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SO CODE E BIOTA KY THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 THPT CHUYEN KIEN GIANG NAM HOC 2012-2013 ea “le DE THI CHINH THUC Mén thi: TIENG ANH (chuyén) (D8 thi nay cd ..7., trang) ‘Thoi gian: 120 pit (khong ké thai gian giao dé) ‘Ngay thi: 26/06/2012 GHI CHU: © Thi sinh lam bai tryc tiép trén dé thi nay. © Thi sinh khong duge sir dyng tai ligu, gidm thj khong giai thich gi thém. ‘DIEM (bang 50) Gidm Khao 1 7 ‘SO PHACH | | ‘DIEM (bing chit) | Gif Khao 2: 7 KY THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 THPT NAM HQC 2012-2013 GIAM THT 1 GIAM TH] 2 - ‘86 phich (Ky va ghi 15 ho tén) (Ky va ghi r6 ho tén) TENG ANH ccuuyéNy CHU Y: ‘Thi sinh phai ghi ddy da A af | cde moe & bn phi ny Ho va tén thi sinh: . Thi sinh khong due , $6 bio dan: ...... ding bit cit ky higu gi : anh déu bai thi. en Ne Khéng duge ding mye | Nedy sink: 6, bit chi. Khéng duge | gj sink: ...... scay ies GaaE | Noi sinh: Khi viét hong, ding Hoe sinh trong: 2 thuéc gach chéo. Khong | Huyén, Thi xd, Thanh phé: ..... ding Gk) cach aso) © | 0940 TH 2, Think ph hdc ké cd ding bit x6a. A. LISTENING. Ngay true nji dung lam bai cia timg phan (PART I va PART Ii) sé c6 mt dogn nhgc ngin |dé thi sinh chudn bj bai lam. PART I. QUESTIONS 1-5. (10 pts) \Cé 5 cude héi thoai ngén. ‘cudc héi thoai ngin sé [duc nghe hai lan (timg cugc hOi thogi). Mai cudc hoi {thoai co mot cau héi. Banh dau tick (“) vao h6p ding |A, B hote C. |Céu vi dy (la cau 0). Céc em sé theo déi trong dogn lnghe va d& duoc lam miu la C: (The answer is 30, so there is a tick in box C. Now we are ready to start. \Look at question 1) 0. How many people were at the meeting? A3 B13 C.30 Oo oO u Hay nhin vao céc bire tranh duéi day. Lang nehe inhiing tir nao la tir tiéng Anh (2 tir khong phai Li tiéng Anh) trong time cau. Danh dau tick (¥) vao a, bode c. (Gm o6 8 cau) : ro eO oo cO oO cO oo cO _ trang 1 1. What music will they have at the party? A.the guitar B. the piano C. CDs 2, When will the man go on holiday? A. June B. July EF August 3, What will the weather be like tomorrow? A.veryhot B.windy —C. rainy QO QO a 4, What colour is Mary's coat? A. yellow B. blue C. brown a 5. What did the woman repair? A.the chair B. the shelf C. the desk gO a ag THIS IS THE END OF THE PARTI oO cO al oO Aunt Phuong ___ she was happy to see me. A. said B. advised that C. told that D. asked that Cau. Hoa was extremely ___ that she got an A for he assignment A. please B. asking D. pleased Cau 7. Hoa failed her math test. she has to do the test again. ‘A. Because B. But ©. Therefore D. However Cau. "Do you like pop music" she sid. < She asked me Liked pop music. A. whether what D. which Cau 9. Although many lings Wnvthre are about toe or five thousand languages in the world today, others believe that there ___many more. A. maybe BU has got to C. mustn't be D. might be CAu 10. Na is very tired. CO a she goes to bed. A. So B. However Because D. Therefore II, GRAMMAR-PHAN THI SINH VIET (12 pts) SE cape ets Tm [Ding hinh thitc tir diing cho méi cau hodc ding theo ggi ¥ trong ngo&c cho mdi cau. 1. When (GET) your last haircut? . wish I (KNOW) the answer to that question. Dinosaurs (BE) extinct for millions of years. . On Tuesday morning, there is a meeting 11am and 1 pm. (ding gidi tie thich hgp-PREPOSITION) ‘5. ~"You have read this article on the website, 2" ~ Lan: "Not yet." (ding edu hai duéi ~ QUESTION-TAG) . Bais tired he stayed up late watching TV. (dimg LIEN TU thich hop) . If you cut down the trees in the forests, there (BE) big floods every year. T suggest (SAVE) some money. a ae = trang 4 (9. Tet isa festival ‘occurs in late January or early February.