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This Memorandum of Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into

this ____ day of ________ 2020 by and among:

The CITY GOVERNMENT OF PASIG, a local government unit and

political subdivision of the Republic of the Philippines, with office
address at Pasig City Hall, Caruncho Avenue, Barangay San Nicolas,
Pasig City, Metro Manila, represented herein by its Mayor, HON.
VICTOR MA. REGIS N. SOTTO (hereinafter referred to as “LGU-


PASIG CITY, a government agency with office address at Caruncho
Avenue, Barangay San Nicolas, Pasig City, Metro Manila, represented
herein by its Schools Division Superintendent, MA. EVALOU
CONCEPCION A. AGUSTIN, duly authorized for this purpose,
(hereinafter referred to as “DepEd-Pasig”);

ORTIGAS LAND CORPORATION, a corporation duly organized and

existing under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with office
address at 9th Floor, Ortigas Building, Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City,
Metro Manila, represented herein by its President, JAIME E.
YSMAEL, and its Head of Trade Fairs and Exhibits, JAMES L.
CANDELARIA, (hereinafter referred to as "OLC");


AYALA FOUNDATION, INC., a non-stock, non-profit corporation duly

organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of the
Philippines, with office address at 8th Floor, 111 Paseo de Roxas
Building, Paseo de Roxas corner Legaspi St, Legaspi Village, Makati
City, Metro Manila, represented herein by its President, RUEL T.
MARANAN, and Chief Information Officer and Senior Director, VIVIEN
V. REYES, (hereinafter referred to as “AFI”).

Sets forth that:

WHEREAS, AFI is committed to nurturing communities where people are

productive, creative, self-reliant and proud to be Filipino. As part of its mission, it
supports various social development projects in the fields of education, youth
leadership, livelihood, community development, and arts and culture;

WHEREAS, AFI has developed Project <code/it> (hereinafter referred to as

the “Project”), a digital literacy learning program that provides Filipino youths with
access to computer science education so that they can develop, at an early age, the
digital skills that they will need in the future;

WHEREAS, in order to scale up the Project effectively, a partnership between

the public and -private sectors has been adopted, with participation from the
following parties working closely with AFI:

LGU-Pasig, which has identified digital education as one of its

priorities in its long-term developmental agenda for the City of Pasig;

DepEd-Pasig, which is committed to providing quality basic

education that is equitably accessible to all, and envisions Filipinos who
passionately love their country and whose values and competencies
enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to
nation building;

OLC is fully supportive of the Project as an expression of their

commitment to municipal and national development through digital
education initiatives for the youth in Pasig City.

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above premises, AFI,

LGU-Pasig, DepEd-Pasig, and OLC all agree to the following terms and conditions:


This Agreement shall cover the implementation of the Project in ten (10) public
elementary schools located in the City of Pasig, covering Grades 3-6, for a period
of two years. The Project implementation period shall be during SY 2020-22.

The Project’s Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation Plan is attached as

Annex “A” of this Agreement. The detailed Project Brief is attached as Annex “B”
of this Agreement. The list of equipment and materials for turnover to DepEd-
Pasig is attached as Annex “C” of this Agreement. The list of participating
schools is attached as Annex “D” of this Agreement.


2.1. AFI shall:

2.1.1. Act as Project Owner and Lead Implementor to ensure the

effectiveness and sustainability of the Project including proper
communication and planning for the duration of the Project;

2.1.2. Administer the capacity building sessions for the participating public
school teachers using the <code/it> learning modules;

2.1.3. Provide a structured support system through periodic refresh

sessions, continuous monitoring of the Project, and access to a
support system to share best practices and ensure the
effectiveness and sustainability of the Project;

2.1.4. Promote awareness of the Project, its messaging, its partnerships,

stories in relevant forums, events, and social media, etc., subject to
DECS Order No. 28, s. 2001, which provides that the DECS (now
DepEd) institutional name and logo must only be used for public
purposes as determined by the Department;

