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Framework of Planning for Performance Improvement Using Appreciative Inquiry

Positive Core/ Life-Giving Co-created Vision

Where do you want to
Project Planning
What makes you alive and go? How do you go there?
Dreaming Phase Design Phase
Discovery Phase
 How do you picture  What could you do that
 What is your past? your organization’s would result to our co-
 How did you start? future? created dream?
 Who helped you start?  What do each of you  How can you do this?
 What made you start want for your  What resources or
in the first place? organization? support do you need?
 What did you want  What is it that you  What skills or capabilities
that time? could improve in do you need to develop to
 Why did you come your present be able to make the
together? situation? dream come true?
 What was your  What did those who  When will the activities be
purpose then? went before us done for an effective
 What did you want to wanted to happen? project implementation?
happen then?  What future do you  Who should be involved?
 What is your current want for our  What can you do that will
situation? children? improve school
 What made you arrive  What do you want performance?
to this situation? to happen that  What positive core or life-
 What made you would be better giving forces will you apply
survive despite the than our past and to be able to improve?
challenges? our present
 What made you keep situation?
on trying and moving?
 What made you push
to be better than the
past? Integrative Implementation

How can your design be done effectively?

Delivery Phase

 Is the project being implemented as planned?

 Is the project being implemented leading to the dream?
 Do we have to adjust plans for efficiency? For better outputs?
 How do you ensure that the delivery will lead to the dream?

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