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The article entitled "Single Parent Struggle" was written by Chris Polito and Paola Brown.

The authors' purpose was to inform readers about the struggles of being single parent
especially in raising their children. They were also being critical to affirm their claim toward
this intriguing issue. People claimed that single parent can also raise their children to be
progressive with emotional, social and behavioural skills as those who raised their children
with both parents. In this article, the authors seem to be using a positive tone as the author
always give positive opinion. Reading the article, the author state that to properly raise a
child it does not necessarily depends on the structure of the family but the value that the
parents have taught them and children who are raised by a single parent might have the
same outcome as the children who are raised by both parents. The key point in that author
wrote in this article is a child raised by one parent only. This is because there are a lot of
question that are often a question mark among the people. For example, do they need both
parent, do they need a father figure around to teach them how to become a man, do single
parent get any help from government and the role do their step-family. This article is cleared
and well supported because in the article has stated every percentage of children who were
raised by single mother, by first marriage family with both parents, by second marriage step-
family and many more. The author gives the counter-arguments to the article that wrote by
Robert L. Maginnis. From that article, author is disagreeing from the statement that said
“Boys who do not have fathers as male role models suffer especially”. Author said that from
his experience, he always has his grandfather to teach him into a young man even that he
never had his father around. From that article, I agree with author’s point of view because it
is extremely not easy to raise your kids without a complete parent. In addition, in this 2021, it
is very hard to find a job and of course you can’t depend too much on money that
government give. From this issue, all I can say is that parents should talk as best as they
can when they have problems with each other and if possible, avoid divorce. This is because
it’s going to disturb the children’s emotions. It may also cause children to get depression and
so on.

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