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Mastery Test in Discipline and Ideas in the Social Science

Test I : Supply the needed information in the concept map given. Follow the format to your answer sheet.

Test II: Classify the famous person according to the ideas they focused. Follow the format to your answer sheet.

Karl Marx Friedrich Engels Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov (lenin) George Herbert Mead
Structural-Functionalism Symbolic- Interactionism Marxism
Herbert Blumer Bronislaw Malinowski A.R. Radcliffe-Brown David Émile Durkheim

Test 3: Identification

1. He makes sociology accepted as a rightful science

2. This idea may be likened to a biological organism
3. This idea suggests that “symbols help us understand how we view society and communicate with each other”
4. Refers to economic and political theories in which concept of class struggles
5. In conflict theory they are considered as the one that controlled the mode of production
6. This idea in Marxism exist when people become united around common interest
7. He focusses on critique of capitalism so that inequalities will be abolished
8. It refers to conscious, contemplative personality of the individual
9. He is the one who emphasized the importance of manifest and latent functions
10. This is the conscious, intentional beneficial and a positive part of social function

Test IV: Enumeration

1-2- Parts of Structural Functionalism

3-7- social structures

8-9 social functions

10-11 social dysfunction

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