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Department of Business

Organizational Behavior

Group Members
Mahtab Shaukat
Dawood Yousuf
Abdullah Tariq
MBA- 1
Table of Contents
PEL COMPANY LIMITED & ALPHA CORE TECHNOLOGIES............................................................................4
Introduction of the Companies................................................................................................................4
Top- Line Managers.................................................................................................................................5
Workplace Diversity.............................................................................................................................5
Job Design............................................................................................................................................8
Organizational Commitment...............................................................................................................8
Organizational Politics.......................................................................................................................10
Low Line Managers................................................................................................................................11
Workplace Diversity...........................................................................................................................11
Job Design..........................................................................................................................................13
Organizational Commitment.............................................................................................................13
Organizational Politics.......................................................................................................................15
Competitive Analysis.................................................................................................................................16
Competitive Analysis of top line managers............................................................................................16
Competitive Analysis of low line managers...........................................................................................17
Introduction of the Companies

Pak Elektron Limited (PEL) is a Pakistani engineering corporation manufactures major

home appliances and electrical equipment. PEL was founded in 1956 through technical
collaboration with AEG. In 1978, PEL was acquired by Saigol Group and was taken public a
decade later. Over the years, PEL has formed alliances with several international giants,
including General Electric, Fujitsu, and Hitachi. PEL operates in two segments - power and
appliances. The former includes manufacturing of transformers, grid stations and energy meters
among other goods, while the latter division deals in making, assembling and distribution of
home appliances like refrigerators and air conditioner.

Key people

Mr. Naseem Saigol (CEO), Mr. Murad Saigol, Mr. Zeid Saigol.


Refrigerators, Air conditioners, Microwave Ovens, Water Dispensers, Transformers, Switchgear

and Energy Meters.

Alpha Core Technologies is a software company. The origination of this company is from
Canada. The names of the CEO of the company are Omar Kiyani and Corey Ling. They have
worked on various projects in the time period of 12 years. They are successful entrepreneurs and
are skill-fully handling their enterprise.

Top- Line Managers
PEL- Mr. Raheel (Manager Credit Control)

Alpha Core Technologies- Mr. Hassan Kiyani (Managing Director)

Workplace Diversity

1. What problems do the managers face while managing a diverse workforce? How do
they manage workplace diversity?

Answer- PEL (Mr. Raheel)

I will talk according to my department. Different tasks are assigned to me. I have 42
people working under me-(zonal managers and accountants). My main job description is to
determine how much credit should be given, how to maintain company’s portfolio, determining
the amount of credit to be given under the policy of the organization and also decide how much
credit is to be given in market. For determining the amount of credit we also need to determine
the market size as for example the market size of refrigerators. So mainly I need to decide the
amount of credit and also manage the receivables of the company. We have 20 branches across
the country. The biggest mistake managers make is applying the same management style for
each person on their team. This results in poor management, which can have a negative impact
on a company, from low morale to high turnover--the exact opposite of what a dynamic, well-
managed diverse workforce can deliver. According to me the key to managing diversity is
adjusting your leadership style depending on the person or the situation. Whether race, age,
gender, or any number of qualities that make your workforce unique, how you manage one
person may not be the way to manage, motivate, and lead another. Effectively managing
diversity in the workplace starts by focusing on these three things: Connecting, creative
collaboration and constant communication. I assign different tasks to different people keeping in
view their interests. I also build their job descriptions according to their interests. For example if
an employee is good at relationship building I assign him the tasks regarding/relating to
managing relations with different branches. We have many people from different sects in our
organization but Alhamdulillah no serious discrimination exists in our organization.

Answer- Alpha Core Technologies (Mr. Hassan Kiyani)

The workforce diversity means the expansion of the part of the company to another
country. Diversifying means availability of the company’s products in other countries as well.
There are several problems that are incurred when a work place is diversified.

 Costs are incurred.

 A trusted team is required.
 Updating the CEO abroad is the manager’s responsibility.
 Developing cultural norms between the work force efficiency abroad and the team work
efficiency according to new work force.
 Achieving goals according to the CEO demand becomes necessary.
 Keeping an eye vigilantly on meeting deadlines.

They manage the workplace by creating a friendly environment with the employees.
Proper guidelines are given to achieve efficient productivity.

2. Which motivational theories do the managers use to motivate their subordinates?

What motivates these managers? What motivates their subordinates?

