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Emerging Nutritional

Supplements for Strength

and Hypertrophy: An
Update of the Current
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Adam M. Gonzalez, PhD,1 David D. Church, PhD,2 Jeremy R. Townsend, PhD,3 and Reza Bagheri, MS4
Department of Health Professions, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York; 2Department of Geriatrics, Donald W.
Reynolds Institute on Aging, Center for Translational Research in Aging & Longevity, University of Arkansas for Medical
Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas; 3Department of Kinesiology, Exercise and Nutrition Science Graduate Program,
Lipscomb University, Nashville, Tennessee; and 4Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Sport Sciences,
University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

ABSTRACT As such, several supplements have including citrulline malate (CitMal), ni-
been proposed as a means of aug- trates, phosphatidic acid (PA),
Several dietary supplements have been
menting gains in strength and hyper- branched chain amino acids (BCAAs),
proposed as a means of improving
trophy. Supplements are commonly b-hydroxy-b-methylbutyrate (HMB),
muscle strength and hypertrophy when and betaine. The aim of this review is
marketed to promote muscular adap-
combined with resistance training. to provide an evidence-based narrative
tations through mechanisms such as,
However, few have received sufficient review of the efficacy of these emerging
but not limited to, enhancing high-
attention from sports scientists to pro- nutritional supplements to allow ath-
intensity exercise performance, de-
duce robust evidence for being well letes, coaches, and practitioners to
laying muscular fatigue, increasing
recommended. A growing body of liter- make an informed decision when con-
substrate availability, increasing mus-
ature has emerged for several dietary sidering the use of each supplement as
cle contraction efficiency, and/or
ingredients with the potential to promote a means of improving muscle strength
promoting muscle protein synthesis.
muscular adaptations. Therefore, the aim
However, a large majority of sports and hypertrophy.
of this review is to provide an evidence-
supplements on the market have
based review of the efficacy of emerging CITRULLINE MALATE
not been adequately studied or con-
nutritional supplements to allow athletes, Nitric oxide (NO) is a ubiquitous free-
sistently supported in the literature.
coaches, and practitioners to make an Few supplements have received suffi- radical gas that plays an important role
informed decision when considering their cient attention from sports scientists in a wide variety of signaling and reg-
use as a means of improving muscle to produce robust evidence for being ulatory processes of cellular and car-
strength and hypertrophy. recommended as a supplement to diovascular function. In particular,
augment strength (e.g., caffeine and NO plays a critical role in several phys-
creatine), hypertrophy (e.g., creatine iological functions within the blood
INTRODUCTION vessels and skeletal muscle; NO may
and protein), and exercise perfor-
thletes are constantly seeking promote vasodilation, along with

mance (e.g., caffeine, creatine, bicar-
nutritional interventions to bonate, beta-alanine, and nitrates)
improve training-induced (83,96). Nevertheless, a growing body
strength and hypertrophy outcomes. citrulline malate; nitrates; phosphatidic
of literature has emerged for several
acid; branched chain amino acids;
Address correspondence to Dr. Adam M. dietary ingredients with the potential
b-hydroxy-b-methylbutyrate; betaine
Gonzalez, to promote muscular adaptations,

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Emerging Nutritional Supplements

