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LNG Cargo Operations Program

LNG Equipment

I n er t Gas and D r y Air Gener ation Plant

The det ails provided in this doc ument are relevant to a t ypic al system

c apable of generating both iner t gas and dr y air used onboard

membrane t ype LNG c ar r ier s of 13 0,0 0 0 ~14 5,0 0 0 m 3 c apac it y.

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• I n t rod uc t i o n
o i ce o f A i r d r y i n g m et h od s
ƒ ƒ Ch

• Pr i n ci p l e o f O p e ra t i o n
ƒƒ D
r y-A i r Prod uc t i o n

• Ty p i ca l Sys t e m Ca p a ci t y a n d Ra t i n g s

• Sys t e m Co m p o n e n t s
ƒ ƒ I n e r t G a s Coo l i n g U n i t a n d D r ye r
ƒ ƒ Pres su re Co n t ro l Va l ve, Pu rg e Va l ve a n d D e l i ve r y
cl osed va l ves

• O p e ra t i o n a l Proced u re s

• Ty p i ca l A l a r m Set t i n g s a n d Pro b a b l e Ca use s

• L a you t D ra w i n g
ƒ ƒ I n e r t G a s a n d D r y A i r Ge n e ra t i o n Pl a n t

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

I n t rod uc t i o n

Iner t gas generation is ac hieved by a generator bur ning a mix ture of

diesel oil with air.

The plant is c an produc e dr y air when operated without c ombustion in

the generator. The whole plant nor mally loc ated in a c ompar tment on the

main deck level within the engine c asing.

Iner t gas produc tion unit is used for:

 Dr ying and iner ting of c argo tanks before c ooling

 Iner ting of c argo tanks af ter heating (war m - up)

 Iner ting the c argo auxiliar ies room in c ase of emergency

Dr y air is required for aerating c argo tanks pr ior to man entr y.

Ch o i ce o f A i r d r y i n g m e t h o d s

Industr ial air dr yer s may also be clas sif ied as deliquesc ent, regenerative

desic c ant, refr igeration, and membrane. The most impor t ant cr iter ia in

choosing an air dr yer are the pressure dew point that it must produc e

and the air f low required.

The required dew point of an air system deter mines how dr y the air

must be and to a great ex tent, whic h t ype of dr yer to use. Dew point

var ies with pressure. Dr yer manufacturer s spec if y the dew point that

a par ticular model c an at tain at atmospher ic pressure or at a t ypic al

system pressure.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

Flow c apacit y of a dr yer depends on operating pressure, inlet air

temperature, ambient air or c o oling water temperature, and the required
dew point. When any of these c onditions changes, f low c apacit y of the
dr yer also changes. Dr yer manufacturer s supply per for manc e cur ves that
show the relationship of their dr yer ’s f low c apacit y to these four factor s.

Refr igeration dr yer s should use a non - ozone depleting refr igerant.
Regenerative dr yer s should have facilit y for desic c ant regeneration even
when steam supply is not available. This will allow the unit to produc e

dr y air in the event of the vessel being laid up.

Iner t gas and Dr y air generation plants onboard use a c ombination of

ref r igerant and regeneration dr ying.

Pr i n ci p l e o f O p e ra t i o n

Iner t gas is produc ed by c ombustion of gas oil supplied by Gas Oil Pump
with air provided by blower s, in the c ombustion chamber of the Iner t Gas
Generator. A good c ombustion is essential to the produc tion of good
qualit y, soot free low ox ygen iner t gas.

The produc ts of the c ombustion are mainly c ar bon dioxide, water

and small quantities of ox ygen, c ar bon monoxide, sulphur oxides and
hydrogen. The nitrogen c ontent is generally unchanged dur ing the
c ombustion proc ess and the iner t gas produc ed c onsists mainly of 85%
nitrogen and 15% c ar bon dioxide.

Initially, the hot c ombustion gases produc ed are c o oled indirectly in the
c ombustion chamber by a sea water jacket. Thereaf ter c ooling of the
gases mainly oc cur s in the sc r ubber section of the generator where the
sulphur oxides are also washed out.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

The sea water for all the Iner t Gas Generator needs is supplied by the
Iner t Gas Booster pump wor k ing in ser ies with one of the Sea Water
Ballast Pumps. Before deliver y out of the generator, water droplets and
trapped moisture are separated from the iner t gases by a demister.

Fur ther removal of water oc cur s in the refr igerating unit where the gas
is c o oled to a temperature of about 5 OC. The bulk of the water in the gas
c ondenses and is drained. In the f inal st age, the water is removed by
absor ption proc ess in a dual vessel desic c ant dr yer.

