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To all former freedom fighters who sacrificed all they had

fighting to liberate this country Zimbabwe, who were later on
thrown into the dustbin in a post independent Zimbabwe after
they were betrayed by the dictator Robert Gabriel Mugabe and
his brutal wife, the „Iron lady‟ Grace Mugabe who is now the
centre of power in the former revolutionary party ZANU PF. As
you are now outcasts in a country which you liberated I want
you to know that people of Zimbabwe have not forgotten the
role you played in liberating this country Zimbabwe. Your
history will never be distorted, the Mugabes can bury it for
some time but they can‟t bury it forever. One day the true
history of this country shall be written.

Quote from the author

“You don‟t have to waste your time plotting against Grace

Mugabe just give her a microphone and let her speak. She will
destroy herself with her own mouth”.










This is a text written out of self-sacrifice, bravery and

fearlessness. Writing a piece about a brutal person and the
current centre of power in the ruling ZANU PF Amai Grace
Mugabe is not an easy task. She has become the most powerful
person in the corridors of power within ZANU PF and
Zimbabwe at large, for a few months if not a year after she
actively joined politics, she has done enough to destroy her
husband‟s party ZANU PF. Her coming in into politics left
ZANU PF divided and fragmented, some of its important co-
founders are now in the dust bins and living as outcasts in a
country which they liberated. She is a very divisive figure who
has caused a lot of confusion in the ruling ZANU PF which
comprises the incumbent government of Zimbabwe.

Songs and jingles of worshipping the „Iron Lady‟ or Dr Amai as

she is known are on national television every day. In the party
(ZANU PF) senior members or cabinet Ministers kneel down
before Grace Mugabe singing for their supper and no one dares
tell her the truth that she is just nothing but a divisive figure
who is even contributing to the down fall of her ageing husband
President Robert Gabriel Mugabe. It is out of concern and love
that I have decided to take the risk of telling Grace Mugabe the
truth lest she sinks in this false glory which has saturated her
atmosphere. This book is not to de-campaign, defame or
degrade her but rather to openly give her true advice. Not only
her but even other First Ladies who will come in future that it

does not pay to selfishly behave like the historic French Queen
Antoinette, if you are the mother of the nation be a unifying not

a divisive materialistic figure. Read this book and keep it at the
back of your mind that it is my humble gift to the First Lady of
our country Zimbabwe „Amai Grace Mugabe‟. I know I might
get hurt after the publication of this book but let it be known
that am not afraid of dying, in each and every revolution some
must sacrifice their lives for others to be free so I don‟t mind
which category I will fall under.

Home Affairs Minister Cde Ignatious Chombo kneeling down before

Grace Mugabe. In today‟s ZANU PF for you to survive you have to
bootlick the First Lady or else you will be thrown out of the party or

Amai Grace Mugabe good luck in your political career but with
this type of leadership which you are showing I don‟t see you
going anywhere.

Remarkable Dr Grace Mugabe’s quotes

AFTER baby dumping her even flies and mosquitoes won’t like her
(in reference to Joyce Mujuru who was then the country’s Vice
TAKATI kuna baba vamuite baby dumping, vanga vakapfeka mini
isingaite, ikaka (Ray) Kakaukonde kunyepera kundisekerera

(We asked President Mugabe to dump Joyce Mujuru then Vice

President,she puts on a very short mini skirt and we also have people
like Ray Kaukonde he gives me a fake smile).
NYARARAI kana Mai (Grace) vachitaura
ISU tine miviri yakanaka hatipfeki tichidaro, kupfeka mini
“NDAMUUDZA kuti iwe Kaukonde unonyeba, unonyeba iwe”
KAUKONDE simuka simuka huya tiite ka unity accord kedu, eish that
was embarrassing
(Shut up if the mother (referring to herself) is talking.
Some of us have sexy bodies but we don’t put on such mini-skirts
like Joyce Mujuru.
I told Kaukonde (then ZANU PF Mash East Chairman) that you are a
liar, you are a liar.
Those who are plotting to remove my husband (President Robert
Mugabe) from office must STOP IT!!!.


President Robert Mugabe began wooing Grace Marufu over tea
and scones while the young typist was working in state house.

"He came to me and started asking about my family," she said

in a rare interview about their first encounter in the late 1980s.

"I looked at him as a father figure. I did not think he would at all
look at me and say: 'I like that girl.' I least expected that."

A divorcee with a son, she says she was initially hesitant about
such a relationship. Mr Mugabe is more than 40 years her senior
and his first wife Sally, a Ghanaian who was much loved in
Zimbabwe, was terminally ill at the time.

But insiders say that during office tea breaks Mr Mugabe

continued to work his charm.

Mr Mugabe has said Sally did give her consent to the union
before she died in 1992 - though they did not marry until four
years later.

Together the first couple have three children, the last born in
This road sign has gone up in the lead-up to the Zanu-PF

Grace Mugabe has since grown into a powerful businesswoman

and sees herself as a philanthropist, founding an orphanage on a
farm just outside the capital, Harare, with the help of Chinese

But a new road sign reading "Dr Grace Mugabe Way" - put up
near the dusty piece of land near the Zanu-PF headquarters as
delegates gathered for the party congress - shows how her
ambitions have broadened in the last year.

The 49-year-old is believed to have earned her sociology PhD in

two months from the University of Zimbabwe. Her thesis is
reportedly about orphanages but has not been filed in the
university library.

However, the doctorate gives the first lady gravitas - and within
weeks of being capped, campaign material with her new title
appeared at rallies around the country as she prepared to take

over the leadership of the Zanu-PF women's wing after being
nominated for the role in August.

It is fair to say Mrs Mugabe evokes strong emotions - her fans

applaud her style and forthright nature, her detractors have
nicknamed her "Gucci Grace" and "DisGrace" because of her
alleged appetite for extravagant shopping.

Her entry into the president's life did seem to change his
ideological outlook - he had always been a Marxist with a Pan-
Africanist inclination.

Fay Chung, Mr Mugabe's former education minister, says he

was not materialistic and lacked a proper understanding of

Grace Mugabe:

 Began affair with Robert Mugabe, 41 years her senior, whilst

working as a typist in state house

 Mr Mugabe later said his first wife Sally, who was

terminally ill at the time, knew and approved of the

 Married Mr Mugabe, her second husband, in 1996 in an

extravagant ceremony. They have three children

 Nicknamed "Gucci Grace" by her critics who accuse her of

lavish spending

 Along with her husband, is subject to EU and US sanctions,
including travel bans

 Praised by supporters for her charitable work and founding

of an orphanage

 Received a PhD in September 2014, a month after being

nominated to take over the leadership of the Zanu-PF
women's league

In the mid-1980s, Zanu-PF gave Mr Mugabe a big piece of land

in the upmarket Harare suburb of Borrowdale to build a home

But it lay undeveloped for a decade-and-a-half until Grace

Mugabe became involved.

Now the first family have vast properties, businesses and farms
dotted around the country, mainly in the rich western and
northern Mashonaland provinces.

She is known to be tough - at one time kicking some farm

workers and their families off land - but she is usually modest
and reserved in interviews.

Her political rallies during her "meet the nation" tour have
shown a new surprising side to the first lady - her sharp tongue.

Grace Mugabe was vocal about those she regarded as opponents
at her rallies. She toured all of Zimbabwe's 10 provinces holding

As she took to the podium in each of the country's 10 provinces,

she was unrelenting, using chilling words, in Shona and
English, to pick on her opponents.

"'Stop it. Ndakakumaka rough (I don't like you and I'm watching
you)," she warned.

She also lashed out at the late Heidi Holland, the Zimbabwean-
born author of Dinner with Mugabe, saying she had died
because she had been cursed for writing lies about her husband.

For Zimbabweans, it was like a soap opera - she washed the
ruling party's dirty linen in public, calling on those she picked
on to resign or apologise.

‘She is feared and has been known always to get what she
wants,’ Marcellina Chikasha,, ADP leader

Her main target was Vice-President Joyce Mujuru, and

politicians linked to the independence fighter suddenly woke up
to allegations of assassination plots. She said some of them had
spent time plotting to oust her husband.

A week later, state-owned media made sensational claims of

senior government officials going abroad scouting for a hit man
to finish off Mr Mugabe.

When Mrs Mugabe returned home from a trip to the Vatican in

October, walking behind her husband, she openly refused to
shake Mrs Mujuru's hand.

At rallies she explained her behaviour, saying the vice-president

should be sacked from government because she was "corrupt, an
extortionist, incompetent, a gossiper, a liar and ungrateful".
Vice-President Joice Mujuru - part of the political elite - was the
target of some of e's attacks

Her tirade continued. Mrs Mujuru was "power-hungry, daft,

foolish, divisive and a disgrace", she said, accusing her of
collaborating with opposition forces and white people to
undermine the country's post-independence gains.

Party youths have warned that they do not want to see Mrs
Mujuru at the Zanu-PF congress - she has already been barred

from serving on its powerful central committee because of the
allegations, which she denies.

Charity Manyeruke, a pro-Zanu PF political analyst, says Mrs

Mugabe's approach is a "refreshing departure from the culture
of not being very open about issues of serious concern".

Kudzanai Chipanga, Zanu-PF youth chairperson, agrees: "She

hates corruption - she will be a good leader."

But for senior party leaders, like veteran Cephas Msipa, the
attacks on Mrs Mujuru and others are "unAfrican" and they fear
they could "split the party".

The first lady has had praise for some, saying Justice Minister
Emmerson Mnangagwa, who like Mrs Mujuru has been seen as
a successor to Mr Mugabe, is "loyal and disciplined".
Mrs Mugabe runs a dairy and markets the products under the
Alpha Omega Dairy label

And she has not denied the speculation that she may one day
wish to replace her 90-year-old husband herself.

"They say I want to be president. Why not? Am I not a

Zimbabwean?" she remarked at one rally.

Marcellina Chikasha, leader of the small new African

Democratic Party (ADP), says Mrs Mugabe's "phenomenal rise
to power" has astounded many who consider themselves her
"intellectual and political superior".

"Call her shrewd, power hungry or plain old 'being in the right
place at the right time' - this typist has become a kingmaker in
Zimbabwe's succession politics," she says.

"She is tenacious and determined; she is naive and unpolished;

she is feared and has been known always to get what she

Growing up as a small boy in early 90s I grew up in an

environment where Amai Sally Mugabe (President Robert
Mugabe‟s first wife) was an icon celebrated by all. Everywhere
where people could talk about her, the name „Amai‟ (mother)
was the reference and title she was given by all. Honestly I
never heard anyone referring to Amai Sally Mugabe as just

„Sally‟ without saying Amai first. People respected her in
public or in their private discussions. I cannot deny that she was
there when Mugabe committed serious atrocities such as
Gukurahundi Genocide but Amai Sally Mugabe remained a
motherly figure in the country, respected and loved by all. She
commanded respect everywhere she goes and she was more of a
unifying figure in the ZANU PF‟s Women League and the
country at large. I think she was one of Robert Mugabe‟s
advisors (despite that fact that Mugabe does not listen to any
advice) as she was a matured motherly figure who had the
capacity to constructively engage with Mugabe over national
issues. Unlike the youthful Grace whose interests and lavish
style is like that of a young woman who spends much her time
thinking about where to get the latest shoes/stilettos at a time
when the country is ravaged with poverty.

Robert Mugabe and his first wife the late Amai Sally.

Amai Sally Mugabe inscribed on an official postal stamp.

I don‟t think if Sally was alive she would have left her husband
(President Robert Mugabe) shamelessly clinging to power like
this and becoming one of Africa‟s oldest sitting President.

The leadership qualities of the current First Lady Amai Grace

Mugabe needs serious grooming and mentorship as she is
heading towards a bottomless pit. If her husband President
Robert Mugabe is incapitated and is no longer the chief
executive of Zimbabwe the future of this woman is bleak. The
comfort which she is enjoying is simply because people in
ZANU PF respect President Mugabe not her and they are
singing songs for her because she is the person who is
controlling the ageing authoritarian leader and the government
at the moment. But the day Mugabe gets out office she will get
a surprise of her life and this fame she thinks she has will just
vanish like a slice of butter on a hot blade.
She joined active politics at a time when ZANU PF was in need
of a unifying figure, strategist and a thinker who can help the
ruling party address the succession question in a very wise and
strategic way. The succession issue is a make or break moment
for ZANU PF, however the coming in of Grace brought more
divisions and problems than solutions.

‘The greatest weakness of Zimbabwe’s First Lady Grace

Mugabe is that she is radical but she does not have the brains.
So the combination of radicalism and shallowness is very
suicidal. Frankly she is just too empty for a national leader.’

She speaks like a high school girl not like a mother. How can
the First Lady say words like „Kaukonde ndakamumaka‟ (I hate
Kaukonde). This was in reference to Ray Kaukonde who was
then the Provincial Chair of Mashonaland East in ZANU PF.
Such words sounds very childish especially spoken by the First
Lady and mother of a sovereign Republic like Zimbabwe. To
add salt to a bleeding wound it‟s not even proper language to
say „ndakakumaka‟ it is slang which is mostly spoken by
teenagers and adolescents. She also told the nation during one of
her „Meet the People‟ Tour which was also broadcasted live on
the national television that „Some of us have sexy bodies but we
don‟t put on mini-skirts like Joyce Mujuru (then Vice
President)‟. How can you say something like this being the
mother of the nation? Is it good for a First Lady to publicly tell
the whole nation that she has a sexy body? After making such
embarrassing sentiments you see people, senior party officials in
ZANU PF clapping hands, cheering and applauding with fake
smiles just to make her happy. Very few can tell her the truth
that you have made a very childish and foolish speech which

exposed your little brains. But since ZANU PF is now full of
bootlickers, cheerleaders and people who are singing for their
supper no one can tell Mugabe and his wife the truth. People
like the late Eddison Zvobgo, Joseph Msika, and Joshua Nkomo
only to mention a few are no longer there, unfortunately most of
them are late now. These are some of the very few people who
had the guts to say the truth in the party. But the ZANU PF we
have today is full of bootlickers who are singing songs for
Grace Mugabe so that they can be given something to eat
(positions in the government or cabinet).How sad our former
freedom fighters and living heroes who once stood up against
the brutal and racial colonial masters and dislodged them are
now stooping so low playing „politics of the stomach‟ and
worshipping the First Lady Grace Mugabe who does not possess
any leadership skill other than the one to divide the people,
fragment the party (ZANU PF) and stagnant any progress in
Zimbabwe due to cheap partisan interests.

Tens of buses full of former freedom fighters (war veterans)

were drove to Mazowe to Grace Mugabe‟s farm where a
ceremony was held and leaders of war veterans and former
freedom fighters took turns to shower praises on Grace Mugabe.
Our real heroes and fathers of this country like Joshua Nkomo,
Lookout Masuku, Ndabaningi Sithole etc are not even
celebrated at all, little or nothing is done to celebrate their lives
but resources from state coffers were used to transport war
veterans, students and traditional chiefs to Mazowe to worship
Grace Mugabe who is now the Goddess of ZANU PF and
Africa‟s upcoming First Female Dictator following a bedroom
coup which left her in control of the government of Zimbabwe

with the ageing dictator Robert Gabriel Mugabe even taking
instructions from her as well.

ZANU PF is now dominated by bootlickers and clueless

sympathizers who are busy singing for their supper. Grace
Mugabe does what she wants with both the party and the
government; bootlickers who dominate the politburo can do
nothing other than cheering her up and say „Yes Madam‟. What
she wants… she gets. Below are some of the irreplaceable
pillars which ZANU PF lost (those who had the guts to say the
truth to the octogenarian leader Robert Mugabe;

The late Eddison Zvobgo.

The late General Solomon Mujuru and the house in which he died in
after a mysterious inferno which burnt him beyond recognition at his
farm in Beatrice, Harare.

The late Vice President Joshua Nkomo.

ZANU PF a party which was once packed with such great
minds is now collapsing and loosing focus because of the new
king makers and mafikizolos (new comers) like Grace Mugabe
who are busy pursuing their selfish interests not the interest of
the party or the people of Zimbabwe.

The First Lady Grace Mugabe and his two sons Chatunga and Robert
Mugabe Junior at her graduation ceremony when she graduated with
a PhD and it is alleged that she did not study for it at all but was just
given a PhD for political reasons. Whilst others are spending years of
sleepless nights researching and writing their thesis to obtain their
PhDs, some political figures are just calling the university and getting
PhDs for free. How unfair and corrupt it is. Today the title „Dr Amai‟
is her trademark despite the fact it is crystal clear that she used her
powers to just grab a PhD at the University of Zimbabwe without
even studying for it.


French Queen Marie Antoinette and the Zimbabwe‟s First Lady

Grace Mugabe. They both have similarities in their lavish spending
and extravagant shopping at the expense of poor and impoverished
The French Queen (1774-78) Marie Antoinette is historically
known for her selfish and lavish lifestyle at a time when the
economy of French was down. The people were suffering and
languishing in abject poverty but Queen Marie Antoinette‟s
main priority and focus was on using the little which the country
had to fund her lavish life and do extravagant shopping. It is
said she used to put on a new pair of shoes every day throughout
the year thus 365 pairs of shoes a year. She allegedly used to
buy her underwear in the United States of America. At the time
France was very poor and it‟s economy was struggling but this
self-centred and materialistic Queen was busy focusing on
shopping and buying nice shoes for herself. It is very
unfortunate for a country to have such a materialistic Queen
who spends much of her time on the mirror beautifying herself
at a time when the mass will languishing in abject poverty.
Using tax payers money to do extravagant shopping at a time
when the country in is in a crisis and abject poverty. What a

Zimbabwe has a First Lady who is typically a replica of Queen

Marie Antoinette of our own generation. The people of
Zimbabwe are starving, unemployment is rising every day and
the only source of living in Zimbabwe is through street vending
(selling wares on the streets). But the brutal police of the ZANU
PF government is confiscating the wares of these poor vendors
and burning them leaving them without any means of living
other than watch their hungry children starve. The First Lady
who is now the King maker in the ruling ZANU PF since her 91
year old husband President Robert Mugabe is now just too old
and no longer capable to remain in such a high office, spends
much of her time focusing on beautifying herself, doing
extravagant shopping, consolidating power and helping her
husband establish a dynasty in Zimbabwe. Instead of being
honesty with her husband that he is now too old and no longer
fit to continue ruling Zimbabwe she is busy helping him
maintain his grip on power through dictatorship. She even
threatened to deal with all who are plotting to remove her
husband from office.

