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Zenita Kurniasari, S.E., M.M.

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kedirgantaraan

Kartika Fajar Nieamah, S.S., M.Sc.

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kedirgantaraan

Wahyuni Fajar Arum, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kedirgantaraan

Natural disaster is a natural event that often gives such impact on the living things
populations. The purpose of this research is to determine whether the occurrence of earthquake
and tsunami has the potential to cause economic loss, thus, mitigation measures can be taken as
an effort to reduce these losses.
The method used in this research is quantitative. The data used are primary data from
questionnaires, and secondary data were gained from various literatures. Data analysis was
performed using Microsoft Excel.
Based on the data analysis that has been conducted, the results show that earthquake and
tsunami have a relation to the economy. All respondents agreed that earthquake and tsunami
caused disruption to the public facilities operation. All respondents also agreed that the detriment
after the earthquake and tsunami had an effect on fulfillment of needs and economic activities.
This answer affirms that the damage of various facilities and production resources caused the
increasing of limited satisfaction tools and scarcity arises, then resulting in economic problems.

INTRODUCTION earthquakes and tsunamis. Indonesia is one

Natural disasters, are natural events of the countries that has a high level of
that often gives such impact on the living vulnerability to natural disasters, especially
things populations. Furthermore, natural for earthquakes and tsunamis. Earthquakes
disasters often have multi-dimensional often occur in Indonesia because Indonesia
impacts. Natural disasters that occur are is located between three plates, which are
including floods, volcanic eruptions, storms, Eurasia, the Pacific and Indo-Australia. The
shifting and the movement of these plates
lead to tectonic earthquakes. Most parts of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and North
Indonesia are susceptible to earthquakes, Sumatra reached US $ 4-4.5 billion. The
including Aceh, North Sumatra, West calculation of losses and damages is still
Sumatra, Bengkulu, Lampung, West Java, temporary based on field surveys. Damage
Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, data includes the destruction of physical
Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku, North buildings in the affected areas. "These losses
Maluku to Papua. (Nailufar, 2020)[1] is also including potential income lost due to
One of the real impacts of natural damage," said Sri Mulyani in a seminar on
disasters is the disruption in the economy. planning for rehabilitation and
The loss of production sources, both raw reconstruction of Aceh and North Sumatra
materials, human power, the damaged people (BAPENAS, etc., 2006)
infrastructure and then lead to relay effect A major earthquake disaster also
on the loss of Gross Domestic Product happened in Yogyakarta on Saturday, May
(GDP). Brata et al. (2018) [2] also said that 27, 2006, measuring 5.9 on the Richter
human and social capital are important in scale, a type of destructive earthquake with a
explaining variation in economic growth. damage scale of 7 MMI (Modified Mercally
Natural shocks or disasters such as Intensity). The explosive power of energy is
earthquakes will affect the composition of equivalent to 40 kilo tons of TNT or equal to
the factors of production and then it will twice of the explosion from the Hiroshima
give negative affect on economic growth. bomb (BBC, 2018). Based on the data
The results of this research conducted by the gained, the death casualties from this
Global Earthquake Model Foundation, earthquake reached 5,700 people, injured
which mapped which countries in the world more than 40,000 to 60,000 people,
had the greatest potential to experience destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes
earthquakes and calculated how fragile and livelihoods. The calculation of losses
houses, schools, workplaces were, how due to this earthquake, without
compact the earthquake-prone areas were, strengthening the damage to small
and how many potential death, potential companies, schools and clinics is estimated
damage and economic loss put Indonesia in at Rp. 29.1 trillion (US $ 3.1 billion)
fifth place after China, Japan, Iran and the (BAPENAS, etc., 2006).
Philippines in the list of countries at risk of At a different time and place, on
experiencing the highest losses from March 11, 2011 an earthquake happened in
earthquakes (Andisari, 2018)[3] Japan in the Tohoku region which was also
Aceh, and Palu are areas in accompanied by a tsunami. The earthquake
Indonesia that have experienced a quite was measured 9.0 SR and a 10-meter
powerful tectonic earthquake and also tsunami which destroyed Tohoku city.
followed by a tsunami. The earthquake and Based on Japanese government data as of
tsunami in Aceh that occurred caused March 2012, there were tens of thousands of
approximately 500,000 lives lost. Dozens of dead casualties and damage to various
buildings were destroyed, especially in public facilities such as railroads, nuclear
Meulaboh and Banda Aceh. In Banda Aceh, reactors also triggering radioactive radiation
about 50% of all buildings damaged by the threat. As a result, industrial production has
tsunami (Hermansyah, 2017). Sri Mulyani, decreased and the contribution of the
as the Head of Bapenas at that time, tourism industry in Japan has decreased
revealed that the estimated loss because of (Miana.S & Subagio.D, 2012).
the earthquake and tsunami waves in
Based on the previous explanation,
the problem that will be examined in this
study are the effect of the earthquake on the
affected areas and the earthquake and
tsunami disaster mitigation system in the
economic sector. The specific objective of
this research is to produce an appropriate
mitigation system for natural disasters like
earthquakes to potential tsunamis in
Indonesia by studying the mitigation
systems in Japan. The urgency of this
research is the importance of finding the
right earthquake and tsunami mitigation
system for Indonesia so that it can reduce
detriment, especially in the economic sector.