improving mitochondrial respiration, properties of malate in isolation, and To date, only one study has investi-
glucose and calcium homeostasis, and studies have not yet compared citrulline gated strength and hypertrophy out-
skeletal muscle contractility (16). Thus, versus CitMal. comes after chronic CitMal
enhanced NO bioavailability may Several studies have investigated the supplementation in healthy, young in-
enhance exercise performance and potential ergogenic effects of CitMal dividuals (64). During an 8-week resis-
delay fatigue during high-intensity supplementation on vascular function tance training program, resistance-
exercise. NO precursor supplements in humans. In a recent review of the trained males supplemented with
have become a popular class of dietary literature, Gonzalez and Trexler (52) either citrulline plus glutathione
supplements as a means of increasing concluded that acute administration of (2 g$d21 citrulline + 200 mg$d21
the body’s capacity to augment NO citrulline or CitMal has consistently glutathione), CitMal (2 g$d21), or a pla-
bioavailability, and citrulline is com- shown to increase plasma citrulline cebo. In this study, neither supplemen-
monly marketed to strength/power and arginine concentrations, along with tation protocol significantly improved
athletes primarily due to its potential total nitrate and nitrite concentrations performance or body composition.
to boost NO production. (biomarkers that are indicative of NO However, in comparison with the
aforementioned acute study designs,
Citrulline is a nonessential amino acid bioavailability). However, evidence sup-
a relatively small dose of CitMal was
found predominantly in watermelon porting acute improvements in vasodila-
administered and the resistance train-
and other melons and serves as an tion and skeletal muscle tissue perfusion
ing program used did not seem to
endogenous precursor to arginine (38). after supplementation is scarce and
induce meaningful strength and hyper-
NO can subsequently be produced inconsistent. In addition, more recent
trophy improvements regardless of the
through the arginine–NO pathway, evidence suggested that 8 g CitMal does
supplemental group. Future studies are
whereby arginine is converted to NO not influence the diameter or blood flow
necessary to investigate the effect of
and citrulline by the enzyme, NO syn- of the superficial femoral artery during
chronic supplementation with larger
thase (12). Notably, compared with an submaximal leg extension in recreation-
doses of CitMal in conjunction with
acute supplemental dose of arginine, ally active males (124).
a resistance training program.
citrulline supplementation has shown to Regarding performance outcomes,
be a more efficient means of elevating Despite some mixed findings, several
a recent systematic review and meta-
plasma arginine concentrations for sub- studies have reported that acute Cit-
analysis by Trexler et al. (126) found a sig-
sequent NO production (111). Unlike Mal supplementation can enhance sev-
nificant, yet small, favorable effect of
arginine, oral ingestion of citrulline is not eral aspects of exercise performance
citrulline-based supplements on acute
subjected to significant catabolism in the and recovery (52). Studies reporting
performance of high-intensity strength
gut and is not extracted from systemic ergogenic effects with CitMal have
and power tasks in comparison with
circulation through hepatic clearance provided a 6–8 g dose approximately
a placebo. Specific to resistance training,
(55,106,128,137). Therefore, over the 1 hour before the onset of exercise.
several studies have reported that acute
past decade, the attention has shifted Although loading protocols have not
ingestion of CitMal allows individuals to
from arginine to citrulline as a means of been implemented before resistance
complete more repetitions-to-failure
increasing NO biosynthesis and exercise, chronic dosing (.7 days)
over a series of sets of single-joint and/
has shown to exert favorable effects
improving performance. Along with or multijoint exercises (48,97,131,132).
on endurance and high-intensity exer-
NO-boosting properties, citrulline has For example, resistance-trained males
cise performance (9,118,119). Short-
also been linked to improved ammonia were able to complete a significantly
term supplementation of CitMal seems
clearance through the urea cycle (15) greater number of repetitions during 5
to be safe and well-tolerated. Given the
and increased muscle protein synthesis sets of leg press, hack squat, and leg
positive effects observed from some in-
(albeit under protein deficient or cata- extension to failure at 60% one repetition
vestigations, future studies should con-
bolic conditions) (54,71), thereby poten- maximum (1RM) (132). Likewise,
tinue to investigate the effects of both
tially improving muscle function, resistance-trained females performed sig-
acute and loading doses of CitMal on
attenuating fatigue, and promoting mus- nificantly more repetitions during 6 sets muscular adaptations.
cle growth. Before strength exercise, re- of bench press and leg press to failure at
searchers have most commonly 80% 1RM (48). Thus, acute CitMal sup-
administered citrulline in the form of Cit- plementation may improve resistance to NITRATES
Mal, whereby citrulline and malate are fatigue, which may promote a greater NO elicits a variety of actions within
combined in either a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. anabolic stimulus from the training ses- the human body including vasodila-
Malate is a tricarboxylic acid cycle inter- sion. However, other studies have re- tion, improved calcium handling,
mediate that has been suggested to ported null findings on resistance mitochondrial respiration and biogen-
potentially increase oxidative ATP pro- exercise performance, repetition volume, esis, and increased velocity of skeletal
duction (10). However, studies have not and recovery after acute CitMal supple- muscle contractions (25,69,105). As
yet investigated the potential ergogenic mentation (17,18,28,51,125). previously mentioned, NO precursors