A Pressure Control valve loc ated at the cutlet of the Dr yer unit maintains
a c onstant pressure throughout the system thus ensur ing a st able f lame
at the generator.

Dew point and ox ygen c ontent of the Iner t Gas produc ed are
per manently monitored. The ox ygen level c ontrols the ratio of the air/ fuel
mix ture supplied to the bur ner. The ox ygen c ontent must be below 1%
volume and the dew point up to a ma ximum of - 6 5 OC with a minimum of
- 5 5 OC. Both parameters are displayed loc ally and remotely.

For deliver y of Iner t Gas to the c argo system, t wo c ombined remote air-
operated c ontrol valves operated through solenoid valves are f it ted on

the distr ibution system, ie the Purge valve and the Deliver y valve.

D r y-A i r Prod uc t i o n

The Iner t Gas Generator c an produc e Dr y- A ir instead of Iner t Gas with

the same c apacit y.

However, for the produc tion of Dr y- A ir:

 There is no c ombustion in generator

 There is no measure of ox ygen c ontent

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

The ox ygen signal is over r idden when the mode selector is on Dr y- A ir

pro duc tion.

Af ter the proc esses of c o oling and dr ying, and if the dew point is

c or rec t, the c ompressed air is supplied to the c argo system through the

deliver y valve (with the purge valve closed).

Ty p i ca l Sys t e m Ca p a ci t y a n d Ra t i n g s

Following are system c apacities, ratings and related details for a t ypic al

Iner t Gas and Dr y- A ir Generation System onboard an LNG tanker of

13 0,0 0 0 ~14 5,0 0 0 m 3 c apac it y.

Iner t G as G enerator Smit Ovens Type GIN 15 0 0 0 - 0.3 BUFD

Capac it y of 15,0 0 0 m 3/ hr at a disc harge

pressure of 1.3 bar abs.

Fuel c onsumption of about 140 0 kg / h, fuel

used is gas oil

Ac c or ding to BSM A 10 0 class M 2

The Iner t Gas produc ed c onsists basic ally of nitrogen with the following

ma ximum volumetr ic impur ities:

Ox ygen, O 2 ma x 1.0%

Car bon monoxide, CO ma x 10 0 ppm

Car bon dioxide, CO 2 ma x 15.0%

Hydro gen, H 2 ma x 10 0 ppm

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

Sulphur oxide, SOX ma x 2 ppm

Nitrogen monoxide, NO ma x 6 0 ppm

Nitrogen oxides, NOx ma x 3 ppm

O thers (A rgon, etc.) about 1%

So ot (Bac harac h sc ale) 0

Dewpoint up to - 6 5 OC

A ir Blower s H olmes “ Roots” Type, each having

5 0% c pac it y t yp e H R52

 Rated 19 0 kW eac h 9 9 0 0 m 3/ hr at

15 5 0 RPM and 70 0 mbar disc harge

pres sure
G as O il Elec tr ic Pump Smit Ovens Type NVBHRG – Rating

2.5 kW. Capacit y of 20 0 01/h at a

maximum discharge pressure of 20 bar

R 2 2 (Freon) Refr igeration unit Sabroe Compressor Type

S M C 116 S - Rat ing 16 0 kW

Smit O vens R- 40 4 a unit c ompr ising

c ondenser, IG c ooler and demister.

Dr yer Unit Smit Ovens Absorption type using

Activated Alumina and molecular sieves.

Dr yer fan - Rated 3 6 kW - Elec tr ic

healer - Rated 2 20 kW Steam heater

and sea water c o oler.

IG Sea Water Bo oster pump Shinko type K V- 400 (normally located

in Engine Room, Capacity of 1600 m 3/hr

sea water at 5 bar discharge Pressure.
To be used in ser ies with one of the

t wo Water Ballast Pumps

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

The c onnec tion to c argo piping system and c argo auxiliar ies’ room c an

be made through non - retur n valves and a removable bends. Nor mally the

bends are not readily c onnec ted.

Sys t e m Co m po n en t s

The c ombustion air is supplied to the main bur ner by t wo “roots” t ype
blower s of 5 0% c apacit y each. The quantit y of c ombustion air to the
bur ner c an be manually adjusted by a regulating valve in the exc ess air
disc harge line.