(dig DAI TU’ QUAN HB) 10. She is not satisfied with her preparations for Tet she has decorated her house and made plenty of cakes. (Ding LIEN TU’ thich hop) 1. 1fT (BE) you, I would travel around the world 112. She was not (INTEREST) in what the teacher was saying. II. COMMON MISTAKES. (CAC LOI THUONG GAP) (5pts) ym apc cn 66 mot 18 ea Ghi igi tét cd cum tte gach chan dé sau khi sira I5i. Cau Ola cau méu. 0. Not waste electricity and water. Dont waste Do you want speak at me? He sat in the meeting without to speak. I went to the post office for buy stamp. * They told to me to leave. He smiled, but he didn't say nothing. IV. USE OF CORRECT WORD FORM. (5 pts) Ding hinh thirc ter trong ngo’c don thich hyp dé ghi vao ché tréng. Cau 0 la cau mau. dtudont 0. Tama (sTuDY) 1. Buddhism is the country’s official religion. In religions. (ADD) there are other 2. In Vietnam is English a second language? (COMPEL) 3. The ao dai, which Vietnamese women wear, is now both traditional and (FASHION) 4. Tam in learning Vietnamese. (INTEREST) 5. I want everyone to listen please. (CARE) V. READING. READING A: (Tim y chinh va céc y phu) \Here is a story about Mount St. Helens, an active volcano in the state of W: \story. Then follow the directions to organize the details under the correct main i sgton, U.S.A. Read the (Day la cdu chuyén vé Nii St. Helens, m6t iii lita con hogt dong & tiéu ban Washington, My. Hay doc edu \chuyén. Va theo ineéng déin dé t6 chizc cdc chi tiét dueci tig y chinh.) PARAGRAPH 1. The eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980, caused destruction everywhere. Tons of ash, ice, ‘and rock went out of the volcano. Steam and rock flew 60,000 feet into the air. Lightning and flaming cinders set off forest fires. Nearby Spirit Lake became a hot lake of mud ‘and debris. Melting snow and ice flowed down the volcano’s slopes. Mud slides blocked the rivers and caused floods. Mud ‘carried away logs and houses. The mud and debris covered roads, bridges, and buildings. PARAGRAPH 2. Signs of the explosion traveled long idistances. The eruption blocked out the light of the sun in Spokane, Washington, miles away. Nearby states |were covered by falling ash. A light dust drifted as far away as northern Virginia, settling on cars and houses. \Nhiing J chi tiét (8 phy) da duge rit ra sin tie 2 doan vain trén duge dénh 86 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (duge xéo) Iron khong ching thit tu). Hay chon cdc ¥ chi tiét lam ré ¥ chinh ciia timg doan vin I va doan van 2) Iriéng biét va ghi vao phn bai lam dieéi sau khi tim ¥ chinh tig doan vein va ghi vo phan bai léom bén| \dueéi theo ching Ineéng dn lam bai. lt blocked out sunlight in Spokane, Washington |2 steam, rock 60,000 feet up 13 dust as far as Virginia |4 mud, debris covered roads, bridges, buildings 's lightning, flaming cinders caused forest fires. \s Spirit Lake a mass of mud, debris DOAN 1: (PARAGRAHP 1) (6 diém) Y CHINH: cht” |DOAN 2: (PARAGRAPH 2)(4pts) READING B: THE MAN, THE BOY AND THE DONKEY This is a very old story, but it teaches us something that is still true today. ‘One day, a wise man said to his young son, ‘Come with me and I will show you something.’ The father got onto his donkey and told his son to walk behind him. On the road, some people pointed at the man and said, ‘Look at that man. Why doesn't he let the boy ride the donkey?’ The man and the boy heard this, and so they changed places. The boy rode and the man walked, A few minutes later they passed some other people. The people pointed and said, ‘Look at that boy. How can he ride while his old father walks?' So the man got onto the donkey with the boy. | Then they passed some other people, who said, "That poor little donkey can't carry two people. They're much too heavy. So they got off the donkey and they both walked. They walked through a village, and people laughed at them, saying, ‘Look at those two fools! Why do they walk when they have a donkey?" ‘The man and the boy thought, and then the man said, ‘We've tried walking and we've tried riding. Let's try carrying it.' So they carried the donkey, and all the people in the village laughed at them, saying, ‘Look! They're carrying the donkey! They're mad!" Finally, they put the donkey down, and the man said to his son, ‘This is a lesson for you, my son. In this life, you can never please everyone.’ |A. Chon m@t trong cdc ¥ da cho a) b) hogc c) va ghi nhimng tir tiéng Anh da chon vao ché trong cia mai lcdu, (4pts) by teaches us something c)isnew 2 The wise man told his son to follow him a)on foot, ) witha donkey ©) quickly 3 The second group of people thoueht that... acssseeseese see a) the boy should ride ») the man should ride ©) they should both ride 4 The wise man wanted to show that .........:..ssseess+1-e. 6a please everyone. a) donkeys ) only wise men )nobody Be ae lai bai doc trén va dién mét déng ti’ thich hgp dé hoan thanh phan tém tat sau. (6 pts) When the boy walked, some people thought that the man should * So the man walked, but that did not please people either. So they both? _u the donkey. That did not please people because two people were too 7 ae for the donkey. But when they both * . , people laughed and called them fools. Finally, they tried * . the donkey, and then everyone © .- at them. trang 7 D. WRITING (Bai viét) Tao mét doan van. [Bai ludin mau dueéi day gém c6 bay céu. . @) Thay doi trat ty nhiing tit trong timg cau sao cho edu tiéng Anh tré thanh ding vin pham, c6 ¥ nghia binh thedng va ghi vao ngay duéi timg cau aa cho (da cé mét tit dau méi cdu dé goi ¥: Chu y khong thém vao hodc khéng_bé di tir nao va_khéng thay di nhitng tir da duge ghi san 6| méi céiu. (7 diém) 1. everyone her likes. Everyone. 2. are her learn helping English they . They .. 3. assmile personality and a she warm friendly has. She 4. because hard first had a time she spoke only French at she, At... 5. one Marie is of new classmates our. Marie 6. recently from she has arrived Haiti. She ... 7. friends made already has several she. Already ...... 6) Dimg cdc ¥ (cde cdu) trong phan a) dé viét mét doan van bang tiéng Anh néi vé mét ngudi ban cing lop tén lar Marie, theo ding thie te theo goi ¥ debi day (3pts) Hints: (1) The first sentence identifies the person you're writing about. The rest of the paragraph gives further details about Marie: (2). her home country, (3). her language problem, (4). her personality, (5&6) The friends she has made and (7) the help they are giving her. TH SINH TRINH BAY BAI LUAN THEO HUONG DAN TREN: A Classmate THIS IS THE END OF THE WRITING SECTION THIS IS THE END OF THE TEST D/A Anh CT trang 1 SOGIAO DUC & DAO TAO. KY THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 THPT CHUYEN TINH KIEN GIANG NAM HOC 2012-2013 fe te HUONG DAN CHAM THI - DE CHINH THUC MON: TIENG ANH CHUYEN (Gom c6 ...2... trang) A. LISTENING part I (10.pts) Lc 2B 3.B 4A 5.B part II (8 pts) Lb 2a 3a 4c 5.26.8 1b Be B. NGU’ AM + TU’ VUNG (TRAC NGHIEM 20 CAU = (20 pts) 01. A; 02. A; 03. C; 04. A; 05. D; 06. B; 07. A; 08. C; 09. A; 10. B; 11. C; 12. B; 13. D; 14. D; 15. B; 16. B; 17. C; 18. C; 19. B; 20. D; 1@000 60800 uoaogdego 60 ®@O00 2®000 7.9000 20800 171.0000 3.0000 08.0000 30008 BQO000 4.08000 0@000 40000 w.9800 60008 10.0 ®OO 5.0 ®0OO 070008 C. USE OF ENGLISH I. GRAMMAR: (10 cSu TRAC NGHIEM = 10 pts) 1.0060 4.0800 7.0000 101.0800 20800 05.0000 0.