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that would require many years of an antiresorptive 5 Hansen S, Hauge EM, Beck Jensen JE, Brixen K. Differing effects of PTH 1-34,
PTH 1-84, and zoledronic acid on bone microarchitecture and estimated
drug treatment alone.16,17 In a direct comparator trial18 strength in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: an 18-month
of romosozumab or alendronate for 1 year, followed by open-labeled observational study using HR-pQCT. J Bone Miner Res 2013;
28: 736–45.
alendronate for 2 years more in women with prevalent 6 Keaveny TM, Donley DW, Hoffmann PF, Mitlak BH, Glass EV, San Martin JA.
Effects of teriparatide and alendronate on vertebral strength as assessed by
vertebral fractures, the incidence of new vertebral finite element modeling of QCT scans in women with osteoporosis.
fractures was reduced by 37% at 1 year and 48% at J Bone Miner Res 2007; 22: 149–57.
7 Keaveny TM, McClung MR, Wan X, Kopperdahl DL, Mitlak BH, Krohn K.
2 years in participants who received romosozumab Femoral strength in osteoporotic women treated with teriparatide or
first, whereas the incidence of clinical and non- alendronate. Bone 2012; 50: 165–70.
8 Hadji P, Zanchetta JR, Russo L, et al. The effect of teriparatide compared
vertebral fractures was significantly reduced in this with risedronate on reduction of back pain in postmenopausal women
group compared with alendronate alone by the end of with osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Osteoporos Int 2012; 23: 2141–50.
9 Gluer CC, Marin F, Ringe JD, et al. Comparative effects of teriparatide and
the analysis (median 33 months). risedronate in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in men: 18-month
results of the EuroGIOPs trial. J Bone Miner Res 2013; 28: 1355–68.
Ultimately, these studies should lead clinicians to
10 Saag KG, Shane E, Boonen S, et al. Teriparatide or alendronate in
reconsider the most efficient sequence of therapy in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. N Engl J Med 2007; 357: 2028–39.
11 Kendler DL, Marin F, Zerbini CAF, et al. Effects of teriparatide and
patients at high risk of fracture: namely, a bone-forming risedronate on new fractures in post-menopausal women with severe
drug first, rather than one too late, or not at all. osteoporosis (VERO): a multicentre, double-blind, double-dummy,
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I have received grants for preclinical research with denosumab from AMGEN, the DATA-HRpQCT Study. J Bone Miner Res 2015; 30: 39–45.
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Inclusion health: addressing the causes of the causes

Published Online The social gradient in health describes a graded society. F Scott Fitzgerald famously began his story
November 11, 2017
association between an individual’s position on The Rich Boy, “Let me tell you about the very rich.
S0140-6736(17)32848-9 the social hierarchy and health: the lower the They are different from you and me”.2 In societies with
See Articles page 241 socioeconomic position of an individual, the worse substantial inequality, the considerable gap between
See Review page 266
their health.1 The fact that the social gradient extends the top 0·1% of income earners and the rest of society
from the highest echelons of society to the lowest threatens social cohesion.
suggests that everyone is affected to a greater or Different, too, are socially excluded populations: the
lesser extent by the social determinants of health. homeless, people with substance use disorders, sex
One component of social cohesion is making workers, and prisoners. These individuals can seem
common cause between people at various points on to be off the scale of the social hierarchy completely,
the social ladder. However, people at the extremes which represents a further challenge to social cohesion.
can appear to be on a different scale to the rest of For example, in the first of two papers on inclusion

186 Vol 391 January 20, 2018


health in The Lancet, Robert Aldridge and colleagues3

found that socially excluded populations have a
mortality rate that is nearly eight times higher than
the average for men, and nearly 12 times higher for
women. By contrast, individuals (aged 15–64 years)
in the most deprived areas of England and Wales have
a mortality rate that is 2·8 times higher in men and
2·1 times higher in women than in individuals in the
least deprived areas. To adapt Jeremy Bentham’s turn
of phrase,4 social exclusion is deprivation upon stilts.
To put it less colourfully, the causes of excess morbidity

