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Department of Zoology, University oj Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut

The flight muscles of insects are extremely well adapted to meet the
special requirements of flight. Though our information is limited, it is ap­
parent that in various insect groups different modifications of structure and
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1960.5:1-16. Downloaded from

function have evolved to provide the machinery of flight. Insect flight muscle
has been recently reviewed by Pringle (58) as part of a monograph on insect
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

flight. A symposium paper by Boettiger (2) on flight muscles has also ap­
peared. Therefore, this review will attempt an interpretation of the results so
far achieved in this field with special emphasis on the most recent work.
To understand the physiolog ical changes necessary to adapt muscle f or
action in flight, some of the special requirements of flight must be briefly
considered. Successful flight involves solving the problems of producing the
required aerodynamic forces and of supplying the necessarily large amounts
of energy. In order that the aerodynamic forces be maintained, the wings
must be driven through a complex cycle. The possession of an exoskeleton
with its special mechanical properties has made this complex cycle a rela­
tively easy matter for insects.
In flying insects, especially those with high wing-beat frequency and
darting flight, some flight muscles act tonically and others phasically. The
tonic muscles hold the articulating parts and insure the proper wing cycle.
Except perhaps in insects with low wing-beat frequencies, the tonic muscles
do not make adjustments in tension during the short duration of a single
cycle. They are used primarily to control the direction and speed of flight.
The phasic muscles, acting indirectly in most cases on the wing articulation,
furnish the power for flight and, therefore, alter their length at wing-beat
frequency, which, in the case of the smallest flies, may be over 1000 times
per second (62). It is not always possible to tell morphologically which mus­
cles are phasic. As no physiological work has been done on the tonic flight
muscles, this review will be concerned entirely with the phasic type.
The flight path of the wings is determined by the mechanics of the thorax,
including the special features of the articulation. The control of these me­
chanical properties is an important function of both phasic and tonic muscles,
for they occupy a good part of the thoracic space and getermine the positions
of the moving parts. Consequently, though tension in the phasic flight mus­
cles changes during a cycle, it probably never falls to zero.
1 The survey of the l iterature pertaining to this review was completed in June,
2 The followi ng abbreviations are used in this review: ATP for adenosine tri­

phosphate: LDH for lactic dehydrogenase.

To achieve the proper aerodynamic force, the wing must be rapidly
moved through the cycle. The shorter the wing, the shorter its flight path,
and the more times it must reverse in a given period of time to attain the
necessary speed. In muscle, whereas the process 'Of activation of the contrac­
tile mechanism may be very rapid [Hill (31)], shortening is relatively slow.
and the faster stroke can be accomplished only by reducing the amount of
shortening. As this involves working at the wrong end of the wing-moving
lever, large forces are required. McEnroe (52) found the shortening of the
tergosternal muscles of Sarcophaga bullata (Parker) during flight to be about
30 mIL, or 1 to 2 per cent of rest length. As a consequence, flight muscles do
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not rapidly shorten. In the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal)the

average shortening rate is about 40 mm. per sec. [Buchthal et al. (11)], while
in the fly S. bullata, with a wing beat frequency of 180 per sec., it is only 11
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

mm. per sec. [McEnroe (52)].

Although reducing the shortening solves the problem of rapid wing mo­
tion, it presents another. Any series elasticity in the muscle or its connec­
tions must be stretched before large external tensions can be generated.
Stretching the elastic elements by shortening the contractile is a slow
process, so series elasticity must be reduced to a minimum value (11).
This is achieved by the attachment of the muscle elements to the skeletal
structure by means of tonofibrillae and by decreasing the series elasticity
of the muscle fibrils. On the other hand, increasing elastic elements acting
in parallel with the active elements is an advantage (11). This passive elas­
ticity resides for the most part within the muscle cell and is not attributable
to the sarcolemma. It must either result from elastic elements parallel to
nonelastic contractile elements, or the contractile system must be elastic
even in the nonactive state [Buchthal & Weis-Fogh (10)].
The rapid movement of the wings is insured by the nature of the loading
on the wing muscles. To have maximum speed during shortening, the ten­
sion and the load in the muscle should be near maximal at the beginning of
the stroke. Flight muscle experiences several types of loading; inertia of the
wings, maximal at the beginning of the stroke; damping of the wing move­
ment by the air, maximum near the mid-position where velocity is greatest
(work against this load produces the aerodynamic force); elastic loading
attributable to straining of the thorax, greatest during the first half of the
stroke; elastic loading resulting from stretching the anatagonist muscle,
increasing throughout the stroke; and finally, changes in the mechanical
advantage of the wing lever, the muscle working at greatest disadvantage at
the beginning of the stroke.
Though the loading during a cycle has not been directly measured, Weis­
Fogh (69) has worked out some aspects of the problem in the locust muscle
and supports the conclusion that loading is high at the beginning of the con­
traction [see also Pringle (58)]. In flies, where the highest frequencies of
wing beat are found, Boettiger & Furshpan (9) have described a mechanical
feature, the click mechanism, which greatly exaggerates the loading at the
beginning of each stroke. The degree to which this mechanism is developed

