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Journal of Orthodontics, Vol.

38, 2011, 134–143

INVITATION Northcroft Lecture: How has the

spectrum of orthodontics changed over
the past decades?
Birte Melsen
Aarhus University, Denmark

Three aspects have had a significant impact on orthodontics during the last few decades: the appliances being used, the
anchorage being used and finally the distribution of patients being treated.
Firstly, the marketing of appliances is increasingly leading the orthodontist to outsource important aspects of treatment such
as wirebending and bracket positioning. Brackets and wires are being presented as the solution to all problems and
metaphysical terms such as ‘intelligent design,’ ‘working brackets’ and ‘intelligent wires’ are dominating advertising and
reducing the impact of evidence-based treatment approaches.
Secondly, the introduction of skeletal anchorage has potentially widened the spectrum of orthodontics, allowing for
treatments that could not be done with conventional appliances. Biomechanical knowledge is, however, mandatory if we agree
that the system should not be abused.
Thirdly, the orthodontic population comprises an increasing number of adult patients, many of whom are characterized by a
degenerated dentition. The treatment of these patients requires a thorough knowledge not only of biomechanics but also of the
reaction of the periodontal tissues to various types of loading. They can be treated only with custom-made appliances adapting
the force systems and magnitude to the patient-specific treatment goal.
In summary, the orthodontic world is being split between ‘appliance-driven fast-food orthodontics’ where the results to a large
extent are dependent on both growth and function and ‘orthodontist-driven’ ‘slow-food’ treatments attempting to push the
limits of the possible in relation to complicated problems and reversal of degeneration in adult patients. The latter treatments
are performed with individualized appliances adapting the force system to the patient. This paper will attempt to summarize
the bearing of these factors on present orthodontics.
Key words: Adult orthodontics, brackets, skeletal anchorage, prescription, straight wire

Introduction Finally, bending wire was undertaken in order to

generate a specific force system. The force system generated
Three aspects within clinical orthodontics have changed by a straight wire is determined by the mutual relationship
over the last few decades; these include the materials between the brackets and the wire, and can be changed by
being used, the anchorage being used and the type of adding different configurations to the wire. Adding loops
patients being treated. or bends to the wire will change the force system delivered
Orthodontists have traditionally been wire benders. to the active and the reactive units1–3 (Figure 2).
There are several reasons for bending wire. One is to lower With the introduction of the new alloys, bending for
the force level. With stainless steel and chrome cobalt wires, the sake of lowering the force became less important
the activation range was low and the load deflection rate and, with the newer generation of superelastic wires,
was large, so that the only way of lowering the force level even superfluous4–6. The development of the pre-
was to reduce the wire dimension or to include more wire. adjusted edgewise bracket, with the prescription deter-
This was achieved with bends (Figure 1). mined by the doctors, made the second indication for
A second reason for bending was to generate the final the bending unnecessary as well.7 There is, however, a
adjustments in all three planes of space. As the early fixed lack of consensus both between different clinicians,
appliance brackets did not have any first, second and third regarding the appropriate prescription and between
order pre-adjustments, bends were added to the archwire different companies in the approach to be chosen to
in order to obtain satisfactory finishing. obtain the desirable result8.

Address for correspondence: Birte Melsen, Department of

Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Aarhus University, Vennelyst
Boulevard 9 DK - 8000, Aarhuc C, Denmark.
# 2011 British Orthodontic Society DOI 10.1179/14653121141362
JO June 2011 Invitation to Submit Northcroft lecture 135

Figure 1 Example of loops introduced to lower the load deflection

rate when performing vertical correction in the upper arch

Figure 4 A working bracket. Is it moving teeth faster?

