Lifestyle and Weight Management (Physical Activity and Eating Habits)

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Association of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Iba

(Music, Arts, Physical Education, & Health)

Learning Module #_____________________ Inclusive Date:________________

Name:________________________________ Grade/Year & Section:___________
Subject Teacher _______________________ Subject:________________

Lifestyle and Weight Management (Physical Activity and Eating Habits)

The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote

Societal fitness.

The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation
of the community and society practices healthy eating habits that support an active

For Lesson 1, we will have the following learning targets. At the end of the lesson, check the
column that best describes your assessment of your own learning relative to the given learning

I can assess physical activity, exercise

and eating habits
I can determine the risk factors related
to lifestyle diseases (obesity, diabetes,
heart diseases)
I can engages in moderate to vigorous
physical activities for at least 60
minutes a day in and out of school
I can express a sense of purpose and
belongingness by participating in
physical activity-related community
services and programs

To make our learning more meaningful, here are some expectations from you and your
parents/guardian as we journey together on this module.

You are expected to… Your parents/guardians are encouraged to…

Read everything carefully and Provide conducive learning environment
thoroughly. for your child.
Always follow the instructions. Provide the materials needed for the
Finish each activity before proceeding to activity.
the next.
Association of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Iba
(Music, Arts, Physical Education, & Health)

Take down notes using note taking Assist your child in performing learning
strategy used in the module. Process tasks.
question will always be asked to Monitor the progress of your child in
checked your understanding. answering, and performing, learning task.
Use a dictionary to look up the meaning Give feedback/response on your child’s
of unfamiliar words. progress in answering and performing
Maximize your learning, resources to learning tasks.
help you work more efficiently and to
enhance your learning.

To keep us all healthy and always ready to learn, here are some of the “home mode
reminders”, we can practice.

In this module, you will learn about how to be active. You must learn how to maintains
active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community and society
practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.This quarter will make you
demonstrate your understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote societal
Knowledge gained based on your understanding will help you identify the correct eating habits
needed to manage your weight. Information derived from here will help you formulate a personal fitness
plan of activities that will make your community and society achieve a desired level of fitness and
wellness.You can maintain and support an active lifestyle if you will practice good eating habits, watch
your weight, and engage in physical activity.
Being physically fit does not only extend our life, it can also make us productive individuals. As
the old adage “health is wealth” puts it, it is difficult to be productive if your body is not in good physical
condition. Having a good physical condition and fitness, is one of the factors that contribute to the
progress of the society. So, how can we possibly achieve the state of complete fitness and well-being?
In what way does the level of fitness affect one’s health?
Involvement into physical exercise is important for maintaining one’s fitness and can contribute
to maintaining a healthy physique, promoting physiological well-being and strengthening the immune
system. People who participate in moderate to high levels of physical exercise have a lower mortality
rate compared to individuals who by comparison are not physically active. Moderate levels of exercise
have been correlated with preventing aging by reducing inflammatory potential.
Filipinos are considered as hard workers and diligent followers in any aspect of one’s life but
due to lack of time some busy individuals tend not to have a healthy life style and well-being. In this
lesson we will find out how to assess your fitness program. Let’s start this lesson through answering
the happy and sad face worksheet.


Association of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Iba
(Music, Arts, Physical Education, & Health)

Aside from studying, what activities do you do at home, in school, and in the community? Look at the
list of activities on the succeeding page. How much do you spend for each kind of activity? Check {/}
the column with a happy face {😊} if you always do the activity and a sad face {☹} if you seldom do
the activity.
ACTIVITIES 😊 ☹ Do you think that the activities you engage
Running in most of the time help you determine the
Surfing the net status of your health and fitness?
Doing household chores like
cleaning the bedroom and helping
parents in cooking and washing of Do you think that spending longer time
the dishes. sitting in front of the TV while eating junk
Strolling at the mall or plaza food for entertainment or using your gadget
Attending church activities for social media updates will help you to be
Playing basketball strong, fast, and flexible?
Watching television
Are you physically fit how can you tell if a
person is physically fit?
Listening to music
Talking and bonding with friends
Watching movie.

Before we proceed, do you have any idea about physical fitness and fitness assessment?
We have many definitions of physical fitness:
Physical fitness
Physical fitness it Physically fit individuals have the capacity to maintain
also improves
can be defined as and do daily tasks without experiencing stress making it
not only your
the optimum level easier to meet daily demands.
physical health
of health where
healthy individuals Physical Fitness but also your
mental ability to
can perform daily
Physically fitness helps individual become free from any cope with
activities free from
form of high-risk health condition such as hypertension, uncertain
any form of fatigue.
diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, events or
some cancer, sleep apnea, and respiratory problems. occurrences.