„What Grace Mugabe forgets is that Robert Mugabe is not the

King of Zimbabwe and neither is he permanent like King
Mswati of Swaziland but Zimbabwe is a democracy not a
monarch or dynasty and the mass is mandated to remove him at
any given time. He (Mugabe) has been rigging and
manipulating the polls for a very long time and according to
Grace‟s selfish mind she thinks her husband is the only person
capable of ruling Zimbabwe and anyone who has such
ambitions or who is just suspected of harbouring such interests
will face an axe like the sacked Vice President Amai Joyce
Mujuru. Look at other political parties it is very constitutional
for anyone to contest the Presidency at the party congress (in
parties like FRELIMO,ANC, SWAPO etc) but a few months
before the 2014 ZANU PF congress Grace Mugabe took it upon
herself to go around the country intimidating people and firing
anyone who was suspected of planning to contest her husband.
This is not only embarrassing but an absolute disgrace and an
insult to democracy.‟

A car of a ZANU PF apologist branded with Grace Mugabe‟s

Jacob Zuma (left) contested then incumbent ANC President

Thabo Mbeki (right) at the ANC congress and won. Mbeki who
was also the incumbent President of South Africa accepted
defeat at the congress and left. In this picture they were sharing
a lighter moment with the one of the founding fathers of their
country and icon the late Nelson Mandela. In Zanu Pf anyone
who dares contests Robert Mugabe for the Presidency of ZANU
PF (as enshrined in the constitution of the party) will face
Grace Mugabe‟s full wrath because in her little knowledge or
lack of it thereof her husband is the only person capable of
leading both ZANU PF and the Republic of Zimbabwe. All who
were suspected of planning to contest Robert Mugabe at the 5th
ZANU PF congress were all axed before the congress and
thrown into dustbins and had their reputation publicly damaged
through trumped up charges. But someone must tell the First
Lady of Zimbabwe that „Amai, Zimbabwe haisi tuck shop
yekumba kwenyu inyika yedu yechipikirwa‟ (Don‟t run
Zimbabwe like your own tuck shop it is our sovereign country
and heritage, it‟s not your family estate)

One of the mistakes which Robert Mugabe made was to take his
wife Grace who used to spend most of her time doing
extravagant shopping in the far -east and put her at the forefront
of party (ZANU PF) politics without grooming her first. Look at
how Robert Mugabe speaks, his oratory skills are extra ordinary
although his leadership qualities are not good for any
progressive state. But he would have trained his wife to speak or
just to do the least thing of telling her what to say or not to say
in public, just polishing her first before exposing her to the
public was of utmost importance. Unfortunately Robert Mugabe
overlooked it and just took her to the public only to be
embarrassed by her shallowness. She washed ZANU PF‟s dirty
linen in public in the run up to the 2014 congress and by doing
that she indeed exposed her immaturity in politics. Some people
call it a „sharp tongue‟ but as for me I call it „recklessness and

failure to moderate her own mouth‟ The emotional and radical
First Lady destroyed ZANU PF a party which has been in power
for more than three decades in Zimbabwe but Grace Mugabe
destroyed it in three weeks. What do you expect from a
shopping animal she was just used to do extravagant shopping
in the far east moving from one aisle to another not politics.

Extravagant shopping at a time when the economy is crumbling,

causing serious confusion in the party and influencing the firing
of senior party officials as well as destroying the party in three
weeks not forgetting the PhD which she got from the University
of Zimbabwe without any trace or proof of studying for it. It is
alleged that she just went to the University of Zimbabwe and
instructed them to give her a PhD so that she can use it to build
her political profile with the title „Dr Grace Mugabe‟. The
University of Zimbabwe failed to show proof of her thesis, let
alone even a Master‟s Degree which she did before getting this
questionable PhD. This clearly shows that Grace does not only
control ZANU PF but she now controls even state institutions in
what we can call a ‘bedroom coup’ yes Mugabe is now a
ceremonial President with all the powers now in Grace‟s hands.
However this is just for a short time, change and the fall of
ZANU PF is now inevitable because with the people like Grace
Mugabe at the forefront the party is doomed to fall.

One of Zimbabwe cartoonist expressing throughout art how he thinks
Grace Mugabe got her questionable PhD from the University of

President Robert Mugabe caps her wife as she graduates with a PhD
which she did not study for and the University failed to produce her
thesis when the public questioned her PhD. As they (Mugabes) rule
Zimbabwe what they want they just take be it companies, farms,

degrees you can name it, what they want they get…………. What a
shame and abuse of power.

A road named after the First Lady Grace Mugabe as President

Mugabe is in a bid to establish a dynasty in Zimbabwe where he will
possibly hand over the country to his wife or any stooge who will be
dancing according to his wife‟s tune in the post Mugabe era.

PUBLISHED: 22:02 GMT, 15 November
2014 | UPDATED: 12:54 GMT, 16 November 2014
Grace Mugabe has been called many things since the moment
when, barely out of her teens, she caught the eye of the
president of Zimbabwe as she tapped away in his typing pool.
Now his wife, she styles herself „Amai‟ (mother) for her
supporters but, behind her back, is derided as Gucci Grace and
The First Shopper, a reflection of her extravagant spending in
designer shops around the world despite the struggles of her
Others simply call her Dis Grace, especially those who believe
she forced her 90-year-old husband Robert to remain in power
so she could plunder Zimbabwe‟s diamond wealth to fund her

overseas shopping trips. But now a nervous nation fears she
could soon have a new title: President.
For this reviled woman has stepped, in her costly Ferragamo
shoes, into the political arena, exploding a titanic power struggle
to succeed the increasingly doddery despot who has ruled
Zimbabwe so disastrously for more than three decades.

Grace Mugabe pictured with her husband, President Robert Mugabe

in 2006, has entered the political arena

Many Zimbabweans believe she wants the top job, which would
make her the first female dictator in modern history.
The 49-year-old has stoked such fears by touring the country by
helicopter, holding mass rallies and pouring scorn on her rivals.
„The time has come to show people what I am made of,‟ she
told one crowd. „I had never dreamed of entering politics but
you have approached me and I am ready to go.‟

At another rally a few weeks later, the South African-born first
lady said: „Some say I want to be president. Why not? Am I not
Zimbabwean too?‟
Most of her fellow citizens see this as a chilling prospect that
threatens to plunge their beautiful but tormented country into
fresh despair.
Grace Mugabe is, quite simply, loathed. „She is an avaricious
monster with a vindictive nature, who makes Imelda Marcos
look mild by comparison,‟ one close observer told me.
„Every time she speaks she creates lots of new enemies, just
hitting out regardless of the consequences,‟ said another well-
connected figure in the capital Harare. „I find her very cruel and
spiteful, unlike her husband.‟
This is a woman who personally threw an elderly white couple
off their family farm, punched a British photographer in the face
after he snapped her on a shopping spree and claimed to have
cursed a South African critic of her husband who committed
Diplomats believe she is stealing vast chunks of the nation‟s
wealth from diamond mines. She blew £3million of state funds
on her daughter‟s wedding earlier this year and defends wearing
her Italian designer shoes while people starve on the basis that
she has „narrow feet‟.

The 49-year-old has defended wearing Italian designer shoes while
people in her country starve by saying she has narrow feet

Suddenly the public buses in Harare are bearing huge images of
her hated face. She has been given a doctorate in sociology after
a two months of supposed study and ministers are gushing about
the „guidance and leadership‟ of a woman „who is a mother to
us all‟.
On Thursday night, she and her shadowy allies showed their
strength by purging key opponents from the ruling Zanu-PF
party at a marathon late-night politburo meeting.
Among them was Jabulani Sibanda, leader of the feared war
veterans who oversaw the brutal campaign to seize white-owned
farms. „He was one of the only people left in the country who
could stand up to the Old Man,‟ said one stunned Zimbabwean
source. „This shows things are getting ugly.‟
Sibanda had publicly refused to attend Mrs Mugabe‟s rallies and
said veterans would not tolerate „a bedroom coup‟.
Also expelled were Rugare Gumbo, official party spokesman,
and several provincial party chairmen, all accused of plotting to
oust Mugabe. The president was reported to have angrily
confronted Gumbo at the meeting after the Zanu-PF veteran told
state television it was time to end the debate over succession.
And this is the question at the heart of the power struggle: who
will take over from the cold, calculating man who has clung on
to power in Zimbabwe since it won independence from Britain
in 1980, overseeing the slaughter of rivals, the shocking
collapse of the economy and the shameful theft of its mineral
„This kind of public in-fighting inside Zanu-PF is
unprecedented,‟ said Piers Pigou, analyst for southern Africa at
the International Crisis Group. „We have entered uncharted
The country has long been transfixed by a battle between two
powerful rivals who loathe each other.
On one side is sinister justice minister Emmerson Mnangagwa,
a former spy chief nicknamed The Crocodile, who is thought to
represent party hardliners and own substantial gold and
diamond mining interests.
The other camp is led by Joice Mujuru, vice president since
2004 and a liberation struggle veteran who fought under the
nom de guerre Teurai Ropa („Spill Blood‟ in the native Shona
Her husband was a former army chief killed in a strange fire at
his seized farmhouse three years ago, despite police guards. His
estate was rumoured to be worth £7 billion.
Their clash boiled over three months ago when Mrs Mugabe
was nominated as leader of the Zanu-PF Women‟s League, a
powerful politburo role.
During a ten-rally tour of the country, the first lady tore into
Mujuru in the most vitriolic terms, calling her „corrupt‟ and „a
liar‟ needing exposure. She speculated the 59-year-old might be
killed, adding „dogs and fleas would not disturb her carcass‟.
Grace makes Imelda Marcos look mild

Her jibes were supported by screaming headlines in official

newspapers, one accusing Mujuru of conspiring with the CIA to
depose the president at next month‟s congress. The vice-
president has stayed silent. Meanwhile there was a spate of
suspicious deaths and severe injuries to senior regime officials,
while businesses say they are being forced to take sides, with
potentially dire consequences if they make the wrong choice.
No one is quite sure whether Mrs Mugabe has allied with
Mnangagwa to protect the huge family assets and ensure she is
not arrested after her husband‟s death – or is plotting with the
president to succeed him and establish a Mugabe dynasty.
(Excerpt from an article in the Mail Online by Ian Birrell, 15
November 2014.)

Sapa-dpa |

19 January 2009

"She hit me at least 10 times in the face and head" - Richard


HONG KONG (Sapa-dpa) - The wife of Zimbabwe president

Robert Mugabe was Sunday being investigated by Hong Kong
police for an alleged assault on a photographer during a
shopping trip to the city.

Grace Mugabe, 43, is accused of repeatedly punching Richard

Jones - chief photographer of the Hong Kong photo agency
Sinopix - after he took pictures of her shopping in Mody Road,
Tsim Sha Tsui.

Jones was on assignment for the Sunday Times in London
which yesterday published a front page story about the incident
along with pictures of Mugabe and her alleged victim showing
his injuries.
The wife of the Zimbabwean leader was being tailed by Jones
and a colleague as she left the five-star Shangri-la hotel she was
staying in to go shopping with a bodyguard and a woman friend.
Jones told Deutsche Press-Agentur dpa the president's wife tried
to wrestle his camera from him before hitting him repeatedly in
the alleged attack last Thursday morning.
"They noticed me taking pictures when she was about 150
metres from her hotel and began shouting at me," said Jones, 43,
who said he was tailing Mugabe as part of the newspaper's
investigation into her shopping holiday.
"The bodyguard chased after me. I ran but I was carrying heavy
camera gear and he caught up with me after 30 metres and tried
to get my camera off me.
"Then I saw Grace Mugabe coming at me. She launched herself
at me, tried to grab my camera and then directed punched at my
face. She hit me at least 10 times in the face and head.
"I was shocked. She was behaving like a mad woman. I thought
'Here is the First Lady of an African nation punching me in the
face in the middle of the street in Hong Kong'. I couldn't believe
what was happening."
Jones reported the alleged assault to police in Tsim Sha Tsui
two days later, by which time Mugabe and her entourage had
checked out of the hotel and left Hong Kong.
Mugabe was in Hong Kong as part of an Asian holiday that
began in early January in the Malaysian resort island of
Langkawi and then continued to Singapore where she was
joined by husband Robert, according to the Sunday Times.
The Zimbabwean first lady, whose country is heavily dependent
on food aid, flew to Hong Kong without her husband on January
9 and stayed with her entourage in a suite at the Shangri-la, the
newspaper said.
The Sunday Times claims Robert Mugabe withdrew 92,000 US
dollars from the central bank in Harare at the beginning of
January to fund his wife's Asian holiday.
Asked about the alleged assault by Grace Mugabe, a Hong
Kong police spokeswoman said: "The police received a report
from a 43- year-old man on January 17.
"He reported the case to Tsim Sha Tsui police station stating he
was assaulted by a woman on January 15 in the Tsim Sha Tsui
"The case has been classified as assault occasioning actual
bodily harm and the Tsim Sha Tsui CID team is investigating
the case. There has been no arrest so far."
Grace Mugabe is understood to have returned to her native
Zimbabwe after her stay in Hong Kong.


January 7, 2015 in Multimedia, News

Zimbabwe police on Wednesday tore down dozens of village

houses at Manzou Farm in Mazowe in a move to force the
villagers off the farm to reportedly pave way for the conversion
of the vast farmland into First Lady Grace Mugabe‟s private
wildlife sanctuary.
Six truckloads of armed police were reportedly deployed to the

The police, according to reports, ordered the villagers to
immediately take out their belongings from the houses targeted
for destruction.

By Everson Mushava.

In some cases where the villagers were not at home, police

officers forced their way in and threw property out before
pulling down the structures.

Hopeless villagers sit beside a razed hut at Manzou farm in Mazowe

A girl prepares food in the open for her evicted family

Pondering on the next move-villagers sit on a log as they look at their

dumped property.

What is left of what was once a home as villagers have their homes

Police ordering villagers to vacate their homes.

(NewsDay Zimbabwe January 7, 2015).

First Lady Grace Mugabe blows the trumpet of hypocritical
kindness as she tries to show the world that she is supporting
orphans and underprivileged children in Zimbabwe. Such
projects are done for window dressing and profile building not
genuine love for the underprivileged children. The state media
only covers stories of her helping orphans but says nothing
about children who are sleeping outdoors in a forest without
even a makeshift to put their heads following the evictions of
their families from Manzou at the orders of the First Lady
Grace Mugabe. So her other hand is helping underprivileged
children whilst the other hand is displacing children at Manzou
and leaving them sleeping in the forest without any alternative
accommodation. Her kindness is nothing but feigned,
hypocritical and all done for political window dressing and not
genuine at all.

Children sleeping outdoors when their families were evicted
from Manzou and displaced at the orders of the First Lady
Grace Mugabe who allegedly wants to use that land to establish
a game park. So she evicted human beings so that she can
develop the land for animals, what a shame. These innocent
children were just left in the open like this, their families‟
makeshifts were burnt down and they were left without
anywhere to put their heads. When these kids were sleeping
outdoors right in the cold with their poor families Grace
Mugabe who calls herself a philanthropist was behind their
suffering. She tries to show the world a good picture of her
being a kind mother who loves and support orphans and
vulnerable children yet in actual fact she is an evil woman who
can find sleep and enjoy the comfort of the state house at a time
when children and displaced families were sleeping in the cold
at Manzou because of her selfish interest of expanding her vast
business empire at the expense of such poor and impoverished
people. If she was a genuine philanthropist she would have been
moved by the plight of the displaced families at Manzou farm
who she made homeless herself because of her capitalist

Grace Mugabe sacrificed the lives of these poor children,
evicted their families and left them homeless because she
wanted to develop the land they were occupying and establish a
game park. So in her mind animals are better than these
vulnerable children who slept in the cold when she evicted and
displaced their families.

The state media is always busy showering the First Lady Grace
Mugabe as a philanthropist and a woman who is committed to
improve the livelihoods of vulnerable children in Zimbabwe.
Her orphanages and her work at Danhiko where she is also
supporting children living with disabilities are always shown on
national television portraying her as a very kind mother who is
contributing a lot to humanity. But nothing is said about how
she evicted people from Manzou, grabbed their land, burnt
down their make shifts and left them and their children living in
the forest without any alternative shelter. Children and infants
were also among those who were sleeping in the cold simply
because Grace Mugabe saw their land fit to be developed into a

game park for herself and displaced the poor villagers. It is
important to note that;

-The people at Manzou were staying in make shifts and squatter

houses because of the (ZANU PF) government‟s failure to
deliver and provide decent accommodation to the people of
Zimbabwe. Therefore it was not their fault to be in that
condition but it was all because of the ZANU PF‟s failure to

-When Grace Mugabe realized that she wanted to take that land
for her personal use why didn‟t she start by finding alternative
accommodation for them before evicting and displacing them?
It takes a heartless person to evict people and burn their houses
leaving them homeless and sleeping out in the cold.

-There were children among those evicted at Manzou why

didn‟t Grace Mugabe who calls herself the mother of all
vulnerable children in Zimbabwe helped those poor kids who
were sleeping in the cold?

-The state media must not tell us one side of the story; when you
tell us about Grace Mugabe‟s philanthropy you must also tell us
about what she did in Manzou where she evicted those poor
families and left them homeless. She is portrayed kind in public
yet she is very cruel behind the scenes.

-Our constitution and our bill of rights in Zimbabwe clearly

articulated the rights of the people of Zimbabwe such as; the
right to shelter, access to clean water and health etc. But Grace
decided to infringe those rights because of her selfish interests.
What she did in Manzou is a crime against humanity, why
would the First Lady displace her own people leaving them
homeless and sleeping in the cold? No matter how such stories
remain untold in Zimbabwe but writers like me will make it
known to the world.

To add salt to an injury, in a country which is under the SADC

and AU Chairman President Robert Mugabe the poor are being
evicted, displaced and left homeless and sleeping in the jungle
because the space which they were occupying is wanted by his
wife. What picture does it give to the rest of Africa? Indeed the
saddest tragedy of Africa is its betrayal by its own leaders. In
early 80s when ZANU PF got into power it had a leadership
code which defined it as a „socialist party‟ and a pro-poor
movement. But today the poor people are being evicted from
their land and left homeless because the elite want to use their
land for capitalist purposes. ZANU PF deviated from principles
and vision of its founding members today it is no longer a
socialist but a capitalist party especially when the party is now
in the hands of materialistic people like Grace Mugabe.

First Lady Grace „Gucci‟ Mugabe and his husband President Robert
Gabriel Mugabe arriving at a multi-million dollar 50th birthday bash
thrown for the First Lady at their lavish mansion at Blue Roof,
Borrowdale Harare July 2015.

President Robert Gabriel Mugabe and his wife Grace who has
been nicknamed „Gucci‟ because of her taste of fashion and
lavish life threw a multi-million dollar bash to mark the 50th
birthday of the First Lady in July 2015. It was shocking to see
how the first family of a poor country like Zimbabwe can
extravagantly spend millions of US Dollars celebrating the
birthday of the First Lady. Zimbabwe is failing to;

-Pay civil servants.

-Companies are closing down every day and the rate of

unemployment is now more that 85%.
-Thousands of children are failing to go to school and there are
hundreds of drop outs from primary to tertiary level.

-Matebeleland has no water and millions of civilians are

suffering from water shortages and do not have running water in
their homes.

- Mashonaland East province does not have a University and its

children are travelling to other far provinces to access tertiary

-Zimbabwe was banned from participating in the coming (2018)

world cup because it failed to raise only $67 000 to pay its
former coach Vallinos as was requested by FIFA.

-Hundreds of children in rural communities in Zimbabwe are

dying because of failing to access health facilities.

