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Illinois Lottery

Study Committee Meeting

for the Internet Lottery Study Test
Minutes October 17, 2013 1:08 PM
Open Session

On Thursday October 17, 2013, a Regular Meeting of the Lottery Study Committee for the Internet
Lottery Test was held in the 19th floor Conference Room at 122 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

Roll Call

The Open Session on Internet Lottery Study Committee Meeting started at approximately 1:08 P.M.
Members present: Director Michael Jones, Marco Tasso CEO Northstar Lottery Group, Brian Jordan via
telephone, Holly Kruep via telephone, Keith Jones via telephone. Non-Members present: Rosalind Byrd,
Sara Barnett, Victor Golden, and Jen Acker. Members not present: Ai Poonjai, Nellie Ridsdale of the
Governor’s Office.

Approval of Minutes:
Member Brian Jordan moved that the Lottery Study Committee (Internet Lottery Study Committee)
approve the open session minutes for the meeting of Friday, September 27, 2013. Member Marco
Tasso seconded the motion. The Board approved the motion unanimously.

Approval of Agenda:
 The Committee approved the motion unanimously.

Review of Minutes from previous meeting:

 Member Michael Jones yielded to Sara Barnett to review the prior minutes for September 27,
 Sara Barnett presented prior minutes for discussion. There was no discussion.

Old Business:
 The prior findings with legislation and timelines were presented for discussion. There was no

New Business:
The Board reviewed the timeline established at the last meeting. The next timeline items are:

1. November 8, 2013, “No later than 15 calendar days after meeting, the study committee shall
submit to the Department any written changes, additions or corrections the Study
Committee wishes the Department to make to the study.”
• NOTE: This Veteran’s Day, so it should be done by Friday, November 8th
2. The Committee’s findings can be an appendix to the report

3. Any changes can be submitted electronically to Sara Barnett by the close of business on
Friday, November 8, 2013.

4. A question arose about the format for submitting changes. Any changes should be
incorporated into a Word document to be reviewed.

There will be no meeting on November 8, 2013. In lieu of a meeting, changes should be submitted

The next meeting is Tuesday, November 19, 2013.

1. Prior to this meeting, Sara will circulate final comments submitted from November 8,

2. Final submission of the committee’s findings will be submitted to the legislature on

November 19, 2013.

Other Business:

There was no other new business.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Member Marco Tasso and seconded by Member Holly
Kruep. The vote was unanimous and the meeting ended at 1:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rosalind Byrd

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