in different insects is not known, but some such action has been reported in
the locust and beetle by Pringle (58), The nature of the relationship between
the anterior-notal process and the pleural-wing process makes it highly
probable that this type of loading is present to some degree in all insects.
In addition to the adaptations directly involved in achieving the neces­
sary aerodynamic force, flight muscles must be able to deliver larger amounts
of energy than any other tissue, for the power used to create aerodynamic
forces is greater than for any other physical achievement of animals [Weis­
Fogh (68)].
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Tiegs (63), in his extensive study of the anatomy, histology, and devel­
opment of the flight muscles of Orthoptera, Homoptera, and Diptera, in­
cludes a ful! discussion of earlier work. Pringle (58) has extended the review
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

of 1957 and very few relevant papers have appeared recently. This reviewer
will consider mainly those features of the structure of flight muscle that aid
in the interpretation of their physiology.
Pipa (53) and Baranowski (1) have studied flight muscle in a number of
different insect orders. Depending on the arrangement and size of the fibrils,
three principal types of insect muscle have been recognized: (a) lamellar
muscle with ribbon-like fibrils of varying width radially arranged in the
muscle cell (tubular muscle), (b) microfibrillar muscle with close-packed,
nearly cylindrical fibrils averaging 1.5 p. unfixed and 0.8 p. fixed, and (c)
fibrillar muscle with loosely packed, large cylindrical fibrils averaging 3.0 J.I.
unfixed and 1.5 p. fixed. Although fibrillar muscle has large sarcosomes and
is reddish in color because of its high cytochrome content, certain non­
fibrillar muscles may have these characteristics to a considerable degree.
The most consistent criterion of fibrillar muscle is, therefore, the size and
looseness of the fibrils (53). Fibrillar muscle is used only in oscillating sys­
tems, and consequently, except for moving the halteres of flies and the
tymbals of certain cicadas, it is exclusively a flight muscle. (For a discussion
of the microstructure of muscles see p. 20).
Lamellar muscle is found as flight muscle in those insect groups that do
not have typical longitudinal flight muscles, namely, Odonata, Blattidae,
and Mantidae (53), and according to Tiegs (63) in Thysanura as well.
Fibrillar muscle is found only in insects in which one thoracic segment is
modified for flight; these insects include Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera,
Hemiptera, and the following families of Homoptera: Cicadellidae, Mem­
bracidae, and Aphidae. In addition, Tiegs (63) finds that the Jassidae and
Delphacidae, which are closely related to the CicadeIlidae, have fibrillar
muscle. In Perkinsiella (Delphacidae) there are, in addition to the usual
mesothoracic flight muscles, a well developed metathoracic flight muscle and
an abdominal flight muscle; both are fibrillar (63). Fibrillar muscles can ap­
parently operate in a tandem fashion, one in each of two segments, though
the generalization stated by Pipa (53) suggests that this is the exception. At
least one species of Cercopididae has small fibrils while others are definitely

fibrillar (63). This family is, therefore, of special interest; more particularly
because in all cases so far studied, fibrillar and nonfibrillar muscle have quite
different physiological characteristics. Both types of nonfibrillar muscle are
classified physiologically as synchronous (2) for, in the flight systems in
which they are found, the wings are moved by a powerful twitch of the ap­
propriate muscle group induced in each muscle fiber by a single nerve im­
pulse, resulting in a 1: 1 relation between nerve impulse and wing movement.
Fibrillar muscle is always asynchronous; the muscle shortening is not a
twitch and is not directly correlated (synchronous) with the exciting nerve
impulses [Pringle (56); Roeder (61); Baranowski (1)]. Though Pringle (57)
has used the term "myogenic" to express the physiological properties of
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fibri11ar muscle, the present author feels that this term should not be ex­
tended to include a muscle which depends on the central nervous system for
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

