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Module: Vocabulary 5.

Daily routine

1. Read about a day in Nicole’s life.

I have to get up at 6.45 every morning. I go to the bathroom and take a shower,
brush my teeth and comb my hair. Then, I have breakfast with my family.

My Dad takes us to school, which starts at 8 am sharp. All our lessons last for 50
minutes, with ten-minute breaks. I meet my brothers and my sister for lunch in the
cafeteria. We have half an hour to eat, from 2 pm to half past two. After lunch, my
brothers go to soccer training, and I go to drama course. We play a lot and have a
lot of fun.

The school bus leaves the school at 4.15 pm. At home, Mom tells us to do our
homework, and then, we help her with the household chores. Dad comes home from
the hospital right before dinner. We sit around the big table, eat, and tell each other
about our day. When we finish, we clear the table, then, we play something, or read.
At about nine o’clock, I brush my teeth, say good night, and go to bed.

(Help: a kiemelt szavak, kifejezések megtalálhatóak a fejezet végén található ’Vocabulary

notebook’-ban! Narancssárga színűek a szavak, pirosra festettek a kifejezések.)

2. Answer the following questions.

When does Nicole get up every morning?

Nicole gets up at 6.45.

1. What does she do in the bathroom?


2. When does the first class start in school?


3. How much time do they have for lunch?


4. When does Nicole’s Dad come home from the hospital?

5. What do they do after dinner?

Help: megoldás a fejezet végén alább 

3.  NetEnglish Interactive: go to the following page and do the

(Help: a fenti oldalon található feladatban a kifejezéseket tanulhatjátok meg egy párosító
feladat segítségével.)
4. Vocabulary notebook

to get up felkelni
to take a shower zuhanyozni
to brush your teeth megmosni a fogadat (a your
to comb your hair megfésülködni (a your
to take (someone somewhere) elvinni (valakit valahová)
sharp pontban
last for tart (ebben az esetben: 50 percig tart)
break szünet
cafeteria iskolai, vagy önkiszolgáló étterem
half an hour fél óra
from… to -tól, -ig
half past (two) fél három (féllel kettő után)
to leave elhagyni, elmenni
right before épp előtte
to tell each other elmesélni, elmondani egymásnak
to cleat the table leszedni az asztalt
at about (nine o’clock) körülbelül (kilenckor)

Key to exercise 2:

1. She takes a shower, brushes her teeth and combs her hair.
2. It starts at 8 am sharp.
3. They have half an hour for lunch.
4. He comes home right before lunch.
5. They clear the table, play games or read.

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