Mythos Rising Basic Rules

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Mythos Rising Phases:

Basic Rules At the start of a new Phase, a few things

happen in the following order:
Setup: - If there is no Battlefield in the
battlefield zone, (1) the player who
Mythos Rising is a competitive card game in the previous battlefield did not
which two players race to build the first belong to plays a battlefield from
“great” civilization on a new world. their Territory Deck.
Each player should bring two decks to - Each player readies every friendly
play Mythos Rising, a 40-Card Civilization Creature and Wonder.
Deck (7), and a 5-Card Territory Deck. (2) - Each player draws four cards and
The Civilization Deck should be discard up to three cards.
composed of at least 6 Wonders, and then - Start of Phase effects trigger.
any number of Actions and Creatures, - The player that controls the
while the Territory Deck should only battlefield currently in play takes
contain Battlefields. Turns: the first turn.
To begin, the players should decide who is When it is your turn, you can perform one At the end of a Phase, the following things
going first. That player should draw the of the actions below. occur:
first card in their Territory deck and place - If any zone contains creatures from
Summon: Pay the cost of a card in your
in the center of play area, in the Battlefield two opposing sides combat in that
hand to put it into play.
zone (1). Once this is done, each player zone resolves.
should draw 6 cards. The first Phase of the Use: Use a ready card in play to perform - End of Phase effects trigger.
game can now begin. some action. - If only one player controls
How to Play: Pass: End your turn without doing creatures in the battlefield zone, (1)
anything. they capture that battlefield,
In Mythos Rising, players take turns moving it to their artifact zone. (5)
performing single actions in pursuit of Once you have completed any one of - Each creature that is outside of
being the first player to build three these actions, the turn passes to your their owner’s Barracks (4) returns
friendly Wonder cards. The first player to opponent. to its owner’s Barracks.
do so wins. When two players pass in succession (or - Each player shuffles their Recycle
when both players have no actions Pile (6) and place it on the bottom
A standard game of Mythos Rising can be
available to them), the Phase ends. of their Civilization Deck (7).
broken down into two types of time
increments: Turns and Phases.
Resources in Mythos Rising: Actions: Actions trigger their play effects, Combat:
and then leave play, going immediately
In Mythos Rising, in order to summon into their owner’s discard pile. If, at the end of phase, two creatures
Creatures, Wonders, and Actions, players belonging to opposing players are in the
must accumulate mana of the Using Cards: same zone, combat must then resolve in
corresponding colors in order to pay the Creatures and Wonders can each take that zone.
cost of those cards. different actions while in play if they are Combat resolves as follows:
The amount of mana that a player ready. A ready card is vertical, while an
exhausted card is horizontal. - If both players control the same
currently has is dictated by their discard
number of creatures in that zone,
pile (3)—each card is worth one mana of Creature Actions: each creature deals damage equal to
its color while in the discard.
- Idle: If this creature is in its its Strength stat to the creature it is
Players may also gain mana from the barracks, remove damage on it directly engaged with. If any
effects Actions, Creatures, or Wonders: equal to its restore stat and gain creature then has damage on it
Any mana gain of this type is called one “floating” mana of this equal to or greater than its Health
“floating” and is lost if not used before the creatures color. Exhaust this stat, that creature is destroyed.
end of the current Phase. creature - If one player controls more
- Deploy: If this creature is not creatures than the other player in a
Summoning Cards:
currently engaged, move it to zone, they may choose bolster one
To summon a card, you must first pay the another zone that is not blocked. If of their creatures in a direct
cost out of your current resources, using it enters a zone in which there is engagement with each excess
“floating” mana first, and then by one or more enemy creatures that creature. To indicate this, they
removing the appropriate amount of cards are not engaged, place it in a direct place the excess creature beneath
out of their discard, and placing them into engagement with one of those the engaged creature. Then, each
their Recycle Pile (6). creatures. Exhaust this creature. creature deals damage to its direct
- Action: Some creatures have opponent equal to its Strength stat
Creatures: Creatures are placed, exhausted, and the strength stat of the creature
into their owner’s barracks. (4) alternative actions that do not fall
into either of the other categories. bolstering it.
Wonders: Wonders may only be If so, you can choose to take the If a creature is in a zone with an enemy
summoned if there is at least one available action written on that card, and Wonder, they deal damage to that wonder
captured Battlefield card in its owner’s then exhaust this creature. equal to their Strength unless engaged with
artifact zone (5). The Wonder is then an enemy creature.
place, exhausted, on top of that Battlefield Wonder Actions:
card. No other Wonder may be built on - Action: If a Wonder has the
that same Battlefield. Action keyword, you may exhaust
it in order to trigger that effect.
Blocking: Trap: The next time an enemy creature Subtle (This creature may ignore blocking rules
enters the zone this card is in, perform the when deployed)
In Mythos Rising, positioning matters— stated effect after that creature has arrived
sections of the board can become available Sturdy (This creature does not take damage,
in this zone. For the purposes of this
or unavailable for deploying your creatures unless that damage would destroy it)
effect, the creature that just entered this
depending on where your opponent has zone is the “trapped creature.” (If multiple Sentry (This creature does not return to its
placed theirs. creatures are moved into the zone at once, barracks at End of Phase).
The rules for blocking are simple—you the Trap creature’s owner picks which
creature is the “trapped creature.”) Revive: Fully heal, move to barracks,
may not deploy a creature further into exhaust.
enemy territory than their closest creature Destroyed: If this card would go from in
to you. So, if an enemy has deployed to play to the discard, trigger the stated Provoke: Move a creature to a zone of
your barracks, you cannot deploy a effect. your choosing, then exhaust.
creature out of your barracks until that
Bloodied: After this card takes damage Stockpile: Place a card under another card.
enemy is removed.
but is not destroyed, perform the stated Cards that are stockpiled under other
Endgame: effect. cards are not considered “in play,” cannot
be used, and are carried with the top card
Play ends when a player controls three Idle: When this creature takes the idle when it moves.
Wonders at the end of a Phase. If they action, perform the stated effect.
manage to do so, that player is the winner! Sacrifice: Destroy a friendly creature.
Guard: When this creature is deployed
Move: Move a creature to any zone,
Keyword Glossary into the friendly artifact zone, perform the
regardless of whether it is ready, or
stated effect after it arrives in that zone.
Play: When a card enters play, perform whether the move would regularly be
the stated effect. Recycled: When this card is used as allowed by blocking rules.
mana, after the effect produced by that
Action: Exhaust the card to perform the mana is resolved, perform the stated Recycle: Place this card in your Recycle
stated effect. effect. Pile.
Deploy: When this card is deployed to Revealed: When this card is revealed (I.E. Restore: Remove damage from a creature
any zone, perform this effect after it put in play or simply upturned) perform equal to its restore stat.
arrives in that zone. this effect.
Witness: When a battlefield would be Start of Phase: At the start of a new
about to be captured, but before it is Phase, perform this effect.
actually captured, perform the stated
effect. End of Phase: At the end of a Phase,
perform this effect.

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