58 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2020

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have become a popular category of sprint power or fatigue, the BRJ condi- a 30-second Wingate test, 2-km rowing
supplements with the intention of tion did produce significantly greater time trial, and a CrossFit workout in
increasing NO production and subse- peak force values on the IMTP. a crossover fashion. Nitrate supple-
quently improving human perfor- To date, few studies have specifically mentation provided a benefit for peak
mance. When nitrates are consumed examined the effects of a single dose power production in the Wingate test;
in the diet, they are converted to NO of dietary nitrate before dynamic resis- however, no differences were observed
in the body by the nitrate–nitrite–NO tance exercise performance consisting for the CrossFit or 2-km rowing time
pathway to increase NO availability to of both eccentric and concentric mus- trial performance.
exercising tissues. A majority of cle actions. Williams et al. (135) pro- Although the focus of this review is
research studies to date have investi- vided 6.4 mmol of BRJ (400 mg nitrate) centered around supplements that pro-
gated the effects of dietary nitrates, in or placebo to resistance-trained males mote strength and hypertrophy, there
the form of nitrate-rich beetroot juice 2 hours before completing 2 separate is compelling evidence to suggest that
(BRJ), on endurance exercise perfor- bench press protocols. First, partici- dietary nitrates may improve sport-
mance showing improved exercise effi- pants completed 2 sets of 2 repetitions specific performance. Specifically,
ciency by reducing the oxygen cost of at 70% 1RM of the bench press in a 2-day BRJ loading protocol signifi-
exercise (80,130,142). a high-velocity, explosive manner. Sub- cantly increased distance covered in
Recent developments indicate that sequently, participants completed 3 a soccer-specific Yo-Yo intermittent
nitrate supplementation may improve sets to failure on the bench press, sep- recovery level 1 test compared with
blood flow to a larger extent in type II arated by 2 minutes of rest, at 70% placebo (143), which was supported
muscle fibers (36). Furthermore, type II 1RM. Although maximal velocity and by similar findings in male Dutch ama-
muscle fibers may possess a greater power were unchanged, mean velocity teur soccer athletes (90). Although
capacity for nitrate storage (70,91) with and mean power during the 2 3 2 pro- most studies have used a supplemental
increases in maximal knee extensor tocol were higher in the BRJ treatment. form of nitrates, diets high in nitrate-
velocities in healthy men and women Furthermore, total repetitions com- rich foods may also provide benefits
observed after nitrate supplementation pleted during the fatiguing protocol comparable with supplementation.
(26). Accordingly, some suggest that were higher after BRJ administration Porcelli et al. (100) found that 6 days
athletes with a higher percentage of indicating either reduced fatigue or of a high-nitrate diet (;8.2 mmol/d;
fast-twitch muscle fibers may reap improved recovery between sets due 500 mg) consisting of spinach and col-
superior benefits from nitrate supple- to acute nitrate consumption. lard greens significantly improved sub-
mentation (70,141). Another potential Three studies have implemented maximal knee extension and repeated
mechanism by which dietary nitrates a nitrate loading protocol before sprint performance in recreational
may improve performance is by a dynamic session of resistance exer- athletes.
enhancing calcium handing in the cise (39,78). Mosher et al. (87) required Although the evidence supporting die-
muscle, resulting in improved rate of resistance-trained males to complete 3 tary nitrate consumption to promote
force development (57). However, sets of bench press to failure at 60% strength and hypertrophy seems opti-
there are few studies regarding dietary 1RM after 6 days of supplementation mistic, to date, no chronic training
nitrate consumption and resistance with 6.4 mmol of BRJ (400 mg nitrate) study has been completed to deter-
exercise performance in humans. or placebo in a crossover fashion. Inter- mine whether the observed effects
Most recently, Trexler et al. (125) estingly, the BRJ treatment completed from single dosage and loading proto-
investigated the effects of a single dose more repetitions per set and greater cols translate into meaningful changes
of BRJ (6.4 mmol; 400 mg nitrates) on total repetitions compared to placebo in muscular strength and hypertrophy.
5 sets of 30 maximal isokinetic leg ex- with no observed differences for lactate Considering all we know regarding
tensions in trained males. Although concentrations or subjective fatigue. dietary nitrates, it seems that dietary
BRJ significantly elevated plasma Flanagan et al. (39) recruited 14 nitrate loading (2–6 days; supplemen-
nitrate concentrations, no differences resistance-trained males to complete tation or high-nitrate diet) before resis-
in blood flow, blood lactate, muscle a heavy back-squat protocol (60–90% tance or sport exercise performance is
swelling, or exercise performance were 1RM) after 3 days of supplementation preferred over a single dose for ergo-
observed compared with placebo or with a nitrate-rich (;35.2 mg nitrate) genic potential with a specific dosage
CitMal. Another study provided 12.9 or nitrate-depleted nutritional bar. No amount still unclear. Based on early
mmol of BRJ (800 mg nitrate) or pla- differences in total repetitions com- work in this area, athletes consuming
cebo 2.5 hours before repeated 20-s pleted were observed possibly due to 400–800 mg of dietary nitrates may
sprint performance and isometric mid- a low daily nitrate dosage. Kramer et al. experience performance benefits dur-
thigh pull performance (IMTP) in ado- (78) provided trained CrossFit athletes ing resistance exercise while low dos-
lescent males (11). Although there was with 8 mmol of potassium nitrate or ages (35.2 mg) will not likely generate
no benefit of BRJ supplementation on placebo for 6 days before completing an ergogenic effect. However, future

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Emerging Nutritional Supplements