-ZIMASSET (a ZANU PF economic blueprint which is meant

to resuscitate the dead economy in Zimbabwe) failed to take off
because of lack of resources.

-Instead of creating 2 million jobs as per its promises during the

2013 elections, ZANU PF has instead made 2 million people
jobless as the economy continues to collapse.

With all these problems and economic challenges facing

Zimbabwe, ZANU PF government decided to channel millions
of US dollars towards celebrating the extravagant birthday for
the First Lady Grace Mugabe. What a typical case of misplaced

………………………….the list of what the government must

prioritize is endless but shockingly they decided to use millions
of dollars to celebrate the birthday of the first lady Grace
Mugabe. More millions are usually splashed in February
(February 21 of every year) to celebrate the birthday of the
ageing dictator President Robert Gabriel Mugabe. Why is the
ZANU PF government so clueless and full of misplaced
priorities? The First Lady calls herself a philanthropist and a
mother for all vulnerable children but she splashes millions of
US Dollars (possibly tax payers money) celebrating her birthday
at a time when millions of children in Zimbabwe are
malnourished and going to bed hungry.

Even ZUPCO buses which are owned by the state and were
bought by taxpayers money have been ZANUFIED and branded
with the face of the First Lady Grace Mugabe…….these buses
were bought using tax-payers money and I wonder why the First
Lady personalizes what is not hers. Apologists from the ruling
ZANU PF were saying she paid ZUPCO buses to advertise her
but who is foolish to believe such a lie, who does not know that
ZANU PF abuses parastatals for its own partisan pursuits and
interests. That‟s the reason why many parastatals are
collapsing, ZANU PF abuses them and do not pay for services
rendered to the party and business wise this is leaving the
parastatals broke and collapsing.

A table to sit close to the First Family was charged $2000 USD
(Two thousand US Dollars). Lots of ZANU PF sympathisers,
bootlickers and business people scrambled to pay their fortunes
so that they can sit close to the First Family. I shudder to think
why people had to pay thousands of US Dollars to sit close to a
ruthless dictator yet it was free to sit close to icons like the
Nelson Mandela or even the US President Barack Obama, the
poorest people from Africa can wine and dine with him for free.
So why would one pay thousands to be close to a man like
Robert Mugabe whose hands are dripping with blood of
innocent civilians who were mercilessly butchered because of
his ruthlessness and brutality.

It is said millions of US dollars were raised on her (Grace)

birthday and will be channelled to charity. I don‟t believe that,
if Grace is a true philanthropist she would not have displaced
those poor families from Manzou and left them sleeping in the
cold with young children as young as three. I doubt if she has a
heart of a mother,her philanthropy is for window dressing and
not genuine at all. Listen to her speaking,degrading and
dehumanizing other people publicly;do you think kindness will
have any place to stay in such a toxic heart? -HELL NO!!!.

How she spends her personal money,am not worried about that
but my concern is about why would the government of
Zimbabwe which is struggling to make ends meet use millions
of US Dollars to celebrate the birthday of the President‟s wife?
That‟s a typical case of misplaced priorities. Millions of US
Dollars used to celebrate Grace Mugabe‟s birthday was enough
to build a university in Mashonaland East or a hospital in
Gokwe Kabuyuni.

„In Zimbabwe it is not because we don‟t have the money to

make our economy work again. We have it but our challenge is
an irresponsible government which is clueless and full of
misplaced priorities,maladminstration,poor governance and
compromised bureaucracy which is dominated by the ruling
party‟s (ZANU PF) proteges not independent technocrats. If
millions of US Dollars can be used to throw a lavish bash for
the First Lady Grace Mugabe,how many jobs would have been
created if that money was channeled towards job creation or
social service delivery. Our main problem and the reason why
our economy is failing is all because we have an ageing
President who is no longer in touch with reality,a lavish and
extra vagant First Lady and a clueless government full of
misplaced priorities. If we don‟t work towards changing such a
set up and reconfigure it politically then our economy will
always remain in shambles.

Grace Mugabe‟s lavish lifestyle, toxic tongue and empty head

are some of the factors contributing to the downfall of her own
husband President Robert Gabriel Mugabe. The lavish birthday
thrown for her at a time when many Zimbabweans are
wallowing in abject poverty shows us how selfish, greedy and
self- centred she is. It is a shame how many women who are
supposed to provide solutions to the Zimbabwean question
queue to worship the First Lady and shower her with all sorts of
praises. Politics of patronage and how the grey headed and big
bellied politicians are bootlicking Robert Mugabe‟s wife Grace
is a shame to humanity and unAfrican. We are not going

anywhere with this type of leaders who spend most of their time
singing for their supper at a time when the nation is in need of
leaders who can provide solutions to the complex challenges
this country is facing.

Happy birthday to Grace Mugabe may God bless you with

friends and comrades who can tell you the truth because
bootlickers and cheer leaders who are around you are busy
telling you lies and what you want to hear at a time when you
need to hear the truth which can set you free and help you build
your infant political career basing it on truth, reality, informed
strategies and constructive advice.

Grace Mugabe‟s speeches exposes her empty head in public.

Source; The East African.

I came across an interesting article by Tanonoka Hwande on

Nehanda Radio which I think can also spark an interesting
debate about the rise of Grace Mugabe and the Mugabe Dynasty
which the octogenarian President Robert Gabriel Mugabe leader
is establishing in Zimbabwe;

Aug 3, 2015
By Tanonoka Joseph Whande

The situation is getting worse for Zimbabweans as we watch

politicians discarding any pretense at working in the interests of
the nation.

Just where do we begin in this tragi-comedy that is our

Zimbabwe? Like Hosiah Chipanga said: “Supu yakora kupfuura

Our politicians and those “in positions of power” are repulsive
irritants; selfish animals who never flinch at the pain they cause
the people and children.

I cannot understand their mentalities; they have no allegiance to

the nation or to a political party.

It is now a free-for-all and morons lead the pack.

Having already broken records in mediocrity, Zimbabwean

politicians keep sinking deeper into thicker political sludge. It‟s
their home, like pigs in a sty.

These politicians have cast away any dignity we, along with
their own families, might have bestowed on them.

As the economy continues to rot away, they spend time

discussing whose surname a child ought to take.

Our priorities are askew at the highest of levels; no one cares to

address real issues and how to rescue the nation.

Zanu-PF, MDC formations and other political parties have

insurmountable problems within their own existences and this
political instability has affected the running of government.
Mugabe‟s failures and the perceived docility of Zimbabweans
when it comes to politics have fired up parasitic members of his
family who are now behaving as if they own Zimbabwe.

How a whole nation, including the military and police, can be

cowed by an aging dictator and his insatiable wife for so long is
beyond comprehension.

Zimbabwean politicians have become more than an

embarrassment; they are a clear danger to Zimbabwe.

Our bootlicking politicians are more educated than

parliamentarians in other African countries. But look at them!

Their ideology is „money before people‟. They have become the

filthiest political prostitutes on the continent. Always singing
absurd praises at those in authority hoping to be thrown a left-
over bone.

Grace Mugabe is an end product of this void that afflicts our

cowardly politicians who do not believe in themselves but rely
on shortcuts and hand outs.

Over the years, the political situation in Zimbabwe has been
fertile manure for Grace Mugabe. I am quite surprised that it
took her so long to make her move.

Meanwhile, educated people turn into squeamish morons who

no longer believe in their own worth, having become heavily
dependent on Mugabe and his family.

“Your Excellency, the university admires your tremendous

skills of intellectual intelligence, spiritual intelligence and
emotional intelligence, including empathy, compassion, love
and grace,” said the University of Zimbabwe in a
“congratulatory message” to Grace Mugabe on her 50th
birthday last week.

Grace Mugabe is „Your Excellency‟?

A starving goat would never associate Grace with any

intelligence if its life depended on it.

If Grace had so much as a shadow of any intellectual, spiritual

or emotional intelligence, she would never have married
Mugabe in the first place.

The University of Zimbabwe abdicated its throne as the nation‟s
intellectual dome of knowledge; it insulted thousands of its
students, academics and alumni by awarding an academic
doctorate to an undeserving and seriously academically
deficient person.

UZ believes that Grace has empathy, compassion, love and

grace? And we send our children there?

“I am doing as much as I can, as an individual, to also build the

nation, to contribute to the development of Zimbabwe in my
own small way,” Grace said last week.

Grace Mugabe developing Zimbabwe?

She took over a farm, turning hundreds of children into

homelessness, saying that she needed the land to expand her
orphanage. The irony of it all!

Sensing the docility of Zimbabweans; Grace noticed the

spinelessness of the men and women who surround Mugabe.
She took full advantage of her husband‟s senility and is
practically running the country with the help of some people
who think that they might use her for now then elbow her out of
the way at a later stage.
It is going to be interesting seeing as we do how the coalition
she led in her ouster of Joice Mujuru has quickly crumbled.
That faction of Zanu-PF now boasts of three factions within

Grace now has her eyes on the big trophy herself – something
that should be causing sleepless nights for many people,
including Jonathan Moyo and Emerson Mnangagwa, who are
now, obviously, on “the other side”.

Sadly, the tragedy is not confined to the ruling Zanu-PF alone.

Politicians in the opposition ranks continuously hold their own

jamborees of foolishness as they keep launching new political

The situation has become laughable. At this rate, we are soon

going to have more political parties than people.

Worse still, none of these parties have any ideology different

from the other. They break up not over policy differences but
over personal issues and jealousies.

The moribund Morgan Tsvangirai, with all his failures and

stagnant outlook, still remains the most recognizable opposition
politician with considerable followers.

There is no question that he is tired and lacks forward-looking

advisors with new ideas as he continues to be bumped from one
corner to the other.

But his dilly-dallying continues.

He campaigned for and caused the recall of opposition MPs
who had ditched his party at a time he was eagerly courting
other opposition parties for a united front.

After the MPs were removed from Parliament, Tsvangirai went

on a nationwide tour telling people that his party would not
participate in any elections until electoral reforms had been
adopted and put in place.

He called it the “no reforms, no elections strategy”.

Zanu-PF went ahead with the elections and claimed all the
parliamentary seats on offer.

Today, Tsvangirai‟s few remaining MPs hardly have any effect

in Parliament.

Last week, Tsvangirai ditched the “strategy” and wants his party
to participate in any future elections despite the fact that no
electoral reforms were made.

He, surprisingly, dispatched his Secretary General to Europe on

a four-day tour of European capitals “where they are expected
to brief western governments and party supporters on the
country‟s state of affairs ahead of the 2018 elections”.

Apparently, party followers in Zimbabwe are not that important

and will later have their turn to be informed about the reversal
of strategy.

The MDC-T must satisfy the European governments first.

This kind of behavior only helps to insult an already fatigued
electorate. The people have lost faith in politics and in

Political parties abuse the people‟s trust and people are aware.

The menacing arrival of Grace Mugabe on the political stage

has burdened an already unpopular Zanu-PF and is causing
consternation in and outside Zanu-PF.

With no constituency of her own and with absolutely nothing to

offer, Grace is heavily dependent on her husband‟s political
machinery and uses threats to intimidate people into line.

We see so-called “Service Chiefs”, the likes of the army‟s

Constantine Chiwenga, Augustine Chihuri of the Police,
Perence Shiri of the Air Force, Paradzai Zimondi of Prisons and
“CIO boss”, Happison Bonyongwe, who are nothing but bed-
wetting boys in Grace‟s political orphanage.

Like a lioness with cubs, Grace is keeping a wary eye on her

business interests and is ensuring that she keeps her empire well
after her husband leaves the presidency.

Untrusting of whoever will succeed Mugabe, Grace strongly

believes that she alone can be her only trusted caretaker.

And there are many bootlickers standing in a long queue to

assist her.

“Your desire to bring freedom and economic empowerment for

the marginalised black majority is as inspiring,” read last
week‟s birthday message from Supa Mandiwanzira. “An

advocate of transparency and good corporate governance, Dr
Amai‟s philanthropies of unparalled virtue (sic)…”

He is talking about Grace Mugabe, for goodness sake, and she

barely finished high school, if at all!

But Grace is enjoying the phony praises and accolades she

knows are not true – just like her husband did.

But she is dancing on the table now and has made sure there is
only room for one on that table top. Zimbabwe cannot afford a
dynasty, especially a Mugabe dynasty.


Grace Mugabe joined active politics as a whirlwind which left

the party fragmented, divided and dead. The following senior
party officials were all axed at her instruction. She will be
remembered as the most destructive object which ZANU PF
ever had; Below are some of the victims of her brutality who
were purged in her operation which I dubbed „Operation
Murume Wangu ndiye anofanira kutonga ega’ (Operation my
husband Robert Mugabe must rule forever).

Former Vice President Joyce Mujuru.

Former Minister of Presidential Affairs and ZANU PF National
Secretary Didymus Mutasa conferring with President Robert Mugabe.

Former War Veterans leader Jabulani Sibanda.

Former ZANU PF Information Secretary Rugare Gumbo (left).

Former Zanu PF Commissar W Shamu.

"The Way It Is" Song by Luck Dube.

Didn't I raise my voice

High enough for you
I was running like a fugitive all the time
Risking rejection from my own people yeah
Now that you got what you wanted
You don't even know my name
It's so funny, we don't talk anymore
Be good to the people on your
Way up the ladder
Cause you'll need them on your way down

That's the way it is

Didn't I raise fists high enough for you

I guess I can't pat myself on the shoulder
For a job well done
Dodging bullets in the streets
I was there
Risking rejection from my own people yeah
Now that you got what you wanted
You don't even know my name
Be good to the people on your way
Up the ladder 'cause you'll need
Them on your way down

That's the way it is

ZANU PF is in pieces today following the coming in of the First
Lady Grace Mugabe whose „Meet the People Tour‟ where she
addressed rallies across Zimbabwe left the party divided than
never before. Most of Zanu PF senior party officials were left in
the dust bins and living as outcasts in a country they liberated.
They were accused of plotting to assassinate President Robert
Mugabe a charge I don‟t believe because no one was arrested or
investigated. Planning to assassinate the President is a very
serious case which I think was supposed to be taken seriously
and all the suspects and culprits immediately arrested. But the
way the ZANU PF government dealt with this issue clearly
shows that it was a trumped up accusation which was cooked to
try and find a way of firing all who were suspected of aligning
with the sacked Vice President Joyce Mujuru. To make matters
worse some were even accused of approaching witch doctors
asking them to finish off President Mugabe through witchcraft.
How can a big party like ZANU PF stoop so low to a point of
publishing such baseless accusations of witchcraft? This is what
I call ‘African movie politics’. ZANU PF is on the verge of
collapse but they had a chance of revamping the party if they
were to play the succession cards well however they decided to
accept a bedroom coup whereby they gave all the powers to a
political amateur Grace Mugabe who then threw the party into a
bottomless pit.
Former freedom fighters like Joyce Mujuru, Rugare Gumbo,
and Didymus Mutasa were poked and hold by the corner like a
packet of sour milk by Grace Mugabe who does not know what
politics is let alone the history of how these guys liberated this
country. Of course some of them committed crimes against
humanity in a bid to keep Robert Mugabe in power but it is a
fact that they sacrificed a lot liberating Zimbabwe before Robert
Mugabe started using them in the post independent era to build
his authoritarian empire and later on dumping them like used
condoms. The coward Robert Mugabe couldn‟t face these guys
and he decided to use his wife to go around decampaigning
them and damaging their reputation. He (Mugabe) even failed to
face his own deputy, Vice President Joyce Mujuru to tell her
that she no longer wanted to work with her and assigned his
wife to go around campaigning for the ouster of the Vice
President. Maybe it‟s because of age as he (Mugabe) is now too
old or probably he is just a coward.
If people like Rugare Gumbo, Didymus Mutasa, Joyce Mujuru
only to mention a few were underperforming in government and
in the party (ZANU PF) was it not the responsibility of their
immediate supervisor Robert Gabriel Mugabe to recall them or
sit down and discuss that with them or probably dismiss them if
need be rather than sending his wife to announce their ouster on
television. Where does the First Lady who was by then just a
nominee to the ZANU PF politburo in the run up to the 2014
congress got the powers to poke senior party officials including
the Vice President herself? It clearly shows that ZANU PF is
now a sinking ship and the coward ageing President Robert
Gabriel Mugabe is hiding in the First Lady‟s petticoat. Mugabe
being a former freedom fighter is the one who was supposed to
engage his fellow former freedom fighters and chuck them out
if need be rather than to send his wife to handle issues of the
party which she does not fully understand at all. Grace Mugabe
is too immature to manage the politics of ZANU PF.

‘ZANU PF has ruled Zimbabwe for more than three decades

(since 1980-); it has a history of co-liberating Zimbabwe with
ZAPU and dislodging the colonial administration, it formed
the first government of Zimbabwe and started engineering
massacres of its own people, eating its own revolutionaries
and destroying the economy of Zimbabwe. Grace Mugabe is
too little to handle such a bloody organization especially with
such a talkative mouth which lacks substance there is nothing
she can do for ZANU PF except making it sink more.

Today Grace Mugabe tells us that all those senior party officials
were sacked because they were being corrupt and were involved
in a lot of scandals. This sounds like the day Satan will fire
some of his demons accusing them of being evil yet he is the
father of all the evil things on this planet. He will be just using
the sacked demons as scapegoats to try to justify and hide his
wrong doings and clean his name yet he is even worse than
those sacrificed. ZANU PF is the mother of corruption in
Zimbabwe, a club of thieves and kleptocrats. Most of its party
officials are there simply because of immunity and impunity
otherwise most of them must be behind bars in various prisons
across Zimbabwe. If Grace Mugabe was serious in advocating
for the sacking of incompetent and corrupt officials from the
government and the party, her own husband President Robert
Mugabe is the first person who was supposed to be implicated
in that operation. He has caused a lot of suffering to the people
of Zimbabwe, rape, murder, genocides, impunity and using his
powers to protect his cabinet Ministers who are committing
various crimes in Zimbabwe. There is nowhere this whirlwind
was going to spare a person like President Robert Mugabe who
is not only underperforming but too old and unfit to perform his
duties anymore.
Joyce Mujuru a former freedom fighter and then the Vice
President of Zimbabwe was dismissed in a very humiliating
way. The First Lady even went on national television and told
the whole nation that the Vice President puts on „mini skirts‟.
Whether this is true or not the question is so what if she does?
What‟s wrong with wearing a mini skirt in this modern day
world? Were the animal skins which our forefathers and
mothers used to put on ages ago not the shortest miniskirts of
our lifetime? So what is new today?. The following day after
such utterances by the First Lady touts stripped naked an
innocent girl who was walking in a skirt they (in their minds)
thought was a mini skirt. To my surprise the police arrested

these touts and left the culprit (Grace Mugabe) who incited that,
walking scot free.
The sacking of senior party officials in ZANU PF including all
Provincial Chairmen few weeks before the 5th ZANU PF annual
congress in 2014 was nothing but a great betrayal of men and
women who invested all their life in helping the dictator Robert
Mugabe maintain his grip on power. They helped him become
the life President of Zimbabwe and some of them killed for
Mugabe but today just like a used condom they have been
dumped. Of course the people of Zimbabwe must hold them
accountable and responsible for helping in creating a dictator
Robert Mugabe, they were feeding a cub up until it became a
great lion which is now eating their own children.