2.1.5. Share learnings from the Project implementation to appropriate

stakeholders to expand and sustain the Project’s impact, subject to
DECS Order No. 28, s. 2001, which provides that the DECS (now
DepEd) institutional name and logo must only be used for public
purposes as determined by the Department;

2.1.6. Monitor and evaluate the Project’s results and maintain timely
communication and reporting to all concerned stakeholders;

2.1.7. Act as Fund Manager and Collecting Agent for the funding
contributions of OLC, and issue the corresponding Deed of
Donation if required;

2.1.8. Act as Procurement Manager for the hardware equipment and other
Project expenses and act with fiduciary responsibility in the
disbursement of funds for the Project expenses;

2.1.9. Provide periodic progress and expense reports to the other Parties
as and when may be required to ensure that all Parties to this
Agreement are updated on the progress and metrics of the Project.

2.2. LGU-Pasig shall:

2.2.1. Support DepEd-Pasig in the maintenance and sustainability of the

Project during project implementation.

2.2.2. Assign a Project Coordinator who will, in conjunction with DepEd-

Pasig, coordinate with administrative representatives from all of the
participating public elementary schools, and create Project reports
as may be necessary;

2.2.3. Provide assistance in securing the use of facilities, free of charge,

that can be used as venues for the various teacher capacity-
building workshops, and other Project-related events and activities,
and provided it is allowed under the Omnibus Guidelines on the
Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines, DepEd
Orders and ordinances and issuances of the national and local

2.3. DepEd-Pasig shall:

2.3.1. Assign a Project Coordinator who will ensure efficient coordination

and communication between the other parties, stakeholders and
the participating schools;

2.3.2 Accept the turnover of hardware-related Project equipment as

identified in Annex C and execute a corresponding Deed of
Acceptance. Turned-over equipment will be the property of DepEd-

2.3.3 Manage the efficient distribution of the accepted hardware-related

equipment (as listed in Annex C) to all 10 participating public
elementary schools (as listed in Annex D). The distribution
breakdown will be dependent on the size of the school.

2.3.4 Ensure that each participating public elementary school provides all
Parties with periodic interim progress and monitoring reports, on a
biannual basis during the two-year implementation period, and an
overall assessment and final Project report upon the conclusion of
the Project. The interim progress and monitoring reports and final
assessment report shall include identified Project metrics and
performance indicators and shall follow a format that shall be
agreed upon prior to the start of the Project implementation;

2.3.5 Ensure that participating schools and teachers implement and

adopt the teaching methods learned in the Project modules to
maximize the impact and reach of the Project on the target grade
levels and students, and that the classroom practices are utilized
within the participating schools even after Project close-out date;

2.3.6 Ensure that administrators, teachers, and students in the

participating schools safeguard and properly care for the turned-
over equipment. Considering that all turned-over equipment will be
owned by DepEd-Pasig, the latter shall cover maintenance or
repair expenses that may become necessary to keep the
equipment in good working condition.

2.4. OLC shall:

2.4.1. Provide funding amounting to Php 1,120,000 to cover part of the

total cost of the Project for two (2) years, with said funding
contribution given to AFI on or before September 30, 2020;

2.4.2. Initiate and spearhead corporate volunteerism initiatives and efforts

that can support the effective implementation and sustainability of
the Project;

2.4.3. Provide PR support thru social media campaigns or any applicable

traditional media platforms;

2.4.4. Initiate other CSR efforts that may help support the Project and
strengthen its relationship with the other stakeholders, in particular
with LGU-Pasig.


3.1. This Agreement shall be effective upon its execution. It shall be in full
force and effect for a period of two (2) years, starting SY 2020/21 and
terminating at the conclusion of SY 2021/22, without prejudice to the
performance by the relevant parties of their respective obligations under
this Agreement.

3.2. In case of breach by any party of any warranty, representation, condition,

or obligation herein, and the breach is not remedied within sixty (60) days
from written notice from the non-breaching party, the non-breaching party
may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice, without
prejudice to the non-breaching party's rights or remedies in law or equity.

3.3. For any reason other than a breach of this Agreement or a failure of the
parties’ negotiation under Section 8.5, any party may terminate its
participation in this Agreement upon sixty (60) days’ prior written notice to
the other party.