Fuel (G as oil) is supplied at a c onstant pressure by the Gas oil elec tr ic

pump whic h has a built- in pressure over f low valve. Before ignition or
st ar t up of the unit, and with the pump r unning, all the fuel is pumped
back via this fuel oil over f low valve whic h also ser ves to regulate the
deliver y pressure of the pump.

The fuel oil f lows to the noz zle of the main bur ner via t wo solenoid
valves and t wo fuel oil regulating valves. A program switch in the loc al
c ontrol panel regulates one of the solenoid valves, whic h also operates
the pilot bur ner and initial tir ing.

The main bur ner is ignited by a pilot bur ner. The fuel oil is atomized in
2 steps. Firstly, the fuel oil is disper sed by a spray noz zle. Then it is
subjec ted to a tangential impulse f low of steam whic h when it c omes into
c ont ac t with the a xially or ient ated impulse f low of fuel c auses the ultra
f ine disper sion of the f uel oil.

Atomizing steam for the ultramizer bur ner is fed via a spec ial steam
super heater. A pressure reduc er st abilizes the inc oming steam pressure

and the c or rec t atomizing pressure for the main bur ner c an be adjusted.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

The pneumatic valve in the steam line is opened a few sec onds af ter
ignition of the pilot bur ner. The steam super heater is f it ted in the
c ombustion chamber. The steam is fur ther heated in the steam super
heater, loc ated in the c ombustion chamber to produc e dr y steam for
ef f icient atomiz ation of fuel in the bur ner.

The f lames of the pilot and main bur ner are detected by separate
ultraviolet detector s, one for the pilot and t wo c ar the main bur ner.

The main and pilot bur ner s are mounted on the c ombustion chamber.
The c ombustion chamber is sur rounded by a c o oling water jacket to
dissipate the generator heat as muc h as possible.

The c ooling water jacket is provided with a spiral to make sure that
c ooling water f lows round the c ombustion chamber wall thus ac hieving
optimal c ooling ef fect.

Seawater is supplied by an lG Booster pump wor king in ser ies with one
of the sea water ballast pumps disc harging to three directions:

i. Directly to a sprayer at the outlet of the combustion chamber;

ii. To the sprayer pipes in the cooling/scrubbing tower via one orifice plate;

iii. To the cooling water jacket of the combustion chamber via two orifice

The seawater leaving the sprayers f lows out via a water seal and the
c o oling water leaving the jacket is disc harged directly over board.

High water temperature alarms located at the outlet of the combustion

chamber cooling jacket and the scrubber section ensure that the cooling of

the combustion chamber walls and of the iner t gas itself has been sufficient.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

A lso, to ensure adequate seawater supply, a high and low pressure

alar m is f it ted.

The produc ts of c ombustion whic h for m the iner t gas generated exit the

generator unit via the c ooling and sc r ubbing tower. The gas has a rather

high temperature and c ont ains sulphur oxides.

It is f irst c o oled at the sprayers at the end of the c ombustion chamber

and then via sprayer pipes at the top of the c ooling /sc r ubber tower.
A demister f it ted at the outlet of the generator unit prevents c ar r y- over

at water droplet s with the iner t gas.

The water seal mounted under the c ooling section of generator unit

disc harges the c ooling water and c ondensate from the generator whilst

at the same time maint aining the required over pressure in the generator

and avoiding the esc ape of gas or air.

The height of the water seal is designed so as to ensure a c onstant and

st able pressure in the c ombustion chamber. A level switch c ontrols the

disc harge of water from the generator.

For draining the water seal, a pneumatic operated valve is f it ted at the

lowest point. This valve is nor mally closed and c an be opened via a

solenoid valve. The draining will take plac e automatic ally in c ase of

bur ner failure. The fuel c ont aminated water is disc harged to the bilge.

The generator c annot be rest ar ted as long as the drain valve is open.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

I n e r t G a s Coo l i n g U n i t a n d D r ye r
A n R- 40 4 a refr igerating unit func tions to c ool down the gas to a dew
point of up to +4 OC.

Most of the moisture and water c ontent present in the gas is removed in
this unit.

The Dr yer ser ves as the f inal st age for removal of water. This is a
heat regenerated, dual vessel desic c ant dr yer where the iner t gas is
dehumidif ied to ac hieve the required dew point. It wor ks on a cycle
whereby one vessel is in ser vic e whilst the other is being regenerated.

The dr ying operation is per formed automatic ally with the changing of
vessels occurring ever y eight hours. Regeneration is done by f lushing the
water saturated vessel with air heated to a temperature of about 220 O C.

The hot air absor bs moisture and water from the absor bent and is
purged to atmosphere.

