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论文名称: Legal regulation of international trade between China

and Kyrgyz Republic.

姓 名:Mambetalieva Aizhamal

学 号:1823070101

学 位 级 别:研究生

学 科 专 业:国际贸易

研 究 方 向:国际贸易的法鲁规范

指 导 教 师:王耀中

所 属 单 位:

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填 表 说 明

1. 研究生应根据本表所提出的要点,在教研室作选题报告,充分听取意
2. 本表一式二份,经教研室及学院批准后,研究生所在学院及研究生各

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一、 课题来源、国内外研究现状与水平及研究意义、目的。(附主要参考文献)

China is the largest investor in the Kyrgyz economy: in 2018, the

share of China amounted to 43.1% of the total investment received
and amounted to $ 245.6 million. According to the American
Enterprise Institute (AEI), the volume of accumulated Chinese
investment in Kyrgyzstan in 2005- 2018 years amounted to $ 4.73
billion. For a small-sized Kyrgyz economy, this is a significant
amount. However, according to the press service of the Government
of Kyrgyzstan, Chinese investments in 2018 decreased by 19%
compared to the previous year.

With the development of world trade, the issue of state

participation in this process became increasingly relevant. Today,
two concepts of state relations to world trade have been formed and
are being implemented protectionism and free trading.

During the industrial revolution, the concept of free trade -

free trade was widespread. According to it, the state pursues a
policy of liberalization of foreign trade, opening the domestic
market to foreign goods, the captain and labor.

In real life, the state in its foreign trade policy is forced to

create elements of protectionism and free trade. One way or another,
but today the state should not only proclaim the concept of its policy
in foreign trade, but also really implement measures to implement it
using various tools. As a rule, they are divided into two groups.

The first group is customs duties (tariffs). These are the

traditional and most actively used means of state regulation of
foreign trade: import (fiscal and protectionist), export and transit
duties. The mechanism of their application is quite simple: the unit
of measurement of imported goods or the unit declared by the
importer of the value of the goods is taxed in the form of a duty,
which leads to a rise in the cost of imported goods in the domestic

The second group of instruments of state regulation is non-

tariff restrictions (or the so-called non-tariff barriers). These
include: an administrative ban on imports; quantitative restrictions
(the so-called quotas); the introduction of standards of health,
safety, environmental friendliness, the establishment of the
minimum price level; introduction of rules for packaging and
labeling; etc.

Thus, the state, using a variety of instruments for regulating

the volume of goods flows from and to the country, is achieving
certain results in general economic policy.

The regulation of international trade at the present stage.

The high importance of international trade for the

development of the world economy has led to the creation by the
world community of special international regulatory organizations
whose efforts are aimed at developing rules, principles, procedures
for the implementation of international trade transactions and
monitoring their implementation by the member states of these

A special role in the regulation of international trade is played

by multilateral agreements operating within the framework of:

- GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)

- WTO (World Trade Organization)

- GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services)

- TRIPS (Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of

Intellectual Property Rights)

International law as a system of contractual and ordinary

norms regulates the relations of subjects of the international system

in the process of their international communication.

In the concepts under consideration, international trade law is

qualified: as universal international economic law (IEP); as an
independent branch of international law; as a complex branch of
international law, including norms not only of public law, but also
of civil law; as a branch (sub-branch) of domestic law; as part of a
special branch of international economic law; as an institution of
international public law; as part of a kind of “new international
law”; as “the law of the World Trade Organization”; as a “law
enforcement complex”, including the norms of various systems and
industries; as a sub-branch of international economic law, which is
an independent system of law that exists along with general
international law; as a sub-branch of international economic law,
which is a branch of general international law; as an independent
branch of law, which regulates, along with civil law, relations
arising in the sphere of commercial and civil circulation; as a set of
historically changing rules (conventional and conventional norms)
governing interstate trade relations; as a system of rules governing
international trade relations; as one of the institutions of
international commercial law.

China and Kyrgyzstan began cooperation in 1992, after the

departure of Kyrgyzstan from the USSR. As mentioned above
nowadays, China is the largest contributor to the economy of
Kyrgyzstan. In June, parallel to the SCO summit in Bishkek, took
place a bilateral meeting of the leaders of Kyrgyzstan and China,
Sooronbai Jeenbekov and Xi Jinping. The cooperation of our
countries has been growing in recent years, but the question of its
effectiveness remains open. About mutual trade and how and to
what extent China invests in the economy of Kyrgyzstan, as well as
how profitable those projects are. Following the official visit of
President Xi Jinping to Bishkek in June 2019, 19 documents were
signed, eight of them in the economic sphere. Most of the signed
documents regulate relations between the two countries in the field
of agriculture and agribusiness. Also, within the framework of the
Kyrgyzstan-China business forum, 24 documents worth more than $
7 billion were signed on the margins of the official visit. However,
it should be noted that most of the documents signed at the business
forum are memoranda and framework agreements. This means that
there is a further legal and financial study of these projects.

All of the above influenced as the choice of this topic for my

research. In this research, I wanted to consider the relationship
between China and Kyrgyzstan in terms of international trade, what

legal acts are regulating those relationship, how mutually beneficial
it is for both sides, what difficulties may arise during the process of
preparing documents, what are the consequences of the
implementation of these and already existing projects.

二、 研究内容、拟采取的研究方法、实验过程、预期成果。

2. Содержание исследования, методы исследования,

которые необходимо принять, экспериментальный
процесс и ожидаемые результаты.

三、 已进行的科研工作基础和已具备的科学研究条件(包括在哪个实验室进

3. Уже проведенная научно-исследовательская работа и

уже существующие условия научных исследований

(включая лабораторию, в которой проводится испытание,
основные приборы и оборудование и т. Д.) И требования к
сотрудничеству других подразделений.



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