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Patient: Ouch!

Nurse: Excuse me sir, are you okay?

Patient: My arthritis is acting up nurse. It has been like this for quite a while now and
all I can do is take painkillers to relieve the pain.

Nurse: Sir, painkillers are only a temporary solution to your arthritis, did the doctor
prescribe you any medications for a long-term solution for arthritis?

Patient: Yes nurse, but I can’t afford the medication being prescribed by the doctor.

Nurse: I see, let’s check around your house and maybe we could find something to
help you with the pain.

(Checks around the house and finds malunggay plant)

Nurse: Sir, did you know that this malunggay plant growing outside your house can
be used to treat your arthritis?

Patient: I had no idea nurse.

Nurse: This plant malunggay plant has anti-inflammatory properties that can help
with the swelling and pain of your joints

Patient: I had no idea nurse. This pain is very unbearable, and I have my doubts on
ingesting or applying an unknown plant on me.

Nurse: Sir, I will explain the therapeutic properties malunggay has as we prepare its

(Proceeds to take malunggay leaves, drop leaves in water and let it boil until the
color becomes greenish).

Nurse: Sir, your arthritis is due to your kidney not filtering the toxins properly. As a
result, the toxins accumulate in your joints and cause sharp pain due to your immune
system attacking the joints to eliminate the toxins. Your painkillers are a temporary
solution to the pain, but not a permanent effect. Malunggay leaves have an anti-
inflammatory property that helps in the treatment of arthritis. Malunggay is not limited
to curing arthritis alone, it also helps with hypertension, blood sugar regulation, and

(SDG- CON-304-033-00)
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Registration No. 52Q18778
Certification Date: 6 August 2018
Recertification due date: 24 January 2021
For verification of the certificate please access
(Certification check and type the registration number)
helps rid your body of toxins. Those are just a few examples of the limitless potential
of the malunggay plant. Malunggay can also be used in soups and other dishes to
make them healthier.

Patient: I never knew that this plant sitting on my backyard was very important to my
health all along!

Nurse: Sir, drink this malunggay tea we made and tell me your feedback after
drinking it for at least 3 days.

Patient: Yes nurse, I will tell you if the plant helps relieve my pain.

(3 days later)

Nurse: Good morning sir, how was the tea we prepared? Did it help you in any way
at all?

Patient: Nurse, I am astounded by the effects of malunggay. I am not one to believe

in herbal medicine, especially the ads they keep playing on the radio, but this tea has
changed my life. I feel better without any stiffness in my joints now, my blood
pressure has dropped, and I feel like I have more energy for the day because there
is no pain to hinder me.

Nurse: Glad to hear it sir, herbal medicines have been used since time immemorial,
and some of our pharmacologic medicines are based on the studies from therapeutic
herbal effects. I’m just glad that you are feeling better now.

(SDG- CON-304-033-00)
Page 2 of 2
Registration No. 52Q18778
Certification Date: 6 August 2018
Recertification due date: 24 January 2021
For verification of the certificate please access
(Certification check and type the registration number)

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