Heating of the air produc ed by an elec tr ic fan is done through elec tr ic al

and steam heater s.

The regeneration cyc le is as follows:

a. 1 hour is used for parallel dr ying

b. The nex t 5 minutes used for dec ompression of the vessel that will be

c. The following 4. 5 hour s are used for f lushing with hot air

d. Finally the desic c ant is c ooled for about 2 hour s and 25 minutes by
c old iner t gas before being put back in ser vic e

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

Pressure Control Valve, Purge Valve and Delivery closed valves

The inert gas generator main burner fuel oil regulating valve is set for a generator

delivery pressure of 0.3 bars. Changes in delivery pressure cause changes in

combustion air quantity whilst the fuel oil supply remains the same. A pressure

control valve is fitted at the outlet of the dryer unit to overcome this problem.

A three - way solenoid valve is built in to the pneumatic c ontrol line from

the pressure transmit ter to the pressure c ontroller. This valve allows

the ignition of the main bur ner with no back pressure in the c ombustion

chamber, i.e. by allowing the pressure c ontrol valve to be fully open.

Af ter ignition of the main bur ner, the solenoid valve is energized and

the output signal to the pressure c ontroller increases thus allowing the

generator pressure to increase to the set wor k ing pressure.

Fit ted on the purge line is a pneumatic operated purge valve whic h is

opened by a spr ing in fail - safe position. A deliver y valve, pneumatic ally

operated, is f it ted on the deliver y line of the generator and is closed

by a spr ing in fail - safe position. These t wo valves are c ontrolled by

solenoid valves and operate simult aneously but in reverse direction.

When the generator is in INERT GAS PRODUCTION mode, the purge

air and iner t gas produc ed immediately af ter ignition is disc harged to

atmosphere for at least 5 minutes.

If, af ter this delay, the ox ygen c ontent is within the limits set on the

ox ygen alar m unit s, the deliver y valve will open and the purge valve will

close automatic ally. Iner t gas is then supplied to the c argo tanks.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

The st ar ting system of the generator is blocked if the purge valve is not

open and/or the deliver y valve is not closed.

This makes sure that the air sucked in dur ing the pre - purge time of the

ignition sequenc e c annot enter the c argo t anks and that the generator is

not st ar ted against closed valves.

O p e ra t i o n a l Proce d u res
1. Star t the IG room ventilation fan.

2. Warm through steam supply from engine room to iner t gas room.

3. Prepare the sea water supply pump.

- Open remote control ballast valve

- Open manual valves on lG Booster pump (i.e. suction and

discharge valves)

- Open manual valves on IG Cooling and Dr ying units.

- Open overboard discharge valves for loopseal segment and

combustion chamber cooling water.

4. Star t the relevant ballast pump.

5. Star t the Booster pump

6. Open fully the steam supply to IG plant and into main burner.

7. Star t the freon cooling unit af ter valves on the system.

- Close the main supply breaker.

- Close the control breaker on the F

8. Star t the dr yer unit.

- Close the main supply breaker.

- Close the control breaker for automatic regeneration.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

- Check that the regeneration fan is running and the electric heaters

are ON.

- Steam to the heater can be opened fully.

9. Star t the generator by operating the generator star t switch.

The automatic program for iner t gas production then proceeds as follows:

0 sec onds Blower s and fuel oil pump st ar t

r unning. Pre - purging is per for med for

a per iod of 6 0 sec onds.

6 0 sec onds Solenoid valves open for fuel oil

and c ompressed air to pilot bur ner.

Ignition transfor mer and spar k plug

are energized to c ause the ignition of

the pilot bur ner.

70 sec onds Ignition transfor mer is de - energized.

Suc c es sf ul st ar ting is c onf ir med

by the ultraviolet f lame detector

whic h senses the pilot bur ner f lame

other wise the generator shuts down

and an alar m is given.

85 sec onds Solenoid valves for fuel oil to main

bur ner open and the main bur ner is

ignited by the pilot bur ner f lame.

9 0 sec onds Fuel oil and c ompressed air solenoid

valves for pilot bur ner are closed

and pilot bur ner is ex tinguished.

Ultraviolet f lame detector s c onf ir m

main bur ner ignited.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

Pressure c ontrol system is energized and the generator pressure is

automatic ally adjusted and c ontrolled to a wor k ing value of 0.3 bar.

