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January 1, 2021

To Whom it May Concern,

It is with great pleasure that I express my support of Kylie Cianciolo in her pursuit of continued
education. Kylie is a current student leader at Cuyahoga Community College where she serves as a
Student Ambassador, Phi Theta Kappa club officer, former student intern for the Student Engagement
Office, and the 2020 Westshore Campus Student of the Year.

I have known Kylie for several years through her continued involvement in Student Engagement
offerings including the Student Leadership Certificate Program where she was the only Westshore
Campus student to complete the third and final Distinguished Leadership Certificate level in 2020.
Throughout her year in the leadership certificate program, Kylie demonstrated creativity, determination,
and passion. These qualities and interest in leadership development served her well as the Student
Engagement intern for the fall 2020 semester. I served as her direct supervisor throughout this
experience and can honestly say it was the best student intern experience I have had in my professional
career. Kylie not only assisted in the revamp of the leadership certificate program by creating and
professionalizing new content but she also wholly developed new and inventive virtual co-curricular
experiences for Tri-C students, conducted retention-based outreach to students in need, and much
more all while working remotely. Kylie handled the remote work environment extremely well with
constant communication, trustworthiness, and accountability. At the conclusion of her internship,
myself and other Student Affairs colleagues could not pass up the opportunity of hiring Kylie as a
Student Ambassador so that she might continue her work of serving Tri-C students.

In addition to her co-curricular experiences, Kylie has continued to maintain high academic achievement
with a 3.89 grade point average in a diverse array of courses including Human Biology, and Psychology,
Statistics. Her academic achievements earned her acceptance into Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society where
she quickly worked her way into leadership roles including Chapter Secretary and Public Relations
Officer. Most remarkable is that Kylie has achieved all of this at the age of 18 and there is no telling what
she will be able to accomplish as she continues her academic career. Kylie has a true passion for
anything she puts her mind to and continuing her studies at a four-year institution will be no exception.
She is a role model for her peers and a point of pride for Cuyahoga Community College.

Kylie’s commitment to her academics and her campus leadership are unmatched and will serve her well
in all future endeavors. Should you have any questions or wish to discuss my support of Kylie further,
please contact me.

Thank you,
Amanda Fronek
Interim Assistant Dean of Student Affairs & Director of Student Engagement
Cuyahoga Community College Westshore Campus
216-987-5929 |

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