Read The Following Dialogues and Do The Exercises.: Post Office Straight Turn Left Right

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Module: Vocabulary 10

Which way to go

1. Read the following dialogues and do the exercises.

- Excuse me!
- Yes?
- Could you tell me where the post office is?
- Of course! Walk straight 100 meters, then turn left and then right on the third
street. You have to pass the school. It’s on the corner.
- Thank you!

- Dad, how do I get to the theatre?

- Well, take the underground to Main square, then go by bus number 10 to
Grand Avenue…
- But where is the bus stop on Main square?
- Come up from the underground, walk back about fifty meters, cross the road,
and turn right. It’s there.
- Ok. So?
- On Grand Avenue, walk down two blocks towards the railway station and turn
left. The theatre is there.
- Thanks, Dad!

- We are going South this year, probably to Spain.

- Really? Which part?
- North-East. Barcelona and the surrounding area.
- That must be beautiful.
- We plan to travel to the Western part, too. Maybe even to Portugal.
- Well, have fun!

(Help: a kiemelt szavak, kifejezések megtalálhatóak a fejezet végén található

’Vocabulary notebook’-ban! Narancssárga színűek a szavak, pirosra festettek a

2. Fill in the gaps in the following dialogue.

- Excuse me, Sir! C________(1) you tell me where the zoo is?
- Of course! T________(2) bus number 137 to the post office. W________(3)
down four blocks, then t_____(4) right. C____(5) the road, and turn l___(6).
- Ok.
- Then, Walk s_______(7) two hundred meters.
- So, two hundred meters. I see.
- Yes, you have to p______(8) the supermarket. It’s on the c_______(9). Then
turn right. The zoo is there.
- Thank you!
(Help: a feladat megoldása a fejezet végén található.)
3.  NetEnglish Interactive: click here and do the true or false exercise
(Help: a fenti oldalon igaz-hamis feladatot kell megoldani Magyarország térképének
segítségével. A térképhez kattintsatok ide.)

4. Write directions how to get to the given places.

- Excuse me! How do I get from Nyugati to Roosevelt Square?

- By underground?
- No. I would like to walk.
- Ok. So,

(Help: az alábbi linkre kattintva egy térképet találtok, mely segít a feladat

5. Vocabulary notebook

post office posta

straight egyenes(en)
to turn fordulni
left bal
right jobb
to pass elhaladni (valami) mellett
It’s on the corner A sarkon van
to get to (somewhere) (valahová) eljutni
to take the (underground, bus, tram, etc) felszállni, utazni (metróval, busszal,
villamossal, stb) ebben az esetben ez
felszólító módban van
to go by (bus, car, bicycle, etc) (buszon, autón, biciklin, stb) közlekedni,
to come up feljönni
back vissza
to cross keresztülmenni, keresztezni
to walk down two blocks lesétálni két háztömbnyit
railway station vasútállomás
South Dél
probably esetleg
North-east Észak-kelet
surrounding area környező terület
That must be beautiful (cold, delicious, Az biztosan gyönyörű (hideg, finom, stb)
to plan tervezni
Western Nyugati
maybe talán
Have fun! Jó mulatást!
zoo állatkert

Key to exercise 2:

1) Could
2) Take
3) Walk
4) Turn
5) Cross
6) Left
7) Straight
8) Pass
9) Corner

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