Answer- PEL (Mr. Raheel)

I believe the pre-requisite for motivation is loving your work, or what you do. When you
love your work you are automatically motivated to become better. If you are least interested in
your job than nothing can motivate you. If I talk about myself my head supports me a lot,
appreciates and encourages me which motivates me a lot. You also need to hold the employees
accountable. Mainly financial rewards motivate most of the employees but some employees are
more motivated thru appreciation, encouragement, and recognition of their work. Also, I believe
employees may not always need a pay raise as much as they do personal thanks from their
manager for a job well done. Show your workers that you support them, and encourage better
performance by motivating them in the following ways:

 Personally, I thank employees for doing a good job- one on one, in writing, or both. Do it
promptly, often, and sincerely.
 Be willing to take time to meet with and listen to employees. Give them as much time as
they need or want.
 Encourage new ideas and initiative.
 Provide information about upcoming products and strategies, how the company makes
and loses money, and how each employee fits into the overall plan.
 Involve employees in decisions, especially those decisions that directly affect them.
 Encourage employees to have a sense of ownership in their work and their work
 Use performance as the basis for recognizing, rewarding, and promoting people. Deal
properly with low and marginal performers so that they improve their performance or
leave the organization.

Answer- Alpha Core Technologies (Mr. Hassan Kiyani)

There are different motivational theories that are implemented to aim and create a good
work force. Some theories are monetary related and few are perks related. Managers uses the
theory of Maslow which explains the hierarchy of needs: The most attractive factor is the
Physiological needs – these needs must be met in order for a person to survive, such as food,
water and shelter. Safety – including personal and financial security and health and wellbeing.
Love/belonging – the need for friendships, relationships and family. Esteem – the need to feel
confident and be respected by others. Self-actualization – the desire to achieve everything you
possibly can and become the most that you can be. According to the hierarchy of needs,
managers ensures that subordinates are in good health, safe and secure with meaningful
relationships and confidence before they are able to do the most that they can be. The best way
managers can motivate employees/subordinates other than financial rewards is that they need to
be willing to take time to meet with and listen to employees. Give them as much time as they
need or want. Strive to create a work environment that is open, trusting, and fun.

Job Design

3. How do managers make jobs more interesting and meaningful for their employees?
Compute the motivating potential score (MPS) for each manager’s job and interpret
the results.

Answer- PEL (Mr. Raheel)

According to me the best way to make jobs more interesting is thru assigning tasks to
employees according to their interests. As I already mentioned that if some employee is good at
managing relationships I would assign him the task of managing relationships with other
branches. The best way is to assign tasks according to the interests and capabilities of the
employees this would make their jobs more meaningful and interesting for them. Also if I will
feel that some employee is demotivated with his job. I will look for the reasons that demotivated
him and try to fix them.

Answer- Alpha Core Tech (Mr. Hassan Kiyani)

The jobs are made more exciting with the elements of job rotation and job enrichment.
Both these leads to the change of tasks performances for the employees. They try new ways and
learn about all stages in making of the products. They learn and can easily specify their area of
specialization after doing work at all stages.

Organizational Commitment

4. What strategies do the managers use to enhance the organizational commitment of

their subordinates? Are the managers committed to their organization? Compute
the organizational commitment score for each manager and interpret the results.
Answer- PEL (Mr. Raheel)
Well, according to what I believe, the commitment towards the organization depends
upon the interests, goals, directions, and objectives of the organization. The foremost goal of the
company is to meet these goals and organizations can only meet their goals once their employees
are committed towards the organization and they show attachment and association with the
organization. It is also very essential for the top management to show association towards
employees and subordinates. I would also like to share that prior to PEL, I had been working
with Dawlance and I will have to say that they possess the best practices and accounting systems
which I have tried to implement at PEL. This is because I believe that wherever you see someone
following a best practice you should appreciate it and try to follow it to enhance your
organization. The process of improvement should be frequent.

Answer- Alpha Core Technologies (Mr. Hassan Kiyani)

Our organization provides the opportunity of bonuses to employees. Success of the
company depends upon the determination of the manager and employees towards the goals of the
company that they are committed to if they are supported with their ideas.

5. What type of leadership style do these managers have? Is it effective? Why or why
Answer- PEL (Mr. Raheel)
My leadership style basically is more towards being relationship and goal oriented. It is
extremely essential to communicate goals to the bottom level thru motivation and proper
management only than goals can be achieved. I delegate my responsibilities and focus towards
being more goal oriented because achieving goals is equally essential as managing relationships
with the employees. However, all employees need to work according to their job descriptions.

Answer- Alpha Core Technologies (Mr. Hassan Kiyani)

The style of leadership used in Alpha Core Technology Company is democratic. There is
the key of two way communication. Ideas are exchanged by managers to subordinates and vice
versa. It is effective, because different ideologies are implemented by the specialized workforce
to achieve the best results in meeting the goal at specified time.


