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preter TAT STATE TART ourman se nasminone cog wee of tt eT Sarees namo ome National Highways Authority of India (ony ot Rod Trap an Highway) Ss 0 ec, we, Res So 8 oc Dea won Nrara0120%6-7/cortybrd ETC ate 12.04.2018 ‘At RegoralOricers, Sub: Imolementation of Hybrid ETC Sistem in all anes of PPP User Fe plazas on the Navona highways ont te NAA siging of Supplementary ‘aeement sir ease rofer to NAD letter No. NHAI/3013/206-17/CO/Hybrid ETC/112596 ated 2.7. 2018 lettr No, £12657 ted 0602 2018 vide which was fora that ‘Tommitie tas been se up for price dacovery of Hybrié ETC equpments under he onverenhip off, Japur for implementation o Hyori ETC system on alte Lanes of PP (Tl AaraityONT) eens. ew, , Jap (Cmene af the Pie Dizovry Cartes) vide ete 103 a.10.042018 and. frter letter 11.04.2018. have submited Price Dicovery Commitee Report (copy enclosed) of Hybrid ETC equipments or implementation of yb EI Sytem at PPP tl plazas In ths rosrd, Is ltinated that based on the recommendations of the coments vet convenes ot RO, Jae Cargten Abort NAL cao sinter ote Pree Door Corte, THE OUM es Further, Competent Autry har ao agreed tothe conments/temarks of the mite that RO/PD in conautation ith IE may take a eesonable view ond i the fiat pice depending vpn system ftegatr actual ste reqirerent agaist certain Tes ete conse or Fig rates of Hye ETC equipments couldnt be altied soup ep 1: ROS oF NAL have alendy been authorised vide Member (F) 0 letter &.27.22017 to discover the pce at their level based on due digence and site Condos, therefore, they may ake necessary action for sance of charge in Scope of ‘werk do to the concesnaie tvough the Supplementary ABeement 50 a5 (0 Implement the Hr ETC Stem a PP tol plazas rel asabore Yours any, {oor 6 Ge, ee 10,4, Rr-110075, IN: 01 1-29874100, 28074200 hr 01 etter ser arora aftrergUT wT! ousaz708 (srg afer dre rt) torre | ota zz National Highways Authority of India arena: npipranoiong (Minsy of Koad Tranepor & Highva) She wf re) Regma Otis (Raesthan) «5120, se, em sg 302018 F120, Saath Sy Nagar ip 32019 NHANROMIp.ETCICOM Ce Dated 10.08.2018, (chief General Manager (CO) Natonel Highways Aunty of ala Corporate Ofc, G58 S0ztr10 Dwarka, Now Dei-110076 ‘Subject: Minutes of Meeting dated 13.02.2019 of Commitee to discover the price ‘of Hybrig ETE equipments for Implementation of Hybrid ETC System at Pp TollPlazas. ot Halter, NHA/19013:2016-17/GOMyrid ETCH 12806 dated 02.02.2017 Si, Pleas find attached Prise Dscovery Cammitoo Rept propared ater detberaions in meetings dted 13.0218, 0708.10 and 10.0818 fr futher necessary acton plese. Your tty Ws the het cutie Toc RO Jap Enrdosue As above, Copy tthe fling fornfomnion & necessary action plese 1. RO Nagpur RO Chandigarh RO Varanes. RO Chennai (COO, IMCL, New Dat. Sh Vivek Rast, Rep, of Ws OSE 1. Shamtatn Mure, Rep, of MIR. 8. Shklraee Mohan ip. of Ws LAT 8 4 2 3 4 5 Shall. Rep of Ws HEC Lis (0, Sh PC. Grover, Director Ganerl, National Highways Buldrs Fed, New De sso9ns07 /250995 14 Price Discovery Committee Report 1. A commitoe wae constituted vide NHAL HQ letter no. NHAI/I3013/2016- 17/CO/Hybeid ETC/ 11238 dated 02.022018(Anne«} with a mandate to discover the peice of Hybkd ETC equipments for iniplementation of Hybrid ETC Systerm at PPP Tol Pas. 2. The first meeting ofthe Committe was heel on 13:022018 a Savoy Sites, Manes ‘whens the connate on pres could not be achieved at the Concesonaie's representatives requested for clarifications ia cetain speciation af equipments {ven in the Supolementay Equipment. It war alo suggeted in the ncting that the pres may also be dacoveed trough REP proces. The