@ 000 20000 6.0000 070008 I, GRAMMAR - PHAN VIET (12 pts) 1.didyou get 2.knew 3. have been 4. between 5. haven't you 6, because 7, willbe —_8. saving 9. which / that 10. even though /although/ though I1.were 12. interested Hl. COMMON MISTAKES (5 pts) 1. want to speak to / with 2. without speaking 3. for buying stamps (OR to buy stamps) 4. told me to leave 5. didn’t say anything (OR said nothing) IV. USE OF CORRECT PART OF SPEECH (5 pts) 1, ADDITION 2. COMPULSORY 3. FASHIONABLE 4, INTERESTED. 5. CAREFULLY D/A Anh CT trang 2 -EADING READING A. 10 pts M&i ¥ CHINH: 2 pts Méi Y PHU: 1 pt Paragraph 1 = 6 pts '¥ CHINH: The eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980, caused widespread destruction. (0.2 pt) ‘MOLY PHU: 0.1 pt '* steam, rock 60,000 feet up. ‘« lightning, flaming cinders caused forest fires + Spirit Lake a mass of mud, debris ‘+ mud, debris covered roads, bridges, buildings Paragraph 2 = 4 pts ‘YCHINH : Signs of the explosion traveled long distances. (0.2 pt) MOLY PHU: opt + blocked out sunlight in Spokane, Washington + dust as faras Virginia READING B (10 pts) A. (41s) 1b 2a 3b 4c B.@pts) 1. walk 2 rode 3 heavy 4, walked 5. carrying 6 laughed D. WRITING (10pts) a) Méi céu ding: 1 pt 1. Everyone likes her. 2. They are helping her learn English. 3. Shehasa warm smile anda friendly personality. friendly warm 4. At first she had a hard time because she spoke only French. ‘nly spoke French. spoke French only. 5. Marie is one of our new classmates, 6. She has recently arrived from Haiti. has arrived from Haiti recently. 7. Already she has made several friends. b) Sap xép ding theo thi ty tét cd: 3 pts. Néu chicd — 3 cu lién tiép ding : 1 pt 5 22 pts Céc truéng hop khdc déu khéng 06 aiém. MODEL COMPOSITION A Classmate” ‘Marie is one of our new classmates. *She has recently arrived from Haiti. °At first she had a) hard time because she spoke only French. *She has a warm smile and a friendly personality. “Everyone likes her. Already she has made several friends. “They are helping her learn English. _ D/A Anh CT trang 2 V. READING READING A. 10 pts M&i ¥ CHINH: 2 pts M&i¥ PHU: 1 pt Paragraph 1 = 6 pts '¥ CHINH: The eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980, caused widespread destruction. (0.2 pt) + steam, rock 60,000 feet up + lightning, flaming cinders caused forest fires + Spirit Lake a mass of mud, debris ‘+ mud, debris covered roads, bridges, buildings Paragraph 2 = 4 pts \Y CHINH : Signs of the explosion traveled long distances. (0.2 pt) ‘MOLY PHU: 0.1 pt ‘blocked out sunlight in Spokane, Washington © dust as faras Virginia READING B (10 pts) A. (4 ts) 1b 2a 3b 4c B. (pts) 1. walk 2 rode 3 heavy 4. walked 5. carrying 6 laughed D. WRITING (10pts) a) Méi céu ding: 1 pt 1. Everyone likes her. 2. They are helping her learn English. 3. Shehasa warm smile and a friendly _personality. friendly warm 4. At first she had a hard time because she spoke only French. only spoke French. spoke French only. 5. Marie is one of our new dassmates. 6. She has cecently arrived from Haiti. has arrived from Haiti recently. 