But the question is for how long shall Grace Mugabe‟s empire
stand? Her iron fist; how long will it last in the post Mugabe
era? If people like Joyce Mujuru and Rugare Gumbo, known
freedom fighters were brave enough to take the Rhodesian Ian
Smith head on are they going to be silent in future and remain
docile with Grace Mugabe stepping on them like a dust mat?
Life after Mugabe I don‟t see Grace Mugabe winning this game
she chewed more than what she can swallow.

Grace Mugabe‟s popularity and influence within ZANU PF and
the government at large is like a fire but that fire of burning
papers. When papers are burning the fire will be very vibrant
but it‟s all for a short time. When Mugabe is out of office Grace
Mugabe‟s fire will just die like the fire of burning papers and
just like what happened to the Ivorian Coast former First Lady
Simone Gbagbo she will then see the reality of life that she is
nothing but just a wife of an ageing dictator. Mbiri yamunayo
iyo nesimba ramunofungidzira kuti mave naro mhamha moto
wemapepa hazvina kwazvinosvika izvi nenguva isipi zvichafuma
zvapera amai nyika ndeyevanhu kwete baba vekwenyu.
Beijing Women’s Convention of 1995.

Zimbabwe First Lady and ZANU PF Secretary for Women‟s

League Grace Mugabe proved it beyond reasonable doubt that
she is the greatest obstacle in the women‟s struggle for

She is the mother of the nation and women‟s hope but

unfortunately she has proved to be a strong advocate of a
patriarchal society. In this third world whereby the talk about
empowering the girl child and gender mainstreaming activities
and awareness campaigns are the order of the day all over the
world. But Grace does not believe in seeing women in front, she
always want to see them following behind men. She betrayed
the women‟s cause and it is sad she is the Head of the Women‟s

League at ZANU PF yet she does not believe in women‟s
empowerment at all.

For twenty four years (1980-2004) women were not given space
or any position closer to the Executive (Presidency). It became a
norm that the Presidency is a space for men only and that even
enhanced the presence of a patriarchal society in Zimbabwe.
But in 2004 I must congratulate ZANU PF for taking a bold step
to appoint the first woman to join the Presidium (24 years after
independence) Joyce Mujuru whose nom de guerre is Teurai
Ropa. Women fought alongside men in the trenches liberating
Zimbabwe against colonialism but in the post independent era it
took men twenty four years to allow only one woman to get into
the Presidium. Joyce Mujuru became the first woman to be a
Vice President in Zimbabwe deputizing the octogenarian leader
President Robert Mugabe. Women celebrated this development
all over Zimbabwe as it was unbelievable that a woman can also
sit in the Executive.

Joyce Mujuru after her appointment as the first female Vice President
of Zimbabwe in December 2004.
That was a major step towards gender mainstreaming and
advancing the cause of women as they were now represented in
the Presidium where decisions are executively made. But ten
years after (2014) all hell broke loose against the presence of a
woman in the Presidium simply because constitutionally this
woman (Joyce) was supposed to then succeed President
Mugabe. What pains me a lot is that another woman Grace
Mugabe was at the forefront of pulling another woman down.

„Grace Mugabe organized rallies all over the country dubbed

„Meet The People Tour‟. Thousands of dollars were poured in
that campaign. Her mission was to decampaign Joyce Mujuru
and push for her ouster so that she can be replaced by a man.
She washed Joyce‟s dirty linen in public, exaggerating,
trumping up charges against her to justify her anti-Mujuru
campaign. She used her toxic mouth and powers which were
romantically seized from her ageing husband Robert Mugabe in
a bedroom coup. Grace pulled down Joyce and lambasted her
publicly unfortunately it only exposed how empty Grace is.

Grace Mugabe‟s remarks in public decampaigning another

woman Joyce Mujuru then Vice President;

„Tine video yaMai Mujuru vachiita meeting ne US Diplomat

vakapfeka ka mini vachida kuzama ku enticer varume‟

- We have Joyce Mujuru‟s video meeting with a US

Diplomat dressed in a mini skirt in a move which clearly
shows that she was trying to entice that man.

„Takati kuna President itai mai Mujuru baby dumping kana

musingagone tichavaita isu‟

- We told President Mugabe to dumb Joyce Mujuru or we
dump her ourselves.

„Mai Mujuru vakambouya ku farm kwangu kwandirikuita ma

projects. Havana kana kugara 5 minutes vachibva vatoti
ndakuenda vakaratidza kusambodawo basa rangu
randirikuita,ndakasara ndikachema‟.

- Joyce Mujuru once came to my farm where am doing

various projects for my philanthropic work but she did
not stay for more than five minutes and she left. I could
see that she was not even appreciating the work am
doing, I cried when she left.

„Mnangagwa (who is now the Vice President in Joyce‟s place)

anotya President and anoteerera‟.

-Emmerson Mnangagwa respects and fears my husband

President Robert Mugabe and he is obedient.

NB; Here Grace Mugabe decampaigned another woman,

appraised a man and later on this man replaced Joyce in the
Presidium and there is no woman in the Presidium now.
Zimbabwe retrogressed to a situation of three decades ago when
women were not allowed anywhere close to the Presidium.

Today the Presidium in Zimbabwe is now a men‟s club since

there is no women who sits there anymore. Grace worked hard
to oust the only one woman who was in the Presidium and
advised her husband to replace her with a man. The precedence
she set was very wrong and a blow to the women‟s cause. She
betrayed the women and dumped them because of her selfish
interests. The Beijing declaration of 1995, CEDAW and other
instruments set to empower women and give them equal
opportunities with men are being thwarted and disturbed by
women like Grace Mugabe who cannot do anything other than
pulling other women down. She will be remembered as the
enemy of the women‟s cause in Zimbabwe. I shudder to think
what this country will look like if a patriarch like her takes over
as President.

Ane mhaka uyo akakunyeperai
Mhosva ndinopa uyo akakukwidzai yemashanga ndege
Ndinotsutsumwa nouyo akakunyeperai kuti mave muhombe
Musoro ndodzungudza nouyo akada kudya chemuzvere
nekubata mwana
Kwakukuimbirai pisarema rizere nhema dzekukufadzai
Nyika ndeyevanhu amai wenyu murume mufudzi wedanga risi
Kungonzi hecho chitanda mhanyai mberi
Vanhu makanga mototuka
Makanzi dzipakatei imi kwakutoridza
Nenhongonya dzevakuru vedare makanga motodzirova
Makakwidza nekudzika nayo nyika muchiita bvongamupopoto
Vaye vana Chitevera-vasunzi vanodya nemipururu yenhema
Kwakukunyeperai kuti nyika yave pasi penyu
Hushingi hwayo tsoko kufunga kuti yave mbombo yeGudo
Nyika ndeyevanhu mhamha, murume wenyu mufudzi wedanga
risi rake.
By Nkosilathi Emmanuel Moyo (Snr).
The pain which many of the axed ZANU PF senior party
officials are feeling right now and the trauma they now have as
an effect of the great betrayal they faced in Grace Mugabe‟s
hands will contribute a lot towards the downfall of the party.
ZANU PF is on a verge of collapse, Grace Mugabe aggravated
the situation and contributed a lot in making it sink more. Her
„sweet victory‟ in sweeping away all level headed people from
ZANU PF is just like the fire of burning papers it‟s just but for a
short time. In the post Mugabe era, Grace Mugabe will be
nowhere to be found her sins will come back to her and am not
sure she will continue to bask in this glory which she has today.
Life will change thereafter. Even some of the party officials
who are singing songs for her right now will turn against her
when Robert Mugabe is no longer there. They are just
pretending to support her so that their jobs in government are
safe but they also do not believe in her. There are many lessons
waiting for her in the near future and indeed they will be
lifetime lessons which will help her see the reality of life.

„Those who fought to liberate this country Zimbabwe, remain

our heroes, fathers and mothers of our beloved Zimbabwe. No
one can take that from them. You don‟t need Grace Mugabe‟s
approval to be called a heroe in this country, your work and
your contribution in this country gives you that title and you
don‟t get it unilaterally from any individual or any political
party. Your own work will speak for you, whether you are
indeed a heroe or not. You might not be buried at the partisan
so called heroes‟ acre in Harare but it is not about the cemetery
where your remains will be put but the value of your work ,the
role you played and the contribution you made in making this

country a better place and no one can take that from you. Your
work will always speak for you..‟

The future of senior ZANU PF party officials who are in the

dust bins today due to Grace Mugabe‟s iron fist remains
uncertain. But it is wise for ZANU PF to engage them in future
and bring them back to the party because if they remain out it
will cost the party as they are likely to drop a bombshell and a
political surprise which may leave the party in pieces.

On Saturday 12 April 1986, before a crowd of tens of thousands
who had gathered to pay their last respects to former ZIPRA
Commander Lt Gen Lookout “Mafela” Khalisabantu
Vumindaba Masuku in Bulawayo , the late Vice President
Joshua Nkomo delivered a powerful and emotional speech.

Lieutenant General Lookout Masuku (April 7, 1940 – April 5,

It was a speech of how Zimbabwe was losing direction, and

most parts of the speech remain relevant today:

“Those who rule our country know inside themselves that

Lookout played a very big part in winning our struggle.
And yet they let him die in prison.
I say he died in prison because he died on that bed on which he
was detained.
It was not possible for him to leave that bed and it was not
possible for you to see him.
Therefore, I say he died in prison.
Why should men like Lookout and Dumiso, after being found
innocent of any wrongdoing by the highest court in this land
remain detained? When we ask we get the same answer from
the Minister as we used to get from the Smith regime.
Mafela, Lookout, after all his sacrifices, died a pauper in our
own hands.
We cannot blame colonialism and imperialism for this tragedy.
We who fought against these things now practise them.
Why? Why? Why? We are enveloped in the politics of hate.
The amount of hate that is being preached today in this country
is frightful.
What Zimbabwe fought for was peace, progress, love, respect,
justice, equality, not the opposite.
And one of the worst evils we see today is corruption.
The country bleeds today because of corruption.
It is appropriate that the site chosen for Lookout‟s grave lies
near a memorial to those who fought against Hitler.
Lookout fought against fascism, oppression, tribalism and
Any failure to dedicate ourselves to the ideals of Masuku will be
a betrayal of him and of all those freedom fighters whose graves
are not known.
Our country cannot progress on fear and false accusations which
are founded simply on the love of power.
There is something radically wrong with our country today and
we are moving, fast, towards destruction.
There is confusion and corruption and, let us be clear about it,
we are seeing racism in reverse under false mirror of correcting
imbalances from the past.
In the process we are creating worse things.

We have created fear in the minds of some in our country.
We have made them feel unwanted, unsafe.
Young men and women are on the streets of our cities.
There is terrible unemployment.
Life has become harsher than ever before.
People are referred to as squatters.
I hate the word.
I do not hate the person.
When people were moved under imperialism certain facilities
like water were provided.
But under us? Nothing! You cannot build a country by firing
people‟s homes.
No country can live by slogans, pasi (down with) this and pasi
When you are ruling you should never say pasi to anyone.
If there is something wrong with someone you must try to uplift
him, not oppress him.
We cannot condemn other people and then do things even worse
than they did.
Lookout was a brave man.
He led the first group of guerrillas who returned home at
Lookout, lying quietly here in his coffin, fought to the last
minute of his life for justice.
It is his commitment to fair play that earned him his

Some of you are tempted to give away your principles in order
to conform.
Even the preachers are frightened to speak freely and they have
to hide behind the name of Jesus.
The fear that pervades the rulers has come down to the people
and to the workers.
There is too much conformity.
People work and then they shut up.
We cannot go on this way.
People must be freed to be able to speak.
We invite the clergy to be outspoken.
Tell us when we go wrong.
When Lookout was in Parirenyatwa he requested to be able to
say goodbye to his friend Dumiso.
The request was refused.
“No!” By our own government!
He is not being buried in Heroes‟ Acre.
But they can‟t take away his status as a hero.
You don‟t give a man the status of a hero.
All you can do is recognise it.
It is his.
Yes, he can be forgotten temporarily by the State.
But the young people who do research will one day unveil what
Lookout has done.

Pictures from left Vice President and ZANU PF Chairman Emmerson
Mnangagwa, main opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai, former Vice
President Joyce Mujuru and the First Lady and ZANU PF Women‟s
League boss Grace Mugabe.

If ZANU PF is not wise enough to engage the likes of Joyce
Mujuru and retain them then 2018 will be the mother of all tests
for the former revolutionary party if Mujuru and her clique
decide to form their own political movement. Ever since I was
born (in May 1987) to date I have never witnessed an election
without Robert Mugabe so 2018 might be the first election
without the octogenarian leader contesting so to us young
people it will be like the first election in our life time. But who
knows maybe the power hungry Robert Mugabe who will be 94
years of age in 2018 can still contest the elections. 2018 will be
the mother of all tests for ZANU PF, how it will manage the
succession politics, a contest and a challenge from its former
senior members, if Joyce Mujuru‟s faction decides to run for
presidency and also a challenge from the opposition parties.
Will ZANU PF continue to rig elections as usual or some of its
disgruntled members are willing to spill the beans of how the
rigging machinery has been operating in this country?

Robert Mugabe is the face of ZANU PF so any one who will

represent it in the 2018 elections if Mugabe steps down has a lot
of work to do.

-Facing a challenge from former members of ZANU PF who are

said to be planning to launch their own political party to
challenge ZANU PF.

-Facing a challenge from opposition parties.

-Convincing the electorate that ZANU PF can still a deliver, am

not sure if this can convince any sane voter. In 2013 when
ZANU PF „won‟ all of its promises to the electorate are still on
pending. ZANU PF promised to create 2 million jobs but

instead it made more than 2 million people jobless and turned
Zimbabwe into a nation of street vendors.

Cartoon in the Standard dated Sunday 26 July 2015.

-Maintaining ZANU PF‟s grip on using the rigging machinery

to manipulate the polls. Am sure out of all the disgruntled
members who were sacked from the party and embarrassed
there are some who are willing to spill the beans and expose the
whole strategy. It is an open secret that ZANU PF is still in
power because of electoral rigging and manipulation of polls but
whoever succeeds Mugabe has a lot of work to do in terms of
keeping the rigging machinery in order.

-Ever since its formation in 1963, the year 2018 is the mother of
all tests for ZANU PF. A party which ruined Zimbabwe for the
past three decades.

2018 is an opportunity for the people of Zimbabwe to attain

democracy and walk into a new Zimbabwe. If we don‟t rise up
and say enough to the dictatorship in our country no one will do
that for us. The advantage that we (the people of Zimbabwe
have) is that ZANU PF is now in the hands of people like Grace
Mugabe who are very good at destroying ZANU PF and
contribute a lot towards its downfall.

Grace Mugabe must be given credit for being the only person who
successfully destroyed ZANU PF in three weeks. Many opposition
parties tried but failed, some of the opposition parties like the
Movement for Democracy Change (MDC T) even won some polls but
were subject to electoral rigging and they were not given their
victory. But it took the First Lady Grace Mugabe only three weeks to
join active politics and destroy ZANU PF. Her mouth was bad enough
to leave the party divided and senior party officials including the First
Vice President in the dustbins. Today she (Grace Mugabe) is basking
in the glory which she is now being given by the people as the most
powerful woman in the dying ZANU PF and the damage she has done
to her husband‟s party can be hardly controlled. She must be given
credit as the only person who managed to destroy ZANU PF in three
weeks. The people of Zimbabwe must thank her for helping them

destroy this authoritarian formation called ZANU PF which made
millions of innocent Zimbabwe suffer for the past thirty five years.

Nkosilathi Emmanuel Moyo with Cde Rugare Gumbo former ZANU

PF Secretary for Information and Publicity in Gweru, Zimbabwe.

Cde Rugare Gumbo, the former ZANU PF Secretary For

Information and Publicity who also played the role of being the
spokesperson for President Robert Gabriel Mugabe‟s party
(ZANU PF) is a man nursing a political heartbreak following
how he was dumped by a party he sacrificed all he had working
for. He was a cabinet Minister who was being moved from one
Ministerial post to another serving Robert Mugabe‟s
adminstration but today he is nowhere to be found except in the
dustbins of the party and he is now more of an outcast in a
country he liberated. The First Lady Grace Mugabe who is now
in charge of the ruling ZANU PF and the government came in

with an axe which purged most of the senior party officials in
ZANU PF and Gumbo was one of the victims. History changed
with a twinkling of an eye and today he is now being referred to
as a „Rhodesian sell out‟ but is that true? He served in Robert
Mugabe‟s government for so many years and he even rose to be
the spokesperson of the party. So it took Mugabe thirty five
years to realize that Gumbo was pro-Rhodesian or he is just
trying to blackmail him? It is sad how in ZANU PF you can be
used and dumped like a condom. I took a day off and met with
Cde Rugare Gumbo so that he can tell me his own story if he is
indeed a Rhodesian sell out or a freedom fighter betrayed by his
fellow freedom fighters. Below is his story;

Young man thank you very much for coming to see me so that I
can share with you my political profile and my humble
contribution in the liberation struggle which brought Zimbabwe.
Today am now being referred to (by the state media) as a
Rhodesian sell-out but that is not true. There is a need to correct
our history and make sure it comprises the truth not some
partisan or individual interests which are far from what really
transpired. My name is Rugare Gumbo I was born on the 8th of
February 1940 in Mnene,Mberengwa. I did both my primary
and part of my secondary education at Dadaya Mission before
going to Zimuto Secondary in Masvingo. At Zimuto I was
expelled from school in 1961 for being involved in political
activities as I was a member of the National Democratic Party
(NDP). I remained in Masvingo doing my activism which was
linked to NDP (National Democratic Party). It was that same
year when I met two nationalists who were my source of
inspiration these were the late Simon Vengesai Muzenda (who
became the Vice President of Zimbabwe) and Henry
Hamadziripi. These two men inspired me to commit myself to
the liberation of Zimbabwe against white supremacy and
domination. By then I was working at Corbbans Bakery as a
cashier so Muzenda and Hamadziripi would come and have tea
there whilst we discuss politics and the need for freedom in
Zimbabwe then Rhodesia. These two nationalists went to my
father who was working as a Clerk at the Native
Commissioner‟s Office and asked for his permission so that
they can recruit me into nationalism. I was worried about my
father since he was working for the native commissioner‟s
office but he told them (Muzenda and Chikerema) that Rugare
is a grown-up he can make decisions for himself. I then became
so much active in politics demanding the freedom and
independence in this country. In 1962 Sir Edgar Whitehead then
Prime Minister of Rhodesia launched a campaign called „Build
the Nation Campaign‟ in which he wanted the people to accept
his constitution which had nothing to do with black
emancipation, equality and freedom. We mobilized people in
Mucheke (Masvingo) and revolted. We even burnt down some
buildings in that protest. I was then arrested and charged under
the Law and Order Maintenance Act (LOMA). I was convicted
and sentenced to three years in jail, one year suspended on
condition of good behaviour and was left to serve an effective
two year jail term. I was then sent to Harare (then Salisbury) to
serve my jail term there but was transferred to the colored
section were I was made a clerk. That is the time I met other
nationalists ie Morton Malianga, Tobias Manyonga, Welshman
Mabhena, Leopold Takawira, Ephraim Dembedza , Robert
Gabriel Mugabe to name just a few. At Harare prison I even
spent some time one on one with Robert Mugabe.