mints of meeting, ofthe Ft mesg is encloned ue Aan ‘Subsequently REP (RFP No- NEA 14024/1/2018 RO} /CO-E1C/16) wae invited by RO jaipur afer incorporating the claifeations sought bythe member in he fist ‘mesing and aerial acoening prices of the following bidders were opened for ‘consideration 4) M/s ATIL-CPPL consortium 1) -M/= HARI fra VR Technique consortian ©) M/s Metro InrasysPvt Lid 4d) M/sTecsidelindia Pt Ld ©) M/sPATH da Lid 1) M/s VAAN ina Pt Lid 2) M/s fon india Pvt Ltd 4 The second ming of the Commie was held en 07042018 at RO Jaipur are he Ut of participants fs enclosed asAnnenureILThe Commitee delberata on the res of Hybrid ETC eelpments ase on following source 5) L1 6 L2Ratesobsind inthe RFP invited by RO Jip by IMCL Rates indicted in NHAL HO. eter No THIMCL/ ETC / Operations /2017/Phasell dated 1808.17 9 Tol laa equipment mies vide LOA No IRCON/1034/BPHP/TN/Toll Plaza System NITETIS8 dated 240118 ised by IRCON (Govt of India Ueraking! to M/s Rojee Ino Techno Pvt Lid ) Market trend & escaatins et 5. The commitee agin met on dae 12.04.2018 (List of Participant enclosed as Annex: IV) ant Further debra onthe peices of Hybrid ETC equipment. The ples of {hedyid ETC euipment finally agreed upon are ataced ae Annex 6. Although consersis has been achieved majority of tems the representatives of Concesinaie did ot agsce on somne Heme which are dependent on system Integrate ste reuitoment ek. As euch alae nots as been mentioned again Wy Yard - ems vase Germ | igtnowsy er wh OO the We (retuned anShan ate ere eae eat fage a 7. Although O&M prices vas propose as 12%, Consensus cout not be achiev on the UM Charge The wepreonaton of the conemalonaie Informed tat they ‘Wout reasses Be raguiorsnt of manpower al spare tome the service ritand vequesed fr Farther deliberation 8. The Committe proposes that ral exiting tol plazas, the acta requirement Hybrid ETC eipment should ke asses by KO/PD and TEs per the provision ofthe Supplementary Agreement The existing equipments already giving fhe eguied service level standard may nat be placed by new qulpment wi fi vad — = _ MK on evans) cap | altro CaMCT/RApipur — COO.THMCL GME). KOGundigaeh—_SeManager, L&T \ nV ¢ we Perse ea ener eee) aga ex Arn | Breda wet aera sm coty inert cron ste ot er moe ‘Sour batar ye National Highways Authority of India (nay ot Roa Tansp ana igh) B88 6 dee, ae, fet re No.MHAlT9013/016-7/Conybrg ErcIN.8%6 02° Febru, 2040 Llp Nasr Chad Yast Chen Sa een mere Saplementry Agreement fr nplanenttion of Wid ETC Som st PP Tl sas Sr, tN car no AY 38/2046 t7 COMM EIEN eat Peas ef 30.1207 fo {Meo nan lst epecment o rates of Hts eco decd ‘ats Cammite sh sate Er, he fr ice dicvey of Hod ER. ‘mers, The Connie hal hn eng Se 8 RO Jap - Convenor b. Repel of Ng, RO Changarh, RO Vaan, © Cobra Four Roesraties fm te Concessonaes- As, ost wee 0 chemi su, Ws © "eis tate ig utr ees atin, Yara, ts colina a maui oo amc, . Sai {thn Bel Federton wth veteence to meeting he on Bove Nuaumolnierercan canola 38) Asnex ~ || areefer err rove rftrareor eso amon Deg (Woe uta ei rome ree) erairax o1eh287000 National Highways Authority of India #avnat: 9apuoticre (Ognintry of Rost Transport & Highways) ‘fla mat (UHRA) Regonal OFie(Rafesthas) (0-120, sme, ee, = 202018 120 Jaga Sha Naga, 302019 ated 16.02.2018, Chet Genera anagar (C0) Natal gna Ahoy of Comore fie, 6-586 ect" 10, Dia, New Dit 10978 Subject; Minutes of Mesting date 1302-2018 of Commie to discover the price st, ‘fra ETG equlpments for implementation of Hybrid ETC System st pp Tall Pzes. Felt Ne, NAV :72016171COMybid ETCI112908 dated 02.02.2047 Peose fd enloied nerawh minles of meeting died 13022018 of the ‘commited’ to coer te price of Hybrid ETC eaipmert for mplemenation of Hyd om at PP Tol Plazas te per Grecins of NHAl Hl convoyd vide HO leer No. fre oy RHATaD4912016- 17/206 BTC 2006 cated 02022017 Kindy rca our daussions afr te mostng on dled 19.02.2018 at HO along with RO chonnel and COO, MCL whoreln K was onmphosicd thal a vaw of the huge Varatons fy pces of incdial BOO toms, the pees cf indivdual ems of BOO of ‘ipolmeriay‘agresment ay be sbtined tem the Conesssanaes and Sysiem integrators cal cor trough CO Dison ging dead specication! {reat of be sera hearing, ke requested fo Issa naceesay drectons 1 he ‘Gmctmed fo preparation ation of RFC. ‘You ae also queef nto ofers of CO evn, 1 Elecrones Dison of Ho end if BGG inthe commie or ei expet nts dung the Halston othe rcs, ll plea imahed In inplementaton of supplementary Deas ase Senet Thr ek oman her reine Yes W. we coi etl gous woh Enclosure As above. Cony’ othe flowing for ifomaton& necessary acon pate RO Nogour Fo chance RO Chen (600, IMCL, New Dai ‘Sh. Vivek Raiog. Rep. of Ms OSE ShAma sara, op of Ws 6. Shires Wot. fp of We LAT. Shit Rep af MisHCC Lic _1p.Sh, BC Grover, Dior General Nationa ways Buldes Fed, Now Debi Soe Are. 9075, BEE: oF 1-074 10, 2507<206 01 1-290990" 800816 Minutes of Mestng A Meeting wos held en 13.02.2018 at 11AK at Savy Sut, anes, Gurutam ner chtmanaip of Sie Jia, CGT) cum Regina Officer air to dicove the rice of fyrd ETC equipments in conplance to the mandate ven ide HAI cre v, Fitysaota/20ie-17/eariyond E1C/412396 dated 02.02.2017 for implementation of Fb ETC Sytem at PP Tl Pazas. The tof patcpants senloted s Aneesure 1. Atte outset, RO pur RO Jepur welcomed altho partipants and emphasizes {the need to expedite the implementation of Hyeié ETC syste nal the lanes an CGarod tht the abjecive ofthe meting wast caver erates of Hybrid ETC tupment sted nthe, BOQ ‘nlaed tothe supplementary agreement for {plementation of yt TC syst in PPP Tot Plazas. 2. Inthe meeting, the conmitee members requested the concesonires and stem Incertors to sare the lems Inceatie price of wl BOQ ies Usted os «part he supplementary aprecment.Aecorigy, the Cencesionares and System integrators sured thir indeative pices. Tt was cosered tat Gere was Muge {aviation nid tems shared by the partlpans. 3: In oder fo ate at a cancers, an attempt was made to form a price range of the indatve. pres shared av mentioned In para 4. above. However, the Feesonble/aig prices of the lndvidat items culd not be ascertained du to ‘rriavore and kawed pees of some ofthe ems. 4. burng the dsusin, the representatives of HBF highlighted certain sues Inthe "pplementary aperient a sous clay on the Hem description end SLAs “tine for speci es The clarifieations requsted are placed at Amexre. 5. The NHOF member stressed tat the fil prices fora items canbe shared only ater reeling the requested carlesone. ees sso suggested that rates maybe ‘btened though SFG in 8 tele’ envelope fram Concessonales aswel es system ‘iemtors ater grng detaed specestons mooie the iaviual 800, ems. ‘os sngcted tha the REQ may be sent tall concerned trough AHBF to ensure ‘der parkipation ncladingCancesanae's system Integrtors aso. RO Jaipur UJsured the members that the tugestion wl be discussed with the Competent Ith for free necessary neon. in ths regards, The same wll be mune o NIB sty. (6 RO Jipr aso requested al the Concessions to sgn Supplementary aprement that any further clay wth specie clause that "The paris sail egree t hecite te contnct por the prices discovered later and mite eyeed etveen epresentatves of WHEF/Concesonars/Syiter teats ae NA we 7. The meeting ended with vote of than esting on rie Discovery of