work is required to determine supplemental PA to enhance training- PA (750 mg) was provided as part of
a minimal effective dose of dietary ni- induced muscular adaptations in a multi-ingredient supplement also
trates to enhance resistance exercise resistance-trained men. To date, 5 stud- containing leucine, HMB, and vitamin
performance. In addition, as nitrate ies have examined the effect of oral PA D3; thus, it is difficult to determine
supplements have been reported to supplementation (250–750 mg per day) whether the effects were attributable
vary considerably in actual nitrate con- in conjunction with a resistance train- to solely PA in this study (34). Finally,
tent (45), athletes and consumers ing program (2,34,50,60,73). In the first Gonzalez et al. (50) reported no signif-
should be aware that not all products study by Hoffman et al. (60), supple- icant effects on muscle thickness and
may prove ergogenic based on labeled menting with 750 mg PA during an strength measures after 8 weeks of PA
recommended dosages. 8-week resistance training program supplementation in combination with
did not significantly improve strength a resistance training program.
or hypertrophy measures. Neverthe- In summary, only one training study
less, using a magnitude-based inference has reported significant improvements
Skeletal muscle growth is primarily statistical procedure, it was reported
dictated by the process of muscle pro- in strength and hypertrophy outcomes
that PA likely and very likely improved
tein synthesis, and muscle mass accre- after 8 weeks of PA supplementation
maximal squat strength and lean body
tion is observed when muscle protein (73), whereas the other used a multi-
mass accretion (PA: 1.7 kg; placebo:
synthesis exceeds muscle protein ingredient supplement (34). Two stud-
0.1 kg), respectively. It is, however,
breakdown (98). Although the molec- ies (2,60) found no significant benefit of
worth noting that the timing of supple-
ular pathways that control muscle 8 weeks of PA supplementation but re-
mentation was not controlled, and
growth are not completely understood, ported small ergogenic effects using the
resistance training sessions were not
the mechanistic target of rapamycin magnitude-based inference statistical
supervised by the researchers in this
complex 1 (mTORC1) has been procedure. Finally, the most recent
study (60). Similarly, Andre et al. (2)
deemed the master regulator of muscle study (50) failed to show significant
found no significant improvements in
protein synthesis and plays a critical improvements in strength and hyper-
strength or hypertrophy measures
role in mediating training-induced in- trophy after 8 weeks of PA supplemen-
when providing lower dosages of PA
creases in muscle hypertrophy (49). tation in conjunction with a resistance
(375 or 250 mg per day) during an 8-
mTORC1 is a multiprotein complex training program. To further confound
week resistance training program.
that can be activated by several signals, matters, acute administration of PA has
Likewise, this research group also used
including growth factors, energy status, actually shown to interfere or blunt
the magnitude-based inference statisti-
amino acids, and mechanical stimuli anabolic intramuscular processes.
cal procedure and reported that PA
(13). The regulation of mTORC1 by Smeuninx et al. (115) recently per-
likely benefited rectus femoris cross-
mechanical stimuli such as resistance formed the first in vivo mechanistic
sectional area and lean body mass
exercise seems to be mediated, in part, investigation of orally ingested PA in
accretion (despite the average change
by an increased abundance of intra- humans. The findings showed that
being 375 mg PA: 1.3 kg; 250 mg PA:
muscular PA (93,145). Several lines of acute PA ingestion (through a multi-
0.5 kg; placebo: 1.6 kg) and very likely
evidence have suggested that PA plays ingredient supplement containing 750
improved leg press strength. Notably,
a critical role in modulating anabolic mg PA along with other phospholi-
the use of magnitude-based inferences
signaling by serving as an upstream pids) interfered with resistance
has been criticized, and doubts have
regulator of mTORC1 (8,35,63,145). exercise-induced intramuscular ana-
been cast on the conclusions that can
Furthermore, exogenous PA has been bolic signaling and muscle protein syn-
be drawn from the statistical procedure
shown to increase mTORC1 signaling thesis in older males. The attenuation
(108). There have been 2 studies show-
in vitro (73,138,145). in intramuscular anabolic activity sug-
ing more promising outcomes. Joy
PA is a phospholipid consisting of et al. (73) reported that 8 weeks of gests that PA supplementation would
a glycerol backbone with 2 fatty acid PA supplementation (750 mg per not be an effective means of enhancing
chains and a phosphate group and is day) significantly increased markers long-term gains in muscle strength and
naturally found in the body’s cell mem- of strength (i.e., leg press strength hypertrophy. The cause of the
branes, albeit in small quantities (112). and total strength) along with rectus observed interference effect remains
PA can also be found naturally in food femoris cross-sectional area and lean unknown. However, these findings
sources including cabbage, tomatoes, body mass (PA: 2.4 kg; placebo: 1.2 are similar to those reported by Mob-
and cucumbers, however, at very low kg) when combined with a resistance ley et al. (86) whereby PA coingestion
levels (;0.2–0.55 mg/g) (120). Based training program. Using a similar study blunted whey protein-mediated muscle
on the evidence suggesting that PA design, Escalante et al. (34) also re- protein synthesis in rodent skeletal
directly activates anabolic signaling ported significant improvements in muscle.
pathways, researchers have begun maximal strength and lean body mass Despite the inconclusive research find-
investigating the potential for (PA: 1.9 kg; placebo: 0.8 kg). However, ings, a dosage of up to 750 mg PA per