In 1963 ZANU was then formed, I used to see Hamadziripi
doing some consultation prior to the formation of this party.
After I was released from prison I went to Masvingo to defend
the new party ZANU and educate the mass about it‟s ideology. I
then went to Tanzania to learn more about the struggle. But in in
1964 I decided to go to Boston University in the United States
of America to further my studies. I graduated with a degree in
political science. I then went to Ottawa University in Canada
and did my masters in Political Science there. Did another
Masters in Education but when I was about to start my PhD then
we received a clarion call from the late Herbert Chitepo then
ZANU Chairman that all Zimbabweans who were out of the
country must come back to join the liberation struggle. Then
Kumbirai Kangai and I returned to Zimbabwe to join the
liberation struggle.

It was a period when we were moving from protest politics to an

armed struggle. So Chitepo believed in conscientizing the mass
and educate them about the paradigm shift we were moving
from doing protest politics to wage an armed war against
colonialism. He emphasized about the need to fully engage the
mass in this process. We all shared Chitepo‟s vision.

The late Herbert Chitepo former ZANU Chairman who was
assassinated during the liberation struggle.

One thing I want you to understand young man is that we were

not fighting against white people but against the system which
had a lot inequalities and racial imbalances. It is sad to see
President Robert Mugabe taking it personal against white
people today, it is wrong. We were fighting against the system
not white people. We just wanted a free country where we all
live together equally and peacefully as a family. That is the
reason why we waged an armed struggle against the Rhodesian

Chitepo was then assassinated by Rhodesian agents in 1975 and

most of us were arrested as it was alleged that he was
assassinated from within our own ZANU structures due to
internal tensions. But however we were all later on acquitted.
Also at that time Ndabaningi Sithole who was the President of
the party was at loggerheads with party members and he had

defected to start his own ZANU Ndonga. Then there was a
leadership vacuum since Leopold Takawira had also died in
prison. So the only person who was supposed to take over was
Robert Mugabe who was the third in command. He was little
known and we played a critical role in marketing him to the
people and to freedom fighters as he was not known that much.
I personally supported Robert Mugabe‟s ascendancy and it is a
mistake I now regret. I am even one of the signatories to
Mgagao declaration which made Mugabe the leader of ZANU. I
later on started to see his true colours between 1978-79 that all
he wanted was acquisition of power. There were talks about
uniting ZAPU and ZANU during the liberation struggle and in
the post war or transitional period but you could see that
Mugabe was not interested as all he wanted was acquisition of
power. The way his leadership treated ZIPA comrades and
imprisoned then clearly showed his true colours that indeed he
was going to be brutal leader in the post independent
Zimbabwe. After the Malta Talks in 1978 I was part of the
group which was accused of plotting against Mugabe and his
leadership. We were arrested and kept in a pity cell which had
very difficult conditions for a human being to survive. I am sure
they (Mugabe and his leadership) wanted to kill us. Thanks to
Samora Machel who after reading our story in the press told
them that he didn‟t want us killed so we were then transferred to
Machamba central prison in Maputo. Later on in the transitional
period Lord Soames demanded our release from prison and we
were flown into Harare. In 1980 I contested the first polls under
the ZANU Ndonga ticket but since Ndabaningi Sithole had his
own issues we lost the elections.

I then got a job as a Human Resource Manager at Hwange
Colliery. I enjoyed my years there. I worked there for sixteen
years. I used to play golf during my spare time and I even won
some golf competitions. I then retired from Hwange Colliery in
1998 and re-joined politics. I won the elections to represent
Mberengwa in the house of assembly in 2000 and 2005. I served
in government as Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of
State Enterprise and Parastatals, Minister of Economic Planning
and Minister of Agriculture. I also got into the ZANU PF
politburo as Deputy Secretary of Information in 2004 deputizing
the late Dr Nathan Shamuyarira. In 2009 I was then made the
substantive Secretary for Information and Publicity in the
ZANU PF politburo. Until 2014 when I was part of the group
which was purged for allegedly supporting the Vice President
Joyce Mujuru.

We were supporting a Vice President who was elected by the

people and ordained by the President himself. But that was
turned into a crime against us. Other trumped up accusations of
saying we wanted to assassinate President Mugabe are all lies
being used to blackmail us.

My role now is to support youngsters like you. I don‟t think I

can wish to be the President, am now old, look all of our part
was consumed by Mugabe. He ate his slice of the cake and also
ate what was supposed to be for us all, I am now old so I don‟t
think I can have the ambition to be President at this age. All
Mugabe thinks about is „Power, power and power‟. One thing I
like is that I was not involved in corrupt scandals during my
term in government. I bought my farm with my own money in
1986, I did not get it the corrupt way and I worked for

everything on this farm. That‟s why they can‟t accuse me about
anything corrupt. It pays to live a corruption free if you are a

Cde Rugare Gumbo.

I do not give up young man my wish is to help create a

movement which can take Zimbabweans to the promised land, a
country where every citizen is involved and genuinely benefits
from the resources of his or her country despite of his/her
political affiliation, creed or colour. Our challenge right now is
we have a lot of opportunistic political parties mushrooming
whereas what Zimbabwe wants right is a party which is not
driven by individual interests or personal ego but a formation
which puts the interests of the people first.

20/08/15 Gweru, Zimbabwe.

„If Robert Mugabe a poor boy from Zvimba could lead in the fight and
defeat of white colonial rule why can‟t any son or daughter of
Zimbabwe do the same against his authoritarian rule. The reason we
fail is because we set limitations for ourselves coupled with
discouragement from negative people who will always tell us it can‟t
be done.

Zimbabwe is not a monarch but a Republic where the mass has

the mandate to elect who must rule them at any given time. The
challenge now is that this right of „one man/woman one vote‟
was taken away from the people of Zimbabwe by the ZANU PF
government which survives on electoral rigging. In
Zimbabwean elections it is not the vote that counts but who
counts the vote. But according to our constitution we have the
right to vote and elect whoever must govern us here in the
Republic of Zimbabwe. We (the mass) have the power to
socially employ (social contract) any individual to be the
President of this country and recall him or her when we feel
h/she is no longer serving our interests. This clearly shows that
the ZANU PF terminology of calling Robert Mugabe „shefu‟
(chief or boss) is very wrong as it makes him a superior over the
people who elected him or politically employed him. Who is a
boss between an employer and an employee? The answer is
obvious. So why are we ingrained to call people we elected into
office our bosses yet it is us who put them in those offices. It is
sad that in Mugabe‟s case it is not even us who put him in
office, he imposed himself against the will of the people of

We are now living in a country where harbouring ambitions to

run for Presidency has been criminalized and whoever is
suspected to have such aspirations might be in trouble as bad as
losing his or her life. Within ZANU PF anyone who is
suspected of planning to contest for the Presidency will be
suspended if not fired from the party. That‟s why there has
never been any challenge or contest for Presidency at ZANU PF
congresses because any one who harbours such interests will be
fired. The people of Zimbabwe were ingrained and
indoctrinated that the Presidency is a sacred seat reserved for
Robert Gabriel Mugabe, his wife or anyone he will handpick
from his elite group. But that is not true, anyone who is a
Zimbabwean and is forty years and above as per our constution
can contest for the Presidency of this country. It is not reserved
for Robert Mugabe, we are not a monarch or a dynasty, anyone
can be the President of Zimbabwe.

I hear state intelligence officers and the partisan
Zimbabwe Republic Police (Z.R.P) through their brutal
C.I.D Law and Order Department arresting and torturing
people on allegations of planning to remove President
Robert Mugabe. But it is not a crime to plan or mobilize
people to remove Robert Mugabe as long you want to do
it through constitutional and non -violent means. What
is bad is a coup deta‟t, it is a crime but mobilizing young
people to vote ZANU PF out of office in 2018 is not a
crime it is very legal. The primary objective of each and
every election is either to renew the social contract of
the incumbent regime or change it completely. So people
of Zimbabwe don‟t be intimidated it is not crime to sit
down, discuss and plan to remove Robert Mugabe just
make sure you want to do it through peaceful and
constitutional means.
If you are interested, it is your constitutional right to
contest for the Presidency if you feel you have
something to offer to our dying country Zimbabwe. It is
your right to as enshrined in our constitution give it is
important to give it a try. It is a myth that only former
freedom fighters and people like Robert Mugabe can
rule this country. No that‟s a myth even an ordinary
person like you can be the President of this country. It is
sad that our Zimbabwean politics is stained with blood
and elimination of dissenting voices but it‟s done to
intimidate and frighten anyone who might think of
running for Presidency. The people of Zimbabwe must
know that the Presidential seat is not sacred or reserved
for the Mugabes it‟s for any ordinary Zimbabwean who
wants to serve his/her country and make it a better place.
being like us all elected by the people to serve as the
Head of State. He/she is not a supernatural being, there
is nothing special on him/her. He/she is our (mass)
servant not vice versa. It is wrong to bootlick our own
servant neither is it proper nor normal.
and contest for the Presidency at the congress. The
ZANU PF constitution also allows you to contest for the
Presidency if you feel you want to run for it. So all those
interested in challenging whoever is the head of the
party at any given time must know that it is
constitutional and allowed.

(Source; NewsDay)

(Source; NewsDay)

Songs like ‘Ku state house kure’ (It‟s not easy to be in

the state house) which are sang in Zimbabwe are meant
to intimidate all possible Presidential contenders so that
they don‟t dare give it a try. No one owns the state house
and there is no one whose rights are more equal than
others when it comes to issues of occupying the
Presidential seat. Our clueless African dictators
governing most parts of Africa can be foolish enough to
an extant of killing someone just because he/she
harbours Presidential ambitions. Why do you kill
someone for something which is also not yours? No one
can monopolize the Presidential seat and makes his/her
own seat forever. It belongs to the mass and the mass
will then give a social contract to anyone who deserves
such a seat.

Are you 40 years and above? Do you think you have a
vision and some ideas which can change this country for
better if we elect you the President of Zimbabwe? So
what‟s keeping you, give it a try and contest for the
Presidency. This country does not belong to anyone it
belongs to the people of Zimbabwe not some ruthless
individuals. Run for the Presidency, it is a shame how
President Mugabe is trying to create a dynasty, bringing
his wife and children to rule this country despite of how
they destroyed this country for the past three decades.
‘Give others a chance Mr Mugabe’.

Left;Dr Joshua Nkomo (ZAPU Leader) who even when he

later on became the Vice President remained down to the
grassroots with the poor majority. Right; is President Robert
Mugabe who transformed and changed himself from being a
freedom fighter to the oppressor of his own people. Today
Zimbabwe is in a mess and retrogressing because of his poor
governance, corruption, human rights violations, crimes
against humanity and dictatorship. A grave mistake which
our parents made in 1980 of voting Robert Mugabe into
power costed not only their generation but even generations
to come. Today (35 years after) that mistake is still haunting
Zimbabwe and Robert Mugabe has grown to be a great
oppressor of his own kith and kin.

President Robert Gabriel Mugabe, Zimbabwe‟s President since 1980

President Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial Guinea President
since 1979

President Eduardo Dos Santos, President of Angola since 1979-

The root cause of the leadership crisis and political stability
which we have in Zimbabwe and other African countries is
mainly caused by dictators who are clinging to power and are
resistant to change. We have situation whereby one person can
be in power for more than four decades. The reason being „I see
am the only person capable of taking this country to the
promised land‟. If you see yourself as the only person capable
of leading and heading your country then it means you have not
done enough to develop that country. It shows that for decades
which you have been in power you were not doing anything to
develop or upgrade your people that‟s why you are the only
person capable of leading it.

I see many African Presidents running around trying to temper

with their constitutions to extend their term of office. In Burundi
President Pierre Nkurunzinza sacrificed a lot of innocent
civilians in a bid to extend his term of office against the
constitution of his country. There was civil unrest and bloody
violence all over Burundi and a lot of people were killed simply
because Nkurunzinza wanted a third term in office. The same
happened in Sudan with President Omar Al Bashir, it is also
happening in Rwanda with President Paul Kagame working on
extending his term in office and also in DRC where President
Kabila also wants a third term. What pains me most is that these
people who are power hungry and who wants to be life
Presidents are causing a lot of suffering on their people and I

don‟t know for how long they want to see their people suffering.
Zimbabweans have suffered for the past three decades in the
hands of the black oppressor Robert Gabriel Mugabe but he still
wants to continue oppressing them even at the age of 91 he still
wants to remain in office. Give others a chance Mr Mugabe we
have had enough of your authoritarian regime!!!

„It‟s high time we (Africans) stop blaming the West for our own
mistakes. We must stand up and take up responsibility that
indeed we failed our own people. We abandoned the principles
of Pan Africanism and Ubuntu, the road which the fathers of
this continent Nkwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere, Sekou Toure
to name just a few, paved for us. We turned Africa into a den of
dictators, kleptocrats and murderers. Our people are even
suffering more compared to what they did in the hands of the
former colonial masters. The saddest tragedy of Africa is it‟s
betrayal by its own leaders‟.

These African leaders who wants to be life Presidents despite

the fact they are even dictators and authoritarians causing a lot
of suffering of their own people is something intolerable and it
is hindering progress in Africa. Zimbabwe is now more of an
embarrassment in the global arena, being led by a President who
is 91 years old and who does not even want to leave office
despite that fact that he has failed and his people are wallowing
in abject poverty. With this type of dictators, life Presidents and
authoritarian leaders Africa is doomed to fail.

President Mugabe falls at the airport in Harare, the 91 year
octogenarian leader who has been in power since 1980 still claims he
is the only person capable of leading Zimbabwe even at a time when
his body can now report that he is no longer capable to remain in this
high office. I wonder why people stay long up until they became an
embarrassment to the whole nation…………………….


1. ZANU PF has been ruling the Republic of Zimbabwe
since our independence in April 1980.It‟s leader Robert
Gabriel Mugabe became the first black Prime Minister
of an independent Zimbabwe after a protracted liberation
struggle against the colonial adminstration. ZANU PF‟s
first mistake was on building the foundation of its
movement on violence, intimidation and victimization of
opposition activists and the electorate. The first elections
in 1980 when Africans were given an opportunity to
exercise their „one man one vote right‟ after the
liberation struggle were marred with violence and
victimization of opposition candidates, ZAPU
candidates to be more specific. Many of Nkomo‟s
candidates (ZAPU) were beaten, tortured and some even
lost their lives. So the foundation or the backbone of
ZANU PF is in victimizing and shedding innocent
blood. This is why even today, after thirty five years in
power you can hardly separate ZANU PF and violence
or mass murder. It is in its DNA. It‟s (ZANU PF) first
mistake was to base it‟s ideology on violence and
forcing people to support it rather than packaging it‟s
message in a way which can attract the mass to
voluntarily support it or vote for it out of choice.

2. ZANU PF leaders decided to dump it‟s original leaders

who had the people at heart and were carried away by an
intellectual Robert Gabriel Mugabe who speaks very
good English and was coming from Ghana where he was
teaching. He was very articulate in unpacking the vision
of the liberation struggle and the concept of black
emancipation. However they did not look at the other
side of this man, that he is a very selfish, power hungry
and ruthless. After taking over power in 1980 to date
(2015) he has not relinquish it to the next person. Does it
mean that he is the only person capable of leading the
party and the country at large? Hell, NO!. The man is
power hungry and is a shameless dictator. But I put the
blame on the entire ZANU PF they created the dictator
in Robert Mugabe, they dumped the real leaders who
had Zimbabwe and ZANU PF at heart and established a
political God in Mugabe that‟s the reason why they are
now failing to remove him today.

The late Rev Ndabaningi Sithole and Dr Simba Makoni are

some of the great leaders who were not given an opportunity
to show their leadership skills when they were still in ZANU
because of how Robert Mugabe is monopolizing the space in
ZANU PF and Zimbabwe at large. Mugabe prefers working
with clueless bootlickers than with level headed leaders. He
does not want anyone who questions his leadership.

3. ZANU PF spent more than four decades investing in an
individual not in building or strengthening the party as
an organization. Take a look at the ANC (South Africa),
FRELIMO (Mozambique) or SWAPO (Namibia) these
revolutionary movements are stronger than individuals.
A leader can come and go but the party remains there,
because they established a political formation which is
stronger than individuals. Unlike in ZANU PF, Robert
Mugabe is stronger than the party and without him there
is no party. I see the opposition Movement for
Democratic Change (MDC T) doing the same mistake of
making an individual (Morgan Tsvangirai) stronger than
the party. It is very wrong to see an individual owning
the whole party because the day he will fall down, he
will fall with it. Look at ZANU PF the day Mugabe
leaves that party has no future because they wasted a lot
of time and resources building an individual not the
brand of the party. Speaking against Mugabe or
opposing his proposals in ZANU PF you will be thrown
out of the party so he now runs it like his personal estate.
Political parties must not belong to individuals but it
must be owned by all who subscribe to that ideology and
common vision.

4. ZANU PF harboured thieves and kleptocrats in

government and in the party at large. To make matters
worse they even gave impunity to these culprits and as
result it became a den of thieves. Many of the leaders in
Mugabe‟s government are criminals who looted state
coffers and were involved in many corruption scandals
but Mugabe protected them and retained them in
government. It is an open secret that if you are a member
of the ZANU PF elite you are immune to the law so you
can do whatever you want. Today you can hardly
separate ZANU PF and corruption. Corruption is ZANU
PF‟s DNA. The party reduced itself to be a den of
thieves and kleptocrats; that‟s the reason why our
economy is dead in Zimbabwe we are being ruled by

If Maurice Nyagumbo one of the Ministers in Mugabe‟s

government who committed suicide after being
implicated in the Willowgate scandal can wake up today
and see how ZANU PF is now the mother of all the
corruption in Zimbabwe he will regret killing himself for
something which his fellow Ministers are now doing
freely and with immunity to any law whatsoever.

The late Hon Maurice Nyagumbo who allegedly committed

suicide after being implicated in the Willowgate scandal.

Today corruption is the DNA of ZANU PF and today‟s

Ministers and government officials are looting state
coffers and are involved in many corruption scandals
but they get away with it due to impunity.

I am not accusing anyone for being corrupt but I suggest the

following government officials and cabinet Ministers must be
probed and investigated over how they got so rich at a time
when the economy of this country was and is crumbling. It is a
cause for concern how these officials became millionaires
overnight I suspect something is wrong with these Honourables
and I smell primitive accumulation of wealth and the use of
political muscles to grab and loot state coffers.

Local Government Minister Hon Saviour Kasukuwere.

Transport Minister and millionaire Hon Obert Mpofu.

Home Affairs Minister Hon Ignatious Chombo.