hybrie ETc Equinment Date: 13.02.2038 at Sa y Sults aneser attends ‘Mobile Nummer — oy red | pa naar! 21m k Son [Con Mee | pe7sriessy] KO > [owen | comeotga| Mlewena [2 aR 5 |ilstons Mistoe [UP Ouactons, a ase © [Ber tena |My (it) Prmtenet et] Oi arerte 7 [Re choad [rmgacr | Iuomae | a 8 | Nasa kumar Erm SS ged CDAD 7 [Pagoda rae Du frg ig 10 | Pepd Binge Peaeoes ry) rsigaremined Cua 1” ge Teague Se cevaga, fn “larigud | ef 2 Wil Vaid Yoda Do =fuait. andl tes Baa 24 | aol ered Parton wetter © | (pal 15 | Mayon Suu [teats foto [ee | yc SIE «ly pt Tagh [tae rector Labb |" Hie. feats 2 Walaa GI 30 fe ste AL Lia ores, 4 Cpe: [Bt poeop Katy — 1 T Nivia festg | cy 4 URRANTE® adcenntts Gdhes 08. 7 ak Takao bette ‘eeting or. ee Discovery of hyd ETC Equipe Date: 3.02.2038 at Savoy Sults Manesar nail Mote Montes T Sete | 81°28} asrascsary Qaqnia wet [© ossrintion Wo, | art ‘eiation Requested 1 ave incadng ssa, loop and detectors ‘ation was sought If the pice of BOO Ter for AVE i fzered to clue the price fr AVC Conroe. not, clay ‘ras tughton where the pice for AVContraler is wxpected 9 beteluded 7 | eens Pate mage capture camera et mounting poles PIC] 3 [Tr Monitor ‘twa ighghted that here huge dary nthe pce of LC with OCR and without OCR. Considering the speciation, Canfimation was requested on the acual requirement \ahether OR requiedor not Tt wes dared that touch sceen TET required as per he “applementaryapreemient i fit totale and 2 non tovelscreen based TFT monitor can seve the purpose Hence {recommended to have TFT Montor without touch screen Uihich would az be of lower pie Cnfmaton was requested onthe same | cablngetworing nsaation? Commissioning (uumpsum) 5 Sofware Covel aa Servers inhok standby configuration ware Phas Level rosdband inernet. Connection with niu 2 bp ink Te was ghlghted that the price of eaiing/nstltion cannot ‘be prod on per ane basis as price per lane varies rom plata te plaza depending upon the number of lanes and pla lnresuctreconditon, Accordingly, farther clay was Soup fonthis 800 tem, “ “Conesionaies requested for darilaton If hs 800 item is deemed to inde the addttonal pree for integration of [MSWM, SIVB withthe TS ing we for Hyd ETCSstom, ‘ry wes requested for Storage eapecy (SAN) required for plaza server. Prices shal be higher for servers in hot standby Cenfiguration Including storage than the pies shared doing the decison fr servers nly Te wae Nghghted that this BOO. Hem Is Wealy deomed © include the pices fr cil work, workstation, cabin, cameras, Drnter and render. Hone, danty was requested on the scope thin this 800, em. The supplementary agreement should Include the necessary dtl for tho same. ‘Alo, ste defined under the technica! scieatons of SWB 5 ve X at although there are cata plazas wherein SWE were ee italled with dimensions of 15 mtr 3m. Cay twa lo soupht on the requitement for Wstlaton of new SWB | ortouseexstng SW spar of Hybrid ETC. Tt wat indicated that the Concessonaires ore ently fitingsecement. The plat level sofware I Stapecte snd therefor, the prices forthe same havea lve variation actos, js — "twas exlsned tht providing leased Gren conection for broadband Interaet conection fs fit in remotely bested tol plazas n such locations, WF dongles are being used Cileation was sought on the requirement considering the condone Recorder (WR for Cerv Reeoeng Wewoikvideo | Th war Highlighted tat Specientonc mentioned Supplementary agreinent pertaining to this BOO em pple for 10 which tracts her rice han standard LED ddploy which sulfies al operational and funcional Fequirerents.Confmation was sought on the fal requirement. TN for CCIV Recording reques storage. Cieation on the