Narrative Essay Prewriting Assignment

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[Lightbulb Moment]
One experience I had when I suddenly understood an idea, that I was struggling with, has to do
with cheerleading. I was struggling with a tumbling skill called a round-off back handspring tuck,
and I had trouble with it for a very long time. I got a private coach that practice with me during
my alone time and they helped me perfect my technique and throw all of my tumbling passes.
One day my coach was giving me pointers on how to make my tumbling easier to do my
tumbling without thinking too much about the skill, and I did it! It took me a long time to get the
skill right burn in the end I learned so much more from learning the skill slowly that I was able to
do it.

6. [Being a Teacher]
I have been a teacher for people many times and it is a very rewarding experience. One
moment when I was proud of being a teacher was being able to be a counselor for a day camp!
I had gone through the training process and was fully prepared for the week ahead, I was so
excited! I was in charge of my own group of kids and I took them around camp, helped them
with activities, and help clean up around the campus. I was so proud of being able to help the
kids and give them a super fun-filled week of camp.

8. [Personal Rituals]
My family has many personal rituals that we do, especially around the holidays. For example, at
Christmas, we all decorate the tree together, go out and make gingerbread houses, watch lots
of Christmas movies and eat out as a family at Angus Barn. We also go to church on Christmas
eve and everyone sings praise with candles lighting up the big room. I always look forward to
the holaday season, especially for these reasons, because I know I get to spend time with my
family and enjoy the winter time with people I love the most.

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