First Lady „Dr‟ Grace Mugabe.

5. ZANU PF fired senior party leaders who were in a

position to engage Robert Mugabe one on one or
condemn his authoritarian rule and maladministration. It
is now left with bootlickers who can only lick Mugabe‟s
boots and can hardly tell him the truth. What do you
think people like Phekezela Mphoko or Ignatious
Chombo can do to Robert Mugabe other than licking his
boots? Mugabe is now lonely both in the party and in
government he is surrounded by people he can hardly
talk to or engage one on one, he is surrounded by „Yes
Men‟ who can only say „yes‟ to whatever he says and
tell him what he wants to hear.

6. ZANU PF made a fatal mistake by putting people like

Grace Mugabe at the forefront of party business. The
woman is full of herself, divisive and the very
retrogressive. Instead of unifying the party as the mother
she divided it more and even destroyed it. She lacks
respect, natural respect of our Ubuntu (hunhu) ideology
in as much as she is the wife of the President but that is
not the reason of failing to respect elders in the party and
people who are even the age of her father. Hunhu
hwakangokoshawo kuva mudzimai wemukuru wenyika
hazvireve kuti chiregai kuremekedza vakuru vebato avo
vane zera rimwe chete nababa venyu vekubereka chaivo.
What she says with her mouth sounds very shallow,
embarrassing, and empty and it incites for violence. The
party was supposed to take her through leadership
development programs before taking her out to the
public. She is need of capacity and leadership
development because putting her in the forefront is just
exposing her political immaturity.

7. ZANU PF is very good in coming out with good ideas

but it‟s weakness is in implementation. If you look at the
Land Reform program, ZIMASSET, Indigenization only
to mention a few; they are very good ideas but ZANU
PF misses it on the implementation. The framework they
use in their policies is not investor friendly and it‟s full
of human rights violations. ZANU PF needs to improve
its implementation plan because the templates they are
using are destroying the country despite of how good
their proposal might look.

8. ZANU PF needs leadership renewal and a complete
overhaul. There are a lot of bright leaders in that party
but they are not given the opportunity to lead or bring
change in the party. Mugabe continues recycling the
same leaders who destroyed Zimbabwe in the last three
decades and the same clueless Ministers are the same
people we have in government every time. If there is a
party which needs leadership renewal it is ZANU PF.

9. ZANU PF and Robert Mugabe are failing to realize that

for Zimbabwe to rise up again we need direct foreign
investment. There is no way we can have a functional
economy without investors. Doors must be opened for
investors to come to Zimbabwe and policies which are
investor friendly must also be put in place to attract
investors to come to Zimbabwe. The truth is ‘We can’t
do it alone we need the West’.

10. ZANU PF is also making a mistake in allowing Robert

Mugabe to turn Zimbabwe into a dynasty. He is now
very old and not capable of leading Zimbabwe but he is
now grooming his wife to possibly take over from him
turning Zimbabwe into a dynasty. That‟s a fatal mistake
which the party is making and if something like that
happens that will be the end of ZANU PF because even
donkeys and monkeys if taken to the voting booth will
never vote for Grace Mugabe.

Grace Mugabe castigating then Mashonaland East Provincial
Chair Ray Kaukonde (in yellow) publicly at a rally in
Marondera. Such a level of immaturity is dangerous and
destroys the party.

The First Lady Grace Mugabe who now controls the ruling party ZANU PF
and the government of Zimbabwe with his ageing husband and dictator
President Robert Gabriel Mugabe (91) of Zimbabwe.

ZANU PF started to fragment and sink the day it accepted a

bedroom coup whereby all the powers were ceased from the
ageing President Robert Gabriel Mugabe by his wife the First
Lady Grace Mugabe. Everything in the party and government is
now being controlled by Grace. For you to be in government,
cabinet and to have a senior position in the party you must
bootlick Grace. No matter how impressive your credentials or
your profile is as long as Grace doesn‟t want you then they will
be nothing for you. You have to show it publicly that you are
pro-Grace and say a few words of castigating axed Vice
President Joyce Mujuru then you will be rest assured that your
job is safe in government.

It is very unfortunate that such an empty mafikizolo hijacked

the party and took it to the dogs. Grace showed it beyond
reasonable doubt that she is a dictator and she is ruthless more
than Robert Mugabe himself. Anyone who questions Grace
about her „Iron Fist‟ will simply be shown the exit door.

What Grace fails to understand is that the problem in this

country is not Joyce Mujuru and her „Gamatox‟ (Gamatox is a
derisive name for those suspected of backing Joyce Mujuru) but
the real problem in this country is her husband Robert Mugabe.
For three decades he did all he could to destroy Zimbabwe and
Grace‟s bedroom coup aggravated the situation as she is even
worse than Robert Mugabe himself. If there is anything which
must be remembered as the main factor leading to the downfall
of ZANU PF it is the coming in of Grace Mugabe. She is the

worst thing that ever happened to ZANU PF and Zimbabwe at
large and she has done enough to disgrace women‟s leadership.

Let her (Grace) go around the country and enjoy the false glory
she is being given by her cheer leaders, bootlickers and ZANU
PF‟s blind followers who just sheepishly follow everything
which ZANU does no matter how deadly it might be. But the
truth is she will be remembered as a „disgrace‟ and a ruthless
woman who destroyed ZANU PF, ill advised her husband
Robert Mugabe to over stay in office despite of how he made
millions of innocent civilians suffer and how she violated the
rights of the poor villagers in Manzou.

I see Grace Mugabe fleeing this country in the post Mugabe era.
Just like how the dictator Mobuto Seseseko fled Zaire (now
Democratic Republic of Congo) or how Mengstu Haile Mariam
the Ethiopian dictator fled from Ethiopia, Grace will run away
from this very Zimbabwe which she thinks she owns. No one
will chase her away but her own evil deeds will make her flee
Zimbabwe in future. This sounds unbelievable because right
now she owns Zimbabwe and run it like her father‟s estate but
the day is coming she will be nowhere to be found and that‟s the
day she will actually see reality that Zimbabwe is not Mugabe‟s
estate. Her own deeds will make her flee this country in the post
Mugabe era and all these people who are singing songs for her
will desert and dissociate themselves from her because she will
be a laughing stock and a poor widow of Africa‟s historic
dictator and oppressor of his own kith and kin. Who knew that
the vicious Ian Douglas Smith will one day become an ordinary
citizen living in Shurugwi without anyone even looking at him.
Grace is the centre of power in Zimbabwe right now but it‟s
only for a short time very soon she will be an expired political
product in the dustbins of Jongwe house (ZANU PF)
headquarters. She is destroying herself with her toxic mouth and
empty head. It‟s unfortunate „Inguruve inozvikanga namafuta
ayo‟. She is incriminating herself with her toxic mouth which
she fails to moderate.

This bedroom coup is also a blessing in disguise as it has helped

towards destroying the ruling ZANU PF a party which caused a
lot of suffering on the people of Zimbabwe for the past three


The future of Zimbabwe in the hands of ZANU PF is very bleak

and we are heading towards a bottomless pit as a country. We

moved from being the bread basket of Africa to a basket case.
We used to produce food which could feed the whole of
Southern Africa now we are a nation of beggars and a very
hungry nation surviving on scavenging left overs and sub-
standard goods from neighbouring countries which are dumped

in our country. We are victims of ill policies, maladministration,

corruption and dictatorship. Our country has been retrogressing
for the past three decades and we have now come to a point
whereby collapse of the whole country is inevitable. Companies
are closing down, the economy is stagnant and unemployment is
rising every day. To add salt to an injury the government has
proved beyond reasonable doubt that it has failed to provide
solutions to the Zimbabwean question. The ZANU PF
government is good at coming out with handsome blueprints
like the ZIMASSET full of ideas which sounds like it will help
the economy to work again. Unfortunately most of ZANU PF
blueprints and policies starts and ends on the paper. None of all
those policies will ever take off. It is now more than two years
since the ZimAsset was launched in 2013 but up to date (2015)
it has failed to take off and it is still in the pipedream. So till
when we shall continue waiting for a dream which will never
come true? Basing our hope on ZANU PF policies and it‟s
economic blueprints is just a waste of time. The ZANU PF
government has failed and it‟s a fact. If we are not brave enough
to stand up and call a spade a spade we will rot in abject poverty
and no one will come to fight for us…..we have to fight for
ourselves to get out of this quagmire.

Sons and daughters of Zimbabwe we have every reason to revolt
against the ZANU PF government and their Banana Republic
which they have established in Zimbabwe. If we don‟t stand up
and say „Enough‟ no one will come down to Zimbabwe to
protest for us. The day and the hour is now, let‟s break the
chains and the yoke of dictatorship upon us or we die trying. We
have been silent enough and we can‟t tolerate this oppression
anymore the only way out is a non -violent revolt which must
bring down this Banana Republic.

We (Zimbabweans) have been silent for a long time whilst

things are turning absolutely wrong in this country. Everything
is collapsing and our future with this government is very bleak.
The government is not saying anything about it‟s failure to
deliver but all we can hear is the empty talk and tantrums from
Grace Mugabe‟s mouth which provides no solutions to our
starving nation. Elections were stolen since 2000 and to date it
has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that it will not be
possible to have a free and fair election especially if it‟s
conducted by ZEC which is dominated by ZANU PF apologists.
It is an open secret that ZEC will never help the people of
Zimbabwe have a free and fair poll, it is an extension of ZANU
PF and it is not independent. The 2008 election is a typical case
study which showed the whole world that ZEC is just an
extension of ZANU PF and it is not independent at all. So
expecting change (in Zimbabwe) to come through the ballot is
over expecting especially if we still have ZEC as our electoral

So where are we going to turn to? Our country is dead and we

are starving, expecting to change the government through the
ballot is also not possible, elections are manipulated by ZANU
PF. So what do we do? Are we going to be silent forever whilst
our lives are burning in this hell of ZANU PF
maladministration? Our generation will be remembered as a
generation of failures, cowards and docile people who were cry-
babies in the hands of a ruthless dictator. If the people‟s power
dislodged the world most ruthless dictators what is stopping the
people of Zimbabwe to non -violently and peacefully show the
dictator the exit door. It is a waste of time to expect the ZANU
PF government to effect the expected electoral reforms. They
really know that if those reforms are put in place that will be
their end. So the issue of advocating for electoral reforms in
Zimbabwe is a non -starter because it will never happen. So
what do we do? Are we going to remain silent whilst we rot in
abject poverty and dictatorship?

The time has come for us as Zimbabweans to stand up and say

enough. If we don‟t stand up and reclaim our freedom and
restoration of order in this country no one will do it for us.

Basing our hope on the international community is also a waste
of time, they are now tired with the Zimbabwean issue because
it has been stagnant for a long time and they are other issues to
focus on. Going around the international community lobbying
and advocating for the Zimbabwean issue can hardly sell
anymore because it has been over discussed and people are fed
up with it. It‟s all because the people (mass) are not doing
enough to provide solutions to their own problems in their own
country so who else can commit his or her own time to people
who are docile like Zimbabweans. If they did in Tunisia, Egypt,
Senegal to mention just a few then what is stopping young
people in Zimbabwe to also stand up and fight for their own
future?. A non-violent revolution is the only way to restore
order and make Zimbabwe work again. A non-violent
revolution is more powerful than an armed battalion. If
thousands or millions of Zimbabweans can march to the state
house and demand an end to the Mugabe dynasty it will fall
down. If his (Mugabe) army opens fire to defenceless civilians
then we will start it from there and find other alternatives of
protecting the peaceful protestors. Our silence will do us no
good but it will make us suffer more so let‟s take action lest our
children perish in this abject poverty.

Our greatest weakness is we do not know our power as the mass
and we were ingrained and indoctrinated to bow and worship
dictators yet we have the power to remove them. Our future as a
country is bleak in the hands of ZANU PF and empty leaders
like Grace Mugabe who can only take pride in having a toxic
tongue full of tantrums and empty talks which do not provide
any solutions to the problems this country is facing.

People of Zimbabwe you are now on your own, are you going to
sit down and wait for other countries to come down with

solutions to your own problems? People of Zimbabwe wake up
before it‟s too late.


The late Gen Solomon Mujuru.

Dear Rex.

Greetings to you in the name of the people‟s revolution.

It has been long ever since you left us, when you
perished in a mysterious inferno at your farm in
Beatrice, Harare. A story which I don‟t believe up to
now, four years after you passed on. But before I go
straight to an update which I want to give you can I also
use this opportunity to ask you the following questions;

-Rex what really happened to you? It is only you who

can tell us your story because up to now no one can tell
what really happened to you. You were a great soldier,
one of our greatest warriors and freedom fighter who
liberated our country Zimbabwe from the chains of
colonialism. But how come you then got burnt beyond
recognition in a house which had very big windows and
numerous exits? You survived a lot of deadly attacks
from the Rhodesian army during the liberation struggle
and am failing to believe that you then failed to escape
when your own house caught fire to an extant of getting
burnt beyond recognition. I don‟t believe this Rex only
you can tell us what really happened. I smell a rat in
your story and what transpired in ZANU PF a few years
after your death leaves me with no other option other
than suspecting that you were killed.

- The fire which gutted down your house is said to have
been sparked by a candle which you allegedly didn‟t
blow off when you fall asleep and it started the inferno
which burnt you beyond recognition. Rex, a brave and
great fighter like you were burnt in your sleep and you
failed to feel the heat of a burning house in your „deep
sleep‟? Again I don‟t believe this story Rex. They say
you were allegedly drunk, I also drink beer Rex and I
don‟t believe that one can get drunk to an extant of
failing to feel the heat of a burning house till he/she is
burnt beyond recognition. There is nothing like that! I
suspect you were killed, thrown into your house and
then the house was set on fire to destroy the evidence of
your bruised body. Any way these are suspicions only,
it‟s you only who can tell us the exact story of what
really happened on that fateful day. I pray that one day
you will rise up and tell us the correct version of your
ordeal because the one we have right now I don‟t believe
it at all.

Let me not bother you with a lot of questions that‟s not

the purpose of this letter. Am writing to precisely give
you an update of what happened in Zimbabwe from the
day you left us four years ago. Firstly I would like to
inform you that your wife Joyce Teurai Ropa Mujuru is
no longer the first Vice President of Zimbabwe and
neither does she hold any position in government
anymore and to add salt to a bleeding wound she was
even expelled from ZANU PF a party she has ever
known in her entire life. She was humiliated,
embarrassed and sacked from the party and the
government. I wish you were still here Rex because
honestly your wife was humiliated, undressed and
embarrassed. Grace Mugabe the First Lady of
Zimbabwe or maybe for you to recall very quickly that
young lady who used to be a typist in President
Mugabe‟s office, was funded by the state to go all over
the country decampaigning and degrading your wife.
Star rallies were hold all over the country and your wife
was the main topic. Of all the senior people in the party
and former freedom fighters, such a role of damaging
your wife was played by Robert Mugabe‟s wife Grace.
She (Joyce) was being accused of corruption, planning
to oust and assassinate President Robert Mugabe among
other crimes which to me sound like trumped up charges
which were cooked to find a way of firing her from
government. Today she is now an ordinary citizen in
Zimbabwe and an outcast in a country which she

Secondly your name (reputation) no longer has any

respect or protection which you used to have during your
days as a former army commander. These days if I see
your name in the newspaper I know it‟s something
negative. Stories of how you built a vast empire through
corrupt means, your concubines and other children
which you allegedly did outside your marriage and
scrambles for your estate are topical issues these days.
ZANU PF and the Mugabes whom you helped ascend to
power after the liberation struggles have done enough to
damage your reputation. In today‟s papers (state papers)
you are portrayed as a corrupt comrade, looter,
polygamist and a kleptocrat who used his military
powers to build a vast empire and a womanizer who had
lots of kids outside marriage. I know you were not
perfect and no one is, but my point is ZANU PF no
longer protects your image like what it used to do but
they are working hard to damage the Mujuru name and it
is sad you can‟t stand up and defend yourself but I know
you rattling in your grave. Your legacy is now in the
dustbins and no one cares about you any more especially
in ZANU PF your fellow Cdes betrayed you. It is sad
how they have decided to dump you.

Rex Nhongo (Solomon Mujuru) and the „Black Russian‟

Dumiso Dabengwa during the transitional period from
Rhodesia to Zimbabwe.

Do you remember these days Rex when we got our
independence in 1980? When you (Rex) and Emmerson
Mnangagwa took Robert Mugabe to introduce him to the
mass as the ZANU candidate in the first majority polls after
the liberation struggle. Its sad today how both President
Mugabe and Emmerson Mnangagwa (who is now the
country‟s Vice President) betrayed you, they both no longer
care about you let alone your poor widow whom they chased
from both the party and government.

Robert Mugabe is still the President of Zimbabwe but he

is now very old. He is 91 years old as I write. If you see
him walking and presenting a speech you can feel pity
for him. Am not sure why he still clings to power, he has
become an embarrassment not only to Zimbabwe but to
himself as well. If you see him in cabinet these days
chairing young boys like Saviour Kasukuwere you will
feel sorry for the old man and try to find out why he is
punishing himself to that extant.

ZANU PF is now in tatters following the expulsion of
your wife Joyce and all who were allegedly backing her
faction (if that was true that it ever existed). The name
„Mujuru‟ is now criminalized in the party and
associating yourself with that name leaves you unsafe
and no one wants to be associated with that name
anymore. All provincial chairpersons were fired in the
run up to the 2014 ZANU PF congress and they were all
allegedly behind your wife. To cut the long story short
ZANU PF is in pieces and it is now in the hands of
amateurs like Grace Mugabe who are doing nothing
good for the party other than destroying it more. We are
now heading towards 2018 elections and that will be the
mother of all tests for ZANU PF. Either Emmerson
Mnangagwa (who replaced your wife in the Presidium)
or the First Lady and ZANU PF Women‟s League boss
Grace Mugabe will represent the party in the 2018
elections. I am not sure Robert Mugabe who will be then
94 years of age will contest. But the challenge is I don‟t
see any convincing candidate from ZANU PF who can
be voted for. Do you think Emmerson or Grace Mugabe
can win a Presidential election in Zimbabwe? That will
be the biggest lie of our generation unless if the elections
are stolen as usual.

Companies are still closing down and the rate is even

worse since 2013 when Mugabe won that sham election.
Investors no longer have any trust in the ZANU PF
government and they are shutting down their companies
increasing the rate of unemployment. We are now a
nation of vendors, 90% of our people survives on
vending in the streets and the informal sector is now the
backbone of our once flourishing economy. We are now
a basket case not the bread basket of Africa.

Rex, ZANU PF accuses you of being behind the

formation of Mavambo Kusile Dawn (MKD) and
Movement for Democracy Change (M.D.C) led by
Simba Makoni and Morgan Tsvangirai respectively.
They say all these opposition parties were all formed in
your house. These are some of the allegations which
came out soon after your death. Is this true Rex if so that
will also add to the suspicion that I have, that you were
possibly assassinated?