Borage expacty and the periodcty of the data slorge requtement ws south 2 Urs Stem ‘onsderng the reqrment of prow standby power poly Capable of operations for» period ofa least 24h fr AUC Song with the 4 Ive of baoup for plaza under fll toad Condins, the capacity ofthe UPS sal vary trom pte (0 por, The onge of UPS capacity ase needs tobe caries. Carieation was alu sought whether separate power back-up is Feauited for AVC system of whether K could be 2 part of te ‘anal uPS/power back-up. Fe Torco aster Unt Contra Room ie wes highlighted that intercom Master Unit with 10 channels has been dcontinved and maybe avilable with only 3 few Seppe. nsteed efercom Master Unit with 20 channels Is {enaly ovaabe nthe market. As Sezordgy ceiaton wos soup on the required section ‘Ok chaees| Separate pres were shared in the meeting for OBM wth Spares ond OBM without spares. was indeated that the Shared ces cided the. pie for sdeiional manpower requirement wheres the supplementary agrerment does not Spel about charges for adational manpower cequrement Caran war acerdingy sought onthe same Anan Meeting on Price Discovery of Hybrid ETC Equipment at207.04.2018; Time: 230 PM at Regional Offew, NAL Jap (ATTENDANCE SHEET tite csi — aie ome Ceagntin | tna | Bgate oan | et a | Mek tack cam enyfear wy 2 TK Vacdtersle IAM CL lagaqjenzue} fe Yor Sic Gupte, Gmireen)| RO chal |Romnazen De web Tero eae cine ie7 Monoyer Creeh) chara] P| + [Raaich Charms | By we [ore] a al Som 5 | M+ Someswanan Rorthennas | agrer race i rite [8 |[Subbh Pristond 1, mental 9 SPSS 7 | Woe fas coast, PUSURIE. us 8 Henag Chovere Gly - baey reneywelisdle i © Vata Gu, [Omens fates] de ‘awa Fable ~ | pyild Haserta a conan ree | Many a Phe ONY Ia eps vise ou iS [ea fiw” MB 13, | Niles sys Bred Capen fete pe Beene GHOST ve teea Meeting on Price Discovery of Hybrid ETC Equipment Dete07 04.208; Tne: 2.30 PM at Raglonal Of, MHA, put ATTENDANCE SHEET 5p: BRAK, Jn, CSMETYRO, Jaipur ‘Smo, ‘Name - mall & ‘Signature otter amo ria [amwnace me | ot S 16. pric SAKE! rr So pate Teer gts Spiele bemcrey, — fae are pension) faaiese [Be 10, | ooieh Shape * 2 Meeting on Price Dlacovory of Hybrid ETC Equipment ate10.04.201%; Tne 200 Plat Ragoral Ofc, NAA, Jiu ATTENDANGE SHEET Asan 1 Chairmanship: ShM.K. Jain, CGMITWRO, Jaipur pee ane ane Designo | Ena | Some sortie | water 4 | Mik Taw G(s) )R0 ip} , | 7 7 (Co0@ then “ 27 Rar decals Coe, MH pe g9pecivee| Ye Me isicceze fare Cracks feganee, - fo, chaadion. cbosso7 5 | = | Niche Miter. verte Rae) te HPS Kuma ariek. (rahi ena . gid a Banda rteiurth ap 6 | Aner Saxe Come [Siracanpo yw wober3@A Faveeya | maninvee [Smads a] — 7 [paper sna rewane|MGo leeatngerin | tomer eevee She © |Lacinenon Sree saleer” | Ab Tr aR wa © home mune | Ie See, by 7 = Rabel pyaa-Pd 9 [Qubable pyr — [MEI AEF lopenaintrcan Ke 1] iver fas tear ee 12.1% e shen nl | ahesy Choy Seo ya MET ae ta] 8:8 Chibonalt a [mening | 2 a | AS Poy eoae Gol [Tare Beste | Pov all TWIT yeh herman: | OM Pat poh etsal agen Meeting on Price Discovery of Hybrid ETC Equipment ‘ate10.04 2018 Tne: 2.00 PM at Regional Ofico, NA, pur ATTEND, Chairsanehip: SRALK. Jin, CGR pur rs Designation ‘iat x Grganzaton " 16. wr. 18. 19. "Nationa ighways authory of ia: ROI Pie Dscoveres by Price Discovery Comes in Meeting etd 12082015 er mplementaten of ybié ETC Tesla fan. fro. |nem/equipement| Pie Discovered by une (Resin Teena z {ape aap DRTC 2 | 5 RTCnR rnecavarer Papi on oor Teper Ta 3 [2 escorts Pe era eon [2 [lane contoterwihinansive Peepertane 0 S000 ern [are esr oop and ar Peper Tooter [5 ler fae Sly wth mosey Peepers 3503 = Pee pertane 2000 Greed ne ae TET Papers Fr 9 |» Prat eh wth mening ol Pe pera som aa 9 fm wehdetecor 2oerine 200 5 [ees capture ane OED Pre prins 2B 32 [i [oeeee iat inageCagtre Camere wih mourn RES re perl 2050] 33 | 22 [prrmantr Pc perlane roa [Gas comenees ana paar ed Papers TE [as [ae Prema tcc rier tice perlane eon ay Ly beer Ae Wi A Varete CO. aw (i ik) (vaideshy x Gapin) tullehousie COMI RO pur Sorin cuc:RO Chang SeMahager BET ) \ Mw \ a wy Yada ee (vei Resto) ccxbope frau) (miaon Morac) (catiende sane CEO. coe ‘Aver Ost aecomm. 