29 5 sec onds: Iner t gas produc ed will be delivered to the c argo tanks on

c ondition that:

1. The oxygen content is within its limits;

2. The dewpoint is below its limit;

3. The deliver y valve is opened.

When the deliver y valve limit switch senses the deliver y valve to be

open the ac tuator solenoid valve far the purge valve is energized to

c lose the purge valve.

10. The iner t gas in fed to the c argo tanks or c argo auxiliar ies room

af ter the valves and removable bends in the c argo piping system

have been ar ranged as required.

Two non - retur n valves downstream of the deliver y valves protec t the IG
plant from any back f low of hydroc ar bon gases.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

Ty p i ca l A l a r m Set t i n g s a n d Pro b a b l e Ca uses

Alarm Pro b a b l e Ca uses
Alarm Setting
Fuel O il 6 bar Fuel oil pressure < 6 bar :

Pres sure Low

 Fuel pump failed

 Fuel oil supply t ank empt y

 Filter in suc tion line c logged

Atomizing 2 bar Atomizing Steam Pressure Low < 2 bar
 Valves in steam supply line c losed
Pres sure Low
 Filter c logged

 Steam pressure regulator not

f unc tioning
C ombustion A ir 0. 2 bar Air blower pressure < 0. 2 bar

Pres sure Low

 Blower not r unning

 Flexible hose defec tive

 At 6 0% mode valve in blow- of f line

not c losed
Cooling Water 1.5 bar C ooling water pump output pressure <

Inlet Pressure 1.5 bar

 Valves in supply line not in c or rec t

 Cooling water supply pump not running

 Pump isolated valve c losed

 Filter c logged

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

Alarm Pro b a b l e Ca uses
Alarm Setting
Cooling +5 5 OC C ooling Water O utlet Temperature High

Water Outlet > +5 5 OC

 Disc harge valve of c ooling water
c oming f rom c ombustion c hamber


 O r if ic e in c ooling water line to

c ombustion c hamber may be

c logged
Iner t G as +40 OC Iner t Gas Temperature (Af ter Sc r ubber)

Temperature >+40 OC

(Af ter
 Supply c ooling water low
Sc r ubber)

High  Sprayer pipes in sc r ubber sec tion

c logged
Iner t G as 5.0 bar Iner t Gas G enerator, Instr ument A ir

G enerator, Pressure < 5.0 bar

Instr ument A ir
 Shut of f valve c losed
Pres sure Low
 Filter c logged

 Chec k for leaks

Iner t G as 0.5 bar Iner t Gas Washing Tower Pressure

Washing Tower O utlet > 0.5 bar

Pres sure
 Washing ar rangement c logged
O utlet High
 Excessive supply of washing water

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

Alarm Pro b a b l e Ca uses
Alarm Setting
Sc r ubber - Sc r ubber C ooling Water Level > set

C o oling Water point value

Level Ver y
 Level c ontroller not well adjusted
 Disc harge valve not open
Iner t G as +7 OC Iner t Gas Temperature > +7 OC Af ter R

Temperature 40 4A C ooler

Af ter R 40 4A
1. Cooling in generator insuf ficient
C o oler High
2. Cooling of Refrigeration unit

insuf ficient
Pilot Bur ner - Pilot Bur ner Flame Failure due to one

Flame Failure or more of the following

1. Main burner flame detector defective

2. Flame safeguard relay in generator

control panel defective

3. Check fuel oil pump deliver y pressure

4. Oil nozzle main burner dir ty

5. Solenoid valve in fuel oil line to main

burner not functioning

Fuel O il - Fuel O il Pump M otor O ver loaded is

Pump M otor over loaded due to

O ver loaded
 Mechanical failure (e.g bearing seized)

 Insulation failure

 W inding temperature too high

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

Alarm Pro b a b l e Ca uses
Alarm Setting
Instr ument A ir 5.0 bar Instr ument A ir Pressure < 5.0 bar

Pres sure Low

 Shut of f valve c losed

 Filter c logged

 Chec ks for leaks

C ombustion A ir 0.5 bar C ombustion A ir Pressure > 0.5 bar

Pres sure High

 G enerator deliver y pressure set to o

high or pressure c ontrol system

f unc tions badly.

