Motivational Letter

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To the ITB School of Business & Management Committee:

Dear Sir/Madam to whom it may concern,

My name is Muhammad Iqbal and I am very much interested in applying for a Master’s in Business
Leadership Executive implemented by the ITB School of Business & Management. I am a highly
motivated young professional who perceives this degree to be beneficial for my future career in my
current office.

I have already graduated in 2015, from Universitas Indonesia, holding a bachelor’s degree in Law.
That few years undergraduate program in Law has ultimately formed the foundation of my
perseverance in achieving a deep knowledge in the field of business law.

After I graduated from University, I tried to step a career ladder by joining several internships and
programs, from companies, law firms, to consulting services until finally I am now in the position of
legal manager in charge of the legal department of iCar Asia (supervising 4 legal entities in
Indonesia, e.g: Carmudi Indonesia and Mobil123)

After two years of hard time working here as a legal manager, I get recognition from the company to
go deeper from the business side of the company, because both from the legal perspective and the
business side, both are interrelated. Since then, I have clearly determined my career goals and I
thought about continuing to the university level so that I could understand the basic principles and
train and/or teach me in terms of leadership to be able to explore my potential in other fields.

Aside from career path, I also became involved actively in various business activities. The motivating
force behind all of this was my personal goal of developing various aspects of my own personality.
While doing so, I was not able to attain the results that I wanted to have. However, soon I was able
to have the skill of time management skills to put things right.

I am extremely confident that studying at ITB School of Business & Management will further expand
my horizons, giving me the wonderful opportunity of getting the best education possible.

Respectfully Yours,

Muhammad Iqbal

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