Figure 2 Example of how the application of a rectangular loop orthodontists would not have to do if they just bought
can change the force system delivered to a tooth the correct product. Outsourcing has entered the ortho-
dontic market and there is no end to what the orthodontist
The third indication for wirebending, namely, to alter needs to no longer do; wire bending is one of them.
the distribution of forces from that determined by the The sequence of individualized clear aligners or of
angle between bracket and wire, the geometry is, custom-made preformed arches is offered to the ortho-
however, still relevant1–3,9–14 (Figure 3). dontist and often supported by public marketing
Along with the development of new materials, the advertisement.15–20 These concepts may be helpful for
marketing and the competition between different manu- the treatment of certain categories of patients in solving
facturing companies have become more evident and the some problems, but they cannot in any way be
language used is less scientific. Brackets are claimed to considered to replace the manual skill of the orthodon-
‘work’ (Figure 4) and wire to ‘think’ (Figure 5) and some tist and do not make the biological and mechanical
products are even claimed to ‘speed’ up the biological understanding upon which the profession is built super-
response because they are self-ligating (Figure 6). The fluous. The outsourcing of bonding through an indirect
claims have further been focused on all the things set-up undertaken by a laboratory, can facilitate the

Figure 3 The influence of the interbracket position of a ‘V’ bend. The force systems (forces and moments) generated are indicated by
arrows. Note how a minor displacement can alter the distribution and direction of forces and moments completely
136 Melsen Invitation to Submit JO June 2011

Figure 7 Tray for indirect bonding acquired from a company

The limitations related to the straight wire approach

clearly influences orthodontic outcomes. Comparison of
Figure 5 An intelligent wire. Where does the brain tissue come from? visualization treatment objectives with the obtained results
is rare and continuous preformed arches of increasing
finishing of a treatment (Figure 7),21,22 but cannot replace dimension and stiffness combined with variable intermax-
the custom-made appliances needed to accomplish a illary appliances as adjuncts are dominant in most teaching
specific goal. The prescribed sequence of wires do not programmes.27–29 New bracket systems are promoted as
necessarily deliver the force system needed to correct a the solution to all problems and supported by ample
specific problem and although levelling may be achieved, marketing material, such as morphing, illustrating how the
the inclination of the final occlusal plane is still determined laws of equilibrium can easily be overlooked.30 An
by the initial relationship between the brackets following increasing outsourcing of skills to both auxiliary clinical
the laws of the so-called geometries.9,23–25 Once a straight personnel and extra-clinical companies has also character-
wire is inserted, the control of the occlusal plane is lost and ized the last decennia. The efficacy and the productivity of
it is not in the hands of the orthodontist to determine the doctors have without doubt increased with this ‘fast-
whether a deep bite is corrected by intrusion of anterior food’ approach, but some problems can only be solved by
teeth or extrusion of buccal segments (Figure 8). the application of custom-made appliances, a force system
The standardization of appliances narrows the ortho- generated by wirebending.1,9,31
dontic possibilities for prediction of a treatment result. It The second significant factor that has had an influence
is thus not possible to determine whether an expansion on orthodontics over the past decennia, and also
performed with self-ligating brackets and a prescribed contributed to a widening of the orthodontic possibilities,
wire sequence will lead to transversal or sagittal expan- is clearly the introduction of skeletal anchorage.32–34 This
sion, in other words, wider or longer arches26 (Figure 9). makes it possible to both differentiate the anchorage as
desired and make problems with compliance obsolete.
The classical concept of anchorage has been built on the
principle that more teeth will provide anchorage for the

Figure 6 A self ligating bracket. Is the bow important? Where is Figure 8 Skewing of an occlusal plane resulting from an indiscri-
the evidence? minant leveling
JO June 2011 Invitation to Submit Northcroft lecture 137