6. What bases of power have contributed to the manager’s success? Which influence
tactics do the managers use to influence their subordinates?
Answer- PEL (Mr. Raheel)
There exists no such power culture in PEL Company. Our CFO’s are very friendly but
obviously there remains a limit between top management and the rest. Top management is also
relationship and goal oriented. They are open to experience and suggestions. Because our top
management believes that the friendlier we will be the more our employees will work effectively
and the more open they will be towards us and the more they will be associated with the
organization in all aspects.

Answer- Alpha Core Technologies (Mr. Hassan Kiyani)

In our organization we all work friendly. We do not believe a lot in power culture
because we think it does not bring expected results but yes we have strict discipline guidelines
that everyone is required to follow. However reward power is used to some extent like pay raises
and promotions but simultaneously all employees are held accountable for their actions and are
warned for inappropriate actions. That creates a balance.

Organizational Politics

7. What are the main sources of organizational politics in manager’s organizations?

How do managers control political behavior in their workplace?
Answer- PEL (Mr. Raheel)
I think organizational politics is the main reason of politics generation. If I talk about
Dawlance nothing like this happens at Dawlance. It was acquired by a Turkish group when I left
but before that Mr. Bashir owned it who was an extremely extraordinary leader. In regard to
PEL organizational politics exist to some extent in comparison to Dawlance. But no politics
existed in Dawlance because Mr. Bashir himself was involved in organization and maintaining
profitability. Giving appropriate guidance and treating employees equally will help in
eradicating politics. Employees also need to have a good relationship with each other.

Answer- Alpha Core Technologies (Mr. Hassan Kiyani)

Main sources of organizational politics are the bonuses that are achieved by one another
in a particular task. Every manager and subordinate wants the ruling or superior position to
justify their standard of skills within the organizational structure. The managers of the company
controls the behavior by encouraging all the employees rather than criticizing others. This way
they will feel like team rather than a competition.

Low Line Managers

PEL- Mr. Shazaib (Product Manager- Refrigerator)

Alpha Core Technologies- Mr. Mubashir (SEO- IT Control)

Workplace Diversity

1. What problems do the managers face while managing a diverse workforce? How do
they manage workplace diversity?
Answer- PEL (Mr. Shazaib)
I believe everyone learns with experience. Everyone wants to become a boss and enjoy
leading over the team. A lot of discrimination exists. You need to give respect in order to earn it.
The main issue is to understand how to deal with uneducated people. You need to create
familiarity with your colleagues and organization. You need to talk respectively. Motivate your
subordinates but the main motivator is financial reward and giving so many financial rewards
becomes difficult keeping in view the economic downturn. In order to manage a diverse
workforce I believe the top management or the managers need to provide employees with
comfortable, casual and flexible work environment. Treating all equally, respect them. For
example, I act as a spokesperson for my subordinates and the employees working under me. I
fight for their cases and they trust me with their issues. So you need to have a strong bonding
with all the employees and also urge employees to have a good relationship with each other.
Only than diverse workforce can be managed effectively.

Answer- Alpha Core Technologies (Mr. Mubashir)

Being a low- line manager in the IT department, I believe there is a lot of burden and
pressure on the low line managers because they need to carry out the entire task and are held
accountable for every action by the top managers. As this is a Canadian originated organization,
we have pretty odd working hours and pressurized a lot to complete the task for the next day. In
regard to the managing of diverse workforce, the management needs to be respectful and kind to
the employees by giving them equal treatment. Also providing them with necessary trainings.
This will aid in managing a diverse workforce.


2. Which motivational theories do the managers use to motivate their subordinates?

What motivates these managers? What motivates their subordinates?
Answer- PEL (Mr. Shazaib)
The first thing I believe is that you need to be passionate about what you do. Your work,
your job should give you peace and happiness. This is the main thing essential for motivation.
Otherwise motivation and demotivation keeps going on side by side. That’s pretty obvious that
the main motivators are promotions, increments and financial rewards. But these rewards need to
be given after appropriate accountability. Otherwise if you miss giving reward to a deserving
employee it will affect his/her productivity and demotivate the employee.

Answer- Alpha Core Tech (Mr. Mubashir)

When top managers motivate low- line managers, they work more effectively in order to
win rewards and appreciation and attain a good position in the organization. I believe the top
management focuses over the fulfillment of all sorts of needs of the employees.

Job Design

3. How do managers make jobs more interesting and meaningful for their employees?
Compute the motivating potential score (MPS) for each manager’s job and interpret
the results.
Answer- PEL (Mr. Shazaib)
According to what I think employees can perform best in what they are interested or what
satisfies them. Also jobs of employees can be rotated so that they do not get bored of doing the
same job over and over again/ every time. But essentially the jobs should be designed keeping in
mind the interests and capability of an employee.