The parties represent and warrant to each other that:

4.1. LGU-Pasig, DepEd-Pasig, OLC, and AFI are duly organized, validly
existing, and in good standing under the laws of the Republic of the

4.2. The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement by LGU-

Pasig, DepEd- Pasig, OLC, and AFI have been duly authorized by all
necessary actions, and will not result in any breach or violation of any of
their existing charter documents, contracts, licenses, permits, and

4.3. This Agreement constitutes the legal, valid, and binding obligation of each
party and its successors-in-interest and assignees, and shall be
enforceable in accordance with its terms.


5.1. Except as may be otherwise stated in this Agreement or required by law,

the parties shall obtain the written consent of the other party before this
Agreement or the relationship described herein is published in any
publication, media or marketing material. Each party may publicly disclose
the fact and nature of its own participation in the Agreement in its press
releases and other materials, on condition that all such disclosures are
truthful and accurate. The parties shall not, in contributing to, delivering,
and/or promoting the Project (or in any other way) do any act which
would or could reasonably be expected to exploit the other party or bring
it into disrepute.


6.1. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, each party shall be

responsible for its own taxes and expenses in connection with all matters
relating to this Agreement.

6.2. Each party shall be liable for all damages and liabilities caused or incurred
by the fault or negligence of its own officers, employees, agents and
assigns. Pursuant thereto, each party shall indemnify and hold the other
party free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions,
obligations, losses, damages, injuries, liabilities and
proceedings whatsoever made against the other party/parties by any
person by reason of the fault or negligence of the former, its officers,
employees, agents and its assigns, and against all costs and expenses
incurred with respect to such claims, demands, actions, obligations,
losses, damages, injuries, liabilities and proceedings.


7.1. The Parties, their officers, personnel and employees shall abide by and
comply with all applicable laws and regulations issued by the government
and its agencies in the performance of the services and shall be
responsible for ensuring that proper safeguards are in place to ensure the
privacy and protection of the personal data of the subjects they process,
preventing the use of such data for unauthorized purposes, and complying
with the requirements of Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act
of 2012 and other relevant laws and issuances.

7.2. If personal information/data as defined by the Data Privacy Act of 2012 is

needed for the effective implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the
Project, the Parties may provide access to or may obtain only personal
information that can be legally used by the Parties, or can be legally
combined with other available information.

7.3. The Parties shall not use personal data for any purpose other than as
specified in this Agreement. If the Agreement in any way authorizes AFI to
process personal data, AFI shall not process it in a way that is
incompatible with the purposes for which it was collected or subsequently
authorized by this Agreement. Without express written authorization from
the data subjects and other parties to this Agreement, LGU-Pasig,
DepEd-Pasig, OLC, and AFI shall not disclose personal data to any third
party other than their (i) employees who have a legitimate need to know,
and/or (ii) regulatory authorities, upon lawful request by such authority.

7.4. Each Party shall be responsible, at its own cost and expense, for
implementing reasonable and appropriate organizational, physical,
technical, and other safeguards appropriate to the nature of the data to
prevent any use or disclosure of personal data other than as provided
under this Agreement. The Parties shall also take reasonable precautions
to protect the personal data from alteration or destruction and shall, at all
times during its performance of the services, be responsible, at its own
cost and expense, for implementing reasonable and appropriate measures
to protect personal data against natural dangers such as accidental loss or
destruction; human dangers such as unlawful access, fraudulent misuse,
unlawful destruction, alteration and contamination; and against any other
form of data breach.

7.5. Each Party shall be responsible, at its own cost and expense for: (a)
ensuring that there are safeguards to protect its computer network against
accidental, unlawful or unauthorized usage or interference with or
hindering of their functioning or availability; (b) implementing a security
policy with respect to the processing of personal data; (c) implementing a
process for identifying and accessing reasonably foreseeable
vulnerabilities in its computer networks; (d) conducting regular monitoring
for security breaches; and (e) taking preventive, corrective, and mitigating
action against security incidents that can lead to a security breach.

