1st Quarter

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1st Quarter Examination



General Instructions:
1. Make all your answers CLEAR, CLEAN AND EASY TO CHECK (PLEASE).
2. Ask only the proctor for any need of clarification.
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the correct answer for each item below. Write the letter of
your answer on the space before the number. (1 pts. each)

___1. It is a branch of municipal law which defines crimes, treats of their nature and provides for
their punishment.
A. Procedural Law B. Civil Law
C. Criminal Law D. Political Law
___2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of criminal law?
A. General B. Territorial
C. Prospective D. Retroactive
___3. Criminal law is binding on all persons who reside or sojourn in the Philippines. This
characteristic of criminal law is known as:
A. General B. Territorial
C. Prospective D. Retroactive
___4. Criminal law is binding on all persons who reside or sojourn in the Philippines. This
characteristic of criminal law is known as:
A. General B. Territorial
C. Prospective D. Retroactive
___5. Which of the following persons is not immune from Philippine criminal law?
A. Sovereigns and other chief of state B. Ambassador
C. Consuls D. Charges d' Affaires
___6. Penal laws of the Philippines are enforceable only within its territory. This characteristic of
criminal law is known as:
A. General B. Territorial
C. Prospective D. None of the above
___7. Criminal law does not have any retroactive effect. This characteristic of criminal law is
known as
A. General B. Territorial
C. Prospective D. Retroactive
___8. When the law is favorable to the accused, it is an exception to which characteristic of
criminal law?
A. General B. Territorial
C. Prospective D. Retroactive
___9. What are the criminal acts punished by the Revised Penal Code?
A. Felonies B. Offenses
C. Crimes D. Misdemeanor
___10. What are the criminal acts punished by the Revised Penal Code?
A. Felonies B. Offenses
C. Crimes D. Misdemeanor
___11. It is the cause which in the natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient
intervening cause, produces the injury without which the result would not have occurred.
A. Immediate Cause B. Intervening Cause
C. Proximate Cause D. Natural Cause
___12. It exists when two or more person comes to an agreement to commit a felony and decided
to do it.
A. Conspiracy B. Confederation
C. Proposal D. Accomplish
___13. It is a legislative action that punishes without trial.
A. Ex-post facto law B. Unconstitutional law
C. bill of attainder D. penal attainder
___14. What stage of the commission of a felony when all the elements necessary for its
execution and accomplishment are present?
A. Attempted B. Frustrated
C. Consummated D. Enumerated\
___15. It is committed when a person who decided to commit a felony suggests its execution to
another person.
A. Accessory B. Accomplice
C. Conspiracy D. Proposal
___16. Felony is committed either by Culpa or?
A. Fault B. Dolo
C. Neglect D. Lack of skill
___17. What is the power of the state to define and punish crimes?
A. Power of eminent domain B. Police power
C. legislative power D. executive
___18. What is another word for deceit?
A. Dolo B. Culpa
C. fault D. Negligence
___19. In the construction of penal laws, it must be ______________ construed in favor of
A. Strictly B. Liberally
C. Severely D. Precisely
___20. Principles of public international law exempt certain individuals from the Generality
characteristic of criminal law. Who among the following are NOT exempt from the Generality
A. Ministers Resident
B. Commercial Attache of a foreign country
C. Ambassador
D. Chiefs of Mission
___21. The penalty to be imposed upon an accomplice in a consummated crime:
A. The penalty next lower by two degrees than that prescribed by law for the
consummated felony
B. The penalty next lower in degree than that prescribed by law for the consummated
C. The penalty next lower in degree than that prescribed by law for the frustrated
D. The penalty next lower in degree than that prescribed by law for the attempted
___22. What is the criminal liability, if any, of a mayor who, without being authorized by law,
compels prostitutes residing in his city to go to, and live in, another place against their will?
A. The mayor is criminally liable for violation of domicile.
B. The mayor is criminally liable for expulsion.
C. The mayor is criminally liable for grave coercion.
D. The mayor incurs no criminal liability because he merely wants to protect the youth
against decency of the prostitutes.
___23. What determines whether a vessel is a Philippine vessel for purposes of the application of
criminal law?
A. Place of Registration B. Place of Construction
C. Citizenship of the Owner D. None of the Above
___24. For offenses committed aboard foreign vessel within Philippine waters, what principle is
applicable to the Philippines?
A. The Philippine Rule B. The English Rule
C. The French Rule D. None of the Above
___25. Acts and omissions punishable by any law are known as
A. Felonies B. Crimes
C. Misdemeanor D. None of the Above
___26. It is the failure to perform a duty required by law.
A. Exception B. Exclusion
C. Avoidance D. Omission
___27. There is no crime when there is no law punishing it. In criminal law, this principle is
known as:
A. Nullum Crimen, Nulla Poene Sine Lege
B. Ignorantia Legis Non Excusat
C. Actus Non Facit Reum, Nisi Mens Sit Rea
D. Actus Me Invito Factus Non Est Meus Actus
___28. Which of the following stages in the execution of felonies has the following elements:
1. offender performs all acts of execution
2. All the acts would produce the felony as a consequence
3. But the felony is not produce
4. By reason of causes independent of the will of the perpetrator.