60 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2020

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
day has been provided in short-term (i.e., without concurrent ingestion of concentrations, improved recovery of
(i.e., 8 weeks) research studies, with the other EAAs or an intact protein knee extensor isometric force, and
no side effects reported. Currently, an source) (41,67). Fuchs et al. (41) lower feelings of perceived soreness
optimal dose and timing scheme (if showed that ingestion of 6 g BCAAs after the muscle damaging bout. In line
one exists) remains unclear. To date, increased muscle protein synthesis with this finding, recent meta-analyses
the effect of PA supplementation on from 0 to 2 hours after ingestion but (40,103) have indicated that BCAA
muscle strength and hypertrophy re- did not maintain this elevation from 2 supplementation may improve exercise
mains equivocal; however, one study to 5 hours after ingestion, whereas 30 g recovery and attenuate markers of
does suggest that supplementation of milk protein (providing an equiva- muscle damage. However, none of
may offer a small advantage for lent amount of BCAAs) did sustain the studies compared BCAAs with
improving maximal strength and mus- muscle protein synthesis in healthy a complete protein source. Although
cle growth over an 8-week period. older men. In healthy young men, Jack- it is possible that BCAA supplementa-
Additional mechanistic and long-term man et al. (67) reported that ingestion tion offers a non-negligible improve-
research studies are necessary to deter- of 5.6 g BCAAs after resistance exercise ment on muscle recovery compared
mine the efficacy and safety of PA as significantly increased muscle protein with a placebo, the effect would likely
a means of improving exercise- synthesis by 22% in comparison with be inferior to a complete protein source
induced muscular adaptations. a placebo. However, the muscle pro- containing all EAA.
tein synthesis response has shown to
Currently, there are few studies investi-
be ;50% greater after a dose of whey
BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACIDS gating the long-term effects of isolated
protein containing similar amounts of
Muscle protein comprised 20 amino BCAA supplementation on training-
acids, 9 of which are essential amino BCAAs (i.e., 20–25 g whey) compared induced strength and hypertrophy out-
acids (EAAs). EAAs either cannot be with the equivalent dose of BCAAs comes. Spillane et al. (117) supple-
synthesized by the body or the rate of (24,139). The lack of a sustained mus- mented untrained men with either 9
synthesis does not match the demand cle protein synthesis response has also g/d of BCAAs (taken 4 d/wk) or a pla-
of the body. Only 3 of the 9 EAAs been reported in healthy young men cebo during an 8-week resistance train-
are BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, after resistance exercise when 6.3 g of ing program. The BCAA group did not
and valine); however, they make up BCAAs were added to a mixed mac- display significant improvement in body
approximately 25% of skeletal muscle ronutrient beverage containing 6.25 g composition, upper-body strength and
amino acids (53). BCAAs (particularly of whey protein isolate as compared to endurance, or lower-body strength and
leucine) appear unique among the a mixed macronutrient beverage con- endurance as compared to those who
EAAs as key regulators of muscle pro- taining 25 g dose of whey protein iso- ingested a placebo (117). Furthermore,
tein synthesis (144). For example, leu- late (23). Therefore, BCAAs seem to the addition of 3 g BCAAs to 40 g whey
cine has shown to activate the spark a transient, but not sustained, protein did not yield superior benefits
mTORC1 pathway in animal (3,27) muscle protein synthesis response on body composition and strength out-
and human skeletal muscle (133), and compared with a complete protein comes in resistance-trained men during
the signaling response has shown to source. Dietary supplementation of a 10-week resistance training program,
be enhanced with the addition of BCAAs alone cannot support a robust in comparison with 40 g whey plus 8 g
the other 2 BCAA (isoleucine and and prolonged muscle protein synthe- casein protein (76). Dudgeon et al. (31)
valine) (84). However, stimulation of sis response as the availability of other showed that BCAA supplementation
mTORC1 signaling only indicates pro- EAAs will rapidly become rate limit- (14 g/d; 7 g before and after training)
tein synthesis has been stimulated not ing. Furthermore, there is currently no enhanced the retention of lean mass and
sustained, a result that is evident when evidence that BCAA ingestion inhibits strength in resistance-trained males
mTORC1 signaling is measured postexercise muscle protein break- adhering to a hypocaloric diet (degree
beyond 90 minutes after leucine inges- down in humans. of caloric restriction was not defined)
tion (22). Nonetheless, the idea that One potential utility of BCAA supple- and an 8-week resistance training pro-
BCAA supplementation modulates mentation is for a role in recovery after gram. However, these results have been
muscle protein synthesis and augments high-intensity, muscle-damaging exer- scrutinized, and the applicability of the
muscle strength and hypertrophy has cise. For example, VanDusseldorp et al. reported effects remains question-
been perpetuated for decades. (129) had resistance-trained men sup- able (30).
Several lines of evidence suggest that plement with either 0.22 g/kg/d of Owing to leucine’s vital role in maxi-
ingestion of BCAAs stimulate BCAAs or placebo for 8 days before mally activating muscle protein syn-
mTORC1 signaling (5,75,84). How- completing a muscle damaging resis- thesis after protein ingestion (6),
ever, few studies have investigated tance exercise protocol. The BCAA studies have also investigated the ef-
the muscle protein synthesis response group displayed reduced plasma crea- fects of leucine alone on muscle
after administration of isolated BCAAs tine kinase (muscle damage marker) strength and hypertrophy in young,