7.6. The Parties, their directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives,

who are involved in the processing of personal data shall hold said
personal data under strict confidentiality. The Parties shall ensure that
such obligation of its directors, officers, employees, agents or
representatives shall continue upon termination of the latter’s employment
or contractual relations with the former.

7.7. Upon the discovery of any actual or suspected accidental or unlawful

destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to the
personal data, the concerned party shall notify the other of such within
twenty-four (24) hours from discovery. The Parties shall cooperate to
regain possession of the personal data, if possible, mitigate any damage
or prejudicial consequence, and perform any other acts required under the
Data Privacy Act of 2012, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and
other relevant laws and issuances. Notification to the Parties shall be by e-
mail to the following designated representatives:

Party: City Government of Pasig

Name: c/o The Data Privacy Officer of the City Government of
E-mail Address:
6 Telephone No:
(02) 8-643-1111

Party: Department of Education-Schools Division of Pasig City

E-mail Address:
Telephone No:

Party: Ortigas Land Corporation

E-mail Address:
Telephone No:

Party: Ayala Foundation, Inc.

Name: AFI Data Privacy Management
Group E-mail Address:
Telephone No: (02) 7-759-8288

7.8. The Parties shall process the personal data only within the geographic
location specified under this Agreement. The concerned party shall secure
the prior written authorization of the other parties to transfer personal data
to another location.

7.9. A party shall not engage another data processor without the other parties’
prior written consent provided, that any such arrangement shall ensure the
same obligations for data protection under this Agreement, taking into
account the nature of processing.

7.10. The Parties shall return all copies of the personal data in their possession
or control immediately upon completion of this Agreement. All electronic
copies stored in hard drives, cloud, or in any other similar storage in their
possession shall be erased in accordance with the instructions of the
concerned party. The concerned party shall provide the other a written
certification to this effect within ten (10) days from completion of this

7.11. The obligations stated in this Article 7 shall survive the termination of this


8.1. No party shall be liable to the other party in the event that it is unable to
perform an obligation under this Agreement because of any cause outside
of its reasonable control, including acts of God, industrial action, default,
or failure of a third party, failure of equipment, transmission difficulties,
governmental action, or interruption of services.

8.2. Each of the parties warrants that neither it nor its representatives have
offered any government officer and/ or any of the other parties’ official or
employee any consideration or commission for this Agreement, nor has its
representatives exerted or utilized any corrupt or unlawful influence to
secure or solicit this Agreement for any consideration or commission.

8.3. The parties agree to perform all such acts, and to execute and deliver
such other documents or instruments as may be necessary to carry out
the intent of this Agreement.

8.4. This Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement
among the parties, and supersedes all understandings or prior
agreements, whether oral or written, and all representations or other
communications between the parties in relation to the subject matter
contemplated herein. This Agreement is executed by the parties for and in
consideration of the terms and conditions stated herein.

8.5. If any provision of this Agreement is found by any court or administrative

body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity
or unenforceability of such provision shall not affect the other provisions of
this Agreement, and all provisions not affected by such invalidity or
unenforceability shall remain in full force and effect. The parties agree to
substitute any invalid or unenforceable provision with a valid or
enforceable provision which achieves, to the greatest extent possible, the
objectives of the invalid or unenforceable provision. In the absence of such
an agreement within thirty (30) days after commencing negotiations, a
party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement effective after seven (7)
days from written notice to the other party.

8.6. The waiver by a party of a breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement by
the other party shall not be construed as a waiver of any succeeding breach of
the same or other provisions; nor shall any delay or omission by a party in
exercising any ri ght that it may have under this Agreement operate as a
waiver of any breach or default by the other party.

8.7. No modifications, amendments, or supplements to this Agreement shall be

effective for any purpose unless in writing signed by each party. Approvals or
consents hereunder by a party shall also be in writing.

8.8. Any notice or other communication to be given under this Agreement shall be
in writing, and shall be served by personal delivery or by sending it by pre-
paid post to the addresses of the parties specified in this Agreement, or as
notified in writing by a party to the other party from time to time.