excitation and whose rhythm of contraction is determined primarily by the

load. Baranowski (1) has shown that one spittle bug (Cercopidae, species
unknown) is synchronous. Similarly, representatives of the orders Trichop­
tera and Mecoptera were found to be synchronous. Phasic flight muscle is
nonfibrillar in Orthoptera, Neuroptera, Ephemeroptera, and Lepidoptera
according to Pipa (53) and also Roeder (61). Of the few major groups of
insects in which no representatives have been studied, only Plecoptera has
well-developed flight ability.
Tiegs (63) first recognized the intermediate position of Homoptera in the
evolution of flight muscles, as is best demonstrated in his studies on the his­
togenesis of flight muscle. In Orthoptera, the muscles enlarge by fiber
cleavage and, near the last molt, undergo small structural changes necessary
to adapt them to use in flight. In highest insects, the flight muscles appear
at the metamorphosis from myoblasts, each one apparently producing one
fibril. Among the Homoptera, intermediate stages of myogenesis occur. By
extending Tiegs' observations and correlating them with new physiological
evidence, it should be possible to clarify some major problems, such as the
steps by which a transition was made from the more primitive synchronous
muscle to the asynchronous type [Pringle (59)].
Regardless of the type of flight muscle, the basic histology is the same
as that of other striated muscle [Jordan (38)]. Flight muscles have been
studied with the electron microscope but no complete comparative survey
has been made (58). Edwards et al. (20) have summarized the characteristics
of fibrillar muscle as follows: widely-spaced, nonbranching fibrils of large
diameter and short sarcomere length, large sarcosomes, little endoplasmic
reticulum, abundant tracheoles (intracellular), and dark color. The non­
fibrillar muscles differ quantitatively from fibrillar in all these regards but not
qualitatively. The smaller amount of endoplasmic reticulum in fibrillar
muscle may indicate some special aspects of the coupling process between the
muscle fiber membrane and the fibril contractile material, for recent work
(37, 54) has suggested that excitation is conducted inwardly to the fibrils
by this structure.
Changes in structure during shortening and lengthening have been

studied by Hanson (30), who used phase contrast and polarized-light micros­
copy in the flight muscle of the fly. At rest length virtually no I band was
present and only the Z line was clearly defined. On stretching the muscle
slightly, a small I band appeared, and on contraction, induced with ATP,
strong contraction bands were found, though length was only 4 per cent be­
low rest length. The small I band was associated with the very small amount
of shortening possible in this muscle (52). In all respects, the highly developed
fibrillar muscle behaved as rabbit muscle. The stiffness of the muscle was
accounted for by the presence of a stroma background in the fibrils which
may explain the elongation of the fibrils observed by Hanson (29) under
certain conditions.
Innervation.-Except for its general features, the innervation of insect
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muscle has not been worked out [Hoyle (33)1. A single motor neuron makes
many connections with the muscle fiber, so that the full length of the fiber is
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

excited by the motor impulses independently of any cDnduction process that

may be present in the fiber (multiterminal innervation). As is common in
invertebrates, more than one axon may innervate a single muscle fiber (poly­
neuronal innervation). The different axons usually give rise to different
transmission processes and different degrees of activation of the contractile
substance. On physiological evidence, flight muscle of the locust [Hagiwara
& Watanabe (28)] and of flies [McCann (50)] are multiterminal. Though
Tiegs (63) describes two axons innervating the flight muscle of Homoptera,
Darwin & Pringle (16) find no physiological evidence for polyneuronal in­
nervation in the beetle basalar muscle.
Branching nerve endings are found within the muscle cells in Diptera
(63), but it is not clear whether this is a true penetration, with the axon
breaking through the sarcolemma. In any case, in Diptera with large fibers
and little endoplasmic reticulum, intracellular innervation may be necessary
to bring excitation to the fibrils. Edwards, Ruska & DeHarven (19) describe
multiterminal neuromuscular junctions in the flight muscle of Cicada tibicen
Germar. The axon terminals lie in grooves on the surface of the fiber, and
beneath the terminal in the fiber a special type of postsynaptic granule is
found. This work needs to be extended to include fibrillar muscle. Unfor­
tunately, it was assumed (19) that the tymbal muscle of C. tibicen was of the
fibrillar type as are those of the cicadas studied by Pringle (57). The tymbal
muscle of many cicadas is nonfibrillar (64) and it has been shown that
Magicicada septendecim (Linnaeus) is synchronous (5). Edwards (17) and
Edwards et al. (18) have studied with the electron microscope the multi­
terminal innervation of cockroach abdominal muscle and of the leg of the
wasp respectively. Their results should stimulate further work and aid in
solving the fine structure of similar innervations in flight muscle.
Information regarding the electrical activity associated with excitation
in insects has been obtained mainly from skeletal muscle fibers. In addition
to the papers quoted by Hoyle (33), the following recent ones are of in-

terest as their results may apply to some types of flight muscle: Cerf et at.
(12), McCann et at. (51) , and Cerf et at. (13).
Extending the earlier work of Pringle (56) and Roeder (61) with external
electrodes, Boettiger & McCann (7) showed that, in the flight muscle of
Diptera and Hymenoptera, the transmembrane response to a single nerve
impulse was an all-or-none spike with typical form and reversal of polariza­
tion (overshoot). Recording intracellularly from the muscle during tethered
flight revealed a very regular discharge of such spikes at a lower frequency
than that of the wings. Similar action potentials were found by Hagiwara
(27) in locust flight muscle and in cicada tymbal muscle of both fibrillar and
nonfibrillar types. McCann (50) has found the same uniformly rising, over­
shooting spike in the basalar flight muscle of the beetles Pissodes strobi
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(Peck) and Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus, and in the longitudinal flight muscle of
the hemipteran, Nezara viridula (Linnaeus). Darwin & Pringle (16) stimu­
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

