora Chart(D-2)- 1 unit.
 Drekkana(D-3)- 1 unit.
 Chaturthamsa (D-4)-0.5 unit.
 Saptamsa (D-7)-0.5 unit.
 Navamsa (D-9)-3 units.
 Dashamsa (D-10)- 0.5 unit.
 Dwadasmsa (D-12)-0.5 unit.
 Shodasmsa (D-16)-2 units.
 Vimshamsa (D-20)-0.5 unit.
 Chaturvimshamsa(D-24)-0.5 unit.
 Saptavimshamsa (D-27)-1 unit.
 Trimshamsa (D-30)- 1.5 units.
 Khavedamsa (D-40)-0.5 unit.
 Akshvedamsa (D-45)-0.5 unit.
 Shastiamsa (D-60)- 5 units.
As you can see Natal Birth Chart, Navamsa and Shastiamsa charts have higher
Vimshopak Bala and surprisingly Shastiamsa (D-60) have more Vimshopak Bala
then any other Divisional chart.

Not just in Shodashvarga scheme, even in dasvarga scheme Shastiamsa is alloted 4

units where as main birth chart(D-1) & navamsa(D-9) have 3.5 and 4 units are
alloted to them respectively.

All this proves that following divisional charts should be given more importance:
1. Navamsa(D-9).
2. Shastiamsa(D-60).

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