8.9. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as constituting or

evidencing any partnership, joint venture, agency, or contract of employment
between the parties.

8.10. The venue of any action among the parties to this Agreement shall be brought
solely and exclusively in the proper courts of Pasig City.

8.11. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall
be construed in accordance with, and be governed by the laws of the
Republic of the Philippines.

Signature page follows.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto executed this Agreement.








Schools Division Superintendent




President Chief Information Officer & Senior Director




President Head of Trade Fairs and Exhibits
Ortigas Malls Division

Signed in the presence of:

Ernie Al O. Edralin, MPA, DPM

City Government of Pasig Ortigas Land Corporation

Victor M. Javena, EdD Benneth Emmanuelle Ulibarri

DepEd-Schools Division of Pasig City Ayala Foundation, Inc.

Acknowledgement page follows.




I certify that, on this date, before me, a Notary Public duly authorized in the city
named above to take acknowledgments, personally appeared:

Name Competent Evidence of Date/Place Issued


City Government of Pasig

Represented by:

Victor Ma. Regis N. Sotto

Department of Education-Schools Division
Office of Pasig City
Represented by:

Ma. Evalou Concepcion A. Agustin

Ayala Foundation, Inc. TIN 000-107-912-000
Represented by:

Ruel T. Maranan Passport No. P5850434A February 1, 2018


Vivien V. Reyes Driver’s License No. December 17, 2018

N01-96-192713 LTO, Makati City

Ortigas Land Corporation Represented by: TIN 007-742-105-000

Jaime E. Ysmael
Passport No. P1126409A December 8, 2016
James L. Candelaria
Driver’s License No. January 4, 2017
N01-08-00416 LTO East Ave., Quezon City

who were identified by me through competent evidence of identity to be the same

persons described in this Memorandum of Agreement, who acknowledged before me
that their respective signatures on the instrument were voluntarily affixed by them for the
purposes stated therein, and who declared to me that they have executed the instrument
as their free and voluntary act and deed, and that of the entities represented herein, and
that they have the authority to sign on behalf of their principal.
This instrument consists of sixteen (16) pages, including the page where this
acknowledgment is written and, to which Annexes “A,” “B”, “C”, and “D” have been
attached. Each and every page of this instrument has been signed by the parties and
their witnesses.

WITNESS my hand and seal this day of 2020 at .

Doc. No. ;
Page No. ;
Book No. ;
Series of 2020.



The <code/it> project is a digital literacy and learning program that provides Filipino
youths with access to computer science education to develop the skills that will equip
them for the future. The Project makes use of the “train the trainor” methodology and
approach, where lead teachers for each grade level are formally trained in the Project
modules and who will then cascade their learnings, following clear teaching manuals, to
their fellow Grade 3-6 teachers.


In this meeting, AFI will brief the stakeholder coordinating representatives and the
participating school administrative representatives (i.e. School Principal and the
one of the school’s teachers who will serve as the Project lead for that school) on
the program’s “train the trainor” capacity building approach, program content
overview, the detailed activities for the intensive training, periodic training refresh
and monitoring/assessment visits, activities and the project timelines.


 Participating teachers will have online training sessions on: 1) introduction on
the use of the platform and applications that will be used as the online
collaboration tools for the project implementation such as Microsoft Teams and
Google Classroom; 2) intensive workshop on the modules that will guide them
on how to teach basic computer programming; 3) enrichment and refresher
sessions to ensure effective adoption of the project concepts.
 Approximately 1 intensive training per year, with up to 30 teachers per
scheduled workshop; and 3 refresher trainings per year, with up to 30 teachers
per refresher training
 These intensive trainings, workshops and refresher sessions shall be conducted
both online, using appropriate and effective digital platforms, and in a face-to-
face, classroom-type environment provided it is allowed under the Omnibus
Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines,
DepEd Orders and ordinances and issuances of the national and local