Earthquake is a phenomenon when

the earth is shaking due to the sudden Figure 2.1 the shift in the earth's crust emit
movement/shifting of the rock layers on the earthquake wave radiation that cause quake and
changes in rock structure on the surface (Source:
earth's crust due to the movement of tectonic Yagi, IISEE, 2006 in Sunarjo.dkk, 2012)
plates. Earthquakes that are caused by If based on the causes of their
tectonic plate movement activity are called occurrence, earthquakes can be grouped
tectonic earthquakes (Sunarjo et al., 2012). into: tectonic, volcanic, debris, meteor falls
Besides being caused by plate movement, and man-made earthquakes (Sunarjo.dkk,
earthquakes can also happen as a result of 2012). Tectonic earthquakes are earthquakes
volcanic activity which is known as volcanic caused by the release of elastic energy
earthquakes. The sudden movement of the stored in tectonic plates. Because of the
rock layers inside the earth produces energy dynamics that take place in the Earth's
that is emitted in all directions in the form of mantle layer, the Earth's tectonic plates
earthquake waves or seismic waves. When continue receiving energy from this layer.
these waves reach the surface of the earth, Tectonic plates are rocks that are elastic, so
the vibrations can damage everything on the that the energy received from the mantle
surface of the earth such as buildings and layer is stored in the form of elastic energy.
other infrastructure so that it can cause If the energy received exceeds the elasticity
casualties and property losses (Sunarjo.dkk, limit of the tectonic plate, the energy will be
2012) released in the form of plastic deformation
and elastic waves. Areas that release elastic
energy are generally weak areas so that
these areas will experience plastic
deformation, while areas far from the source
will experience elastic deformation in the
form of seismic waves. With the occurrence
of plastic deformation around the source of or hammers that are hit to the surface
the earthquake, a phenomenon that can be (Sunarjo.dkk, 2012)
observed in the long term is the movement Tsunami
of tectonic plates with the following types of
movement: the submergence between the Tsunami comes from the Japanese
oceanic plate and the continental plate, the language (Hiragana), namely tsu which
collision between the two continental plates, means wave and nami which means port.
and the movement of the oceanic plate away Tsunamis can then be defined as large
from one another, also the movement of the waves that occur due to changes in the ocean
plates that shift each other. Because of the floor as a result of volcanic eruptions in the
uneven edges of the plates, if they scrape sea or underwater landslides or underwater
together, it will cause friction. This friction earthquakes (Sunarjo.dkk, 2012).
then releases the earthquake shock energy Tsunamis can occur as natural
(Sunarjo.dkk, 2012). phenomena that sometimes follow
Next, volcanic earthquakes are earthquakes. If the earthquake that occurs is
earthquakes caused by volcanic activity. caused by the movement or shift of the
Magma in the pocket under the mountain is continental plate with the oceanic plate,
under pressure and releases its energy there will be deformation on the seabed
suddenly, causing ground vibrations. In which will then cause a tsunami because the
addition, the release of stress energy also plate boundaries are generally on the seabed
causes the slow movement of magma. (Sunarjo.dkk, 2012).
Earthquake tectonic activity can trigger
volcanic earthquake activity. The rise of Mitigation
magma to the surface can be triggered by a
shift in tectonic plates in Earth faults. Law No. 24 of 2007, Chapter I
Usually this happens at the tectonic plate General Provisions, Article 1 number 9 (PP
boundaries which are convergent (pressing No. 21 of 2008, Chapter I General
each other). But in volcanic earthquakes, the Provisions, Article 1 point 6, defines
quake effect is more caused by magma mitigation as a series of efforts to reduce
pressure, while in tectonic earthquakes the disaster risk, through physical development
direct quake effect is caused by the collision or awareness and increased the ability to
of two tectonic plates. If the tectonic plates encounter the disaster threats In general,
involved are continental plates with oceanic mitigation can be defined as reduction,
plates, there will be deformation on the prevention or it can be said as the process of