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Emerging Nutritional Supplements

healthy populations undergoing resis- b-HYDROXY-b-METHYLBUTYRATE (79,92,104,114,122). In effort to expli-

tance training. One study showed that Supplementation with the leucine cate the conflicting findings, several
supplementing 4 g/d of leucine metabolite, HMB, has been suggested meta-analyses have been performed
enhanced strength (as indicated by to enhance strength and body compo- as the growing body of literature devel-
5RM strength) during a 12-week resis- sition when combined with resistance oped (62,89,107,109,140). In 2009,
tance training program in untrained training (74). Several mechanisms have Rowlands and Thomson (107) meta-
males, despite no differences in body been proposed for the action of HMB analyzed the effectiveness of HMB
composition compared with a placebo including increased satellite cell prolifer- on strength and body composition in
(66). However, Aguiar et al. (1) failed to ation, increased growth hormone and trained and untrained young men, con-
show benefit of isolated leucine supple- insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) cluding that HMB exerted small effects
mentation (3 g/d) on muscle strength expression, attenuation of circulating on strength gains in previously
and hypertrophy during an 8-week proinflammatory cytokine expression, untrained men, whereas the effect in
resistance training program in and promotion of intramuscular choles- trained lifters was trivial; the effect of
untrained males. Furthermore, Mobley terol synthesis (61,109). However, HMB on body composition was also
et al. (85) compared the effects of sup- HMB’s primary mechanisms of action trivial in both groups. In line with these
plementing twice daily with 3 grams of for promoting gains in muscle strength findings, a 2018 meta-analysis by
leucine versus other dietary protein and hypertrophy are generally consid- Sanchez-Martinez et al. (109) found
sources (i.e., whey and soy) standard- ered to relate to its effects on protein no effect of HMB supplementation
ized to containing an equivalent dose metabolism in skeletal muscle. HMB on strength and body composition in
of leucine during a 12-week resistance has shown to increase muscle protein trained and competitive athletes. Most
training program in untrained men. synthesis through stimulation of recently, a meta-analysis by Holland
Although all supplement groups expe- mTORC1 (33,133,134), while also sup- et al. (62) suggested that HMB may
rienced similar changes in measures of pressing muscle protein breakdown have a small, positive impact on fat free
strength and hypertrophy compared through inhibition of signaling cascades mass in athletes, although the effect
with the placebo group, only the whey involved in degradation of intracellular seemed to be specific to when protein
protein group increased skeletal muscle proteins, such as the ubiquitin– intake is suboptimal (,1.6 g/kg/d).
satellite cell number—a finding worthy proteasome pathway (116,134). The Much of the research to date regarding
of further investigation. Although few effects of HMB supplementation on HMB’s effects on strength and hyper-
data exist, it seems that current training strength and hypertrophy has been trophy has been performed with the
studies do not support the use of iso- extensively studied in a variety of pop- administration of HMB-Ca; however,
lated BCAAs or leucine for increasing ulations, yet the conflicting findings HMB in its free acid form (HMB-FA)
strength and hypertrophy. often make it difficult to offer practical has recently shown to provide
Based on the available literature, recommendations to athletes (61,109). improved plasma bioavailability
supplementation with BCAAs or Studies investigating the effect of (42,43). The greater absorption rate,
leucine in isolation to promote HMB in its calcium salt form (HMB- peak plasma concentration, and clear-
strength and hypertrophy gains is Ca) on strength and body composi- ance rate observed after HMB-FA sup-
not warranted. BCAA supplements tion, when combined with a resistance plementation has been purported to
may offer limited utility compared training program, have offered incon- result in greater intramuscular HMB
with complete protein sources. clusive findings. Several studies have bioavailability and thus provide a supe-
Thus, it would seem more logical reported some favorable outcomes rior stimulus on muscle protein metab-
to consume a post-workout whole (32,44,72,77,88,94,101) while others olism, exercise recovery, and muscular
protein supplement (i.e., whey) or have failed to find significant benefits adaptations (113). Nevertheless,
a food source/supplement contain- on strength and hypertrophy despite observed differences in bio-
ing all the EAAs together with a rich (79,92,104,114,122). The discrepant availability, HMB-Ca has recently
supply of BCAA to promote a robust findings may be explained by several shown to provide a comparable effect
anabolic response, in addition to any factors including participants’ training on stimulating muscle protein synthe-
potential benefits on alleviating status, implementation of different sis and suppressing muscle protein
muscle damage and improving exer- training protocols, and differences in breakdown compared with HMB-FA
cise recovery. Ultimately, it seems dietary control. The most pertinent (134). To date, few studies have exam-
unlikely that BCAA supplementa- may be training status as studies with ined the effect of chronic HMB-FA
tion would offer any advantage for untrained individuals have reported supplementation on training-induced
a strength and power athlete con- positive effects on strength and hyper- strength and hypertrophy outcomes
suming adequate amounts of dietary trophy (44,72,88), whereas those with (7,82,121,127,136). Initial data sup-
protein ($1.6 g/kg/d) from high- resistance-trained individuals typically ported substantial anabolic properties
quality protein sources. fail to show ergogenic effects of HMB-FA demonstrating sizable