lated the isolated motor nerve of the palm beetle Oryctes rhinoceros (Lin­
naeus), recording from the basalar muscle. A single threshold stimulus pro­
duced only a junctional potential. Stimulating at 1 per sec. the potential
increased in height (facilitated) with successive stimuli, producing a non­
overshooting spike. Since junctional potentials of the facilitating type
are found in slow arthropod muscles, Darwin & Pringle (16) suggest that
while in Diptera and Hymenoptera a fast innervation (7) is present, in
Coleoptera the innervation is of the slow type, and both types of innervation
occur in fibrillar muscle.
The original classification of slow and fast nerve fibers referred to the
mechanical response, but, as more systems are studied, the distinction is
somewhat arbitrary unless applied to two fibers in a single muscle. The
facilitating responses of beetle flight muscle described by Darwin & Pringle
(16) resemble those found by Furshpan (24) on stimulating the fast fiber to
certain Crustacea muscles. Although McCann (50) was able to show typi­
cally fast fiber electrical responses in beetle flight muscle, in many penetra­
tions the response to a single stimulus was of the junctional summating
type as found by Darwin & Pringle (16). Curiously, the junctional response
could be changed progressively into an all-or-none spike response by in­
creasing the intensity of the stimulus (50). This behavior was not found in
the other muscles studied and its significance cannot be evaluated without
further work.
In all muscles studied by McCann (50), the presence of a junctional com­
ponent could be demonstrated. In the fly and wasp, though the normal spike
is uniformly rising, exposure to ether progressively and reversibly blocks the
spike, leaving only the junctional potential. Such potentials are able to
summate on repetitive stimulation to generate the spike. In the hemipteran
Nezara, a definite junctional component was frequently evident as part of
the normal action potential, a result probably correlated with the position
of the electrode with respect to the junction. In P. strobi, there was an in­
teresting alternation between spike and junctional response. Stimulating at
1 per sec., the following sequence of responses was repeated for long periods

of time: normal spike, spike with slowed-falling phase, multiple firing of

spikes, multiple firing with reduced number of spikes, and a small junctional
response. This behavior is attributed to some special properties of the trans­
mitter mechanism (50). Miniature potentials have been found in unstimu­
lated insect muscle but are usually attributed to injury [Hagiwara (27)].
However, Wakabayashi & Ikeda (65) believe that phylogenetic significance
can be ascribed to the presence in flight muscle of these electrical changes
which have their origin in the muscle.
Species differences appear to be unusually great in insects, a charac­
teristic that may be caused by the varied ionic composition of their body
fluids [Hoyle (32)]. On the basis of electrical response, the excitatory process
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1960.5:1-16. Downloaded from

in Nezara resembles more closely that of the Diptera and Hymenoptera than
that of the few Coleoptera studied. However, important differences are found
in duration and under treatment with various blocking agents. Carbon
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

dioxide, which causes an immediate and reversible disappearance of the

muscle resting potential in flies and wasps, has no such effect on Nezara or
on the beetles studied (50). Attempts to correlate mechanical responses with
electrical activity of the muscle membrane are especially difficult in arthro­
pods; see the recent papers of Hoyle & Wiersma (35, 36), and Hoyle (34).

In insects, two different types of muscle have been successfully adapted

to meet the severe requirements of flight: a twitch muscle used in the syn­
chronous system and a tetanus muscle in the asynchronous.
The dorsal longitudinal muscle of the locust, Schistocerca gregaria (For­
skal), is the only twtich-type phasic flight muscle whose mechanical proper­
ties have been studied. The results of this work should be widely applicable
to all synchronous flight systems. In order to bring their quantitative results
into line with those of other muscles, Buchthal, Weis-Fogh, & Rosenflack
( 11) subtracted from the total force produced by the muscle the very con­
siderable force attributed to passive elastic elements in parallel with the ac­
tive contractile component. The advantage of such parallel elasticity over
an oscillating system is that the energy stored in the elastic elements while
the muscle is being stretched may be recovered to aid in moving the wing
during the subsequent shortening of the muscle. Without such a storage of
energy somewhere in the system, much of the energy used to overcome wing
inertia at the beginning of each stroke would be lost. In the locust muscle,
Weis-Fogh (68) has determined that parallel elasticity of the muscle ac­
counts for about 50 per cent of the total elastic force and for about 75 per
cent in the dragonfly. The parallel elastic elements are as rapid as the con­
tractile elements and dissipate only 20 per cent of the energy.
Under tetanic stimulation, Weis-Fogh (67) found that the isolated locust
muscle can shorten to about 50 per cent of rest length and can develop iso­
metrically at rest length the same force per unit cross section as frog muscle.
However, at normal temperatures a single tetanus will induce irreversible
changes in this twitch muscle. The twitch tension under isometric conditions