seabed which will cause a tsunami because seeking for various preventive actions to
the plate boundaries are generally on the minimize negative impacts on geological
seabed. Collapse earthquake is a local natural disasters (Noor, 2014).
earthquake that occurs when a cave in a Sunarjo.dkk (2012) states that
karst rock area or a mining site collapses. disaster mitigation, especially in this case is
Meanwhile, a meteor fall earthquake is an an earthquake, can be carried out before an
earthquake that is caused by a meteorite fall earthquake, during an earthquake, after an
or celestial body to the earth's surface. earthquake and preparedness. Noor (2014)
Earthquakes that are caused by human also states that in general disaster mitigation
activity, is an earthquake that is caused by can be done in four ways, consisting of:
actions carried out by humans such as a. Establish and strengthen regional
detonating dynamite, nuclear, bomb blasts, development and land use planning,
planning of building supervision which are the needs that are not
which suitable with dangerous accompanied by purchasing power and
zoning and building regulations needs that are accompanied by
b. Carry out training for communities purchasing power which are then called
and institutional representatives effective demand.
c. Build and enhance disaster risk
management capacities at the local METHOD, DATA AND ANALYSIS
and national levels
d. Sustainable resource management Research on the impact of the
such as watershed management and economy after the earthquake and the
infrastructure improvement potential for a tsunami in the Tokyo and
Bantul areas was conducted using
Economy quantitative descriptive methods. The
quantitative research method is a research
Economics or economy in many method based on the philosophy of
economic literature has been said to come positivity, used to research on certain
from Greek, namely from the word Oikos populations or samples, the sampling
which means family, household and Nomos technique is carried out randomly, data
which means regulation, rule of law. collection uses research instruments, the
Economics then can be defined as the study data analysis is in the form of quantitative.
of human behavior in choosing and creating Sources of data in this study use
prosperity. The core of economic problems primary data and secondary data. Secondary
is an imbalance between unlimited human data were obtained through data in literacy
needs and limited number of satisfying studies, while primary data were obtained
needs tools. This problem then causes through questionnaires where the
scarcity (Ingg: scarcity in Basuki, A.T and questionnaire sample was selected using the
Prowoto, N). non-probably sampling method using
Economic activities can be defined purposive sampling technique, where
as the activities of a person or a company or samples were obtained based on
society to produce goods and services or characteristics. This technique was chosen
consume these goods and services (Basuki, because the population and sample taken
A.T and Prowoto, N). have certain characteristics which include:
Next, in relation to do economic activities, 1. People who have experienced an
several problems may arise (Basuki, A.T earthquake and a potential tsunami in the
and Prowoto, N)., which are: Tokyo or Bantul area.
a. The scarcity problem, where this problem 2. ≥ 17 years old.
arises because of an imbalance between Other primary data were gained through
people's needs and the production factors interviews conducted with 3 sources that
used to produce various goods, therefore were used to strengthen the research results
not all people who need get what they in terms of the impact of the earthquake,
want, so people have to make choices especially in terms of the economy and
b. Community needs, is the desire of the disaster mitigation in Japan for the Tokyo
community to consume goods and and Indonesia (Yogyakarta) regions.
services. This need can be supplied from Data analysis was conducted with
within and outside the country. the help of Microsoft Excel by recapitulating
Community needs are divided into two, the answers from the questionnaires that had
been distributed. The next step is to draw industrial production has decreased and the
conclusions from the most dominant answer. contribution of the tourism industry in Japan
After the conclusion is found, it will be has decreased (BBC, 2018). Another source,
strengthened by the results of interviews and the Japanese Police, stated that the