7. Already she has made several friends. b) S8p xép dling theo this ty tat cd: 3 pts. Néu chicé — 3 cu lién tiép ding : 1 pt 5 12 pts Cac trutng hgp khéc déu khéng cé aiém. |MODEL COMPOSITION "A Classmate” ‘marie is one of our new classmates. ?She has recently arrived from Haiti. °At first she had a. hard time because she spoke only French. “She has a warm smile and a friendly personality. “Everyone likes her. ‘Already she has made several friends. "They are helping her learn| English. SO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO KY THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 THPT CHUYE! NAM HQC: 2012-2013 be CHINH THUC M6én thi : TIENG ANH (khéng chuyén) (Dé thi c6 4 trang) Thoigian —_: 60 phat (khOng ké thoi gian giao dé) Thi sinh lam true tiép vao dé thi Ngay thi 3 26/6/2012 Gia thj: (ghi r% ho tén va chit ky) M& phach Diem bang so Diém bang chir_ | Giam khao: (ghi 16 ho tén va chit ky) ae ioe Ma phich © __ Thisinh lim trye tiép vao dé thi nay. Khdng ding but chi, mye dé, dé lam bai. Khéng ding but x6a, cuc tay; néu muén didu chinh thi gach ngang ché sai va viét lai ro rang bén canh. .____ (104) Chon mét lai néi dap Iai 6 ot Student 2 phit hop v6i mai cu é e6t Student 1. Ghi r6 mot chit edi trong tmg vao 6 vung sau mai cau. Cé 3 chit céi khéng duge ding dén. Caw 0 la vi dy. Student 1 Student 2 0. What's your name? 7 1. Where’s she from? A. Both. ATED B) Baca beer is not good for your health. 3. What time does your English lesson start? D. We play chess. 7 . E. By car. 4, What do you do in your free time? BE By car 5. Which colour do you like, red ot white? G, My mother. H. Athalf past ten. 6. How old are you in 2097? LOK, thars a good idee 7. Who do you often talk to? J. Pm Peter. sei K. In May 2012. 8. How often do you visit your grandmother? He eee 9. Why don’t we have a drink first? M. It’sonly $24, 10, When did you finish secondary school? N. Tam 15 years old. TI, ____(124) 6 (SAU) trong 16 tir sau day c6 chit cai ‘a’ in dim va gach dudi KHONG duge doc la (wong ty Am “Ay’tiéng Viét). Khoanh tron 6 tir dé (chi due kboanh 6 ché; néu bé chon thi gach chéo). Cau 0 1a vi du. © father (Khoanh tron 0 ” trong tir father KHONG duge doc la /ei/.) wash 2.table 3. face 5. late 6. water 7. take 8. attention 9. danger 10. plan 11. waste 12. station 13. airplane 14. game 15. important 16. favorite (ly) Chit thich tir ngir trang 2: planet (hinh tinh), “mend (may va), ‘American Bobtail cat i. (8d) Dién nguyén van 4 Idi ndi & c6t bén trai vao 4 ché trong cla dogn héi thoai bén phai sao cho hgp ly. -Well, now... can T get you both a | Dave: drink? Paul: I don’t think so. -OK, I'll introduce you. Susan, this | Dave is Paul, my friend. Susan: Hello Paul. -Paul, this is Susan. We went to Dave: Se : school together. Paul: Really! Nice to meet you, Susan. -Paul, do you know Susan? Dave: Z Iv. (204) Khoanh tron Iya chon thich hop nht cho ché trong mdi cau. Caw 0 lé vi du. B. are ©xm D. be 1. L walk to school because I don’t know how to ride a motorbike. I wish that I ..... a motorbike. student, A. can tide B. could ride C.ride D. rode 2. She was playing video games while her mother . ‘A. was mending B. is mending cs D. has mended 3. She ..... her boyfriend when he would marry her. A. spoke B. told C. said D. asked 4, My father asked me ..... the day before A. where I go B. where did I go C. where had I gone —_D. where I had gone 5. Life ..... on another planet. A. might be found —_B. might found C. might find D. find 6. They don’t like news, ..... they? A. did B. do C. are ‘D. aren’t 7. If you cut down the trees in the forests, there ..... big floods every year. Ais B. be C. will be D. were 8. The cat ..... you like is an American Bobiail one. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 9. My knee started hurting ..... I stopped running. A. so B. because C. however D. but 10, My birthday's ..... the 25th of May. Avat B.on Cin D. from Q) Chi thich tir ngéé trang 3: pail (x6, thing) Dau blueberry Banh muffin Banh pancake 200 (s6 thi), rhino (con té gidc), colleague (dang nghiép), x. v. (204) Dgc doan van sau, sip xép lai thir ty chinh xc cdc tir bj x40 trong ngoic () dé cé cde cu hop ly; viét vao mdi ché trong cé danh sé sau méi dong. Céu 0 Ia vi du. Do (blueberries you how know) grow? They grow on | 0. _you know how blueberries bushes. Each blueberry is small and round. Many blueberries can (on bush grow one). At first, the blueberries are green. The green berries are (not eat to ready) yet. They need a lot of sun and rain to (them fat help become) and sweet. When the berries tum blue, they are ripe and (to ready picked be). Some (blueberries farmers in grow) big fields. The people (nearby who earn live can) money by helping to pick the blueberries. Each one takes (a out the pail to) field and fills it with blueberries. They work fast (so can that fill they) many pails. They (they much want money earn as as can to). When they are done picking, their fingers are blue from the juice of the berries! After the blueberries are picked, they are put into boxes and sent to stores. People (them buy the eat and blueberries | 10. take home to). Some people like to wash the berries and cat them one by one. Other people like to cook with blueberries. ‘They make blueberry muffins and pancakes. No matter how you eat them, blueberries taste great! SSN aVaeNe Vi. (104) Chon | tir thich hgp trong ngoac dé dién vao ché tréng cé danh s6. Cau 0 la vi du. When I(0) ___left (leave, lefi, leaving) school at eighteen, I got a job at a zoo as a student keeper. Now, five years (1) (later, ago, before), things have changed — I have passed my exams (2) (or, and, but) Tam a full animal keeper. ‘The money is not good. I only get £9,000 a year. You have to (3) (are, is, be) outside in rain and snow, which is hard work, and you get very dirty. But this doesn’t matter to me (4) (so, because, yet) animals are the most important thing in my life! There (5) (have, had, are) a hundred monkeys and fifty deer in my part of the zoo and I give them their food and clean their houses. 1 also need to watch (6) (them, they, their) carefully to be sure that they are all well. In fact, rhinos are my favourite animals and (7) (though, so, if) last year I went to Africa with a colleague for a month to study them. The 200 is open (8) (every, many, some) day and I work five different days each week. I (9) (live, lived, Tiving) in a small flat twenty minutes away and I get up at ten to seven and start work at eight. The first thing I do (10) (it, is, when) I get home at quarter past five is have a shower! 3) Chi thich tir ngit trang 4: journalist (nha bio), Senator (Thugng nghi si) assassinate (dm sét) VIL. hoac 88 thich hop trong bai dé dién vao mai ché tréng & cot bén phai. Cau 0 la vi du. (204) Doc doan van ndi vé éng John F Kennedy, mét ting théng MY néi tiéng, chon MOT tir John F Kennedy is probably the most famous President in American history, but the story of the Kennedy family is not a happy one. if John was born in Boston, USA in 1917. The Kennedys were a big family, and John had five sisters and three brothers. His father, Joseph