 Brief Background of Project <code/it>

 Online Collaboration Platforms
o Microsoft Teams
 When teachers become well versed with this app, they will be able to
conduct classes virtually for their lectures and small group
o Google Classroom
 By getting an overview of what Google classroom is and learning its
features and integrating these features in one’s classroom
management, teaching is made more productive, more collaborative
and more meaningful.
 Introduction to Basic Programming concepts
 Conduct learning sessions and activities for the 3 programming languages:
Scratch, Kodu, micro:bit
o Scratch
n 1
 Learn how to do visual block programming
 Perform Scratch exercises
o Kodu
 Conduct Kodu Game Lab session to learn how to create games
with simple visual block programming
 Perform Kodu Game Lab exercises
o Micro:bit
 Demonstration on how to use micro:bit through the use of a
battery pack and USB
 Use of bbc micro:bit through the Microsoft Make Code site to learn
how to program using visual block programming with a hardware
 Perform micro:bit exercises
 Debriefing and review of each module (Scratch, Kodu, and micro:bit)
 Planning for classroom integration (with sample lesson plans)
 Sharing of learnings and insights from the workshop
 Post-Assessment Survey


An official school launch of the program would be conducted (either online or

onsite), attended by the representatives of AFI and other stakeholders (optional),
which would signify the start of the trainings, classroom teaching sessions, periodic
monitoring and evaluation, and engagement activities such as bootcamps.


Following the intensive online trainings for the lead teachers, the school will
undergo a combination of school-based and online refresher trainings for mastery
of the new skills and knowledge acquired. Included in these sessions are the
nominated participants of the initial 12 teachers who have attended the online
intensive training, with a maximum of 30 participants per session. School-based
refresher trainings will be done provided it is allowed under the Omnibus
Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines,
DepEd Orders and ordinances and issuances of the national and local government.


To ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the Project, AFI will conduct periodic
visits to the school (approximately three visits per year during the initial 2-year
implementation period). Visits will again be done provided it is allowed under the
Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the
Philippines, DepEd Orders and ordinances and issuances of the national and local
government. The activities for these visits will include the following:

 Refresh sessions for Scratch, Kodu and micro:bit

 Observations of actual classroom learning sessions
 Interviews and surveys with teachers and students for feedback
 Sharing of learnings, lesson plans and best practices from other schools. A post-
visit assessment report will be prepared for each school visit.

In addition to the visits, AFI will administer an online “helpdesk” and social media
closed discussion group that will be accessible by all participating teachers, school
administrators, and stakeholder coordinators. The intent for this closed discussion
n 1
group is to allow for a continuous integration, assimilation, and general “leveling up” of
the comfort level of the teachers and schools in integrating the digital programming
materials into their lesson plans. The sharing of positive experiences, learnings and
stories will also be encouraged. Technical and troubleshooting support will also be
made available through this online facility, or via phone call or email to AFI’s support

The ultimate objective is to create a living, vibrant online community with active
sharing participation so that the program momentum is sustained even after the initial
two-year implementation period.

n 1


Project Background and Rationale

Project <code/it> is a digital literacy learning program conceptualized by the Ayala

Foundation that provides Filipino youths with access to computer science education so
that they can develop, at an early age, the digital skills that they will need in the future.

Why is this needed?

 Digital technology is transforming our world and the way we live, work and interact
at lightning speed. Digital technology is an integral part of our lives and will soon be
at the core of most industries. This means that students will need to obtain digital
skillsets in order to have a chance to compete and succeed in the workplace of
 The absence of these digital skillsets is creating a widening digital divide, a new
class of “digital poor”, and will increase the level of economic and social inequality
in many developing countries like the Philippines. To avoid this scenario, countries
are looking to scale up efforts towards access to technology and giving people the
skills and resources they need to participate fully in a digital economy.
 As the digital paradigm evolves, it is clear that digital technology is an integral part
of economic development – both at the micro (family and community) and at the
macro (national) level. The Philippine government recognizes this and through
departments like the DICT and the DepEd, it understands how important it is to
teach students the digital skills that will allow them to compete in a global market
and unfortunately, our public elementary schools are not yet fully equipped to
address these realities, leading to a widening digital divide.