approaches the tetanus tension, showing that even a single nerve impulse
will very rapidly initiate a full active state in the muscle. The active state
declines very rapidly, for if the muscle is allowed to shorten, the active state
will decrease considerably before the relatively slow shortening process is
over (11). Therefore, the maximum isotonic twitch tension is very much less
than the isometric tetanus tension. As the normal contraction is a twitch,
in which some shortening is necessary to move the wings, it is apparent that
the muscle is always operating below its maximum tension (11).
The rapid rise in active state, to oppose the load which is maximal at the
beginning of the stroke, and the small amount of shortening allowable if the
tension is to remain high-shortening takes time and the active state de­
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creases rapidly-are necessary adaptations in a twitch muscle used in a

rapidly oscillating system. Though the work done, each cycle may be small
compared to what the muscle is capable of delivering considering its maxi­
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

mum tension and maximum shortening; the high frequency brings the power
output up to the maximum that the metabolism can support (11).
The general characteristics of locust flight muscle are surprisingly simi­
lar to those of frog muscle. Although the series elastic element was calculated
to be double that of frog muscle (the added stiffness in series being a re­
quirement noted above for flight systems), Hill's constants and the maxi­
mum isometric force were comparable (11). The study of other nonfibrillar
muscle may well reveal some interesting variations in the pattern found in
the locust.

Type 1 fibrillar muscle.-On physiological grounds, at least two types of

fibrillar muscle can be distinguished, though the distribution of the two types
is not known. The dorsal longitudinal muscle of the bumble bee is the proto­
type of Type 1 fibrillar muscle. As Hymenoptera and Diptera have similar
electrical properties, it may be that these two groups have Type 1 muscle.
However, the tension-length curves obtained on the tergosternal muscle of
the fly by McEnroe (52) resemble those of Type 2 muscle.
The mechanical response of Type 1 muscle to a single stimulus is a small
twitch which will summate with subsequent ones on repetitive stimulation,
the tetanus-twitch ratio being as high as in many other arthropod muscles
used to maintain tension [Boettiger (2)]. In contrast to the twitch muscle of
the locust, one depolarization of the muscle junction does not fully activate
the contractile mechanism. The isometric tension-length relation of bee
muscle tetanically stimulated is similar in shape to that found in many
vertebrate muscles, though the passive stiffness is greater (Figure lA).
The muscle is able to shorten 12 per cent, though in situ shortening is me­
chanically limited to about 3 per cent of rest length (2). The most interesting
experiments are those in which the isometrically stimulated muscle is sub­
jected to controlled changes in length [(2) Figure lA and le]. A stretch
(ay) results in a sharp rise in tension and a fall to a new higher level (z).
Such a response is normal for a viscoelastic system and for many muscles.

a A

0 /1

I- b �/ ......


c' c


FIG. 1. Type 1 fibrillar muscle, Bombus sp.

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1960.5:1-16. Downloaded from


0 a
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

z d
l- e
----'2 c'


FIG. 2. Type 2 fibrillar muscle, Oryctes rhinoceros (Linnaeus).

A . Te nsio n-le ngth curve of u ns timulated muscle P a nd stimulated muscle A , show­
i ng tension changes induced by rapid length changes
B. Te nsio n-le ngth loop of freely oscillating muscle
C. Effect of chang es i n length on muscle tension

A stretch during the rise of tension following the beginning of stimulation

and so before full tension (activation) is attained results in a rise duri ng the
stretch (xy) followed by a second rise in tension (ya) more rapid than in the
unstretched muscle. The ac tive s ta te i nc reases faster following a s tre tch .
When the muscle is allowed to shorten rapidly (ab), the tension falls dur­
ing the shortening, followed by a second fall in tension (be) not associated
with any simultaneous change in length; this second fall is the result of
deactivation, a reduction in the tension-sustaining ability of the muscle.
The muscle tension then recovers (ee) at about the same rate as the rise of
tension on initiation of stimulation, signifying that reactivation is occurring.
If the muscle is stretched before reactivation is complete, the rise in tension
during stretch is less than expected (cd) and there is a second rapid rise of
tension (da) caused by the more rapid attainment of the full active state as
a result of the stretch. If stretches are made later, the second rise is less
until, when reactivation is complete, it has disappeared altogether (e"d") .
The isometrically stimulated muscle is maintained at an active state deter­
mined by the frequency of stimulation. Only when the muscle is not ac­
tivated to a level maximum for the stimulating frequency, as during a period
of deactivation following a shortening o r before activation is complete at
the beginning of stimulating, will a stretch result in a delayed second rise in
tension and increased rate of activation. Such a system is unstable and when

allowed to shorten with a load, the muscle will oscillate and do external
work, represented by the area of loop in Figure lB, in each cycle against
any viscous force impeding its motion (action of the air on the wings to
produce aerodynamic force). The frequency and amplitude of the oscilla­
tions depend upon loading. When the muscle is driven to oscillate sinusoid­
ally, it may either do work or absorb energy depending on the frequency
[Boettiger (2, 3)].
Type 2 fibrillar muscle.-The new preparation introduced by Darwin &
Pringle (16), the basalar muscle of the beetle, is more favorable for quan­
titative study. In the muscle of the beetle O. rhinoceros as in the bee muscle,
a single stimulus gave rise to a small twitch and the tension increased faster
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1960.5:1-16. Downloaded from

and to a higher level with increasing frequency of stimulation [Boettiger,

Machin & Pringle (6), Machin & Pringle (46)].
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