Kennedy, was a businessman, and his mother Rose was the daughter of a politician. After university John worked as a journalist, then became a politician in 1946, But this was an unhappy time for the Kennedy family — John’s brother Joe died in the Second World War, and four years later his sister Kathleen died ina plane crash. John became a Senator in 1952, the same year he met his wife Jacqueline Bouvier. They got married in 1953 and had three children — but their third child, Patrick, died two days after he was born. In 1961, John F Kennedy became President, and he was very popular with the American people, He was assassinated in Dallas, Texas in November 1963, and his brother Bobby was also assassinated five years later. ‘The Kennedys are a famous family, but their story is a very sad one. 0. John F Kennedy was bor in Boston, in _1917. 1, John’s father was a 2. His mother’s name was John worked as a 3. Before journalist. 4. was John’s sister, who died in a plane crash. 5, John met his wife Jacqueline Bouvier in 6. John and Jacqueline had children. 7. Patrick, who died two days after he was born, was John’s child. 8. John F Kennedy was President of the USA from 1961 to 9. His brother in June 1968. 10. The story of the famous Kennedys is a one. was assassinated (THE END) @) ne [wv (4 =_— DAP AN DE THI TUYEN SINH LOP 10, KHONG CHUYEN TIENG ANH (60°) Hung din chung: . . Y Thang diém 100, khéng lam tron. Cham xong quy vé thang diém 10, Y Dé tranh nham Ian, khéng cho diém nhé hon diém quy dinh trong méi phan. . Y Trix diém theo hudng dan va chi trong pham vi méi phan. Néu viét but chi, myc dé, trir diém tuong duong mét c4u dling trong méi phan vi pham (phdn sé La ma). _ ¥ Néu phat hign bai lim khde dip 4n nung hop ly, b4o ngay cho t6 trudng chdm thi, khong ty y cho diém. Chi ¥: Gidm khao cé mat va ra vé ding gid quy dinh, tit nguén dign thoai va khdng lam viée rigng trong thdi gian chdm thi. IL. (104. M@i cu diing nhén 14) ‘Néu viét kh6ng 16, hai ché trir 1d. 03° 1F 2M 3H 4D SA 6C 7.G &L 91 10K Tl. (12d. M@i cau ding nhén 24). | Néu khoanh thita, m6i cu trir 2d (khéng cho diém am). Cée cau sai can khoanh tron la: @) G4) ©) @® TH. (8d. Mdi cau ding nhan 24) Sai 216i chinh ta, trir2 4. -Well, now..., can I get you both _| Dave : Paul, do you know Susan? a drink? Paul; don’t think so. -OK, I'll introduce you. Susan, Dave : OK, I'll introduce you. Susan, this is Paul, my friend. this is Paul, my friend. | Susan : Hello Paul. -Paul, this is Susan.We went to | Dave : Paul, this is Susan. We went to school together. school together. Paul; Really! Nice to meet you, Susan. -Paul, do you know Susan? Dave : Well, now..., can I get you both a drink? IV. (20d. Méi cau ding nhan 24) LB 2A 3.D 4.D S.A 6B FAC) &C 9A 10.B V. (20d. Mi cdu ding nhfin 24) Khéng duoc sai vj tri, hodc thira, hoc thiéu tir. Sai 2 16i chinh ta, trir 24. 1, grow on one bush 2. not ready to eat 3. help them become fat 4, ready to be picked 5. farmers grow blueberries in 6. who live nearby can eam 7. a pail out to the 8, so that they can fill 9. want to eam as much money as they can 10. buy the blueberries and take them home to eat (chap nhin do vj tri 2 phan gach duéi) VIL (10d. Méi céu ding nhan 14) Sai 2 16i chinh ta, trix 2 4. 1. later 2. and 3. be 4. because 5.are 6. them 7.80 8. every 9. live 10. when VIL. (20d. Méi cau ding nhan 24) Sai 216i chinh ta, trir2 4. 1. businessman 2. Rose 3. 1946 4. Kathleen 5.1952 6. three (3) 7. third 8. 1963 9. Bobby 10, sad THE END

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