Figure 9 Digital models on which the arch width and length are indicated. With permission from Agger 2009. Reproduced with
permission from Anne Agger Mortensen

displacement of fewer teeth. This has, however, no A large and still growing number of temporary anchorage
biological support, since only a few gram can displace a devices have been introduced.43 Is a screw, a screw, a screw?
tooth.35 Consequently, lack of sufficient anchorage has led Of course not! Anyone from the building trade will tell you
to the introduction of numerous anchorage approaches, that particular screws are meant for particular purposes.
such as extraoral anchorage systems, intermaxillary forces, Several parameters have to be taken into consideration. In
either elastics or bite jumping devices, or intramaxillary relation to the intra-osseous part, the diameter, the pitch
non-compliant anchorage systems.32,36 (defined both by the depth and cut being symmetrical or
The development of skeletal anchorage has made a asymmetrical) and the tip must be optimized with respect
significant change. Skeletal anchorage systems originate to the material, in this case bone. This has been done by
from two sources: dental implants or the surgical world. many of the manufacturers of surgical screws, including
The application of skeletal anchorage was first introduced MediconH, which produces the Aarhus mini-implants.
when dental implants, which were meant to be part of a The transmucosal part should be smooth, in order to
reconstruction, were used as anchorage for the existing minimize plaque accumulation and should have a diameter
teeth in the optimal position for the later reconstruction. larger than the intra-osseous part, making it possible to
Later, the small, specifically designed implants were used sense the collar reaching the periosteum when inserting the
as anchorage either in the palate,37,38 or in the retromolar ‘screw’ manually. The extramucosal part, the head, can
region,39,40 allowing for treatment that would otherwise have one point contact allowing only for usage as direct
not have been possible or as a replacement for other types anchorage with a tube allowing for two-dimensional
of anchorage, often replacing extraoral anchorage, there-
by avoiding compliance problems.
Since 1997, the concept of skeletal anchorage has been
dominated by mini-implants deriving from the surgical
screws.41,42 These are machine polished and the majority
can be inserted without predrilling as they are self-cutting.

Figure 11 X-ray of a patient following removal of two min-implants.

These mini-implants are of a type that requires pre-drilling and obviously
the surgeon who inserted the ‘‘screws’’ did not notice that they had pene-
Figure 10 Drawing illustrating the characteristics of the Aarhus trated the roots. This would not be the case if the ‘‘screws‘‘ were inserted
mini-implant. Reproduced with permission from Giorgio Fiorelli manually without predrilling
138 Melsen Invitation to Submit JO June 2011

Figure 12 Patient with agenesis of 4 second premolars. (a) Extraoral images before and after treatment demonstrating that it would be
undesirable to retract the anterior teeth. (b) Intraoral images demonstrating neutral occlusion and perfect incisal relationship. As an alternative to
the replacement of the missing teeth with 4 implants it was decided to displace the first and the second molars mesially against one mini-implant
between the first premolar and the canine in the lower arch. It was previewed to insert two mini-implants also in the upper arch, but it became
unnecessary as the upper molars followed the mesial displacement of the lower molars. (c, d) Status following treatment
JO June 2011 Invitation to Submit Northcroft lecture 139

Figure 13 Patient suffering from severe extrusion of 21 as a consequence of local periodontal involvement. (a) Pre and post-treatment
extraoral images. (b) pre-treatment intraoral images. Note the increased length of the clinical crowns especially on 21. The first phase of
treatment was to intrude and retract the 21 with a 25 cN coilspring pulling to a power arm in an upwards posterior direction, the force
vector was close to the centre of resistance. (c). An .017x.025 TMA wire was adapted passively to the upper arch and bypassing 21 to
which an .016 stainless steel wire was inserted as overlay. This arch delivered a combined retraction and intrusion contributing to the
closure of the median diastema. Once the 21 had reached the level of 11 and 22 the three incisors were connected by a rectangular segment
for minor leveling. In the lower arch a proclination and intrusion of the incisors was produced by a Utility arch tied to the anterior
segment with rectangular loops for rotation and tipping of the canines. (d) Post treatment status. Note the shortening of the clinical crown
on 21. A cast retainer produced on the basis of an articulator mounting according to the principles of a Maryland bridge was bonded
lingually to the upper front teeth. In spite if the intrusion no clinical pocket could be detected

