Information Requested: SAPD Assault Redacted

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POLICE REPORT San Antonio Police Department a) al Fpsctoa [ob Exton ecient ro anes acai he By Dar Tet Elements of the Incident ves Coomstcvanne (Jonenysnesra Jeaoraine [io rte Jamniereats Jverssnetinc ratte [ie nanan aes rswatee a] ad pe a aT 0 cence nae oT recre sao ‘Sr Na -_" bam mnaee S ; a Ea Saar Par aT Inesancnez ‘COUNTY MEDICALExAMINER ——fr9. Need Cs Rese Team OnE STS Hane Fre nen anual nt in = jesrare a TaeF pam E FS = Raion ae co mar [ZlPremery oneowe AGG ASSAULT-AGAINST PEACE OFFICER [ree ose van oa is0a00 co) neo ee rama essence me ‘Asa On Law Enorcement Oscars) fae eon ‘wean | HANDGUN freon wot ‘wean cal ‘oer ta [emmanae Sone rz [Saas mnne ‘Saget? Siamge me > frome NONE None wear Fr a [Saar footer carer feaaTeeat ‘Sana POLICE REPORT San Antonio Police Department [pesercmene [RESIST AR SEARCH-TRANSPORTATION fos Gos vane| 7 JatenetiCongins Prone Tee ‘crass competes Residence ‘Assan Law Enforcement Once) lear ‘waseoy Wass Sand ‘TEETH / HANDS / FEET (SMPLE 6) Josipontbe Warren Cer ‘nse [sina Acba ‘canara ‘coarnenes [Sese eT ‘Seaegeraane? ‘Sema wae 3 NONE [mary ones WANTED PERSON loans Go vane we JatenetaiConciind 4 crates comptes Residencaome laser ‘wessar Wesel ‘TEETH / HANDS /FEET (SMPLE 1) |rsinon ta Wasson ‘oie a [nia Acar inane ‘cia nays [saioe mia ‘Sage wae? Sra ae? Jone NONE NONE rar FFs ET ro POLICE REPORT San Antonio Police Department ASSAULT AGANST PEACE OFFICES al rssocates sunset IRESIGT ARR-SEARCH TRANSPORTATION POLICE REPORT San Antonio Police Department — Ere! Seat onsen CITY OF SAN ANTONIO. or SAN ANTONI a re i “Ea | aA RE iro aes ce ——-saieees —sae oe See oa Se oe oe oe Type eae VERSE eo = i — tense ~ 1 ASSAULT AGANST PEACE OFFICE sso wa i Frais wearon pou orrex (renin im fasisr aa Seancn- TRANSPORTATION (Cisse vem YTD PERSON Chemie th in OFFICER aT Tame [erSranner Pouce REPORT - San Antonio st Pouce Reroar sro mo us Police Department [rc cancrecace onsicer rape sor ‘Da Ts Oc Ba opal ke = = Tn Crores = | a oP ‘a rare a? encore ‘ean rasa ore amr Live" Line Contre Love" C Ive CJonnain Lives" Lv Ce po Deana REP VRE mn ‘RE Cos sme Reasons 1G ASSAULT AGANST PEACE OFFICER (Asma wm em [pes wexeon pouce ore [reocites wan ven JResisr ae SEARCH- TRANSPORTATION (Creme wn nem (Cesc wan cin POLICE REPORT San Antonio Police Department Peas Far aero While on patrol | was dispatched to the listed location for officers in trouble trying to apprehend a Wanted person. While len route to the location the dispatcher relayed that a suspect was down and all officers were ok. | arrived at the location and lobserved plain clothes officers wearing black protective vests with (Police) high visibility markings. | observed |SP1 laying face down with a uniformed SAFFE officer (W3) applying pressure bandage to a gunshot wound. | asked W3 if he Ineeded Quikclot for the wound, The location of the wound did not require a hemostatic agent. Responding officers fanned out /and placed crime scene tape to preserve the crime scene. Officers were at location for a Wanted Person for Warrant # 1738026 for Repeated Violation of Court Order/Bond Conditions, and Warrant # 1738175 for Assault Bodily Injury-Married. Officers observed SPY in front of his porch and advised him lof his current Wanted status. V1 attempted to gain control of SP1. A struggle ensued between SP1 and V1. W3 observed the struggle and attempted to gain compliance by striking SP1 in the legs with his collapsible baton. At some point and time during the struggle SP1 gained possession of V1's service pistol. W1 approached the struggle and observed SP1 with a pistol in his hand, V2 stated that he observed SP1 pointing the muzzle end of a handgun towards him. W2 observes the handgun and screams out, "Gun!". W1 was afraid that SP1 was going to fire the gun he had in his hand at other officers so he discharged his service pistol at SP1. W1 fired one round from his service pistol. V1, V2, W1,and W2 backed away from SP1 \W3 retrieved his medical kit from his patrol car and returned to apply pressure bandage to SP1. Fire Personnel arrived land transported SP‘ to University Hospital in Critical Condition. SP1 was pronounced deceased at 1429 Hrs. by Dr. M. Wampler. ‘SUP was noffied and arrived at incident location. CS was requested and arrived to location to process crime scene. IMXE supplied me with Case #20-2412 in reference this incident. DET arrived at location and began his investigation.

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