Giacomo Pirozzi/Panos Pictures

and mortality in socially excluded populations (ie, the
social determinants of health) are not so much different
from the causes of health inequalities more generally but
differ in their degree. Multiple intersecting causes and
multiple forms of morbidity characterise social exclusion.
The result is people with little hope or prospects and homeless people and prisoners, and almost no studies on
considerably shortened lives. The challenge is to bring sex workers. For individuals committed to evidence-based
socially excluded populations in from the cold—literally policies, this poses a dilemma: efforts that promote social
and metaphorically—and to provide them with the inclusion have to be encouraged, but the fact that sex
opportunity to be part of a diverse and flourishing workers have not been included in systematic reviews,
society. The concerned practitioner might despair at and prisoners have only been included rarely, should not
achieving such social inclusion. result in inaction.
The second of the two papers on inclusion health in The focus on systematic reviews of interventions
The Lancet,by Serena Luchenski and colleagues,5 provides in Luchenski and colleagues’ Review is encouraging
evidence to banish despair. The authors report that because it means that much can be done, now and
intervention is possible and can make a difference to the relatively quickly, to promote inclusion health. Building
lives of the four excluded groups included in their Review: on the authors’ claim that structural interventions have
homeless individuals, prisoners, sex workers, and people been underemphasised, the causes of the causes should
with substance use disorders. These four populations, of also be focused on.
course, overlap—eg, substance use disorder is common A focus on the health of prisoners shows how a
in the other three socially excluded groups. societal approach must take different forms. Aldridge
The methods used in both papers are of high quality. and colleagues report that prisoners have shockingly
But therein lies a problem. As identified by Luchenski high all-cause mortality and mortality from injuries
and coworkers, the effect of basing their work on and poisonings. Part of the reason will not be prison
systematic reviews is a focus on proximate interventions itself but the multiple problems that prisoners have.
on individuals—eg, the Review includes many papers For example, prisoner’s involvement in drugs might
on pharmacological treatment of substance use have resulted in their imprisonment. It is also well
disorder. These downstream interventions have been known that exposure to adverse childhood experiences
covered, for the most part, in the scientific literature. There increases the risk of substance use disorder, mental
has been much less focus on structural interventions. If illness, and violent behaviour—all of which increase
one went purely by the numbers of papers published, an individual’s risk of imprisonment.6 But, prison
one would put effort into pharmacological treatment might well be the worst place imaginable in which to
and would ignore housing; emphasise case management detain young people who are damaged. The public
and ignore poverty. Much of the literature included in need to be protected, of course, which is one reason
Luchenski and coworkers’ Review was from populations for imprisoning people,7 but by what stretch of the
with substance use disorders, with few publications about imagination is it appropriate to detain young people Vol 391 January 20, 2018 187


with disordered behaviour, mental illnesses, or Michael Marmot

multiple morbidities in a place that foments violence, UCL Institute of Health Equity, University College London,
London WC1E 6BT, UK
promotes drug use, and labels people for life, such
that their chances of being socially included on release
I declare no competing interests.
are drastically reduced? Deciding whether people are
Copyright © The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access
damaged by prison or whether they brought all their article under the CC BY 4.0 license.
problems with them into prison is not straightforward. 1 Marmot M. The Health Gap. London: Bloomsbury; 2015.
On the assumption that prison does have negative 2 F Scott Fitzgerald. The rich boy. New York: Scribner, 1926.
3 Aldridge RW, Story A, Hwang SW, et al. Morbidity and mortality in
effects, then it is of concern that societies have markedly homeless individuals, prisoners, sex workers, and individuals with
substance use disorders in high-income countries: a systematic review
different rates at which they imprison individuals. and meta-analysis. Lancet 2017; published online Nov 11.
In Japan, the prevalence of imprisonment is 48 per
4 Schofield P. Jeremy Bentham’s ‘Nonsense upon Stilts’. 2013.
100 000 individuals compared with 148 per 100 000 in the
UK and 698 per 100 000 in the USA.8 These differences, in view/S0953820800003745 (accessed Oct 27, 2017).
5 Luchenski S, Maguire N, Aldridge RW, et al. What works in inclusion
part, reflect differences in crime rates; but they also reflect health: overview of effective interventions for marginalised and excluded
populations. Lancet 2017; published online Nov 11.
variation in the operation of the criminal justice system, in .
policing practices, and the availability of guns. 6 Bellis MA, Lowey H, Leckenby N, Hughes K, Harrison D. Adverse childhood
experiences: retrospective study to determine their impact on adult
A welcome feature of the inclusion health approach health behaviours and health outcomes in a UK population. J Public Health
advocated by Luchenski and colleagues5 is user involve­ 2014; 36: 81–91.
7 Nussbaum M. Anger and forgiveness: resentment, generosity, and justice.
ment, which aims to enable people to improve their own New York: Oxford University Press; 2016.
health. We need the involvement of society as a whole 8 Walmsley R. World prison population list.
to tackle the causes of the causes of social exclusion and list_11th_edition_0.pdf (accessed Sept 22, 2017).
its dramatic health consequences. This approach might
save money and it is the right thing to do.

The Lancet–CAMS Health Summit 2018: a call for abstracts

The Lancet and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences submissions from China for the 2018 The Lancet–CAMS
(CAMS) have held three successful health summits in Health Summit, to be held on Oct 27–28 in Beijing.
2015–17 in Beijing, China. We continue to support China’s Submissions are invited from all aspects of health science,
health science research communities and invite abstract including, but not limited to: translational medicine;
clinical medicine; public health; global health; health
policy; the environment and ecological systems; primary
care; maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health,
health professionalism; and medical education.
The event will consist of keynote presentations by
leading researchers from China and beyond, oral and
poster presentations of selected abstracts, launch of
The Lancet’s annual China themed issue, and writing and
publishing sessions with editors. The Lancet will publish
accepted abstracts online and in a conference booklet.
Abstracts must be relevant to health science in China.
The conference language will be English. Abstracts
should be written in English, up to 300 words in length,
with no references, tables, or figures. Submissions
should be structured and include the following sections:
background (including context and aim); methods;

188 Vol 391 January 20, 2018

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