Answer- Alpha Core Tech (Mr. Mubashir)

I being a low line manager think that if low line managers like me and the employees
under us are given jobs that are more challenging and interesting it would be more meaningful to
us. Also the job enrichment and job rotation technique can be used in order to make jobs more
exciting for the employees and refraining them from getting bored.
Organizational Commitment

4. What strategies do the managers use to enhance the organizational commitment of

their subordinates? Are the managers committed to their organization? Compute
the organizational commitment score for each manager and interpret the results.
Answer- PEL (Mr. Shazaib)
In our organization, specifically the department I am working for – refrigerators. This
department has seasonal sales so I in order to keep employees committed towards the
organization I assign them tasks during off seasons too and appreciate them so that they do not
get distracted and demotivated. And also their association towards the organization becomes
stronger. Financial rewards also play a vital role in both motivating the employee and in creating
his/her strong association with the organization.

Answer- Alpha Core Technologies (Mr. Mubashir)

To be very honest the main elements that can urge an employee to stay committed to
his/her organization is the fringe benefits, bonuses and financial rewards associated with the job
and also the recognition and appreciation. So I believe this can enhance the employee’s
commitment towards the organization.


5. What type of leadership style do these managers have? Is it effective? Why or why
Answer- PEL (Mr. Shazaib)
I am a very lenient type of boss. I trust my employees and pass on my responsibilities. I
am a very transparent person and I am very clear on company dynamics. If you believe in your
employees and allow them to participate in important decisions, this boosts their morale and
enhances their productivity. I also use a strategy which has been proven successful to me. Every
month I declare an employee a team leader for the month based on his/her performance for the
month, this urges the employees to work more hard in order to become the next leader. We also
need to provide employees with frequent feedbacks, training and motivation both verbally and
thru financial incentives. Because me being a manager, would also say that all this would be the
most motivating elements for me too.
Answer- Alpha Core Technologies (Mr. Mubashir)
In Alpha Core tech the democratic leadership style is used which is pretty effective when
it comes to employee’s productivity and participation. Under this style, employees can contribute
(say) in the organization. They feel wanted and important by the organization because they are
asked to give suggestions and participate in the decision making process. It works well when
trying to solve a complex concern, encourages creativity, and strengthens the relationships of a


6. What bases of power have contributed to the manager’s success? Which influence
tactics do the managers use to influence their subordinates?
Answer- PEL (Mr. Shazaib)
I would say a big “NO” to the practice of power culture. Here at PEL, we all work
sociably like a family. There exists some conflicts but at a very minimal level, that can be sorted

Answer- Alpha Core Technologies (Mr. Mubashir)

As I already mentioned that we follow a democratic style of leadership and in our
organization every employee has equal importance and is treated equally. We do not prefer and
we are against the practice of power culture because this ruins the harmony and peace of the
organization. But yes we are disciplined.

Organizational Politics

7. What are the main sources of organizational politics in manager’s organizations?

How do managers control political behavior in their workplace?
Answer- PEL (Mr. Shazaib)
Organizational politics exists at every level of the organization be that top level or low
level. I personally try not to be part of such politics and let employees settle down matters on
their own. I only interfere when it needed in order to resolve the conflict and warn the employee
who is at mistake.

Answer- Alpha Core Technologies (Mr. Mubashir)

Organizational politics leads to jealousy and every employee starts striving hard in order
to become the best in the boss eye. I believe the best way to get rid of organization politics is that
the managers should listen to all the employees, their ideas, suggestions, treat, and appreciate all
equally. Because politics occur when one employee is given more say and importance than the

Competitive Analysis
In the competitive analysis, we will compare the both managers to see which one is more
effective and how through the help of a table and listing different points. In the end we will give
recommendation to the managers.

Competitive Analysis of top line managers

Name PEL Alpha Core
Mr. Raheel
Mr. Hassan Kiyani

Designation Manager credit Managing director

Leadership style Collaborating and Democratic style
cohesive style

Motivational theories Expectancy theory Maslow’s Hierarchy of

MPS score 224 108

OCS score 5 4.75

Power distance Low Low

Competitive Analysis of low line managers

Name PEL Alpha Core
Mr. Shazaib
Mr. Hassan Kiyani
Designation Product manager SEO IT control

Leadership style Combination of servant Democratic style

and authentic style

Motivational theories Expectancy theory Maslow’s hierarchy of

MPS score 238 265.86

OCS score 3 5

Power distance Low Low

PEL needs to focus more on intrinsic rewards and bonuses to enhance the motivation
level of this topline managers and more importantly give them high ended tasks/goals so the
motivation can be increased.

On the other hand, Alpha Core Technologies can focus more on the motivation of the top
line manager because the score is 108 which is quite less. Which concludes that this organization
needs to start focusing on the factors that can increase the motivation of its manager.

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