Project Objectives

 To help bridge the digital divide by introducing public school students at an early
age to the digital technology and skills needed for the workplace of tomorrow.
 To help our public schools become more relevant in the digital age by
strengthening their curriculum and helping them with teacher capacity building.
 To create lasting change that will promote a meaningful impact on the youth,
schools, families and communities, and the nation as a whole.

Key Project Stakeholders:

 Key stakeholders are the Ayala Foundation, the City of Pasig-Local Government
Unit, Department of Education-Pasig City, and OLC as a supporting corporate
 Direct beneficiaries are the 10 participating elementary public schools, the teachers
who are enabled to teach the <code/it> modules, and the Grade 3-6 public school
children in the City of Pasig.
 Indirect beneficiaries are the local communities and families of the teachers and
school children, the City of Pasig and its long-term developmental agenda, and the
nation as a whole, especially in the context of the global competitiveness of the
next generation of our workforce.
n 1
Program Approach

• <code/it> is a capacity building program, in coordination with the Department of

Education, that follows the “train the trainors” approach and methodology.
• The DepEd approved computer programming modules will be integrated into the
classroom curriculum of the participating public schools.
• Participating teachers will have online training sessions on: 1) introduction on the
use of the platform and applications that will be used as the online collaboration
tools for the project implementation such as Microsoft Teams and Google
Classroom; 2) intensive workshop on the modules that will guide them on how to
teach basic computer programming; 3) enrichment and refresher sessions to
ensure effective adoption of the project concepts.
• In addition to the online sessions above, face-to-face refresher and training
sessions as well as classroom observation shall also be conducted provided it is
allowed under the Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community
Quarantine in the Philippines, DepEd Orders and ordinances and issuances of the
national and local government.
• These teachers will then transfer their acquired knowledge to other teachers in their
schools to expand and multiply the benefits of the program to as many public
elementary school children as possible.
• In addition to the direct use of the modules, the teachers will be encouraged to
become creative in integrating the programming tools and concepts for the
teaching of other subjects like math or science in the Grade 3-6 levels.
• Hardware and other tools, program manuals, practical handouts and reference
materials will be provided to the school to ensure effectiveness and consistency
during the classroom learning sessions.
• Ayala Foundation will provide a structured support system through periodic refresh
sessions, continuous monitoring, and access to a support system to ensure
effectiveness and sustainability of the Project.
• Periodic interim progress and monitoring reports will be required for submission, on
a biannual basis, to ensure effective adoption and sustainability of the program. An
overall assessment and final Project report shall also be submitted upon the
conclusion of the Project. The interim progress and monitoring reports and final
assessment report shall include identified Project metrics and performance

n 1





Laptops 48 units
(pre-loaded with necessary OS and software)
USB Flash Drives (16GB) 800 pcs

micro:bit 96 pcs

Other Materials

<code/it> Posters 8 pcs

<code/it> Stickers 3,200 pcs

Program Manuals 8 sets

Kodu Lesson Handouts for Engagement Sessions 96 sets

Scratch Lesson Handouts for Engagement Sessions 96 sets

micro:bit Lesson Handouts for Engagement Sessions 96 sets



BAGONG ILOG ES Velasquez Street, Bagong Ilog, Pasig City

BUTING ES A. Santos St., Buting, Pasig City
DE CASTRO ES Everlasting St., De Castro Subdivision, Sta. Lucia, Pasig City
DELA PAZ ES Peppermint Row Dream Homes Subd., Dela Paz, Pasig City
DR. SIXTO ANTONIO ES JR. Jabson St., Bambang, Pasig City
MAYBUNGA ES (ANNEX) Westbank Road, Floodway, Maybunga, Pasig City
NAGPAYONG ES Molave St., Nagpayong, Pinagbuhatan, Pasig City
NAPICO ES Peras St., Napico Manggahan Pasig City
ROSARIO ES Dr. Sixto Antonio Ave., Rosario, Pasig City
SAN JOAQUIN ES Elisco Road, San Joaquin, Pasig City

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