62 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2020

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
increases in lean body mass along with HMB supplementation would offer placebo for 14 days. Significantly higher
substantial decreases in body fat per- negligible effects on body composition growth hormone and IGF-1 concentra-
centage after 12 weeks of supplemen- and strength (68,121,127). Further- tions, along with lower cortisol concen-
tation in conjunction with a resistance more, despite a lack of research in hu- trations, were observed after an acute
training program (82,136). However, mans, it has been speculated that HMB bout of whole-body exercise after the
these studies have been subjected to may attenuate muscle loss during a sus- betaine supplementation period. These
considerable scientific scrutiny and tained caloric deficit (95)—a situation results may provide a rationale for the
skepticism (47,65,99), and more recent common among weight class and beneficial effects that have been observed
studies have shown to be largely physique-based athletes. Although with studies investigating betaine supple-
underwhelming in comparison show- conjectural, HMB supplementation mentation and body composition. Using
ing small increases in some markers would likely only confer a small bene- resistance-trained males, Cholewa et al.
of strength (7,127) with no beneficial ficial impact on muscle mass during (21) demonstrated that 6 weeks of betaine
effects on hypertrophy (121,127). a caloric deficit when protein intake supplementation (2.5 g/d) in conjunction
Moreover, 2 studies have compared is suboptimal (62). However, restrict- with resistance training increased lean
HMB forms showing no superiority ing protein during periods of caloric body mass and decreased fat mass as
of HMB-FA over HMB-Ca for pro- restriction is not recommended for compared to a placebo. In a subsequent
moting hypertrophy, whereby both strength/power and physique-based study by Cholewa et al. (20), active, resis-
forms failed to promote significantly athletes (56). More research is needed tance training naı̈ve, young women had
greater muscle growth compared with to elucidate the role of HMB supple- significantly greater reductions in body fat
placebo (121,127). In addition, neither mentation during periods of caloric when betaine (2.5 g/d) was ingested
HMB form seemed to significantly restriction in conjunction with a resis- alongside an 8-week resistance training
alter markers of muscle strength and tance training program. program; however, there were no signif-
power in comparison with a placebo icant differences noted for measures of
group (121,127), with the exception BETAINE muscle growth. On the contrary, Schwab
of a small, but significant improvement Betaine (trimethylglycine) is the amino et al. (110) did not report significantly
reported for lower body strength in the acid glycine with 3 methyl groups greater changes in body composition after
HMB-FA group in comparison with attached. Betaine serves 2 primary roles 12 weeks of betaine supplementation (6
the HMB-Ca and placebo groups in human physiology. The first is acting g/d) in obese adults undergoing a hypoe-
(127). Finally, another leucine metabo- as a methyl donor for the transmethy- nergetic diet without altering physical
lite that has been proposed to possess lation of homocysteine potentially activity. Thus, based off the limited evi-
anabolic effects (i.e., a-hydroxyisocap- increasing IGF-1 sensitivity and dence, it seems that chronic betaine sup-
roic acid) has also failed to enhance mTORC1 signaling (19). Betaine also plementation may have beneficial effects
muscle growth and strength develop- acts as an osmolyte maintaining fluid on body composition when resistance
ment during resistance training (121). balance and protecting cells against training is performed.
In summary, HMB has shown to dehydration, which may have beneficial The effect of betaine supplementation on
exhibit anabolic and anticatabolic ac- effects on muscle protein synthesis strength measures are mixed after sub-
tions in skeletal muscle. The most typ- (4,59). Betaine can be obtained through chronic (10–14 days) and chronic (6–9
ical dosing strategy implemented in the diet as sugar beets, wheat bran, spin- weeks) supplementation periods. Hoff-
the literature is the administration of ach, and beets; however, the average man et al. (59) observed no effect of 15
3 g of HMB per day. Moreover, adult only obtains 100–400 mg of beta- days of betaine supplementation (2.5 g/d)
HMB seems to be a safe dietary sup- ine per day from their diet (19). This on vertical jump, bench press throw, or
plement in otherwise healthy popula- combined with the fact that supplemen- Wingate test performance in active
tions demonstrating no differences in tal betaine has been shown to increase college-aged men. In a follow-up study,
blood chemistry, hematology, or uri- lean mass and decrease fat mass in pigs the same group (58) found no effect of 15
nalysis values after chronic supplemen- has prompted interest in its use as a die- days of betaine supplementation (2.5 g/d)
tation (136) and limited to no reports tary supplement for athletes (37). on peak concentric or eccentric power
of adverse effects. Despite some studies Betaine was first shown to be efficacious during an isokinetic chest press in active
reporting extraordinary changes in for increasing general strength and endur- college-aged men. These results are in
strength and hypertrophy with HMB ance in 1952 in patients with polio (14). agreement with Trepanowski et al.
supplementation (77,82,136), the However, researchers have recently (123) who observed no significant im-
majority of the research in trained in- begun to investigate the effects of supple- provements in lower- (vertical jump) or
dividuals do not support such changes. mental betaine in healthy individuals. For upper-body (bench press throw) muscu-
Based on the most recent evidence, it example, Apicella et al. (4) performed lar power after 14 days of betaine supple-
seems that when ingesting an optimal a crossover study where 12 young trained mentation (2.5 g/d) in resistance-trained
amount of protein ($1.6 g/kg/d), men ingested either 2.5 g of betaine or men. Nevertheless, a significant increase

