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Juan Blanco (Order #18491223)

Elementals - 01

By James S. Austin

Cover: James S. Austin

Illustrations: James S. Austin
Layout: James S. Austin
Interior Page Art: James S. Austin

A 5th Edition monster compendium.

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Tacitus Publishing Product Identity, as defined
in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: Chronicles of Ballidrous,
Rivengeld, all trademarks, registered trademarks, trade dress, proper names, story elements, plot, dialogue, loca-
tions, characters, artwork, sidebars, and setting details.

Open Game Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity, the game mechanics of this gaming
product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion
of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without
written permission.


© 2019 Tacitus Publishing, All Rights Reserved

Juan Blanco (Order #18491223)

Lesser Elementals
The world of Enolia maintains strong connections to
the elemental planes, as it was created by the elemental
pantheon, led by the Father-God Avris. The four core
elements of air, earth, fire, and water are the most
common used by elementalists and are the founding
children of the pantheon of the Old Gods: Cladna (air),
Innak (water), Mannab (earth), and Pyrisus (fire).

Elementals that are summoned from their plane of

existence are sentient creatures. They are driven by
their natures but will react to outside stimuli, such as
being attacked or engaged in conversation. Due to their
limited intellect, they are sometimes unpredictable and
difficult to manage without having proper control of
their tether to the Material Plane.

Small and medium elementals are often used to handle

simple tasks, as their intelligence is low, requiring direct
instructions that are easy to perform. Depending on
the elemental caster’s ability, they can persist on the
Material Plane from days to months. Some of the more
powerful casters from ages past still have elementals
continuing to perform tasks given long after the caster’s

Juan Blanco (Order #18491223)
Juan Blanco (Order #18491223)
Juan Blanco (Order #18491223)
Juan Blanco (Order #18491223)
Juan Blanco (Order #18491223)
OGL - OPEN GAMING LICENSE original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
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to Use, the Open Game Content. material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing

Juan Blanco (Order #18491223)
The Rivengeld is an ever-growing resource
containing comprehensive setting information,
to include maps and location details, player and
dungeon master resources, and everything you
need to run a thrilling adventure in Ballidrous. The
releases are based on ‘books’ being added to the
Chronicles, the first being The Bai’shen Prophecies.
The prophecies speak of the return to darker days.
Threats of invasion from creatures only spoken
of in whispers. Plague spreading throughout the
lands. The dead rising from their graves. It is the
inevitable return of the Shadow Wars.

The setting focuses on a mesh of heightened role-

playing, meaningful adventures reflecting the
storylines and campaign development for your
characters, and keeping to a grittier and grounded
approach to play in a rich setting.

The Red Wyvern Inn Podcast

shares the exciting adventures
in the Chronicles of Ballidrous
campaign setting. The first
series of podcasts follows the
opening of the Adventurer’s
Tacitus Publishing’s Patreon offers a ton of material Guild in the city of Castiel.
throughout the month to build on the Chronicles Keep up with the weekly releases, Mondays at 7PM
of Ballidrous setting or for use in your personal EST on Twitch. Episodes are also available on our
campaign. YouTube channel. The Facebook page offers posts
of FREE material for use, getting you ready for your
If you choose the Veteran Adventurer Tier: weekend escapades.
- 2 Battle Maps
- 2 Monsters
- 1 Q-Encounter
- 2 Non-Player Characters
- 2 Magical Items
- 2 Spells
- 2 Town Maps
- 2 Town Locations
- If you have been a Tacitus patron for the previous
three months, you will get a copy of the quarterly
project release!!!

Summer Release! Fall Release!

Juan Blanco (Order #18491223)

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