A. Consummated B. Frustrated
C. Attempted D. None of the Above
___29. Which of the following stages in the execution of felonies has the following elements:
1. Offender commences the felony directly by overt acts
2. Does not perform all acts which would produce the felony
3. His acts are not stopped by his own spontaneous desistance

A. Consummated B. Frustrated
C. Attempted D. None of the Above
___30. In the stages of execution of felonies, the element that all acts of execution are present,
must be present in
A. Attempted and Frustrated
B. Attempted and Consummated
C. Frustrated and Consummated
D. Frustrated and Attempted
___31. Light Felonies are punishable by
A. 1 day to 30 days
B. 1 month and 1 day to 6 months
C. 6 months and 1 day to 6 years
D. 6 years and 1 day to 12 years
___32. According to the order of severity, the penalty next lower in degree from Arresto Mayor
A. Destierro B. Prison Correccional
C. Arresto Menor D. Prision Mayor

___33. The legal duration of Prision Mayor is:

A. 12 years and one day to 20 years

B. 6 months and one day to 6 years
C. 6 years and one day to 12 years
D. 6 months and one day to 12 years
___34. Violation of Domicile can be committed by any public officer or employee who:
A. Shall enter any dwelling against the will of the owner thereof
B. Shall search papers or other effects without the previous consent of the owner
C. Having entered the dwelling of another with consent refuses to leave when required
to leave
D. Both A and B

___35. They are referred to as persons who are directly vested with jurisdiction, whether as an
individual or as member of some court or government corporation, board or commission.
A. Public officers B. Government Officers
C. Persons in Authority D. Elective Officials
___36. SPO1 Bat Chuy arrested Mr. Kawa Tan by virtue of a warrant of arrest issued by a court.
A. SPO1 Bat Chuy has to file the appropriate case within 12, 18, or 36 hours pursuant to
Art. 125 of the Revised Penal Code.
B. SPO1 Bat Chuy has to deliver Mr. Kawa Tan to the court that issued the warrant of
arrest within 12, 18, or 36 hours pursuant to Art. 125 of the Revised Penal Code.
C. The period prescribed under Art. 125 of the Revised Penal Code does not apply.
D. The period prescribed under Art. 125 of the Revise Penal Code applies but it does not
include nighttime and after office hours.
___37. Which is not a mode of committing Violation of Domicile?
A. Entering a dwelling against the will of the owner
B. Searching documents, papers and effects without the previous consent of the owner
C. Refusing to leave having surreptitiously entered when requested by the owner to do
D. Entry with the consent of the house owner
___ 38. The Philippines and Malaysia are at war. Armed hostilities have begun. The Philippine
government prohibited flight to Malaysia. Baste has a girlfriend named Ellen Adarna who is
based in Malaysia. Baste boarded Pacifica, an airplane bound for Malaysia. Before the Aiplane
could take off, Baste was arrested by members of the civil aviation command. Baste committed:
A. Attempted flight to enemy’s country
B. Frustrated flight to enemy’s country
C. Flight to enemy’s country
D. There is no crime since Baste is going to his girlfriend who is in Malaysia
___39. Piracy is qualified when the pirates seize a vessel by:
A. Boarding and firing upon the same
B. Boarding or firing upon the same
C. Boarding and abandoning their victims
D. Boarding and depriving the victims of their valuables
___40. These are the elements of the crime of treason, EXCEPT:
A. The offender is a Filipino citizen or an alien residing in the Philippines
B. There is a war in which the Philippines is involved
C. The offender either levies against the government or adhere to the enemies, giving
them aid or comfort.
D. Breach of allegiance to a government committed by a person who owes allegiance to
the government
___41. This is otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines:
A. Act No. 3185 B. PD 3185
C. PD 3815 D. Act. No. 3815
___42. Which of the following is not a Crime Against National Security:
A. Treason B. Misprision of Treason
C. Espionage D. Violation of Neutrality
___43. Which of the following is not an element of Misprision of Treason?
A. That the offender conceals or does not disclose and make known the conspiracy as
soon as possible to the proper authority.
B. That the offender has knowledge of any conspiracy against the Government.
C. That the offender is a citizen of the Philippines.
D. The conspiracy known by the offender is one to commit Espionage
___44. It is the offense of gathering, transmitting, or losing information respecting the national
defense with intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the
Republic of the Philippines or to the advantage of a foreign nation.
A. Treason B. Espionage
C. Misprision of Treason D. Conspiracy to commit Espionage
___45. It is an act of self-help on the part of the injured state, responding after an unsatisfied
demand to an act contrary to international law on the part of the offending state.
A. Inciting to War B. Reprisal
C. Violation of Neutrality D. Flight to Enemy’s Country
___46. Which of the following is not an element of FLIGHT TO ENEMY’S COUNTRY?
A. That there is a war in which the Philippines is involved;
B. That the offender owes allegiance to the Government;
C. That the offender  attempts to flee or go to the enemy country;
D. That the offender makes correspondence with the enemy’s country.
___47. Which of the following is not a Qualifying Circumstance of Piracy?
A. Whenever the offenders have seized the personal belongings of the passengers of the
B. Whenever the offenders have seized the vessel by boarding or firing upon the same;
C. Whenever the pirates have abandoned their victims without means of saving
D. Whenever the crime is accompanied by murder, homicide, physical injuries, or rape.
___48. What is REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6235?
A. Anti-Terrorism Law B. Anti-Illegal Firearms Law
C. Anti-Hijacking Law D. Anti-Piracy Law
___49. Which of the following is not an element of ARBITRARY DETENTION?
A. That the offender is a public officer or employee;
B. That he detains a person;
C. That the detention is without legal ground.
D. That the person to be detained was arrested with a warrant.
___50. Who many hours should a person be detained for offenses punishable by correctional
penalties or their equivalent?
A. 12 Hours B. 18 Hours
C. 24 Hours D. 36 Hours

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