Simple Lifestyle

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“Soccer is simple, but it is difficult play simple” Johan Cruyff, a Dutch football player said.

quotation shows that the life is also as simple as the football, and it means living under simple
living conditions have always become inconvenient for everyone although the life consists of
many simple things. Simple life is the style of living that you stay away from the modern life and
have to be more responsible and self-confident for your actions. Strengthening relationship
between family members, saving money and living in the healthy environment exemplify the
reason why people choose simple lifestyle, and why prefer to live under these conditions.

First of all, one of the main reasons for choosing simple lifestyle is living in the healthy
environment. To grow your own food in organic way creates an opportunity to make your
nutrition healthier. Therefore, people take into consideration their daily nourishment regime by
sustainably consuming organic food. Because of staying away from city, people can get rid of
the stress, depression for the reasons such as family and money issues. This allows people not
to think about these complicated problems. Also, people choosing simple lifestyle get a chance
to live the place minimally polluted and breathe easily in the fresh air.

Another factor for preferring simple lifestyle is saving money. Because of not being used
electronical devices, to live in this way does not require people to pay taxes. Thanks to this
opportunity, they gather much money acquired from farming or agriculture. For example,
instead of the tractor they mainly use hand labor and domestic animals in order to implement
their planting works.

One of the reason is that people desire to strengthen their family relationship. Simple lifestyle
is based on cooperation and people mostly work together. For example, in the city people
waste of their time to hang out with Internet and noone is aware of each other’s problems and
difficulties. However, people learn to appreciate value of time in simple lifestyle, and family
members enjoy working cooperatively. Family members can take care of one another by living
peacefully and staying remote from depression.

For above mentioned reasons, people become curious of choosing the way of simple life and
consider that living in this way ensure them feel different from others who do not choose
simple lifestyle.

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