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64 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2020

Emerging Nutritional Supplements

Summary of the emerging nutritional supplements for strength and hypertrophy
Supplement Commonly studied Potential mechanisms of action Current state of the evidence

Citrulline 6–8 g/d; 1 h before Enhanced NO bioavailability May induce a small, favorable effect on acute performance of high-intensity strength and
malate exercise Improved blood flow power tasks
Improved ammonia clearance Despite some mixed findings, studies have shown that acute supplementation may
Increased muscle protein synthesis allow individuals to complete more repetitions-to-failure during resistance exercise
More research is needed to investigate strength and hypertrophy outcomes after
chronic supplementation
Nitrates 6.4–12.9 mmol Enhanced NO bioavailability May improve force and power production during isometric and dynamic exercise
(400–800 mg); 2 h Improved blood flow to type II May allow individuals to complete more repetitions-to-failure during resistance exercise
before exercise muscle fibers More research is needed to investigate strength and hypertrophy outcomes after
Enhances skeletal muscle calcium chronic supplementation
Phosphatidic 750 mg/d Enhanced intramuscular anabolic Effects on muscle strength and hypertrophy remains equivocal
acid signaling Acute administration of PA has actually shown to interfere or blunt anabolic
Increased muscle protein synthesis intramuscular processes
BCAA ;6–14 g/d Increased muscle protein synthesis Promotes a transient, but not sustained, muscle protein synthesis response compared
Suppression of muscle protein with a complete protein source
breakdown May accelerate recovery and reduce muscle damage (yet, studies have not compared
Recovery after high-intensity, with a complete protein source)
muscle-damaging exercise. The use of isolated BCAAs or leucine for increasing gains in strength and hypertrophy is
not supported in the current research
BCAA supplements likely offer limited utility compared with complete protein sources
When ingesting an optimal amount of protein ($1.6 g/kg/d), BCAA supplementation
would likely offer negligible effects on body composition and strength
HMB 3 g/d Increased muscle protein synthesis Extensive amount of studies offering conflicting findings regarding effects on muscle
Suppression of muscle protein strength and hypertrophy
breakdown Ergogenic effects are mostly observed in untrained individuals compared to resistance-
trained individuals
HMB-free acid does not appear to induce a greater effect on strength and hypertrophy
outcomes compared with HMB-calcium
When ingesting an optimal amount of protein ($1.6 g/kg/d), HMB supplementation
would likely offer negligible effects on body composition and strength
Betaine 2.5 g/d Acts as an osmolyte and methyl May be effective for reducing body fat
donor Despite some mixed findings, beneficial effects have been noted for markers of strength
and hypertrophy
BCAA 5 branched chain amino acid; HMB 5 b-hydroxy-b-methylbutyrate; NO 5 nitric oxide; PA 5 phosphatidic acid.
in total repetitions and total volume load muscle mass when combined with
Jeremy R.
was noted during a 10-set bench press a resistance training regimen. How-
Townsend is an
protocol after betaine supplementation ever, few have received the scien-
assistant profes-
(123). A lack of significant increase in tific attention required to make
sor in the Exer-
measures of muscular strength (bench evidence-based recommendations
cise and
press and squat 1RM) and power (max- to athletes (i.e., caffeine, creatine,
Nutrition Science
imal-velocity repetitions for the bench and whey protein). This article pro-
graduate pro-
press and squat exercises using 60% vided an overview of the growing
gram at Lips-
1RM) has also been observed in untrained body of evidence surrounding some
comb University
men supplemented with 2 g/d of betaine popular supplements that have been
in Nashville.
for 10 days (29). However, there have purported to augment training adap-
been some promising outcomes after sub- tations (Table).
chronic betaine supplementation. Lee Further research is required to pro- Reza Bagheri is
et al. (81) found an increase in bench press vide athletes with better information a PhD student of
throw power and isometric force after 14 to guide their decisions about the use Exercise Physiol-
days of betaine supplementation (2.5 g/d) of several supplements. Sports scien- ogy at the Uni-
in healthy, recreationally active men. In tists should continue to investigate versity of Isfahan
addition, Pryor et al. (102) demonstrated the potential of these supplements in Isfahan.
that 7 days of betaine supplementation to enhance strength and hypertro-
(2.5 g/d) improved cycling sprint power phy to expand upon evidence-based
in recreationally active men and women. recommendations of efficacy and
However, in chronic training studies safety. Athletes and bodybuilders
investigating the effect of betaine supple- are recommended to use the evi-
mentation (2.5 g/d) in resistance-trained dence provided in this article to
men (6 weeks of resistance training and guide their decisions about the use
supplementation) and active, resistance of these emerging nutritional REFERENCES
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Emerging Nutritional Supplements

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