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“The Landlady” - The Video /​15

1. Were the characters how you imagined them? Explain how they were the 
Honestly, what I imagined them as is accurate to the short film. Although I 
did think the landlady looked a tad older than what she does. The landlady is 
what the written story had said to be, she looks like an ordinary typical friend’s 
mom. I don’t think she is at all different to what the written story had made her 
seem to be. Billy is also what I had imagined him as surprisingly. Except, I 
imagined him looking slightly older and with darker hair. He is as foolish as I 
thought he would turn out to be.   
2. In the film version of “The Landlady,” the audience explicitly sees what she 
does to her guests. Which ending do you prefer? Why? Explain using 
specific details that compare/contrast. Keep in mind this is worth 12 marks, 
so you should have quite a bit of information in your response. /12 
In my opinion, I think that both endings are pretty good. The written 
ending ends with the landlady telling Billy that he was the only guest she 
has had in 2-3 years, as Billy dies. In the short film, Billy already knew that 
no one else had been there for about 2 years. It also shows Billy dying as 
the landlady brings him upstairs to his deathbed. The landlady then goes 
to another room which is occupied by what it seems to be Christopher 
Mulholland and Gregory Temple, dead and stuffed. They also look very 
well preserved for being dead for about 2-3 years. Billy in the short film 
also had mentioned how the landlady is very good at keeping her stuffed 
dead pets looking alive. I think that the short film’s ending is so good and 
so disturbing at the same time. The written ending is fine as well, but not 
quite as good at leaving goosebumps all over the audience’s bodies. 

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