Customer Claim F RM: Questions 191-195 Refer To The Following Claim Form and E-Mail

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Questions 191-195 refer to the following claim form and e-mail.


57th Street, East Side, Los Angeles


Form no.: 3215

Name of customer : Ms. Britney Hopkins
Date : Nov. 13
Address : 13th Street. West Side. Los Angeles
Contact no. : (033) 908-5623
Mobile no. : (0298) 565-6231
Mode of payment used : Credit Card

Please check the following reason(s) for claim:
The shipment of goods was delayed
Indicate the number of day(s) delayed: _

The product(s) delivered were inferior.

The item(s) delivered were broken.

The good(s) that were sent were missing.

Indicate the product(s) purchased: _
Indicate the number of pieces missing: __

The item(s) ordered were not delivered.

State the name of the product ordered: Navy Blue McAdamian Crew-neck shirts
Indicate the amount of order (in pcs.) : Twelve (12) pieces

Other reasons (please specify in detail):

You can personally forward this customer claim form directly to Mr. Ronald Heisenhouer or
mail to our main office at Calabaise Road, New Jersey, or fax to (962) 8563-778. Claim forms
filed on or before Friday every week shall be promptly responded to on Monday. We are always
glad to act on these forms as soon as possible. Thank you.

~PAGE 103
TO : "Britney Hopkins"
FROM : "Mr. Ronald Heisenhouer"
DATE : November 19
SUBJECT : Customer Claim Form

This is to let you know that we just received the customer claim form you submitted to our Head
Office on November 18. Actually, the Customer Department Head, Ms. Russel Cummings,
received your supplementary phone call on the same date at around 4 p.m. And then, our office
secretary, Ms. Dubois, confirmed that your order of twelve (12) pieces of Navy Blue
McAdam ian Crew-neck shirts with the Invoice Bill No. 06-11-0236.

We would like to inform you that it may sound unbelievable, but the customer who received
your shipment ordered the same product and quantity as yours. He also lives in the same area in
Los Angeles. After checking our records and the Bill Number thoroughly, we recognized your
order has not been shipped yet. Unintentional incidents like this happen one or two times in a
year during the Christmas season because we receive a lot of orders not only from the U.S. but
also from abroad.

We apologize for the inconvenience and the damage that this incident might have brought you. If
you want a full refund for your order, we will send it back through your account. Otherwise, we
will ship your order right now. We hope to do business with you again to show that we do our
best in handling customers' requests. We also would like to thank you for taking the time to bring
this matter to our attention.

191. What is the reason Ms. Hopkins filled out the customer claim form?
A. She did not get her orders from McAdam ian Apparel.
B. Some of the items she ordered were missing.
C. She requested discounts on her orders.
D. She received her orders but they had defects.

192. What action was made by Ms. Hopkins on the same date she completed the form?
A. The customer changed her order.
B. She requested an additional shirt.
C. She phoned the company representative.
D. She met the customer head to ask for more discounts.

193. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

A. To request reimbursement of the payment made
B. To recognize the receipt of the claim form
C. To ask permission to cancel the order
D. To advise the accountant to verify the accounts

~PAGE 104
194. The word 'filed' in passage 1, paragraph 3, line 3 is closest in meaning to
A. scraped
B. sent in
C. marched
D. recorded

195. What assurance did the company give Ms. Hopkins assuming her claim is valid?
A. To mail a money order payable to Ms. Hopkins
B. To return the payment through her bank account
C. To provide her with some exclusive major discounts
D. To compensate the payment in exchange for other McAdam ian products

~PAGE 105
Questions 196-200 refer to the following letters.

#23 Winston Road

Apparition City, 23654
October 3, 2006

Ms. Alexandra Spears

Human Resources Manager
Paragon Advertising Agency
Apparition City, Wisconsin

Dear Madam,
Warm greetings!
I came across your advertisement in the newspaper, informing the public about Paragon
Advertising Company's plans to open 2-3 branch offices in the outskirts of the city. Before any
possible job opening exists, I would like to be trained in any department of your company as an
intern. In this regard, I would like to inquire if! could possibly apply for the training session.

From 2000-02, i worked as an office secretary in one of the premier manufacturing companies
in the region of Sugon. From there, I learned that it is important to be diligent and to persevere in
my assigned tasks. It also helped me as a person to deal with different types of people in all sorts
of situations. My work there made me realize why public relation is very essential in any line of

From November 2002-September 2006, I was employed in an advertising company, like

Paragon, as a contractual assistant in the human resources department. Unfortunately, the
company closed down due to financial and management problems. Despite that tragedy, I was
determined to look for possible means of livelihood in order to economically satisfy my whole

I am very optimistic and I have creative ideas. And my major was marketing. My vision is to
realistically apply to your company what I have learned from university and my former
experiences and to be productive in my work. I am hoping that you respond to this as soon as
possible. Attached is my reusumeu and transcript of records for your perusal and further
consideration. I would be glad to come to your office for a personal interview at any time and
date you find most convenient.

Yours truly,
Mrs. Rowena Smith

~PAGE 106

Apparition City, Wisconsin
Office of the Human Resources Division
October 5,2006
Mrs. Rowena Smith #23 Winston Road
Apparition City 23654

Dear Mrs. Smith,

This is to acknowledge your application letter dated October 3. We always respond to
applicants who show their interest in our company, especially those who apply for a
possible training position.
With regard to your application, we are sorry to inform you that we are not accepting
any applications at the moment until concrete plans to put up branch offices in the
suburbs are finalized and approved by the company. president.

In fact, we have requested the head office to furnish us with the company's projected 5-
year plan together with the budgetary and personnel requirements. When the plans are
fully implemented, the company may hire additional personnel. In the meantime, I
would like to recommend that you contact Miss Rose Bullock of the Zenith Manpower
Pooling Agency. Ms. Bullock is a close friend of mine and you can contact her anytime
during her office hours. She knows a lot of companies nationwide that have job hiring,
so she can introduce you to those firms that are best fitted for your qualifications.

We appreciate you sending us your application letter. We can inform you immediately
if there are job openings in our company in the future.

Sincerely yours,

Ms. Alexandra Spears

Human Resources Manager

~PAGE 107
196. What does Mrs. Smith hope to do?
A) To be trained to work in an advertising company
B) To attend an upcoming training seminar with Ms. Bullock
C) To work as an executive secretary of Miss Spears
D) To request a promotion as a senior advertising agent

197. What was Mrs. Smith's job until last month?

A) A manufacturing clerk in one of the profitable companies in the region
B) A three-year counseling advisor on corporate hiring
C) A skills development trainer in a defunct company
D) An assistant in the human resources department

198. What news does Ms. Spears tell Mrs. Smith?

A) Mrs. Smith is scheduled for a personal interview with management.
B) The advertising company is not hiring additional manpower at present.
C) The company will contact Mrs. Smith by phone soon.
D) Mrs. Smith may be accepted after six

199. Why would Mrs. Smith contact Ms. Bullock?

A) To be oriented with different types of construction companies
B) To learn how to dress like a true businessperson
C) To know more about other employment chances
D) To help Mrs. Smith revise her application to make it clearer

200. The word "optimistic" in the first letter, paragraph 4, line 1 is closest in meaning to
A) positive
B) hospitable
C) generous
D) caring

~PAGE 108

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