The MDC is no longer party of the government, I think

when you passed on we had an inclusive government but
it changed in 2013 when we had the last harmonized
elections and ZANU PF „won‟ the majority and formed
the government. Whatever trick they used to steal that
election remains unknown to date but what I can tell you
is that in areas like Matebeleland South which were
highly affected by Gukurahundi genocide and which are
known to be anti-ZANU, voted for ZANU PF for the
first time in 2013 and everyone has a question over what
happened but like I said before „only ZANU PF can tell
this story about how it stole the 2013 polls‟.

From left; Morgan Tsvangirai then Prime Minister, the late

Gen Solomon Mujuru and Joyce Mujuru then Vice President.

One of the demonstrations organized at ZANU PF

headquarters to humiliate your wife Joyce.

Some of the hired youths demonstrating against your wife
Joyce, look at the quality of these placards, do you think these
poor youths can afford to pay for the printing of such
placards? NO!!! I think there were some heavy weights from
within ZANU PF with fat pockets who were funding all this.

Rex things are not well in Zimbabwe and in ZANU PF

as a party. Amos Midzi the sacked provincial chair of
Harare was found dead in his car at his farm. He was one
of the party officials perceived to be your wife‟s top
allies, a faction derisively known as Gamatox in ZANU
PF. He allegedly committed suicide although I
personally don‟t believe that story the same way I don‟t
believe yours. Grace Mugabe is now all over the place
and ZANU PF is being ruled from the bedroom, am not
sure if you were going to accept such a set up if you
were still alive. There was a bedroom coup and both
ZANU PF and the government are now in Grace
Mugabe‟s hands. She is doing whatever she wants with
the country of Zimbabwe. I am sure if you were still
alive you wouldn‟t have accepted such an embarrassing
set up.

It is speculated that Joyce in collaboration with all those
senior officials who were fired from ZANU PF are
planning to form their political party, an outfit to be
known as the People‟s First (PF). It is still speculation
and Joyce has neither confirmed nor denied as of yet.
However I think if she takes that step that will be a bold
step towards putting an end to ZANU PF‟s authoritarian
rule. Am sure Joyce can win against any candidate from
ZANU PF, may be her challenge can only come from
the opposition MDC T. If Joyce can have a pact with
other opposition parties and form a coalition which will
challenge ZANU PF in 2018 that will be the end of
ZANU PF‟s rule. ZANU PF can later on think of re-
engaging her before we reach the 2018 polls and try to
lure her back into ZANU PF, if she agrees to that
ummmmm that will be the greatest mistake of her life
time. I will update you about this issue as we draw
closer to the 2018 plebiscite but I just wish you were
around to give Joyce courage and a shoulder to lean on.
She now looks very lonely in the political terrain despite
the fact that her political outfit might bring in a new
twist in Zimbabwe‟s politics.

I will conclude this letter by once again thanking you for

liberating this country and providing leadership to
ZANLA forces till Zimbabwe got its independence. I
tried to organize a memorial lecture for you and I was
asked a lot of questions by the police and state agents the
C.I.Os. I could see that they did not want it to go ahead
so I decided to drop down the plan but I was hurt to

realize how your legacy is now in the dustbins and how
your name has been criminalized.

Rex Nhongo (Solomon Mujuru) and British Colonel Andrew.

How are things over there? Maybe there are some issues
which I might have forgotten to update you in this letter,
try to go to the registrar of where you are and ask them
to help you find Dzinashe Machingura (Wilfred
Mhanda),Edward Chindori Chininga or Amos Midzi
they left this world and they are where are you are.
Kindly look for them if you have not met them already,
they can update you more about what is happening in
Zimbabwe and the internal issues within the dying

Looking forward to meet you one day.

Stay blessed and Rest In Eternal Peace.

Your Son and fellow Revolutionary

Nkosilathi Emmanuel Moyo Snr

Human Rights Defender and Democracy Activist
Kwekwe, Republic of Zimbabwe.

Nkosilathi Emmanuel Moyo.


-Left; The First Lady Grace Mugabe and Right; President Robert
Gabriel Mugabe.

The modern day ZANU PF which is in the hands of the First
Lady and ZANU PF Women‟s League boss Grace Mugabe is
nothing but the beginning of an end. Grace inherited a dead
horse and she has hope of bringing it back to life which is not
possible. ZANU PF was removed from power by the people of
Zimbabwe in 2000, 2002, 2008 to name just a few of the stolen
elections but through it‟s rigging machinery it has been
manipulating the polls and retaining itself to power against the
will of the people. ZANU PF‟s rule in Zimbabwe is „Political
Rape‟ because they are forcing themselves and imposing their
government against the will of the people. Talking about
leadership renewal in ZANU PF is a crime and a taboo but with
such an ageing dictator like Robert Mugabe discussing about
succession is now inevitable

„Mugabe rigged a lot of elections and kept himself in power but

he cannot rig time anymore, he is now very old and his exit is
now inevitable. Will ZANU PF continue to survive on rigging
elections, intimidating the electorate and using political
violence to stay in power? It looks like the day when the people
of Zimbabwe will rise up and say enough is coming and it is
now near. With people like Grace Mugabe at the forefront
ZANU PF is doomed to fail and its fall is inevitable.‟

ZANU PF without Mugabe is like a car without an engine; it is

useless and will not go anywhere. The party is intact today
because of the presence of President Mugabe, but without him
there is no party. The infighting, tensions and scramble for
positions in the post Mugabe era will be too much that some
may even lose their lives in the fight to succeed Mugabe. The
day the almighty God will call President Mugabe back home,

the old man will go with ZANU PF, without him that party can
hardly survive. Whoever is going to succeed Mugabe has a lot
of work to do; unifying the party, making sure the rigging
machinery remains in place for the coming polls and rebranding
the party which has ruled Zimbabwe for more than three
decades as well as defending him/herself from internal blows.
The truth is ZANU PF is on the edge and it can hardly win a
free and fair poll in Zimbabwe especially in the post Mugabe
era. Of course opposition parties in Zimbabwe are having their
own problems but ZANU PF‟s problems are worse than the
small frictions in opposition parties. ZANU PF‟s succession
battles will soon turn very bloody especially if President
Mugabe is incapacitated before addressing this issue.

President Robert Mugabe in Nigeria at the inauguration of President

Muhammad Buhari where he was humiliated by young journalists
who were asking him if he wants to be the life President of Zimbabwe.

If the succession issue is not managed well during the

transitional period in the post Mugabe era Zimbabwe is likely to
be plunged into a crisis. Many of the senior army Generals got
those positions through patronage and are loyal to ZANU PF;
will they ever salute another President from a different political
party? The late General Vitalis Zvinavashe described the
Presidential seat as a straight jacket meant to be occupied by
Robert Mugabe only. Our army is not a professional one but it is
an extension of the ruling ZANU PF and we have a lot of work
to do in terms of reforming our security sector. Besides they are
even involved in the ZANU PF factionalism and how are they
going respond if someone from a different faction takes over? Is
there any unifier in ZANU PF who can unite all the people in
the post Mugabe era? All those questions points out to many
uncertainties lying ahead. If ZANU PF makes a mistake of
making Grace Mugabe the successor and the next leader of
ZANU PF that will be the end of it. She has already showed the
world her brutality and Zimbabwe has had enough of
dictatorship and is not ready for another dictator.

Apart from its internal fights which has already destroyed it,
ZANU PF failed the people of Zimbabwe and for Zimbabwe to
be working again the solution lies in regime change. Zimbabwe
must come to a point of accepting reality that ZANU PF failed
this country and we need change to move forward and improve
the livelihoods of our people.

For the past three decades ZANU PF has been recycling the
same people who destroyed this country with their
maladministration and corruption. These people have been
surviving because they were Mugabe‟s blue eyed boys but time
for a new era is coming, the post Mugabe era. The fall of ZANU
PF is inevitable, it has already fallen and fragmented but
Mugabe‟s presence is what is covering up. The day Mugabe
leaves all hell will break loose and ZANU PF will be in pieces.

The fall of ZANU PF will bring a new era in this country
because the people are now tired of this party and the suffering
which it‟s adminstration is causing on innocent civilians.

The fall of ZANU PF is now inevitable; its greatest mistake was

on firing people like Dr Joyce Mujuru and other people who had
the capacity of rebranding the party and resuscitate it. Now we
have a scenario whereby Mugabe‟s successor is either
Emmerson Mnangagwa (First Vice President) or Grace Mugabe
(First Lady and Secretary of the ZANU PF Women‟s League).
Any one of these two candidates can hardly convince the
electorate, who will vote for Mnangagwa or Grace Mugabe?.
What ZANU PF must do is to sit down and find a candidate
who the people can vote for. Both Mnangagwa and Grace
Mugabe are more brutal than Robert Mugabe himself; hell NO
we have had enough of dictators.

The First Lady Grace Mugabe and the First Vice President Hon
Emmerson Mnangagwa. The future of ZANU PF lies in these two
people and one of them will possibly succeed Mugabe unfortunately
none of them can win the hearts of the people of Zimbabwe. The truth
is both of them are candidates who can hardly be accepted by the
people of Zimbabwe because they are perceived to be more brutal

than Robert Mugabe himself and they can only win elections through
rigging, violence and intimidating the electorate not in any way close
to free and fair elections.

Joyce Mujuru is not a saint but she was seen as a better

candidate in ZANU PF to face the opposition and revamp the
dying ZANU PF.

„In the post Mugabe era, ZANU PF which will be in the hands
of Grace Mugabe and Emmerson Mnangagwa is doomed to fail
and it will not go anywhere and that will be an opportunity for
the opposition to take charge and bring the long awaited
change in Zimbabwe. Only an insane person can believe that
Mnangagwa or Grace Mugabe can win free and fair elections
in Zimbabwe.‟

ZANU PF played its cards wrongly at the 2014 congress and

they left the party in the hands of people who are not popular
with the electorate. Mabhiza akasara mubato haatengeseke or
hamhanyiki nawo vanhu havamade ( People who are now in
charge of the party are not popular with the electorate and can
hardly win any election in Zimbabwe). Politics is all about
putting people who can be voted for, people whose candidature
can sale to the electorate not people who can be condemned
before they even put their CV for any position.

ZANU PF‟s fall is inevitable because the party is now in the

hands of failures who can not do anything other than failing.
But that‟s good news for the people of Zimbabwe it is an
advantage and an opportunity and to bring the long awaited
change. Change simply means the day we will be freed from the
bondage and chains of dictatorship and the ushering in of new

leadership and new government which can take us to the
promised land. A garden with fruits we can all enjoy, Zimbabwe
izere hutongi hwejekerere (a democratic Zimbabwe).

One of the possible scenarios in the post Mugabe era is a blood

crisis, they can be violence in the country. If violence does not
erupt then there can be cases of assassinations of key political
figures because the scramble for positions and „who takes what‟
in the post Mugabe era is a situation which can be dangerous to
humanity. But that‟s the way it is when a country in transiting
from dictatorship to democracy. The only good news is that the
change we have been waiting for is coming, it‟s a matter of a
few months perhaps years.

In 2018 when Zimbabwe goes for another plebiscite ZANU PF

will be turning 38 years in power and what did they do which
can make the people retain them to power? These 38 years of
power have been 38 years of;

-Political violence and intimidation.

-Mass killings and Gukurahundi genocide.

-Corruption, looting of state coffers and impunity.

-Crack down on civil society and dissenting voices.

-Electoral rigging.

-90% unemployment.

-A nation of vendors and informal dealers.

-A dead economy.

-Closure of companies and massive retrenchments.

-Mysterious deaths of former freedom fighters who were

perceived to be losing confidence in Mugabe.

The late General Solomon Mujuru (Left) husband to the axed Vice
President Joyce Mujuru and the late Edward Chindori Chininga
(Right), both died in mysterious situations were foul play is highly
suspected. How a revolution eats it‟s own.

-Gold, platinum, diamonds all the precious minerals and natural

resources that we have are all benefiting a handful of ZANU PF
sympathizers and the majority continue to languish in abject
poverty. How long shall we continue looking at them eating
whilst we starve.

-Our education and health systems are all collapsing.

I went around town (here in the small mining town of Kwekwe,
Zimbabwe) doing a random research whereby I was asking
young people between the ages of 16 to 25, „Do you think it is
possible to have a Zimbabwe without ZANU PF?. What I
realized is that many of these young people do not believe that it
is possible to have a Zimbabwe which is not in the hands of
ZANU PF. They were born seeing ZANU PF and President
Robert Mugabe in power and that is what they know and the
only regime they have seen in their lives so for them to believe
that Zimbabwe can be run without ZANU PF it sounds like an
impossible dream. Besides due to the propaganda and diluted

history which they were taught at school they were
indoctrinated and ingrained that there is no Zimbabwe without

„When something abnormal goes on and on for a long time

without being addressed it will end up looking as if it‟s normal.
ZANU PF has been in power for a long time against the will of
the people of Zimbabwe so to youngsters it now looks like it is
normal to have a government which rigs polls and impose itself
against the will of the people.‟

People of Zimbabwe do you know that it is possible to have a

government of the people by the people, a government which
you elect through free and fair elections and a government
which you are proud of. You have been politically raped by
ZANU PF for a long time which ruled you against your own
will but the worst mistake which you are making is
underestimating your capacity to uproot and dislodge
dictatorship in Zimbabwe.

Imagine a Zimbabwe without ZANU PF………………

We want a Zimbabwe with;

-Security apparatus (police and the army) run by professionals

and technocrats not protégés of ZANU PF who got those jobs
through patronage not by merit.

-A national broadcaster which gives equal coverage to all

political players and which is not an extension of ZANU PF like
the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation which is no longer a
national broadcaster but a propaganda machinery for the ruling
-A functional economy full of investors, jobs and employment

-A youthful President full of ideas which can take Zimbabwe


-A government full of youthful leaders who only talk about the

future not this ZANU PF which has a lot to talk about the past
and very little to offer for the future.

-An independent electoral board not ZEC which has proved it

beyond reasonable doubt that it is there to protect the ruling
ZANU PF and its rigging machinations.

-A First Lady with dignity who loves the people of Zimbabwe

like her own children, who when she opens her mouth talks
sense and provide solutions to the challenges the nation is
facing not empty and toxic talk like those from Grace Mugabe‟s

A working Zimbabwe is possible, let‟s not rule out on the

possibility of another Zimbabwe it‟s all up to us whether we
will sit down and relax whilst we are sinking or we will rise up
and demand a new Zimbabwe configured in a way which will
take us to the promised land.

***** To cut it all short „Zimbabwe has had enough, all we

need is change YES REGIME CHANGE to be more specific.


After all is said and done then we must ask ourselves; So what
are we going to do? We have identified our problem, the crisis
we are in and how our country is crumbling and collapsing.
Gone are the days when we used to behave like the
Zimbabwean civil society which is good at dissecting how big
the crisis in Zimbabwe is but provides very little solutions.
Everything has just crumbled, the economy is dead and
thousands are losing jobs every week. Where are we heading to
as a country? Government coffers are empty, no investors can
risk coming to Zimbabwe and our great country has fallen. Our
clueless government is doing nothing to solve the situation, all
they can do is to loot the few resources left into their personal
wallets and sacrifice the impoverished mass. What matters to
the ZANU PF government is their hold on power, how to keep
themselves in power at the expense of the starving majority is
all they can think of.

„But how long shall they destroy Zimbabwe while we stand

aside and look? Their children are in best schools abroad whilst
our children are running up and down the streets in tattered
clothes. Their children are having enough and throwing left
overs in the dustbins for our own malnourished kids to scavenge
on those left overs. They say things are not well yet they milk
our tax so that they can live lavish lives. They have no plan or
any clue on how to resuscitate our dead economy, all they can
do is going around and making sure they put in place enough
rigging machination to steal each and every election and impose
their Banana Republic against the will of the people of
Zimbabwe. We are now a failed state because of a handful of
people who are destroying this whole country and making more
than thirteen million civilians suffer and languish in abject
poverty. We have done enough in terms of going around the
world advocating and lobbying the international community to
listen to our problem; civic groups have done enough locally
and in various communities across the country trying to help
find solutions to the Zimbabwean crisis. Hundreds of
conventions and conferences have been organized but still there
is no progress and Zimbabwe continues to sink and crumble
every day;

People of Zimbabwe the only solution to make Zimbabwe work

again is to change the government. Yes to remove the ZANU
PF government is the only way out. They have failed the people
of Zimbabwe for the past three decades and having them stay
much longer in power aggravates our situation. We must all
unite and challenge the status quo so that this government can
wake up to the reality that we no longer have faith in them to
manage our country and our future. We must take a vote of no
confidence in the ZANU PF government! We will never come
out of this quagmire if we remain this docile. Forming many
opposition parties will not in any way solve this problem but
make it even more worse because elections will always be
stolen and also having too many opposition parties will split the
vote and it will be to ZANU PF‟s advantage. Coming out with a
united front of all pro-democracy activists which will stand up
to challenge the ZANU PF government is the best way to go.
Zimbabweans if we don‟t stand up to challenge the status quo in
Zimbabwe we will be remembered as a generation of cowards
and docile people.

This Banana Republic in Zimbabwe which is in the hands of

murderers and kleptocrats have caused enough suffering on the
people of Zimbabwe so the only solution to the Zimbabwean
crisis is ‘REGIME CHANGE’.

Gukurahundi victims…..their bones shall rise again and help the
people of Zimbabwe in their fight to uproot dictatorship in Zimbabwe.

The day is coming when the blood and bones of innocent

civilians who were mercilessly butchered by the ZANU PF
adminstration will rise up again and help the people of
Zimbabwe fight against dictatorship, attain democracy, step into
the promised land (a new Zimbabwe) and put an end to this
authoritarian regime which oppressed Zimbabwe for the past
three decades. The elite which is ruling this country and looting
all its resources at the expense of the starving majority must
keep it at the back of their minds that the day is coming when
all this shall be over and ZANU PF will be history and its
legacy in the dustbins. The fall of ZANU PF is now inevitable
and am seeing it coming; President Robert Mugabe, the First
Lady Grace Mugabe and your entire ZANU PF leadership your
downfall is now near, your days are numbered and the writing is
on the wall;


Pro-Ouattara soldiers posing for a photo with former First Lady

Simone Gbagbo after her arrest following the crisis which took place
in the 2011 post -election era in Ivory Coast when her husband
President Laurent Gbagbo lost the elections to Alassane Ouattara but
refused to peacefully hand over power, only to be removed after a
violent revolt. Simone Gbagbo supported her husband in violating the
rights of the people of Ivory Coast and committing crimes against
humanity. Today she is serving a twenty year prison term, she used to
be called the „Iron Lady‟ but today she is now just a poor inmate
behind bars. How things change. Grace Mugabe (President Robert
Mugabe‟s wife) has a lot to learn from Simone‟s life before she falls
into the same pit.
Dear Mhamha.