 C ombustion air f low valve not

adjusted c or rec tly

 Purge valve or its solenoid c ontrol

valve defec tive

 O ne of the valve in dr yer system

defec tive

 Demister in sc r ubber c logged

C o oling Water - C ooling water level in sc r ubber

Level In
 Disc harge valve for c ooling water
Sc r ubber High
f rom water seal shut

 Level c ontroller not adjusted well

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

Alarm Pro b a b l e Ca uses
Alarm Setting
Blower M otor - Blower M otor is over loaded due to

O ver loaded
 M ec hanic al failure (e.g bear ing


 Insulation failure

 W inding temperature too high

C o oling Water 1 bar C ooling Water Inlet Pressure to

Inlet Pressure C ombustion Chamber > 1 bar

to C ombustion
 Bloc kage in c ombustion c hamber
Chamber High
c ooling water disc harge line

 Excessive supply of cooling water

Dr yer 6 bar Dr yer Instr ument A ir < 6 bar

Instr ument A ir
 Shut of f valve in supply line shut
 Supply system out of operation

 Filter c logged

 Leaks in system
Ref r igeration 19 bar Ref r igeration C ompressor Disc harge

C ompressor Pressure > 19 bar

Disc harge
 Poor c ondenser c ooling
Pres sure High
 Filter c logged

 Level c ontroller not f unc tioning well

 Capac it y c ontrol not f unc tioning well

 Disc harge valve shut

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

Alarm Pro b a b l e Ca uses
Alarm Setting
Ref r igeration 0.5 bar Ref r igeration C ompressor Suc tion

C ompressor Pressure < 0.5 bar

Suc tion
 Suc tion f ilter c ompressor c lo gged
Pres sure Low
 Pressure c ontrol valve not

f unc tioning well

 Capac it y c ontrol of c ompressor not

f unc tioning well

 H ot- gas by pass valve not

f unc tioning well

 Position of hand operated valves

 Pressure c ontrol valve not adjusted

Ref r igeration 3 bar Ref r igeration C ompressor LO Pressure

C ompressor < 3 bar

LO Pres sure
 Low oil level.
 Lube oil f ilter c lo gged
Ref r igeration +110 OC Ref r igeration C ompressor Disc harge

C ompressor Temperature > +110 OC

Disc harge
 High disc harge pressure

High  Pressure ratio too high

 A mbient temperature too high

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

Alarm Pro b a b l e Ca uses
Alarm Setting
Iner t G as 0 OC Iner t Gas Temperature Af ter

Temperature Ref r igeration plan < 0 OC

af ter
 Ref r igerant temperature c ontroller
Ref r igeration
plan Low
Iner t G as 0. 28 bar Iner t Gas Pressure After Dr yer > 0.28 bar

Pres sure Af ter

 Dr yer c lo gged
Dr yer High
Ox ygen 1% by volume Ox ygen C ontent Af ter Dr yer High > 1%

C ontent af ter by volume

Dr yer High
 C ombustion c ontrol not f unc tioning
Ox ygen 0.5% by Ox ygen C ontent Af ter Dr yer Low }

C ontent af ter volume < 0.5% by volume

Dr yer Low
 C ombustion c ontrol not f unc tioning
Dew point af ter - 5 5 OC Dew point Af ter Dr yer High > - 5 5 OC
Dr yer High
 Failure in regeneration of dr yer
Regeneration +70 OC Regeneration Fan Inlet A ir Temperature

Fan Inlet A ir > +70 OC

 Ref r igeration plant not f unc tioning
proper ly

 Drain valve on c ooling system shut

 C ooling water supply failure

Page < 21 > ©TMS, ALAM | 6.1.59 V01 | April 2007

LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

Alarm Pro b a b l e Ca uses
Alarm Setting
Regeneration - Regenerating Fan is over loaded due to

 Mechanical failure (e.g. bearing seized)
O ver loaded
 Heav y r un of the fan

 W inding temperature high

Dr yer +25 0 OC Dr yer Regeneration A ir Temperature

Regeneration High > +25 0 OC

A ir
 Set point of c ontroller too high
 Heater groups not switc h of f
 Too low air f low

 Chec k opening valve before c ooler

 C ooler c lo gged
Ref r igeration +110 OC Ref r igeration c ompressor disc harge

C ompressor temperature high > +110 OC

Disc harge
 Disc harge pressure too high
 Too many cylinder s cut out
 Suc tion pressure too low

 E xc essive super heat of suc tion gas

 Disc harge valve defec tive

 Pressure relief valve is leaking

Dr yer A ir + 6 5 OC Dr yer air c ooler outlet temperature

C o oler O utlet > + 6 5 OC

 Dr yer air c ooler unit failed

Page < 22 > ©TMS, ALAM | 6.1.59 V01 | April 2007

LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Equipment

I n e r t G a s a n d D r y-A i r Sys t e m

Page < 24 > ©TMS, ALAM | 6.1.59 V01 | April 2007

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