control or with a bracket-like head as the Aarhus implant. Skeletal anchorage not only replaces the need for
This renders it possible to use the mini-implant as both extraoral anchorage and reduces the need for patient
direct and indirect anchorages, in addition to the compliance, but could also be considered as a means by
displacement of the point of force application without which the spectrum of orthodontics can be widened. The
having to insert a second screw (Figure 10). interest in and development of skeletal anchorage have
140 Melsen Invitation to Submit JO June 2011
JO June 2011 Invitation to Submit Northcroft lecture 141

Figure 14 (a) Patient suffering from a progressive degeneration of his dentition. Two teeth (12 and 45) have been replaced by bridges
and the patient is now experiencing a gradual worsening of an anterior open bite. Intraoral images at the start of treatment. (b)The first
phase of treatment aimed to generate space for the displacement of the incisors. This was obtained by a distal displacement of the upper
canines. As anchorage the two mini-implants were inserted below the infrazygomatic crest. The mini-implants were additionally consolidated
to the side segments that were connected with a transpalatal bar. From the transpalatal bar extensions were used for a lingual tipping and
intrusion of the second molars. Once the canines had been distalised the left central incisor was tipped distally and intruded with a
.017x.025 TMA segment extending distally from the incisor and activated towards the mini-implant on the left side. (c) Having corrected
the left incisor the bridge replacing 12 was tipped and rotated mesially with an extension tied to the left consolidated side. (d) Having
rotated the bridge 21 is aligned with 11 with an .016 NiTi overlay wire extending from the bridge to the right canine. (e) A space closure
was done with Sentalloy coilsprings between power arms and the mini-implants. (f) Status at finishing

been exponential, but some of the skeletal anchorage expressing that the individual is taking care of her or
used in patients could, in the mildest sense, be himself. The availability of adult orthodontics and the
considered superfluous and some directly detrimental increased level of information within the adult population
(Figure 11).34,44–46 However, the impact of skeletal regarding treatment possibilities are certainly also con-
anchorage has changed the treatment approach, making tributing. A large number of adult patients seek treatment
the need to consider the equilibrium obsolete. With for minor imperfections and can without doubt be satisfied
skeletal anchorage, teeth can be moved without loading with the abovementioned treatment approaches, especially
of reactive units (the teeth that do not have to be moved) those focusing on local irregularities and minor or
and all teeth can be displaced in the same direction moderate crowding.
(Figure 12). Also in relation to the correction of However, a different category of adult patients is those
asymmetries, mini-implants have changed the spectrum that need tooth movement as part of a larger
of orthodontics. reconstruction, often involving insertion of dental
The third aspect that has influenced orthodontics within implants. The improved understanding of the biological
the past decennia is the type of patients presenting in the reaction related to orthodontic treatment has contrib-
orthodontist office.47,48 Whereas orthodontics was pri- uted to the development of treatment possibilities for
marily a treatment focusing on young, growing patients, these patients, and the improved possibilities for post-
the number of adult patients seeking orthodontic treat- treatment reconstruction have probably also had an
ment is gradually increasing. Several explanations can be impact (Figures 13 and 14).
found for this trend. Maintenance in the widest sense has Implants need bone. The orthodontic tooth movement
become important. Keeping young is a trend penetrating can generate bone and teeth can be moved ‘with’ or
the Western world today and maintaining teeth and a ‘through bone.’ The tissue reaction determining this
pleasant smile is just one aspect of body language differentiation depends on the stress/strain distribution in

Figure 15 Patient exhibiting previous loss of all upper molars in the right side leaving no alveolar process behind. A lingual appliance
was used to generate a distal translation of the second premolar thereby building up sufficient alveolar process for a later insertion of an
implant or a bridge. Reproduced with permission from Dr Musilli Marino
142 Melsen Invitation to Submit JO June 2011

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