And this is about Fitness Assessment is:

Fitness assessment is a series of measurements and tests that will help identify the status of one’s
physical fitness. There are several standard tests in a fitness assessment. The test includes evaluating
body mass index, resting heart rate, and health related tests and skill-related test like body composition,
lung capacity, flexibility, speed, balance, agility, power, strength and coordination.

How can you assess your Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist to height ratio (WHR)? Before
that, what do you know about BMI and WHR? Do you know how to assess your BMI and WHR?
So here are the definition of BMI and WHR. The column A will be the BMI and the column B is the

BMI is one of the most demanding fitness

assessment tests today because in most of all the
fields in different professions they use this as part of
physical examination to assess if the person is
healthy or unhealthy. In the school it is also one of
the most requirements on physical education class
for the students as part of their fitness assessment
Association of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Iba
(Music, Arts, Physical Education, & Health)


It is the ratio of the waist to waist to that of the

hips. It measures the fat percentage distributed in the
torso. A high amount of fat located in the abdominal
area has been found to have a greater risk of
cardiovascular disease than a lower ratio.

Activity: Assess your BMI and WHR

Test details
Equipment: Procedure: Metric formula: From these
1. weighing scale 1.Check your height in measurements, compute for
2. Tape measure/meter stick meters (m) your body mass index (BMI)
for the height. 2. Check your weight in using this formula:
kilograms (kg)
Weight in kg
Height in m2
Weight: 68kg
Height: 165 cm (1.65m)
Calculation: 68/ (1.65)2=24.9

Assess your WHR with your Family.

Test details
Equipment: Procedure: WHR formula:
1. tailor’s tape measure is 1. measure the student’s divide the waist
the most convenient and is waist at the smallest measurement. Make sure
very accessible to use for circumference below the rib you use the same metric
the rest. cage and above the system unit; inches or
umbilicus centimeters for each
2. make sure that the measurement. Interpret the
student must have feet result of your WHR using
together, then measure the the table’.
largest circumference of the
hips. This is calculated as waist
measurement divided by hip
measurement (w/h).

A person with a 30 inch or (76 cm) waist
And 38 inch or (97 cm) hips has a waist ratio of about 0.78
*76 cm waist/97cm hips= 0.78

Association of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Iba
(Music, Arts, Physical Education, & Health)

Use this table to determine your BMI and WHR rating:

Underweight <18.5 High risk >1.0 >.85
Healthy range 18.5-24.9 Moderate .90-1.0 .80-85
Overweight 25-29.9 Low risk <.90 <.80
Obese >30

So, this will be your activity: You will assess your family’s BMI and WHR. Kindly write inside
the box all the details needed.
Father Mother You Brother/sister
Name:_________________ Name:_________________ Name:_________________ Name:____________
Age:______ Age:________ Age:______ Age:______
Signature: Signature: Signature: Signature:
Rating: Rating: Rating: Rating: Rating: Rating: Rating: Rating
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ______
_________ __________ __________

1. What is the result of the BMI of your family?


2. what do you think there are some family that are not in a healthy range?

3. Why BMI is important?


4. Is the BMI a useful measure of health?


Can you determine now if you are at risk?

With the bmi and whr result you can now determine if you are at risk. Your body mass index is one
indicator of your risk of having different lifestyle diseases. Cardiovascular diseases, high blood
pressure, diabetes, and cancer are examples of these diseases.

Association of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Iba
(Music, Arts, Physical Education, & Health)

Let start this lesson by writing down some atleast 8 nutritional guidelines that can be observed
as part of healthful eating habits. Kindly write on the box provided.

To have a clear idea, let us have a short overview about lifestyle diseases.
Before that lifestyle diseases that are common in countries like the Philippines. They seem to increase
in frequency as countries become industrialized. They are also termed as diseases of longevity. These
diseases can be prevented by changes in diet, involvement in physical activities or active recreation.
Common lifestyle diseases are obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Eating the wrong food,
smoking and abuse in alcohol intake can lead to sickness. Many young people choose their own
lifestyle without realizing that this creates an impact on their health. It can damage their bright future.

How can we control the development of these lifestyle diseases?

We have here some list about lifestyle diseases, their definition and how to control it. On the first
column you will see/read about the types of lifestyle diseases, and on the second column the definition
of the lifestyle diseases and on the last column this is how to control your lifestyle diseases.