literacy studies. earthquake had killed 12,431 people and
15,153 people were missing, then 163,000
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION people had to be displaced, 46,027 buildings
were damaged, swept away by the tsunami ,
Natural disasters often cause impacts or burned down, 164,059 houses in the
such as loss of population, damage to public northern region of Japan were not electrified
facilities and infrastructure, damage to by the Tohoku Electric Power Co., 170,000
production facilities and production houses in eight prefectures with water
resources which then result in economic shortages according to the Ministry of
problems, both for individuals, an economic Health, and from an economic point of view
entity to the scope of the state. Based on this the Japanese government revealed losses
view, a series of efforts to reduce damage due to the earthquake and tsunami
need to be pursued in order to minimize amounting to 16-25 trillion yen or around
losses. IDR 2,536 trillion, which is the largest loss
In relation to research on the impact due to natural disasters in history (Asegaf,
of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and 2011).
Indonesia from this economic review, based Meanwhile for the earthquake in
on the results of questionnaires that have Indonesia in this case the earthquake in
been distributed to samples from two Yogyakarta, from a national point of view,
regions, namely Japan and Indonesia, it the loss of economic activity in the affected
shows that there is an influence between the area only has small. Before the 11th
occurrence of an earthquake and tsunami on earthquake the affected districts / cities
the economy. All respondents agreed that contributed around 2.2% to national GDP
the earthquake and tsunami caused and, out of all five experienced low damage
disruption to the operation of public and losses. The two worst affected districts
facilities. All respondents also agreed that are Bantul and Klaten, which contribute
the losses after the earthquake and tsunami around 0.4% of the national GDP. The main
had an effect on fulfillment of needs and impact on the national economy is likely
economic activities. This answer affirms that coming from the costs of the reconstruction
the damage of various facilities and effort and its implications for central
production resources caused the increasing government finances (Joint Report of
of limited satisfaction tools and scarcity BAPPENAS, Yogyakarta Provincial and
arises, then resulting in economic problems. Regional Governments, Central Java
The earthquake and tsunami in Japan Provincial and Regional Governments, and
(Tohoku) on March 11, 2011 with a International Partners, 2006). Next, in
magnitude of 9.0 SR and a tsunami as high regional and individual scope the most
as 10 meters, based on Japanese government severe impacts were including the
data as of March 2012, recorded tens of manufacturing, energy, water and sanitation,
thousands of casualties and damage to and services industries. This is then
various public facilities such as railroads, estimated to have contributed to the loss of
reactors nuclear and trigger the threat of approximately 130,000 jobs, which
radioactive radiation. The result is that represents about 4% of the total pre-
earthquake workforce in the earthquake- minimize the impact of an earthquake which
affected areas. As the result, the is not impossible to be followed by a
unemployment rate is estimated to increase tsunami wave. The various efforts that were
from 7% to around 11% after the earthquake then made by Japan were that from an
(Joint report BAPPENAS, Provincial and economic perspective, the Japanese
Regional Governments of D.I. Yogyakarta, government had budgeted more than U $ D
Provincial and Regional Governments of 2 billion for disaster mitigation and
Central Java, and Mitra International, 2006). preparedness. This amount is more than the
Elnashai, A et al (2006) in their report also total annual government profits of half of
said there are affected area because of the world's nations (Coburn.A.W, et al,
earthquake with prosentase 16% agriculture 1994). Funding for mitigation means
and 26% industry. Tourism also affected investing in the economy, but the opposite is
with prosentase almost 18%. a loss if the infrastructure that has been built
is damaged due to a disaster. Realizing this,
several things were then done by Japan,
Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Japan including after among others, after the 2011
and Indonesia Tohoku Earthquake as a disaster mitigation
Seeing the big impact of both measure as stated by Nato Tada, an expert in
physical and economic losses arising from Disaster Prevention, Japan International
the earthquake and tsunami that may have Corporation Agency at a Press Conference
followed, it is necessary to have a series of at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, quoted from
efforts to reduce the impact of disaster risks,, among others:
both through physical development and 1. The Japanese government is serious
awareness and increased ability to encounter about improving by making an
the threat of disasters that occur which is estimate of the level of potential
then called mitigation. The main objective disaster impacts followed by the
of mitigation is to reduce the risk of death formulation of a law that targets the
and injury to the affected population, while reduction of the risk of victims
the secondary objective is to reduce the within the next 10 years.
damage and economic losses occured as a 2. The targeting of earthquake
result of disasters to public sector resistant houses across Japan has
infrastructure and reduce private sector reached 90% by 2020
losses to the extent that these are possible to 3. Relocation of vital buildings to
influence society as a whole (Coburn. AW, higher ground in order to avoid the
et al, 1994). A series of mitigation strategy possibility of tsunami and
which including economic value, several constructing shelters, such as a 22
technical measures, spatial planning, social meter high tower with a capacity of
inputs, and management will be required to more than 230 people.
produce effective disaster mitigation 4. Socialization of disaster response to
(Coburn.A.W, et al, 1994). the community which is conducted
No country is as prepared as Japan in massively for a quite long time so
encountering the disaster. This expression is that people are aware of potential
not without cause. The 1,500 average disasters
earthquake shocks per year experienced by
Japan demand that State of Sakura have a
comprehensive mitigation system to
adapting indigenous knowledge in the
community using the research results
3. Spatial and land management in most
of the national priority areas based on
the management plan for water, land
and forest resources in accordance
with the results of disaster risk studies
and Regional Strategic Environmental
Source: Studies
5. Collecting data to each head of the
family, including persons with CONCLUSION
disabilities in the family, how many
people can be assisted to the closest 1. The earthquake and the potential of
efficiency route. tsunami that occurred in Japan and
Indonesia also had an impact on the
Several other things that were then done by economy, both in the national scope and
Japan in relation to disaster mitigation on the individual
quoted from are: 2. Japan and Indonesia, which are countries
1.Preparation of the survival kit with the potential for earthquakes and
2.Trains with earthquake gear sensors tsunamis with high intensity, require
both countries to have a good disaster
mitigation system to minimize losses,
where it is realized that adequate
budgeting for disaster mitigation is the
same as investment. Preventive
measures need to be taken, such as
providing a legal protection and issuing
a law on buildings and environmental
management to minimize casualties and
Source: economic losses due to damage and loss
3. Earthquake warnings via cell phones of production resources.
and television broadcasts
Apart from Japan, Indonesia as a SUGGESTION
country that is prone to earthquakes and
potential tsunamis also has a disaster Indonesia already has a good design
mitigation system. These are the disaster in terms of disaster mitigation, but some
prevention and mitigation efforts in things that we can learn from Japan include
Indonesia (Disaster Management Renas, regulations on building regulations and
2014): raising awareness in the community that
1. Optimizing public awareness strategies Indonesia is in a disaster-prone area,
to develop community participation in especially in this case is earthquakes and the
implementing disaster prevention and potential followed by a tsunami.
2. Developing applied research with a
structured framework and aiming at
increasing the cost-benefit ratio and
always consider the process of
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