Work on the beetle muscle soon revealed differences in physiological

behavior sufficient to distinguish it as a second type of fibrillar muscle [Ma­
chin & Pringle (46)]. The fundamental difference between the two types of
fibrillar muscle is that, whereas in the bee muscle (Type 1) the full activation
normal to any stimulation frequency is attained at all lengths in response to
stimulation, in the beetle the passive length of the muscle determines the
degree of activation produced by a given frequency of stimulation [Boettiger
(4)], as evidenced below.
The tension-length relationship of the tetanically stimulated muscle is
only a little above that of the unstimulated muscle and more or less parallels
it without reaching a maximum (Figure 2A); the muscle can shorten very
little below the length at which its passive tension is zero [ Machin & Pringle
(46)]. When the stimulated muscle, contracting isometrically, is allowed to
shorten at the proper speed from any point on the tension-length curve, the
tension during shortening remains above the isometric curve [Cab) Figure
2A] and after a delay falls to the normal isometric tension characteristic of
the shorter length [Boettiger (4, 5)}. Apparently the level of activation of
the longer length (a) persists for a period during shortening and maintains
the tension above the isometric. The delayed effect of the shortening is, as
in the bee muscle, a deactivation. However, there is no subsequent slow rise
as in the bee, for the muscle after deactivation is at the active-state level
normal to its length and frequency of the stimulation (c). In any rapid
stretch, the length change proceeds (cd) at the lower level of activation of
the shorter length (c) and is then followed by a delayed rise to the new ten­
sion and level of activation normal to the longer length (da).
A stretch to bee muscle produces no rise in activation unless the active
state is below the level normal to the frequency of stimulation [Boettiger
(2)]. A partially deactivated bee muscle is reactivated spontaneously within
a fraction of a second. In beetle muscle, a stretch always results in a delayed
rise in activation [(da, yz) Figure 2C and AJ shortening in a delayed deac­
tivation (be) from which there is no spontaneous reactivation [Boettiger
(4, 5)}.
Machin & Pringle (46) applied unique electronic techniques to the study
of the mechanical factors determining frequency of free oscillations of the
stimulated beetle basalar muscle and demonstrated that it behaves basically
as a mechanically resonating system (Figure 2B). Optimal conditions for
maximum work output were determined. The free oscillating behavior of
bee and beetle fibrillar muscle was studied in the same apparatus, confirming
the existence of two types of fibrillar muscle (46).
The previous explanations of the asynchronous mechanism by Boettiger
& Furshpan (8) and Pringle (57) associated changes in activation with sud­
den changes in muscle loading (quick release and quick stretch). In the
beetle muscle, it is apparent that the state of activation depends on the
frequency of stimulation and the muscle length. In the bee muscle, the fre­
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1960.5:1-16. Downloaded from

quency of stimulation has full control of the active state, though a shorten­
ing temporarily and partially blocks this, while a stretch speeds reactiva­
tion. The change in activation is proportional to the length change and lags
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

by a fixed interval of time. If the muscle is being stretched at the moment

when a deactivation following a shortening occurs there is a sharp break in
the tension (4) showing that the deactivation process is as fast as Hill (31)
has found activation in frog muscle to be.
If one now asks the question how activation and deactivation are tied
to muscle length, a very fundamental problem in muscle physiology is being
touched upon. Two possible answers have been suggested. One starts with
the observation that oscillatory behavior is a fundamental property of con­
tractile systems, the most primitive of which are oscillatory. As muscles
were adapted for different functions, e.g. tension production, this property
was given up, perhaps, according to Moos & Lorand (45), only inhibited,
but still able to be demonstrated under the proper conditions [Pringle (57)].
The demonstration by Goodall (26) and Moos & Lorand (45) that glyceri­
nated psoas fibers of the rabbit will oscillate when treated with ATP favors
this idea. The second suggestion considers the oscillatory behavior of insect
fibrillar muscle a new property. The excitatory coupling mechanism is
thought to be controlled by fiber (membrane) length, length having full con­
trol of the active state in Type 2 and only temporary control in Type 1.
The delay between length and tension may then be the time required for the
effect of the length change to propagate to the contractile material [Boettiger
(4, 5)]. If the coupling rather than the contractile mechanisms has been
adapted to flight, insect flight muscle presents unique material for study of
this little known process.
Results previously reviewed by Pringle (58) have tentatively established
the following: (A) Certain insects, e.g. Diptera and Hymenoptera, use
carbohydrate as fuel for flight; others, as the locust, use predominately fat.
(B) Little, if any, energy is made available by the usual oxygen debt mech­
anism irrespective of the fuel used. (C) The glycolytic enzymes are present
in the soluble fraction of the muscle homogenate, and the tricarboxylic and
H-transport systems are present in the sarcosomes (mitochondria). Oxida-