I am delighted to write you this mail and I am humbled by the

commitment you have made to spare some time from your busy
diary to read this letter. My name is Nkosilathi Emmanuel
Moyo (28) am a human rights defender, democracy and youth
activist based in the small mining City of Kwekwe. You might
not have heard about me before, am not a popular man neither
am I an academic nor somebody in this country, am just but a
layman in tattered clothes walking joblessly in the dusty streets
of the small mining City of Kwekwe. I have seen it proper to
write you this letter and share with you a true word of advice as
you have become the most powerful person in our dying
country Zimbabwe, following your successful bedroom coup
whereby you seized control of ZANU PF and the government
from your ageing husband President Robert Mugabe. You are
surrounded by a lot of people who sing songs for you, cheering
and telling you what you want to hear. I have then saw it proper
to write you this letter and tell you the truth lest you perish in
this false glory which you are enjoying in ZANU PF. I have
written my letter in point form kindly note each and every point
as I written it with truthfulness and love.

1. Firstly I would like to congratulate you for being

elected the new ZANU PF Women‟s League boss at the
just ended congress (ZANU PF Congress, 2014).I wish
you all the best in your political endeavours.

2. Grace it is very unfortunate that you started your
political career by ending it. By this mean I mean your
political career ended the day it started. You just joined
active politics spitting venom, dividing the party,
influencing your husband to fire the entire ZANU PF
leadership replacing it with your stooges. Within three
weeks (after you joined active politics in late 2014)
ZANU PF was in pieces, damaged, crippled and it‟s
entire supporters scattered like sheep without a
shepherd. Your fans and cheer leaders call you a
„straight shooter‟ but to be honesty mhamha your own
tongue has destroyed the ZANU PF regime, exposed
your emptiness and nakedness as well damaged the
reputation of your husband President Robert Mugabe.
Mugabe made a serious mistake of exposing you to the
public before polishing you. It was embarrassing how
we discovered that you are an empty leader following
your rallies across Zimbabwe in the run up to the 2014
congress. Have you ever asked yourself how many
government officials or ZANU PF Chairperson (s) were
fired during the late Sally Mugabe‟s era? I love you
that‟s why I tell you the truth otherwise I would be
bootlicking you like those people around you. You are
the worst thing which ever happened to ZANU PF and
the Republic of Zimbabwe. You are good at bringing in
more and more problems but not even an iota of
solutions. You started by violating the rights of those in
ZANU PF who were unconstitutionally fired from the
government and the party. How do you feel as a mother
sending an innocent person packing because of your
own selfish interests? You started your political career
by creating a lot of enemies than friends. Yes you are the
wife of the President but humility would have helped
you better Amai especially when you are still an amateur
in this terrain called politics.

3. Washing ZANU PF‟s dirty linen in public exposed your

own husband Robert Mugabe and the entire ZANU PF. I
for one came to a conclusion after listening to your
speeches during the Meet the People Tour that if all the
accusations laid against Joyce Mujuru are true then we
must blame Robert Mugabe for all that messy. I was
born seeing Joyce Mujuru in government and for you to
start telling us today that she is incompetent thirty five
years after does not make any sense to me. So it took
thirty five years for your ageing husband Robert Mugabe
to realize that Joyce Mujuru was looting state coffers
and involved in corruption scandals (if ever the
accusations are true)? If so then President Mugabe is a
very poor supervisor. Your rants about corruption and
how you demanded Joyce Mujuru‟s ouster on all these
allegations exposed your husband as a very poor
supervisor who took decades to realize that things were
not going well in the organization called government. If
allegations against Joyce Mujuru are true then your
husband is a very poor supervisor it took him thirty five
years to realize that one of his staff was incompetent?
Am sorry but you shot yourself in the foot and exposed
your octogenarian husband President Robert Mugabe as
an incompetent CEO who lacks supervisory expertise.

4. Mhamha kana pane chinhu chichakuparadzai muromo
wenyu. (If there is anything which will destroy you it is
your own mouth). Your speech and your talk lacks
substance and can be likened to that of a waffling
drunkard in a beer talk. It does not help ZANU PF
Women‟s League or the nation of Zimbabwe at all. To
prove my point Madam do a Monitoring and Evaluation
(M and E) exercise of the „Meet the People‟s Tour‟ and
measure whether it had any constructive impact on
ZANU PF as a party and the government at large. Find
time to just ask yourself if it helped you in anyway or it
was just an opportunity to expose, fragment and make
ZANU PF sink more.

5. Amai what you did in Manzou is a typical case of crimes

against humanity. You displaced poor villagers and left
them homeless with children sleeping outdoors in the
cold. You chose to displace poor villagers so that you
can develop the land for animals? As a mother how were
you feeling seeing children sleeping in the bush without
any makeshift to hide in whilst you were enjoying the
comfort of the state house with your children? What you
did in Manzou is a crime against humanity and it
showed the whole world your selfishness and

6. I think it is important for me to tell you the truth that life

will never be the same for you in the post Mugabe era.
Things might change for worse. All these people you are
spitting on today are simply not retaliating because they
respect President Robert Mugabe not you. The day
Mugabe will cease to be the President of this country,
you will see the whole world changing and possibly
against you. All those who were fired from ZANU PF in
the run up to the ZANU PF 2014 congress, don‟t
underestimate their silence. They are just waiting for the
right time to fireback so never ever make a mistake of
thinking that they accepted defeat as of yet. In the post
Mugabe era things might change for worse for you
especially following how you exposed your ruthlessness
and emptiness before the people of Zimbabwe.
Zimbabweans no longer have any confidence in your
leadership, it is now an open secret that you are very
empty and with your toxic tongue I see you melting and
vanishing like a drop of water on a sunny day in the post
Mugabe era.

7. A multi-million dollar birthday bash was organized for

you to mark your 50th birthday in July 2014. It was done
at a time when millions of Zimbabweans are starving
and living below the poverty datum line. In a country
where children are malnourished and going to bed
hungry due to high rate of poverty you chose to use
millions of dollars to celebrate your birthday. In a case
which shows how clueless our government is and how
they have a lot of misplaced priorities at a time
Zimbabwe is in need of remedies to help resuscitate it‟s
dying economy. You call yourself a philanthropist and a
loving mother to all vulnerable children but you chose to
splash millions of dollars celebrating your birthday at a
time those vulnerable children were going to bed
hungry. I do not believe that the so called $3 Million
USD which was raised at your birthday bash will be
channelled towards helping vulnerable children and
orphans in different orphanages as you promised. I do
not believe that because what you did in Manzou where
you displaced those poor villagers and left them sleeping
in the cold with children showed me that your kindness
and philanthropy is fake, feigned and done for political
window dressing and not genuine at all.

8. Mhamha I think it also important for you to understand

accept that your husband President Robert Mugabe is
not the life President of Zimbabwe. Of course he failed
to relinquish power for decades, rigging and
manipulating polls to continuously impose himself
against the will of the people of Zimbabwe but
unfortunately God‟s time is now running short of all his
plans. He is now very old and heading towards retiring
from this world to return to the creator. Am sorry to say
this but that is the truth. So in as much you are enjoying
all the glory and praises being showered on you just bear
in mind that your days are numbered and a change is at
the door. By accepting that very soon your husband will
be out of office and possibly with the opposition taking
over the government this will help you to be realistic in
your planning and tell your children to also prepare for
their future as they are not going to be in the state house
forever. If you make the same mistake made by Simone
Gbagbo the former Ivory Coast First Lady of helping
your husband commit crimes against humanity in a bid
to stay in power forever, I wouldn‟t want to see you
behind bars in the near future. It is also important to
know that you might be immune to the law today but
you can‟t suppress justice forever.

9. The issue of having you as the next President of

Zimbabwe succeeding your husband President Robert
Mugabe who has ruled Zimbabwe for the past thirty five
years is one of the greatest mistake which Mugabe will
ever make in his life time.

-Firstly you can‟t win any election (free and fair) on this
land unless if your party ZANU PF which controls the
electoral board in Zimbabwe rigs the elections. The
„Meet the People‟s Tour‟ which was also broadcast live
on national television ZBC exposed you a lot and am
very sure Zimbabweans sees you as an empty leader
who does not possess any leadership skills which can
take Zimbabwe forward.

-ZANU PF which is a former revolutionary movement

believes in leaders who participated in the liberation
struggle against colonialism. For you to be respected in
ZANU PF you must have participated during the
liberation struggle (1966-79). Of course I do not believe
in this school of thought as „holding a gun‟ does not
necessarily mean one is a good leader especially in this
third world. So do you think that they (former freedom
fighters in ZANU PF) will sit down relax and allow you
(a typist) to rule them? Not the ZANU PF I know
10. I hear there are cases of young people who are going
around abusing your name to swindle thousands of
dollars from the business community saying they want
to take the money to you. ZANU PF Youth Chair for
Harare Cde Gomwe was suspended for abusing your
name to extort money from the general public. I
sympathise with you, it is bad for people to go around
abusing your name. But however do you know why
abusing your name is easy for someone to go around and
successfully extort cash by simply mentioning „The First
Lady wants it‟. That alone makes people run around to
pay the money. Do you know why people make it a
point to run around and deliver whatever the First Lady
„demands‟? It‟s all because your name (Grace Mugabe)
invokes fear in the people of Zimbabwe. No one wants
to get in the way of such a ruthless and brutal leader like
you. For fear of victimization people will make it a point
to deliver whatever is said to be wanted by you. You
must not be worried much about those going around
abusing your name to extort cash but your concern must
be on why the people of Zimbabwe are so much afraid
of the name Grace Mugabe. It is a symbol of fear, toxic
and hate language, ruthlessness and rule by an iron fist.
Who wants to be victimized like what happened to Joyce
Mujuru and her cliques? So your name invokes a lot of
fear in the business community and the people of
Zimbabwe at large leaving it as the rightful name for
conmen and women to use it as a tool to extort cash.

The name Grace Mugabe invokes fear in Zimbabweans………………..

11. Madam like I mentioned earlier on, things are not well in
Zimbabwe, the economy is dead and everything is
crumbling. Your husband President Robert Gabriel
Mugabe is behind all this suffering and the truth of the
matter is he failed the people of Zimbabwe and he has
become a source of inconvenience to the progress of our
country Zimbabwe. Instead of going around the country
spitting venom and washing ZANU PF‟s dirty linen in
public, the best thing you can ever do for Zimbabweans
is to ask your husband Robert Mugabe to step down.
Your „Meet The People Tour‟ and your long speeches
full of self-pride, self-aggrandisement and toxic
language are not what the people of Zimbabwe want at
this moment. What the people want (to be honest) is
change, an end to your husband‟s authoritarian rule and
a new Zimbabwe with a functional economy. Ignore my
advice at your own peril but I have told you the truth

Your husband President Robert Mugabe turned Zimbabwe
into a factory of poverty in Southern Africa. Please do us the
favour of asking him to step down we have suffered enough.

12. One of the senior party officials Ambassador Amos

Midzi who was the Provincial Chairman of ZANU PF
Harare Province and Zimbabwe‟s Former Ambassador
to the US was found dead in his car at his farm in
Harare. It is alleged that he possibly committed suicide
due to stress following the humiliation and incarceration
which he went through in ZANU PF when you took over
the party. He was perceived a Mujuru ally and you
successfully purged all who were allegedly linked to
Mujuru. But mhamha if Midzi ended up killing himself
because of the stress which you caused, how do you feel
as a mother? If you have conscience like me am sure you
owe the Midzi family an apology if it‟s true that he
committed suicide following what he went through after
your „Meet the People Tour‟ which left ZANU PF
upside down. You caused of lot of suffering,
psychological stress and trauma in many people‟s lives.
The late Ambassador Amos Midzi axed ZANU PF Harare
Chair and one of the top allies perceived to be linked to the
ousted Vice President Joyce Mujuru. It is alleged that he
committed suicide at his farm in Harare following the pain,
stress and humiliation he went through in ZANU PF
following the purging of all top allies allegedly linked to
Mujuru and this was all under the influence and instruction of
the First Lady Grace Mugabe.

13. I would like to advise you to befriend other First Ladies

who are matured and learn from them because you
seriously need to be polished and to learn from others
who are also motherly figures in their countries. Take a
look at Amai Graca Machel Mandela, Michelle Obama
and also take a look at Burma‟s motherly figure Aung
San Suu Kyi. Learn from such inspiring women, how
they behave as mothers, how they speak and how they
are respected in their countries. It‟s good to be respected
than to be feared. In Zimbabwe you are feared not
respected, these are two things which are very different.

14. There are speculations that President Robert Mugabe is
grooming you so that you can take over from him or
maybe one of your protégés will succeed him but with
you running the show from behind the scenes. Firstly I
would like to wish you the best and also honestly tell
you that this is not going to be an easy road. Mhamha
with all due respect if you decide to stand as the ZANU
PF Presidential candidate in the post Mugabe era. You
can hardly win, in fact you will never win unless if you
steal the elections just like what President Robert
Mugabe usually does. The „Meet The People Tour‟ in
the run up to the ZANU PF 2015 congress exposed you.
People didn‟t know that you are ruthless, brutal and
empty. Progressive Zimbabweans will never vote for
you so save your image and avoid the embarrassment
which will come after the failure of your bid to succeed
-Also it is important to know that Zimbabwe is not a
Mugabe dynasty. We have had enough of the Mugabes
and the suffering they caused on us as Zimbabweans so
we need a change and a chance to rebuild Zimbabwe. So
NO TO A MUGABE DYNASTY!!! We are fed up.

15. You went all over Zimbabwe de-campaigning your

fellow ZANU PF colleagues and throwing all sorts of
accusations at them. But for interest sake; how clean are
your hands Madam Mugabe? If we may take a look at

your life are we not going to see the same blemish? If
Zimbabweans can take an audit of your life and how you
rose to be where you are, are we not going to discover

that you have the same sins with the people you are

16. Have you ever listened to the song „Nzira dzemasoja‟?.

It was sang during the liberation struggle laying the
principles, values and conduct for the freedom fighters.
One of the stanzas goes like;
„Taurai zvine tsika kuruzhinji rwe vanhu kuti mass
inzwisise zvakanakira musangano‟ (Speak respectfully
to the mass so that they can see the importance of
supporting our cause).
-You need to learn to speak respectfully to the mass so
that the people can see the importance of joining ZANU
PF (although it is now like marketing an expired
product). You always shout and spit venom as a result
the mass has lost respect for you and ZANU PF.

17. As I conclude my letter I would like to advise you not to

do a lot of talking especially if you are not sure of what
you want to say or the impact it will make after saying it.
Sometimes it is important to be quite and do your
planning and strategizing silently. It‟s not every time
that you have to speak, sometimes just keep quite. Too
much talking is sometimes not good for politicians
especially if you are not a good one as it will just expose
your emptiness.

18. It will not be fair to finish this letter without
congratulating you on one of your major successes
which you will be remembered for in the history of
ZANU PF and Zimbabwe. Congratulations for being the
only person in the history of Zimbabwe who
successfully destroyed ZANU PF in three weeks. Some
have been trying to dislodge ZANU PF for decades
failing but it only took you three weeks (counting from
the day you joined active politics a few weeks before the
2014 ZANU PF congress) to destroy ZANU PF. That
was my first time to see ZANU PF crumbling and
fragmenting into pieces and I credit you for it. No one
successfully destroyed ZANU PF except you. Once

again I congratulate you on this one. Today ZANU PF is
dead because you came in and finished it off. That‟s one

of the very few positive things you have done for


19. Madam I authored a book for you titled „The Rise of

Grace Mugabe and the Inevitable Fall of ZANU PF and
it has a subtitle which goes like „Truth telling book
about Africa‟s upcoming First Female Dictator‟. I advise
you to put emotions aside and read it. I authored it out of
self-sacrifice and love. There is no one in Zimbabwe
who has decided to show such guts of writing such a
book and it is possibly the first book about you please
read it you might pick two or three advices which might
help you. It is not because am brave no am just not
afraid to tell you the truth. If you read it objectively am
sure it will help you a lot.

20. May God continue to bless you as we draw closer to the

post Mugabe era where the great empire which you are
enjoying will finally crumble and fall down. It is
unfortunate that the Mugabes legacy have no other place
in our archives except in the dust bins. Change and a
new regime in the post Mugabe era will possibly help
the people of Zimbabwe bury dictatorship and transit to
a more democratic society.

Revolutionary Greetings

Mayibuye i Zimbabwe!

Yours Truly

Nkosilathi Emmanuel Moyo Snr (28 years old)

Human Rights Defender and Democracy Activist
Kwekwe, Republic of Zimbabwe.
9 August 2015.


The rise of Grace Mugabe is the beginning of an end. ZANU

PF‟s fall is now inevitable because with people like Grace the
party is doomed to fall. Ever since she joined active politics she
has done enough to destroy her husband‟s party with her mouth;
every time she speaks she will be self-incriminating herself and
exposing her lack of wisdom. She is a divisive figure who tore
the revolutionary party ZANU PF into pieces in three weeks. As
she is being showered with praises every day by bootlickers and
cheerleaders in government it is sad to realize that no one has
the guts to tell her the truth that indeed she is a disgrace to
humanity and she is on her way to become Africa‟s First Female
dictator. Her comfort and her glory is for a short time as it can
hardly be feasible in the post Mugabe era. People are tolerating
her because they are afraid of the octogenarian leader Robert
Gabriel Mugabe but without him Grace will be shocked to see
herself in the dustbins. Worse if she succeed Robert Mugabe
then all hell will break loose in this country and the mass will
send a clear message to her that „Zimbabwe is not a monarch‟.

Grace toured the whole country talking about corruption and

exposing her fellow colleagues from the ZANU PF elite. One
thing she forgot is that she is also not a saint and we shall soon
hear her own crimes and stories of her life in the post Mugabe
era. If she is not lucky enough she is likely to end up being
arrested like the former First Lady of Ivory Coast Simone
Gbagbo who is in prison right now serving her twenty year
term. She committed a lot of crimes against humanity when her
husband Laurent Gbagbo was still the President so she enjoyed
the immunity and forgot that one day it shall all end. So Grace
Mugabe must do all she is doing knowing that one day it shall
be over and her sins will follow her. Her fame is like the
burning fire of papers which can be vibrant but only for a short
time. I know she (if she succeeds Mugabe) will try to rule this
country with an iron fist but if she chooses to go that way then a
revolt in this country will be inevitable.

„Dr Amai Grace Mugabe continue basking in the false glory which
you are being given but bear it in your mind mhamha that it‟s for a
short time; Zimbabwe is not a dynasty and your days are numbered.
Very soon your legacy will be in the dustbins and all this will be

Aluta Continua, forward with the struggle for a democratic
Down with dictatorship

Down with the Mugabe dynasty

Down with the Banana Republic
Power to the people of Zimbabwe.

The days are now numbered for this talkative woman.


ZANU PF –Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front

(Zimbabwe‟s ruling party since 1980).

MDC –Movement for Democratic Change.

ZimAsset - Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic


SADC- Southern Africa Development Community.

EU –European Union.

CSO- Civil Society Organization.

C.I.O –Central Intelligence Organization.

Gamatox - A derisive name for a group of ZANU PF‟s top

brass who were perceived to be linked to the axed Vice
President Joyce Mujuru.

Zvipfukuto/Weevils - A derisive name for a faction in ZANU

PF which is perceived to be pro-Grace Mugabe.


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