1. High blood It is known as hypertension. It may It can be controlled by having
pressure increase, stroke, kidney disease, and regular physical exercise, losing
congestive heart failure. excess eating habits, and less salt in
food intake.
2. High blood It can lead to plaque in arteries which You can lower your high blood
cholesterol may also cause the risk of heart cholesterol by engaging in some
attack. physical activities, by eating less
saturated and trans-fat and through
weight management.
3. Diabetes No matter what type, it means you You can prevent diabetes by
have too much glucose in your blood, reducing your calorie intake and
although the reason may differ. Too getting regular physical exercise.
much glucose cam lead to serious
health problems
What are the risk factors related to lifestyle disease?
Aside from being overweight or obese, the following are the other risk factors related to lifestyle

family history or premature heart physical activity


cigarette smoking unhealthy diet

alcohol use

Association of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Iba
(Music, Arts, Physical Education, & Health)

To prevent this kind of lifestyle here are some good nutrition and helpful eating habits for the
weight management of an individual. There are different factors that greatly affect weight of an
individual like heredity, food preferences, selection amount of everyday physical activities, and eating
habits. Establishing good eating habits should start at home from the early stage of life, especially in
children. The parents should encourage their children to eat a balanced diet.
Explain the meaning of “Lifestyle Diseases Are Diseases of longevity”.

On your activity you are going to make your own meal through drawing which will help you to
prevent lifestyle diseases.

Establishing good eating habits should start at home from the early stage of life, especially in
children. The parents should encourage their children to eat a balanced diet. In this activity
you are going to organize your own outreach program. To understand and to help you on how
to organized an outreach program you kindly proceed to this link:
tq6VJap7JkFLoWtCDbntA&cshid=1595089737718.This will help you deeply understand how
to organized an outreach program.

Association of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Iba
(Music, Arts, Physical Education, & Health)

Before we proceed on our next topic. Kindly fill in the concept map with your own ideas about


There are different fitness activities which can help you improve your physical fitness and health
status. First is YOGA, it is a fitness activity that promotes body and mental well-being through a system
of physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. Yoga helps develop and maintain well-
being, boosts one’s energy, and improves the flexibility of the body. Yoga, which got its name from the
word “yoke”, which means to bring together, does just that. It brings together the body, mind, and spirit.
You will gain numerous benefits from yoga, whether you can use it for physical well-being, spiritual
transformation, or stress management.


This test will assess the flexibility of your lower back and hamstring. You will need meter stick.
Before executing this test, do some warm-up exercises followed by the stretching activities.

1. Sit on the floor with back against the wall.
2. Place one hand over the other hands must touch the floor
3. Mark the point in the floor where the fingertips are touching. This serve as your point. Lay down
straight a meter stick at this point.
4. Feet must be 12 inches apart.
5. With arms still straightened and fingers touching the floor, extend your arms, and reach the
farthest point. Measure the distance reached by the fingers in centimeter scale. Hold the position
until the distance is recorded.
Association of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Iba
(Music, Arts, Physical Education, & Health)

Use this table to determine your MODIFIED SIT AND REACH

POOR <29.5 <32
FAIR 29.5-34 32-36.5
AVERAGE 34-38 36.6-40

You Brother/sister
Name: _________________ Name: _________________
Age: ______ Age: ______
Rating of your Sit and reach: __________ Rating of your Sit and reach: __________
Signature: Signature:

To know more about the yoga please proceed to this link:
This will help you to understand more about yoga. Then try the yoga poses that you watched
in the video. After you watched that video, there are some question that you will answer.

1. How did you feel before the yoga practice?


2. How did you feel during the exercise? What about after the exercise?


3. How does your breathing feel now?



Believe it or not, cold water is absorbed faster by your body than water at room
temperature or water that is at body temperature, for the reason, the American College of Sports
medicine recommends that water and other drinks be chilled when used during exercise

Congratulations, your had just finished your lesson 1 module! After studying our lesson, kindly write
the things you learned, found interesting and question as your learning summaries.

Association of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Iba
(Music, Arts, Physical Education, & Health)

Based on our lesson, what are your new learning and realizations as a child of God? In the
below, write your lesson’s reflection through a prayer. A related Bible verse is also provided below to
help and guide you more on the prayer you will formulate. Together, let us do things toward His
Holiness because we are precious in His eyes.

We would like to hear from you and your parent/guardian comments and observations of
this lesson’s module. If you have suggestions, please fell free to write it on the box privided.
Reemeber, we are partners in this learing. Your feedbacks will be highly apreciated.



This part is for the parent or the attending adult:

Kindly write some of your observations on your child’s learning/study habits this week. Include also
your suggestions or if you have questions, feel free to write them here also.

Question (if there’s any):
Cellphone No.

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Association of the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Iba
(Music, Arts, Physical Education, & Health)

The 21st century Mapeh in Action textbook. - Eduardo V. Cipriano Ma. Karina Zabala-Hernandez
Gernalyn Andres-Solano. Ed.D. Pinky Olivar-Libiran Adelina P. Limos mark G.
Fabella Ronald V. Solis Ray Ferdinand D. Limos (AUTHORS)

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