tive phosphorylation in extracted systems has been demonstrated but not

the phosphorylation of arginine or creatine. (D) No extracted systems has
approached the Q02 (ILl. of 0 consumed by 1 mg. per hr.) of the muscle dur­
ing flight. (E) Only a small portion of the total phosphorylation is sensitive
to dinitrophenol. (F) Flight muscle actomyosin and ATP react as in the ver­
tebrates. (G) Triosephosphate dehydrogenase is not inhibited by iodoacetate.
(H) No qualitative biochemical differences have been found to account for
the differences between fibrillar and nonfibrillar muscle or carbohydrate and
fat-using flight systems.
Recent work has extended these results and provides some basis for in­
terpretation. Zebe (70) found that the resting R.Q. (respiratory quotient)
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1960.5:1-16. Downloaded from

in butterflies was even lower than in the locust, 0.65 to 0.78, and did not
change during flight. As in the locust, but not in insects using carbohydrate,
the respiration was somewhat raised for at least one hour after the end of
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

flight. Glucose fed to butterflies was converted into fat and there was no
evidence that the flight muscle could use carbohydrate directly. There
appears to be no correlation between the type of fuel and the type of muscle;
the cockroach, Periplaneta, uses carbohydrate (42), the locust, fat (39). In
view of the contribution made by the fat body (66) one must distinguish
between the fuel used by the insect and that used by the muscle. Lipase
activity was found by George et al. (25) to be greater in dragonfly flight
muscle than in that of the locust and less in the bumble bee than in either.
The fat body of the moth Prodenia, incorporated C14-acetate and small
a mounts of glucose into long chain fatty acids [Zebe & McShan (73)]. The
flight muscle, however, had only 20 per cent of the activity of the fat body in
the incorporation of acetate and no activity in the incorporation of glucose.
The form in which carbohydrate and fat derivatives are delivered to the
flight muscles is not known. The lack of strong fatty acid-oxidase activity in
flight muscle suggests that only acetate is used (66).
The oxygen consumption of the resting flight muscle and the activity of
its oxidative enzymes are greater than those of leg muscle (40). In situ
preparations of the flight muscle of the cockroach Peripla.neta, had three
times the Qoz (�1. of 0 consumed by 1 mg. per hr.) of the leg muscle of the
grasshopper Tachycines. The flight muscle also had greater succinic oxidase
activity than the leg muscle [Kubista (40)]. Because of the high level of
cytochrome in Periplaneta flight muscle, compared to leg muscle, cyanide
was less effective in reducing oxygen consumption [Kubista (41)]. Whether
fibrillar or nonfibrillar, flight muscle has a higher biochemical potential than
leg muscle.
Recent evidence suggests that this higher potential is achieved, in part
at least, through emphasis on certain pathways which are present but less
well developed in other animal tissues. There are many reports that insect
muscle, especially flight muscle, has little or no lactic dehydrogenase (LDH);
see Pringle (58) for references. The most recent and complete study is that of
Zebe & McShan (72) who investigated the flight and leg muscles of repre­
sentative species belonging to the following groups: Coleoptera, Lepidoptera,
Diptera, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera, and Blattidae. In all species, flight
muscle LDH was very low, while glycerophosphate dehydrogenase not
bound to structure, GDH-l, was very high. Leg muscles, except for those of
Belostoma and Melanoplus, also showed high GDH-l and low LDH though
the levels were lower, reflecting the lower activity potential of leg muscle.
The two exceptions were in insects in which some anaerobic activity might
be expected to be useful. Melanoplus leg muscle had three times the LDH
activity found in the flight muscle of the same insect. The differences in ac­
tivity of enzymes were not correlated with the type of fuel used. Studying
the cytochromes of the fly sarcosomes, Estabrook & Sacktor (21) were able
to find spectral differences indicating a deficiency in cytochrome C1• The
difference in LDH activity of insect and vertebrate tissues is clearly related
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1960.5:1-16. Downloaded from

to the more efficient transportation of oxygen via the tracheal system,

anaerobic processes being of very minor significance.
Zebe & McShan (72) also demonstrated a particulate-bound glycero­
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