180 cane iso IS.N. |Sr.No. |itom/equipement unit aetna |Rema ro [committee in Rs_ -_ al fcimmronend =a zal 28 |) [sin Newer staat commision ame ml fe an anes Tame ne peer rs 20 | 18(b} |Cabling/ Networking/installstion/ Commissioning (Lump sum) (6-32 lane) lena’ sual ‘82000| = | ane et ont comets | PE ia a — = - Lae 3[ 1 femooneae SS ee 22 |» restos or cc Aa SOU py income ar) vee ee Se See ae wo Al, WN ~ Dee cots So aS, SHR \ ) Yoslel— why / ames Nn ogee, CEO, O58 "AVPAT, OSE ‘GMComm. IRB ye Calttendea Sethe) GME IRD Is. |se.No. |item/oauipement Unit earn |Remaric ai] + erent aa ToT rpm a SL foes se ass Tal sh Racers | ‘9{a)_ [Broadband Internet connection with minimum 2 Mbps link ee: 15000|Refer Note 4 36 | 91a) ope placa * 37 | 0 [bcoeans ere connection wth inimum 2s nk aresun ese s2scfpternoe 7 | soe = a [2 fsa =a slau S| fenee vaae ETT @ Lcarmeras 2) 2) eT 1 Klaat D ir YY Yaw a— bess fh oe! eae ah Ed croup oo Seem cut Stam Seaen : ; . \n fut aa ay hon eae one eam wee ss Page 3 02 fx fene. eneasrene vo RTH ene | 3 [Rone Fa RAE AR TT TION TANT —roeaaa tne pan a_i eran ED Gna aS Feta ea 23s Teen se nt cotafosn 0 Cats Fost ba Pres ies 30 Spence, S11 [anc RE oT TH Ear TEER The shove prcesareindusiv ofl ther tangs and duties but exurv of GST which shal be paid entre per act Pies ar sytem iterator speci hence theres rg variation prices am pam to pla Batd on srt interatr.Reprsratve of concesonave verted for urterderton ane was proposed tat RO PO in consuatin wile may take resonable view ehh he Ml pete depending pon the re vain wos observedtin the pies of Mdium Speed WIM. The representative of th concesanisnfrmed tht the pies f medium seed Wik lsepend onthe tectnoogy on whichis base, Presnly here are Fotowing Techlogiesaainbe wh hav india aavetages ond seater a Hyori Bonding Pate wih Saigon Cle Paton ye wit Four) Lod cel I: Piezo Hectic Censor bases Sytem kwas further pines thatthe bensng lt technology is more advantageous considering inant conditions ate str an eset instal nview of boveRO/PO may faze the price within te prices depending upon the tecnolgy ue and ete equmen. However te Wi soul sty Ineet the speciation ana performance menvonedin the sipplenty agreement. WY, » A Vark— De se fs Bc (KVaideesh) (sk Gupta add dnougy fa con Sane oe a , Ws \\ Why \ Yodel pe vies Rasy) cate aas) Caminoh Marais) lenin Sao ee int oan Shen one ie coven [coon fm tem/equipement| ue ete wration nascar the rcs, was als rfid that he rcs of server ae ony for ardwars. Hence twas propsed tet RO /?OIn NO? Feanstaton win eer ore may tae a earonsbeview afte fal gree epengupsntne sees eer isi |i pce sa be moat Raed on Se DENTE on Os Ue Notes [he rcs ae for 0 KYA UPS wit Hor bcp The nal Pc a Tol aa maybe ed by RO/PO an bape on acta ste equmene. [ersnss could ot be achive on he ORM Charges. The representative ofthe conceanonesHfoyned hat they woul eames garment nanpowed [nd spres to meet the servi in and equet fr further detest 7 K-Ya \ Ais we ed ae comin RCL sips (COO.THMCI, (OMCT): RO Chantigaeh SeMansger, L&T aw ahd \y ye ye pol Ye (viel acto (sabodh rasa) (Amb Murata) (ated ate CEO, 05 AVDAT, OSE (Gacomm. ite ‘GMAT IRB. ay 64

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