phosphate dehydrogenase, GDH-2, that was very active and did not require
DPN (diphosphopyridine nucleotide). Such an enzyme, linked in the
sarcosomes to the cytochrome system, much as succinic dehydrogenase is
linked, has also been described in vertebrate tissue. GDH-2 was found in
flight muscles, leg muscles, and in the fat body, especially of the blowfly.
Kubista (42), studying Periplaneta flight muscles, concludes that under
anaerobic conditions little lactic acid is formed. Most of the glycogen broken
down undergoes a dismutation at the triosephosphate stage. The reduced
product of this dismutation, glycerophosphate, accumulates in the tissues
to an amount equal to one-half the glycogen metabolized. The oxidized
products appear as pyruvate, acetate, and possibly as a yet unidentified
reduction product of pyruvic acid. In contrast, the femoral muscles of the
grasshopper produce considerable amounts of lactic acid. As shown by Zebe
& McShan (72), many leg muscles have very low LDH, and the grasshopper
is an exception in this regard. The H-acceptor in the oxidative decarboxyla­
tion of pyruvate to acetate is unknown. Only one-half as much ATP can be
formed by these reactions compared with normal glycolysis, since half the
carbohydrate accumulates as glycerophosphate. Probably these effects are
not important anaerobic reactions but operate aerobically, as both glycero­
posphate and pyruvate can be oxidized by the sarcosomes [Kubista (43)].
Estabrook & Sacktor (22), and Estabrook et al. (23) demonstrated that
glycerophosphate is metabolized 10 to 100 times faster by fly sarcosomes
than are the intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The GDH-2 (par­
ticulate-bound glycerophosphate dehydrogenase) responsible for this oxida­
tion was inhibited by versene while certain ions, as Mg, reversed the action
of the inhibitor. To explain the very rapid and large increase in metabolism
when the muscle becomes active, they suggest that some versene-like sub­
stance inhibiting GDH-2 is present, and excitation releases the enzyme from
the inhibition through the action of an ion such as Mg. Using glycerophos­
phate as substrate, Chance & Sacktor (14) were able to construct a system
in which the turnover rate of cytochrome C in the fly sarcosomes approached
that occurring during flight, a rate much greater than has been achieved
with tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates. Levenbook & Williams (44) have

calculated that cytochrome C turns over once every two wing beat cycles.
As postulated by Zebe (71), glycerophosphate takes part in a cycle by
which reduced coenzyme of diphosphopyridine nucleotide, DPNH, transfers
its hydrogen to flavoprotein and the cytochrome system. First, dihydrox­
yacetone is reduced by DPNH with GDH-l (glycerophosphate dehydro­
genase not bound to structure) as enzyme. The resulting glycerophosphate
diffuses into the sarcosomes and is oxidized by the action of particulate­
bound glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GDH-2), reducing flavoprotein
directly without the necessity for DPN (diphosphopyridine nucleotide).
This system has been found in the thoracic muscle of the fly by Estabrook &
Sacktor (22), of the locust by Zebe (71), and of the cockroach by Kubista
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1960.5:1-16. Downloaded from

(42). It is probably not limited to flight muscle, for leg muscles in many in­
sects have high glycerophosphate dehydrogenase activity (72).
In confirmation of earlier work by Gilmour in the locust, Maruyama (47,
by University of Guelph on 06/23/13. For personal use only.

48, 49) finds the reaction between bee thoracic muscle actomyosin and ATP
to have no unusual features. Estabrook and Sacktor (21), comparing flight
muscle sarcosomes with mammalian heart sarcosomes, found the insect had
no cytochrome C, but had a new pigment absorbing at 555 mtL. Recently
Price & Lewis (55) have studied the phosphorus compounds in blow fly
thoracic muscle. Relative to protein, ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and
ATP were lower in fly than in vertebrate mitochondria.
The demonstrated peculiarities of insect muscle expressed most intensely
in flight muscle are adaptations to insure the most rapid fuel consumption
within the special capabilities of the respiratory and circulatory systems of
the insect. Oxygen supply is not limiting in many insect muscles, especially
flight muscles, and little provision is made for anaerobic process. However,
the rapid transportation of metabolites to the muscle and more particularly
to the sarcosomes may present a serious problem. The glycerophosphate
cycle could function in the transport of hydrogen from soluble enzymes
to the electron transport system of the sarcosomes. The source of these
hydrogens may be sarcoplasmic reactions such as the monophosphate shunt
shown to be present in fly muscle by Chefurka (15) or may be from the fat
body in the form of derivatives of either fat or carbohydrate. The fact that
no differences have been yet found in the biochemistry of flight muscle corre­
lated with the type of fuel used in flight indicates that structures other than
the muscle play an important role in the flight metabolism.

Insect flight muscle has acquired some interesting properties in adapting

to the requirements of flight. In most cases these involve quantitative rather
than qualitative changes in muscle structure, physiology and biochemistry,
for many of the features described in insect flight muscle are found in other
insect muscles. The relation between active state and muscle length as seen
in fibrillar muscle is unique for oscillating systems and is found almost ex­
clusively in flight muscle. However, even in vertebrate muscle, length affects
the duration of the active state (60) so that the evolution of fibrillar muscle
may not have required a great change in the organization of the muscle cell.
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